Regular weekly clubs plus one off events are listed by city, then by day, then alphabetical by title. Clubs will be listed, provided that up to date details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Lack of information may result in clubs being omitted. Glasgow club listings compiled by Johnny Regan.
Glasgow Thursdays
I Barrio at Bar \'iyii'. S l lpm. l‘ree. .\lonthly. l.atin action on a 'I‘hti night'.’ Nice one. Mr l’eachex ttindei'groundheatl playx claxxic/eontemporary I.atin and hreakx.
I Brel at Brel. 8.30pm midnight. 30 May. Free. l‘ortnightly. With a lite xet l'roiti Medicine Room on hongox. guitar. drum and \ocalx. .v\nd on the llipxide of. the Brel dixe. l).l l-‘rank Murphy xpinx .xome mothei'l'tinkin' grooy ex on alternate \VL‘L‘k'x.
I Gum at the Hall llai'. \c‘\t date 13 Jun. \Veekly.
I End Of The Month Club at 13th .\'ote ('al‘e (King Street). ‘lpin lain. £2. 30 May. 'l‘hix time it‘x ‘.'\lllltlxl lind of~ the Month ('luh'. Bo/illa. .\lidi .\lode arid xpecial guext Sean Dickxon from the High l’idelity ply the good people with the linext ttniage thix xidc ol the (‘lyde. I The Funk Stop at .\loda.
()pin lain. l’i‘ee. \Veekly. .'\||y Sandler and Richie .\lc('oliii play all the yet'y hext in motoyy n. l'unk. xoul and dixco to an appreciati\e mi\ed L'l‘tl\\tl in thix heautil'ul .\Iei'chant (‘ity hai'. Sophixticated. claxxy and xottll'ul.
I Kevin Austen at .\‘ieo‘x.
9pm midnight. l‘ree. \Veekly. (‘hart intixic and drinkx proinox all night long. .\ \yinning formula. judging hy the huxinexx ol' thix hat.
I Kev Dillon at Bar ltl. 7pm late. Free. Weekly. ll ragga. 3-xtep and hip hop ix your hag then till it tip yy ith Key Dillon and hix 'l’htn'xday iiiglitx in the heautil'ul har tip the lane.
I The Lansdowne Sessions at the l.anxdoyyne Bar. ()pm midnight. lii'ee. Weekly. Jonnie l-iy e atid Brendan llcxxle iluicel get the funk lltl“ in' \\ ith retro electro pop and hi'eakerx claxxicx iii thix claxxic \Vext lind hat‘.
I Martyn ill ('tll tlc‘ Sac.
()plll midnight. l'i'ee. \Veekl}. You can't keep a good thing doyy n. The .lengaheadx are one of the hardexl \yoi'king outlitx in [out]. and thix pi'e-eluh xet from thix hall} Martyn. ix conxixtently great. Drop by the lane tonight.
I Mark Robb at .\Ioloco1\\'ext lindl. ‘)pm midnight. l‘ree. \Veekly. l).l .\lark Rohh tranxl'ormx thix cx—pakoi'a har iiilo a time machine for the night. i'ex ixitiiig the l'unkicxt ycai'x humanity hax yet experienced. lixpect yt idcxpread merry- making.
I Nico’s at .\'ico‘x. 9pm midnight. l-tee. Weekly. (iet into \ico'x for a cheexy pep talk before heading out to dixgrace yotii'xell' in a Sauchiehall Street cltih or kehah emporium. (‘laxxyx
I October at the October ('al‘e.
()plll midnight. l‘ree. Weekly. l).l \ancc ttirnx tip the \oltiiiie \y ith liix Baha/a pre- eluh party may 'l'hurxday night. yy ith the \ery hext cluh claxxicx & houxe anthemx. I Phatboy’s Kitchen at .\le(‘littill‘x Way Out \\'ext. Spin midnight. l‘t‘ee. Weekly. Hip hop. hreakx and heatx cotii'texy ol‘thc \Va\ Monkey.
