I Global Love at .-\rchaox.

||pm 3am. £7 (£5). \Vcckl}. ||ugc cluhx nccd hugc nightx. Progrcxxix c houxc and trancc ix xcr\cd up h) rcxidcnt l.ixa l.itllc\\'ood. and lappcd up h} a niccl} .xttitcd and hootcd croxx d ()l. )(itltig pcoplc.

I Goodfoot at thc Ri\crxidc Social. .\lidnight 3am. £5. .\lottmti. northcrn xoul and thc crcam ot‘ all thingx t‘unk} arc la} cd down with |o\ c h} (inodlhol rcxidcntx ('hrix. Barry and Scott. (ichx you a mum lccling in.xidc. rcall}.

I Hustle & Bustle at Baha/a.

()pm 3am (I)Jx from I lpm). |-"rcc hct'orc l lpm. £5 al‘tcr. chkl}. I’aul 'l‘raynor and Stc\\ art .\|c(‘allum rip it tip with xomc highl) chargcd R&B and hip hop mixcd \\ ith funky and l'unkicr trackx. I In at the Deep End at .-\d Mb.

| lpm 3am. £5. Wall}. .\(| l.ih clcar thc tahlcx axxa} oncc again ax Richard and lndica takc control. .laclxin' hcatx and .xolid grom‘cx dominatc \xltilc Bigfoot .\lonkc} proxidcx thc lincxt (pialit) |i\ c pcl'ctlxxinn. O Kube at thc Soundhaux. l lpm 5am. £5. lintr) tor mcmhcrx and gucxtx onl}. 3| .\la}. 'l‘hix night onl}. .\ propcr xtah at a rcal undcrground tcchno night. 'I‘hc Kuhc collccti\ c arc taking it onc xtcp lor— \xard hcrc. and \\ ith a plcthora ol' xcaril) talcntcd l).|x. a li\ c hand and gucxtx from around thix mcrr} ixland. thix xhould hc a xpccial onc. I Life at |.i|‘c. |(lpm 3am. l‘rcc hclorc midnight. £7 altcr. \Vcckl}. Km in .\lcl'arlanc (licat mm and (iordon .\lillcr takc on thc txxo roomx \\ ith a xolid lunlx. xoul. garagc and old-xchool claxxicx \cch‘ltUlt. I Latin Fever at l|a\ana. 9pm 2am. l'rcc. \Vcckl). l)_l lx'cith l) xpiltx ltp xomc ('olumhian. (’uhan. .\'c\\ York and African xa|xa. adding a (\x ixt ol l.atin chart. Rtkll and global hcatx to thc rh_\thmica| xtc“. 'I'axt}.

I Loose Joints at thc |3th .\‘oic (’luh (d()\\tl.xlttll'xl. ltlpm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl}. (‘Iaxxic dancclloor madncxx l'rom thc l.oo.xc Joint crc\x. .\ mUxical rangc of about 4“ )L‘tl|’\ _\ic|dx a hugc xclcction of funk. _ia// and xoul maxtcrpicccx. \Vind )mii‘ hod}. \\ rigglc )(lllt‘ MN}.

I Juice at thc (ilztxgmx School of .v\rt.

l lpm 3am. £7 (£5 £6). \Vcclxl}. :\notltcr night ol tcch—houxc grcatncxx from thc .\rt School. \Vhat \xith thc numhcr ot' lantaxtic gucxtx thix \cnuc hax hccn attracting ol latc. it'x no \xondcr that thcir rcxidcnt nightx arc alxo of a \cr} high xtandard. Juxt mind llttixc podiumx. right'.’ I Mad Dog at thc SoundhaUx.

llpm 3am. £8. 3| .\|a_\. .\lonthl_\. Ii\tra xpccial gucxt .\larkux .\Ichta ix in attcndancc at thix. .\Iad l)og‘x 7th hirthda}. along \\ ith thc cxct'-titi||ating Rultix (i Poindcxtcr (lix c) and .\lcl.cod. And it that’x not cnough. )oti loul ingratcx. [)1 rcal. lx'} Ic and (ilaxgoxx 'x prcmicr clcctro hand l} cho \\ ill :tlxo hc \‘_\ itig tor _\our all'cctionx. (iix c it tip lot‘ Mad Dog.

