Glasgow. iifé * -_ [

I glasgowolist,

We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Glasgow life listings compiled by Jane Hamilton.

Book events

William Boyd Borders Books. 283 Buchanan Street. 222 7700. 7pm. lace. The ltUPltlar author of :lrmm/i/lu tllSL‘llSSL‘S his He“ no\ cl glut Ila/nun llmrl. the stor}~ of one man's \ariahle progress through the 20th centur).


Football Forum Hampden Park. l.etherh_\ Drive. 0800 027 032 1. 7.30pm. £3.50. Ha\ e )our sa) as titha pundits James 'l’ra) nor. Keith Jackson and Radio (‘lyde’s \er} o\\ ii sports monke} Hugh Keei ins join a panel oi top managers. pla_\ ers and legislators to ans“ er )our questions.


Ross Sinclair 'I‘iaiimay. 25 :\lhert Drive. 2S7 3900. ()Plll. lace. Ross Sinclair talks ahout his uoi'k. focusing on particular thec'h till his practice ttlttl recent projects.


Navigation In Summer 'l‘iso (ilasgou ()utdoor li\perieiice. 50 (‘oupei' Street. 'l3(l\\lillt‘iltl. 559 5450. 7 9pm. £38. A course in na\ igatioii techniques including map setting. contour interpretation. pacing and timing. and measuring distance. Introduction To Scottish Mountaineering 'l’iso (iltt\go\\ ()llltltttit‘ lixperience. 50 (iottpet‘ Street. To“ nhead. 559 5450. 7 9pm. £38. .-\ t\\o- da) course teaching _\ou the basics to get out in the Scottishmountains.

Burns And A' That

The Holy Fair To“ ii ('enti‘e. Mauchline. ()l292 (i7h’l00. l lam. l-‘ree. the picturesque \ illage ol .\lauchliiie comes alixe with the sights. sounds and smells iii a local market on Sat. \iith hol_\ \\()l‘tl\. dramatic surprises. poems. song and music on Sun.

A Celebration Of Traditional Crafts And Storytelling ltiii-iis‘ House. .\lauchline. 0| 292 550937.

1 lam 4pm. lixperience traditional cratts including hasket making. spinning and lace making.

Burns And A’ This Wellington Bar. Wellington Square. A} r. ()l292 (i7Sl00.

2 5pm. .-\ii evening of Buriis‘ poems and songs perl’oriiied in period costume.


No More War (ieorge Square. 423 I222. l lam. liree. Assemhle iii (ieorge Square to join in this Scotland-wide march




Art Gallery 8- Museum, Kelvingrove Argyle Street. 28/ 9000. Mon Thu 8 Sat ‘itjaiii—Opiii: l‘TI 8 Son l‘.an~.~~:">piii. l-ree. this fine (:X;tll‘l)l(3 of late Vlle’H'k'tll architecture houses a permanent ’;()ll(:(;llf)lt of Work tr; Siren lléilli‘:f; at; Heii‘tiraiitlt.

Botticelli. Whistler étlltl

Burrell Collection 2000 Polloksiiavxs Road. 287 253530. Meir-Thu & Sat “hull-Split: in 8. Sun liaiii~f$pin Free. Sir William Btirrell's fainotis (L()ll(}(lll()ll of heatilittil art ()l)](?(lif§ ll'()ll‘ around the globe. ll()'lf;(}(i in a specially (lesigiieti. aw;utivxiiiiiinq l)ll!l(llll(_j. Fossil Grove

Vl(2l()fl£l Park. 98/ 7000. Mon tho 8. Sat

10am -:'ipiii; ill-Stilt llaiii fipiii. l ree.

; world

and rally called by the Scottish ('oalition for Justice .\'ot \Var.


Rangers v Aberdeen llirox Stadium. lidiiiiston Drive. 0870 (i0() I993. 3pm. £l7 £22. l£l3l. Sl’l. football match.


Chuck D The Old I"i'tiitiii;ii‘kc‘t. .-\|hion Street. 287 55] l. 3pm. £8. The forthright leader of l’uhlic linem) discusses his perspective on music. politics and societ). Part of II‘i/i'li'c/i.

An Egyptian Mummy - A Resource For Studying Life And Death Burrell ('ollection Lecture 'l'heatre. Btiri'ell Collection. 20o0 l’ttllttkSltit\\'\ Road. 287 2594. 2pm.