I Phonic at .\loxkito. ()pm midnight. liree. \Veekly. ()ualily deep houxe \y ith l’honic l).lx Steyen Reilly and (iordon Logan. '
I Salsa For Beginners at ('tilta .\'orte. 7pm midnight. £4 (£3). Weekly.
The rhythm ix inxide ux all xo get up and acknoyy ledfle the Don er of xalxa. ('laxxex xtart at 8pm. htit till tip on tapax until your time eoinex.
I Sample 8. Hold at Bar Soha.
Spin midnight. l‘i'ee. \Veekly. l.i\e hip Iiop. complete yy ith guext \ocalixtx. xcratchy huxinexx and pei'cuxxion.
I Spy at Spy. ()pm midnight. l‘i‘ee. Weekly. Simon ('ordiner t'l'raxx l doex liix thang and deliyerx xome quality houxe and funky gi'ooy ex.
I User Friendly at Blackli'iai'x Haxenient. Spin lam. £3. (l .lllll. Monthly. .-\n audio \ ixual e\tra\agan/a yy ith hreakx. techno. projectionx and art inxtallationx. So far. the yentui‘e hax heen xuccexxl‘ul. \\ ith rapturoux iiiglitx already haying taken place in l'cht'uary and March.
I Virunga at Hrel. ‘lpm midnight. l‘ree. 3t) .\la_\. l-‘ortnightly. [).l 'l'chico xei'y ex tip the hcxt in ghetto grooy ex and (‘arihhean heatx.
I Audio Intercourse at .r\l;txka. Next date the.
I Bennet’s at Bennet'x. llpm 3am. £3 i£3i. \Veekly. (lay. mixed. xti‘aiglit yylio cai'ex'.’ iuxt hay e a hloody good time. people. Shayyn loyingly Iayx doyyn the croyyd pleaxei'x in thix eyeiupopulai‘ ’l‘hu iiiglil iiiaxh tip. .'\nnie alxo proy idcx high-octane ttinage
I Come Play? at the lunnel.
llpm 3am. £4 (£3 l. li'ee \y ith a Snapf'a\ hel'oi‘e midnight. \Veekly. ‘l'unnel regularx Key in .\lcl'arlane and Scott \lackay. plux Stephen Ice in room tyyo. xpin upfront houxc and claxxic dance lrackx.
I Columbian al the ,\x_\ ltnn Back Room. Spin lain. l‘ree to(‘l'St' nicmhei‘x. £l otheryy ixe. \Veekly. l’ut xome hi'eakin' lunk in your trunk. \y ith thix entertaining night of xtudent madnexx.
I Freakmoves at (il;txgtt\‘. School ol .\i'l. llpm 3am. £4 (£3l. Weekly. 'l‘hey We gift the \klll\ l0 [lily lllt‘ l‘lll\ lllx tilllc'lttl. ()n it) May. the l’i'eakmenooyei'x ci'e\\ yyelcome to their not -xo litimhle ahode the Sc‘ttlllxll llt‘al Ul lllC l).\l(' (‘hainpionxhipx \\ llll great guextx. the .\li\ologixtx. Hip hop mixing the \yorld ltlgc‘lllt‘l'. \\t‘ lt‘c‘l loyc. See lil't‘\ lt‘\\.
I Homework at \‘ault. Ilpiii 3am. £5 i£4 i. \Veekly. [an and Sle\ ie man the ho\. xo all inxecuritiex o\ er tlte lunex are dixpelled. 'l'hix night ainix l'oi' xtudent liappinexx \y itliottt coiiiproiiiixing the quality leyelx.