I MAS at .\|:\S. llpm 3am. £6 (£5). \Vc‘clxl}. (itmd rcxidcntx. ti xmttl'l \cnuc and a uxuall} attractix c crmx d malx'c thix onc ol' ( ilaxgoxx 'x huxicxt \xcckl} l-‘ri nightcrx. Bill} \Voodx. Darin} Sharlxc) and .\larccllo |)cl|a ('rocc axxumc thc poxilion. xo to xpcalx.

I Monox at thc Soundhaux. .\'c\t datc 2l Jun. .\lonth|_\.

I Muzik Box present Basement Party at lllackli'iarx. Xc‘xt datc I4 Jill]. I National Pop League at \Voodxidc Social ('luh. 8.45pm 2am. £3 (£2). 3| .\la}. .\lonthl}. 'I‘hc lixual grcat poxt-punk. indic and ('86 xtull. hut thix titnc \\ ith a juhilcc and World (‘up hcnt. :\ txx ixtcd punk-lunlx cdgc to thix xummcr'x xillincxx. You knou it makcx

I The N00 Groove at .-\d lih.

llpm 4am. £5 (£4). 3| .\la_\. .\iontlil}. “illll 5|) )L‘tll‘x ()l t‘L'ctit'tl L'tiiicclltlg


Lady Shae-D r

hctuccn thcm. cxpcct a \aricd and mixcd hag from Nick l’cacock and Brian \Villiamxon. Jan. Latin. Soul. l)ixco. I-‘unk. llouxc. old and .\'u and an) thing clxc ol qualit} that ticklcx thcir lanc}.

I Nurture at ('Iuh ()9. Nut datc 14 Jun. .\lonthl}.

I Offset at ('uhc. llpm 3am. £5. \VL‘L‘lxl}. lhc Solcmuxic poxxc litlxc it It) thc hridgc onc morc timc at thix xxcll- attcndcd |"rida} night will liouxc xcxxion. Look out tor xomc \cr) cool gucxtx in thc ncai' tuturc at ()llxcl. Rampling \xould hc proud. ()n 3| .\la}. 'I‘rc\or Rcill} \\ ill hc p|a_\ ing ax part (it thc Smirnoll L‘\pcricttcc (lttlcx.

I Playhaus at Soha. \c\t datc l4 .lun. .\lonthl}.

0 Pressure at thc .-\l'L'llL‘\.

|().3()pm 3am. £lS. 3| .\la}. .\lolttltl). .\lorc tcch-claxx \\ ith thc rcturn ol a truc ltct‘ti ()l‘ lhc tcchno xccnc. .lcll .\llllx. llc'x

joincd h} I)! Q. Sidcu indcr and thc

Inland Ktiiglitx. Ax (ixual. purc claxx trom Soma and thcir i||uxtrioux matcx. Scc prc\ icu.

I Public Spirit at Budda. i lpm 3am. £7 (£5). \Vcclxl}. .lon |)a Sil\a ix onc ol- thoxc I)Jx \xho \\ ill. l'or thc RM ()1. hix da} x. lind thc \xordx ‘thc lcgcndar)" tackcd on to thc xtart ol‘ hix namc. llc and thc :\dorphi|iacx arc hax ing thcir \xcckl} part) at thix might} \cnuc. xo hc in cl'l'cct.

I Pure at thc \'cl\ct Roomx.

ll|pm 3am. £0 (£4). £3 hct'orc midnight. \Vcclxl). .\luxic lor adultx. Rotational rcxidcntx pla) R&B and hip hop in thc upxtairx arcna \\ hilc thc do“ nxtairx Ioungc gctx thc t'unk) xoul trcatmcnt lt'tim Bill) .\lilligan. \otc: don't coltlttxc thix \x ith thc lcgcndat} lidinhurgh tcchno night ol' thc xamc namc. ’l'hat'd hc xtupid. I Pyrotechnics at :\lax|xa. .\‘cxi datc thc.

I Red and Gold Room at .\rta. lllpm 3am. |‘rcc hclot‘c l lpm. £7 at'tcr. \Vcclxl). [)1 Kcith I) popx up to xpin onl) thc lincxt xa|xa and Latin tuncx to a \cr} \\ c|| licclcd :\t'l;l c‘t'tm d.

I Shake the Disease at Soundhaux. .\'c.\t datc 2| .lun. .\lonthI}.