£2 £4. :\ lecture h)‘ Professor Rosalie David. Director of the Mtiiiimitication Research (‘eiitre at Manchester l'iiix'ersit). Navigation In Summer ‘l‘iso (ilasgois ()utdoor lixperience. 50 (‘ouper Street. 'l‘ounhead. 559 5450. 7 9pm. £38. See Fri 20.

Introduction To Scottish Mountaineering 'l‘iso (ilasgou ()utdoor lixperience. 50 ('ouper Street. 'l‘oiinhead. 559 5450. 7 9pm. £38. See Fri 20.

Other events

Chinese Chest Workshop (‘olliiis ('iallei‘}. l'niversit) ol' Sti'atlichde. 22 Richmond Street. 548 2558. l-‘ree. .~\d\ance hooking necessar). Design a ‘cheongsam'. a traditional ('hinese garment. \\ ith Pamela So.

Paisley Farmers Market (‘oiiiio Square. l’aisle). 9am lpm. l-‘ree. \‘oted one of the live best known markets in the 1K. the monthl) market sells a selection of produce. and l‘eatures a ceilidh hand and children's entertainers. More information at

http://u \\ \\ .paisle) .org/paisle} l/todo/ larmersiiiarket.php

Farmers Market .\litlt\licltl l’ai-k. H}ndland Street. 287 0901. l0am 3pm. l-‘ree. ()utdoor market \\ itli fresh Scottiin produce on sale direct from the farm. Produce on sale includes organic \egetahles and meats as \\ ell as seal'ood. eggs and cheeses

RSPB Plant & Produce Sale l.och\\ innoch Nature reser\e. Largs Road. 0l505 S42oo3. l0am 4pm. liree. The annual sale of plants h} the Renl'rexs shire RSI’B Memhers (iroup.

Body & Soul Health Fair Royil (’oiicert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. Han: (rpm. £3 £5 (£2 £4). Health and healing therapies on ol'l'er include massage. i'eiki. er} stals. tarot. music and lots more.

Sunday 28

Burns And A‘ That

Burns By Bike \‘arious Venues. ;\_\rshire. ()l292 2853 3. A} rshire (‘_\ cling 'l‘ouring (’Iuh puhlishes its hooklet. Burns By Bike. \\ itli a range of c) cle rides around Burns countr).

GIasgov-J's olriest tourist

attraction. designated as a SllO of special seientifie interest by Scottish


OK you lazy bums, time to get your fat ass off the sofa and do some exercise. You haven’t gone to the gym, you haven’t gone running and you think it’s too cold to go swimming, but you’ve managed to go to the pub, out clubbing, watch the football and even raise enough energy to have a few games on the PlayStation.

Well, why not combine exercise

Glasgow life


’l g:

with your favourite pastimes at the Reebok Sofa Games in Glasgow’s Kelvin Hall? The event is sponsored by Reebok and plays on its sofa adverts to encourage people to get out the house and have a game of footie. The main event is the 32-team five aside Sofa Games Trophy matches, played using

sofas as the goal posts.

The sofa theme carries on with a seated keep—up competition, the sofas then being used as obstacles and jumps for pro-skate and BMX demonstrations.

In the Sofa Retro bar you can chill out to the Soma showcase with music from DJs Silicone Soul, Universal Principles, Sidewinder, Paul Cawley and Jim Hutchison. You can also sit back and check out the breakdancing demos or flex your fingers in the PlayStation 2 competition.

If footie is your thing, you can register your team on Alternatively you can register for your free tickets and soak up the vibe without having to move from the sofa. If you’ve still got any energy left after your exertions you can head to the Apres Sofa party at Alaska (tickets available on

website). (Jane Hamilton)

The Holy Fair Mauchline Kirk. .\lauchliiie. ()l292 (i7Sl00. llam. liree. See Sat 27.


Reebok Sofa Games ls’eli in Hall International Sports Arena. I445 Arg} le Street. 3.57 2.52.5. 2 9pm. iii-CC. (iL‘l till the sol-a and join in this litlsimt til~ 5-ztxitle l'oothall and heats. Register tor }iitii‘ free tickets or _\oui' 5 a-side team at

\s \\ See pre\ ieu.

Other events

Chinese Chest Workshop (‘olliiis (ialler'). l'iiiiersit} ol' Strathchde. 22 Richmond Street. 548 2558. liree. See Sat 27.