I Hype at ('uhe. llfiilpm 3am. £3
I£3 l. \Vcckly. .liiii ])a liL"\l teamx tip \y ith the Hype crew to put on a night ol~ tyyixted. ultra lunky houxe. Plenty of cheap hoo/e makex thix a ltm night out. 0 LiveVEvil at (‘ltih Budda.
lflpm 3am. £7 ill .\lay. \Ioiithly. Happy Birthday? l.i\e\'li\ i| celchi'atc their xec ond hirthday unit a hloyy otit at lludda. 'l'hey ’te got the mighty di'tim tk haxx iiiaxtei'x .\lo\ing l-uxion dropping hy to make \lll'c' that the candlex go out. along \y itli the tixual xuxpcclx. .\dam. (ieco. l’atil Rexet. Simon l) and .\l(’ (iulu\. \yith \ixualx hy Brand \. .\lighty line.
I NU-CAN-DU at lludda. \t‘\l date (3 .ltiii.
I Locked at .'\d l.ih. \e\t date l3 .ltiii. I Off The Hook at the 13th .‘x’ote ('luh. llpm 3am. £7 i5). Weekly. (iet in oti a piece ol' the ayanl-action. ax the ()ll ’l'he Hook ci'eyt tyy ixt heartx and iiiiiidx in
Your pass to great Cllll) nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh
See page 73 for details
true ch Note xtyle. ('onl‘uxe your eai'x. hahy.
I Polo For Me at the Polo lounge. ltlpm lam. l‘t‘ee. Weekly. You. the lucky punter. take the helm tonight. ax requext eai‘dx are ayailahle oy er the hat' and in the hootli. Notice for the unimaginatiye ones: ‘I Am What l .\m' ix prohihited hy law and ptinixhahle hy xpanking.
I The Real Thing at Solia.
l lpiti 3am. £5. 23 May. .‘ylonthly. .-\ line pc‘tllgl‘t‘t‘ .'\l Kc‘ltl lllltl Stey lL‘ .StllL“ Middleton take iix on a xoult‘ul journey through liotixe. underground iii Mitchell lane to a trendier-than-thou eroyyd. .\'ot had at all.
I Skint at the (‘athouxe l lpm 3am. £4 i£2 l. \Veekly. \t‘l‘} much a night to reflect \yhat'x going on in (ilaxgoyy at the moment. ’l‘ough chemical hreakx and heatx. rock and indie for a ct'oyyd much like the one outxide the Gallery of Modern .v\rt.
I Specific .\'ote- changing yenue. Next tlttlt‘ the.
I Soul Shaker at Max. 1 lpm 3am. £4 l£:l. \‘y‘eekly. .-\n undixcoyered gem. We haye a mi\ed hag of electro. techno. houxe and funk courtexy ol'John Mitchell and .ltinkyard Dog (Shake the l)ixeaxel. \ot had at all for a 'l‘hu.
I Trash at ’l'raxh. ltlfillpm 3am. £4 i£3 i. \Veekly. .\lore of. a xpectacle than a night out. yy ith drunken xtudcntx atid l'oothallet'x l'rotii “all to \\ all. liixanely cheap drinkx mean a huge queue alitioxt eyet'y night. Mind the houncei'x. though. I 1210 at llaha/a. Spin .‘iam. l-‘ree hcloi'e llpm. £4 (£3). \Veekly. literally underground cltih hotixing xome huge \oeal houxe and garage loyelinexx deployed yyeekly hy lati ’l‘homxon and \iance.
I Nice Ass Nice at the \elyet l\)tltllll\. llpm 3am. £4 tli‘ee \y ith xtudent ll)i. \Veekly. l)on‘t he tooled hy the pltixli interior: the \elyet etc“ could teach the young \thippci'xnapperx on the xcene a thing or three ahout alcoholic dancing. l'pxtaii'x. rotational rexidentx take it in tui'nx to pi'oy ide the commercial lx’tkll and hip hop xelectionx. l)oyynxtair.x. .lamex l)oc .lnr play x lhi/a anthemx all night long.
Chart & Party
I Madhouse at Shack. ltlfitlpiit 3am. £4 i£3 i. \‘y’eekly. .\ maxxiyely popular night. Student anthemx are dttly deployed by D] (‘.l.