I Submit Reponse at thc l3lh .\‘uic

resents: Vinyl, weekly Saturdays (‘luh (upxtairx). l(|pm 3am. l‘rcc hcl'orc |lpm: £4 al‘tcr. 24 Ma}. l-‘ortniglith. Journalixtx arc juxt l'ailcd muxicianx. arcn't thc} '.’ .\'o: journalixtx arc actuall} lt()\\ l).l\. ;t\ L‘\ idcnccd l3} titttxlc l()\ my lack .\lottram and Icon .\lcl)crmott. \\ ho hoxt thix night of aural cclcctica. li\cr_\thing \\i|l hc thrown into thc mix. \0 lxccp thc L‘ttt‘\ pcclcd.

I Super Scientists at ('luh (3*). |().3()pm 4pm. ‘7 cntt')/£ It) \\ ith rcturn hux. 24 .\la}. Bi-monllil}. Supcr Scictttixtx could nc\'ci‘ hc accuxcd ()l‘ a lack ol amhition. ('omprixcd ol' tourtccn |).|x. produccrx. artixtx and niuxicianx. thix collccti\ c dcxcrihc thcmxclxcx ax: ‘.'\ lL‘cltttU xpacc-rock littlttl.‘ lllL‘} 'rc c‘\ cn la} ing on a hux from thc I.ihrar) Baron Sauchichall Strcct (Icax ing at |().3(|pm) to takc thc puntcrx to thcir cral} muxical dcxtination. l-hr I/Iix (lair (HI/V '.'l-l.ixl' ('(ll‘t/ Int/(INN L'( I 1': HHt/Uut‘pl‘ict’ (1H lug/i! long.

I Syntax at thc Soundhaux. .'\'c\t datc 7 Jun. .\lonlhl).

I Tantra at ll'dxlt. lllpm 3am. £5 (£4). \Vcckl}. \Vall-to-xxall drunk pcoplc: \xahc}? l.ixa l.iltlc\\ood and Iain 'l‘homxon pla} uplront liotixc to a packcd dancc tloor. \\ ith |)J Rohcrt p|a_\ ing tunk} houxc. dixco and indic in room (no.

I Test at :\lax|\a. \cxt datc thc.

I Traxx at thc :\t‘cllc\. .\‘cxi datc l4 Jun. I Tronicsoul at thc :\t‘cltc\. .\‘cxi datc 7 .lun. Watch thix xpacc t'or morc dctailx. I Urban Groove at ('luh lludda. llpm 3am. £4 (£3 ). \Vcckl). |"caturing thc talcntx ol' Domcnic .\lartin. \xho xcamlcxxI} mcrgcx l'S houxc and garagc. dccp houxc. dixco. xoul. funk and tan.

\\ hilc adding thc ()dd datxli ()l' l.;ttitt ttttd ttl'ro groo\ cx,

C9 Warp Magic Bus Tour at thc (ilaxgoxx School ot'.v\rt. llpm 3am. £l(|. 3| .\la} onl}. lt‘x likc onc ot' thoxc l'rcalc- out huxcx that drm c around .-\mcrica in lltc ()(lx. (nil) thix lilttc thc xprcadcd \\()t'd ix rcxolutcl} unpcaccl'ul. 'lliix (our. \\ ith xuch tcchx-innmatorx ax l’laid. l’hocnccia. Rtixxcll llaxxxcll. Richard l)c\ inc and thc \Varp l).|x hax onc main ohicctix c to malxc )ou cr_\ \xith lcar. ()h xt'x. Scc lca—

(zsh'igs Clubs


I Gigantic at Bart-l} lltH‘llc‘l'l} |3th .\Jotc). 9pm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl}. |3th notc hax changcd to Barll). .\lorc dctailx ahout thcxc nightx in thc \cr} ncar luturc.

Chart & Party

I Carwash at g2. llpm 3am. £3 (£2). \Vcckl}. \Vh} arc .xo man} cnjo}ahlc thingx had (or )oti? .\ night of xhamclcxx tun. \\ ith dixco. funk and xoul claxxicx. courtcx) of thc (iaragc'x (icrry l.}()lt\.

I Cheesy Pop at Qudox ((‘).\It ' ). l()pm 2am. £2 (£l ). \Vcckl}. Studcntx and up to tour gucxtx. \Vcclxl). .-\ riotoux cwning. and onc lt'ottt \x hich tcxx cxcapc uncmharraxxcd.