Body 8. Soul Health Fair Ro}al (‘onccrl Hall. 2 Sauchieliall Street. 353 S000. llain (ipni. £3 £5 (£2 £4). See Sat 27.

Treemendous! Loch“ innoch Nature reserVe. l.;tl'g\ Road. (H505 842003.

ll) l l.45;lttt. i'lL‘L'. ('elehi‘ate International Year of the Tree \\ ith a \xalk through the i'eseiwe's uoodlaiids looking ill the different species and the \\ iltllile. Book in advance.

30/20 Craft 8. Design Fair Roin (‘oncert Hall. 2 Satichieliall Street. 353 8000. 10.30am 4.30pm. 90p to0pl. (‘onteiiiporai‘_\ ci'al‘txsork sold direct h_\ the makers.

Monday 29

Book events Alistair Moffat 'I‘heatre Ro}aI. 232 Hope Street. 332 9000. (rpm. £4.50 (£3 l.

Natural l'lOl'llith.

geological spe<:i"iei‘:;

'l‘he l'oriiier head of Scottish 'l‘ele\ isioii and l‘riiige \ isionar) tells fascinating stories ol'('cltic Britain from his iieu hook. 'lilu' Sm Killer/(mix.

Burns And A' That

Kirk Tours l‘iitil l‘i‘i 3 .\la_\. Various \ciities. :\lloua). .'\_\ 1'. (H292 442427. 2pm. :\llo\\;t'\ Burns ('luh host tours of the :\llo\\;t} Ktt‘ks.

Dr Kenneth Simpson (‘ai‘iiegie l.ihrar_\. l2 Main Street. :\_\ r. ()l292 280385. 7.40pm. Dr Kenneth from the l'niiersit) ()l Sti‘atlichde talks on the theme ol Burns.

Other events

Chinese Chest Workshop (‘olliiis (ialler). l'iiixersit} ol' Strathchde. 22 Richmond Street. 54S 255S. Free. See Sat

Tuesday 30

Book events

Philip Ardagh But‘tlt‘l's Bunlw. 233 Buchanan Street. 222 7.700. llam. l‘i'ee. 'l'ltL‘ L‘I‘L‘ulttt' til. the i'.tltllt' l)lL'lsL'll\ ilil'lltig'V i\ in \lttt'c to read to local \clttmlc‘hiltll‘ett. Richard Holloway Rtt);ll (‘oiicei'i Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. l2.30pm. £3.50 £4. The loriiier Bishop of lidiiihurgh talks ahout his 23rd hook. l)l)ll/)l\ and lows.

Jan Fennell ()iiakar‘s Bookstore. Buchanan (ialleries. Buchanan Street. 353 I500. 7pm. l‘ree. S()l.D ()t'l. Author of the hest selling Due listener launches her latest hook. 'I'lit' I’mi‘lii'ii/ Due listener.

':)\)\z. ()lt‘iftsgs)\.lu b\/ "\)(\rl

Art it; Charles; Helm-e

provates iiitei'pi‘etati\.'e (llSI)l£t\,’S (tlt(l the opportunity to examine

Glasgow Science Centre

dating} from 3:30 iiiillioii years ago.

Glasgow Botanic Gardens

$130 (‘ii‘eat \'\'e:;terii lliiao. (3134 132.92). Dali;

llaiii .1pin. l‘l(}(‘r. llllt; 10th (:enttii‘. giant-a". anti glasslioiiset; aie lame to an interesting; (llltl educational :itiltii‘tio"

plants. at; ‘-.'.’t‘ll as

feattiiiiigi lit the lllll‘ Glasgow School of Art

the Miltdxl'liUfil" (iilfl(?l\..

ltii' lletiliev.’ St'eiii. .45qu

Mack at:"'t2i.zr"ie"t an: ! confirm-or; to i'lifitillf‘ {ll‘tl llt§t>ll(‘r \. stow; fioi" all out-i lite ‘.'.'()'?;l. Glasgow Science Centre

i.) Want it ()..;t\.. $90 {>000 [Daily ‘i‘ziii‘. op'“. 8‘5>.ii;‘ E‘t-l i>3~1 5"..1.


.Elt-it-i \ iar<leii l extant.

lilitrtl on the rate of the (.lasiiau'. :; ll‘lllltt!‘ \.-:;it.>i itflfiltillt’r" is: a mine l)l lltltlll“.tll()l‘ on :xttzeru‘e

.ii‘il fint'iri'mgn.

'l".i.l. .‘ .. THE LIST 97