I Loveshack at l-‘ury .\lurry 'x.
llpm 3am. £4 i£2 l. \Veekl}. (ioiiig through a renaixxance in recent yeai'x. l’ury 'x ix peopled neck in neck otit hy a crotyd that until a night of tinpi'etentioux party ing. .liiii and Phil \yoyy them \\ ith a hleiid of commercial claxxicx. \ intage indie and a touch ol~ dixeo l'or thoxe ll‘ xettuinx.
I Rumble at the (image. llpm 3am. £4 t£3 l. \Veekly. lloyy popular ix thix night'.’ lloyy many people hay e fallen
doyy n the (iarage'x lethal xtaii'eaxe and \yoken tip hruixcd the day afterl’ llt)\\ cheap ix the hoo/e'.’ lloyt hig ix the queue outxide'.’ Why don‘t you go and lind otit l‘oi' yourxell"?
I Shagtag at l’riy ilegc. llpm 3am. £4 i£.‘~i. \Veekly. liixanely xuecexxl‘ul night haxed on a eomplc\ numerical flirting
xy xtem: eyei'yone getx a numher upon entry. then. it xoineone catchex your e_\ e. you n rite their numher on the hoard ne\t to your my it. xx ith the idea heing that they then ruxh tip to you and get into a hit of
iiggy xiiggy. .\luxie- \y ixe. it'x commercial
hotixe and trance from Se\y Steye atid Kinky lx'enny. llo xelecta.
I Sidewinder at (‘aiiyax. Spin late. £5. \Veekly. .v\|l hail the neyy king of (ilaxgoyy Ila/l nightx. 'l‘hc iiiuxical policy ix anything \\ ith a gi'ooye or anything that'll make you moy e. xo \yhat hetter opportunity to xoak tip the line xtnrotmdiiigx ol' the inimitahle .'\i'ta‘.’ ( iet the ltiiik otit.
I Pussypower Dirty techno and acid beats with eclectica thrown in
for good measure as the mighty Pussypower return. Soundhaus. Sat 25 May 1;?
I LiveVEvil Birthday time for this drum & bass night and they've flown Moving Fusion in to help blow the candles out. Budda, Thu 30 May
I Bebado Tribal funk is the new rock 'n' roll. A nine—piece samba and contemporary drumming band pound out the rhythms while the Bebado Allstars and DJ Chief de Jaya take care of other business. 3}. Riverside Club. Fri 37 May. I Deep Freeze Having set up a fine night of house excellence in Warsaw. of all places. Matthew Drummond and Barry Reeve return to show why they're one of the most forward thinking house collectives in Glasgow. Soba. Fri 37 May
I Kube You will never fault their dedication to the cause of filthy acid-techno. These guys are the real ‘ deal. Sound/iaus, Fri 37 May
I Pressure Jeff Mills: true techno pioneer and hero 'round these parts. will be at the biggest techno night in town. The Arches. Fri 37 May.
I Warp Magic Bus Called ‘The
Best Label in the World' by NME,
Warp are touring with some of their top DJs and producers: Plaid (pictured). Phoenecia. Russell Haswell. Richard Devine and the Warp DJs. A mind expander. Glasgow School of Art, Fri 37 May I Club 69 June Dexter gives in to his desire and drops in to play a set at one of the coolest music clubs in (or out of) town. Club 69. Sat 7 Jun. I Coloursfest Get ready for some n highly supervised corporate- sponsored raving, with Dannii
Minogue showcasing her ‘new sound'. and a plethora of big name Dds. such as Errick Morillo. Seb Fontaine and X-Press 2. Braehead Arena. Sun 2 Jun. I Melting Pot Bank Holiday Special Groow goodness. bank holiday style as Traxx are in session With their mate Gerard (Tangent). Rive/Side Club. Sun 2 Jun.
— mm“ I. p
.’.~’ Mtiy ti .Jtii‘ 2’4302 THE LIST 69