I Envy at Dunn}. ltlpm 3am. £5 hcl'orc l lpm: £(i al‘tcr. \Vccld). .\lainh chart} dancc action from thc hugc cluh that tricx to cm cr all haxcx. .\lalxc xurc _\ou iron )(itti' xhirt.

I Love Bug at thc (iitt‘ttgc.

|(l.3(|pm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl). lnxancI} hux} night of part} tuncx l‘or xtudcntx and _\ottngxtcrx.

I The Shack at Shack. 10.30pm 3am. £(i (£4). \Vcckl). \Vhatcwr _\our hag. chart. dancc or part). 1)] ilanlan xhould hit thc xpot \\ ith hix mix of xtupid grinning tuncx.

I Shag at l‘ur) .\Iurr} 'x. llpm 3am. £5 (£3). \Vcckl}. (ict )out' lirxt xhag down a dark xtaircaxc oil St linoch'x Sqttat'c. l)runkcn part} tuncx from Mark and Jamcx (i. ‘.\'o onc l'orgctx thcir lirxt Shag." thc} axxurc ux. Blimc}.

I Strawberry Fields at Strau hcrr) l‘icldx. ()pni 3am. £(i hct'orc l lpm: £7 al'tcr. \Vccld). .-\ part) ~up xct taking in dancclloot‘ l';t\ cx lit‘tim thc (illx to thc prcxcnt (lit).

Glasgow Saturdays


I BUbblil‘l’ Under ill thc Archcx ('ztlc Bar. 9pm midnight. l'ircc. | Jun. |5ortnig|it|_\. (io xuhtcrrancan in onc ot' thc cit} ‘\ tnoxt attracti\ c harx/cal'cx. 1)] HM c .\loorc ix juxt thc man to takc carc ()l' thc groo\ c‘x.

I Chillin’ at llaxana. 8pm midnight. |"rcc. l .lun. l-‘ortnightl'x. l’rcmicr .'\\i;lll muxic 1)] Rl-~ gctx do“ n and dirt} \\ ith a xclcction of Rth. hhangra and hip hop. (hunk) funk}.

I The Corinthian at thc ('orinthian. 9pm latc. I'ircc. \Vcclxl). Laid-hack tuncx to complcmcnt thc xtunning xurroumlingx of thc (‘orinthian‘x main bar.

I Cul de Sac at thc (‘ul dc Sac.

0pm midnight. l-"rcc. 25 .\la}. l-‘ortnight|_\. .\ [)1 of xomc calihrc. .\lichacl l’cck. cutx and xcratchcx hix on} through thc dclcctahlc rccord hag \\ ith c\cr_\thing lt‘om hip hop to tunlx. trom l]()l|\c [U thc l‘cxl ()l' thc t'cxl.

I Dirty Wriggles at thc \arict) Bar. 9pm midnight. l‘rcc. chld}. .\ tcchno ‘ll‘ clcctro pt'c-cluh \L‘l ll‘tiltl Dill} \Vrigglcx of .\l} xtcc BcaU.

I Fake at Bar It). 0pm midnight. l'rcc. \Vcclxl}. l-"altc I).lx Jim llutchixon and Brian .\lurnin takc to thc dcckx to dcli\cr a lxillL‘l' prc-cluh xct in thix hcautil'ul. cool and clilxx} cit) ccntrc puh.

I Fourward Thinking at l-‘our ('at‘c Bar ((‘(‘.'\ ). 0pm midnight. I‘rcc. \Vcclxl). Bcatx and hrcalxx charactcrixc thix prc~cluh xcxxion at thc ('(‘.r\. .luxt thc ticlxct.

I Freakmoves at thc School ol .'\rl (tront gallcr} l. ltlpni 3am. £()(£5 £4); £3.50 (iS:\ xtudcntx. \Vcckl}. ('laxx). tll\ci‘\L‘ \cl l-t'Ultt thc collcctiw hcxl

knoxx n (or thcir hip hoppin' xkillx. .-\ chancc to xamplc thc tilaxour in morc intimatc xurroundingx. along \\ ith |)i\ inc and .\|_\ .\lachincx upxtairx.

I Mapuchi at .\loloco. " | lpm. l‘rcc. \VL'L‘ixl}. l).l .\larccllo (ligx dccp in lhc

\ in_\| \aultx to uncarth thc hcxt in (link. xoul. ja/l and |.atin.

1 .‘ .‘ THE LIST 71

“Ii-WW" -