Glasgow life
Tuesday 30 continued
New Writing At The Monday Lizard - Kate Nelson The .'\l't'llL‘\. 353 .’\i'g_\lc Strcct. 0901 0220300. 7pm. £1. Katc .\'clson w ho co-ordinatcs tlic .\1onda_\ 1.i/ard at thc 'l‘i'a\crsc. a forum tor ncw
w ritci‘s. gi\ cs a talk about what thc 1.i/ard can ol‘lcr ncw w ritcrs. pcrl'orincrs. dircctors and musicians in Scotland.
Other events
Chinese Chest Workshop (‘ollins (iallcr). 1'nixcrsit} ot' Strathcl_\dc. 22 Richmond Strcct. .543 2.5.53. 151cc. Scc Sill 27. Stella Screen Cinebar Blacktriars. 36 Bcll Strccl. 552 5924. 9pm. lircc. Stclla bring cincma to thc pub. scrcciiiiig classic tilms in a rc|a\cd and lainiliar cm it‘ontiiciil. 'l'oda} 's 111111 is 1.11 Uri/('1' Hm.
Wednesday 1
Book events
China Mieville Bor‘dcrs Books. 283 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. 7pm. l‘rcc. 'l'hc w iriiicr ol' last scars .v\rtl1ur('. ('larkc Award is in storc to discuss his latcst \L‘lL‘llL‘L‘-llc‘11()ll ()lilcl‘lllg‘. Ali/Ir“ Xi‘tll'.
Burns And A‘ That
Professor Douglas Gifford and Dr Alan Riach (‘ar'ncgic library 12 Main Strcct. :\'\r'. 01292 286385. 7pm. 'l‘wo rcpr'cscntati\ cs troin thc l'nixcrsit} ol' (ilasgow on thc thcmc ol' Burns.
Other events
Chinese Chest Workshop (‘olliiis (ittllcl'). 1‘ni\crsit_\ ol- Sll'tttltt‘l)tlc. 32 Richmond Strcct. 548 2558. l’rcc. Scc Sat
Book events
Maggie O’Farrell Bortlcis Boolss. 283 Buchanan Strch 222 7700. 7pm. 151cc. Author ol' xl/lr‘l‘ 11m '1/ (in/11' rcads l‘rom hcr itcw work. My Lory/"x Lori'r. which cxamincs tbc ambixalcncc inhci'cnt in human rclationships.
Burns And A‘ That
Professor Ronald Jack (‘ai'ncgic 1.ibrai'_\. 12 Main Strcct. .v\_\r. ()1292 286385. 7.40pr11.'l'hcl'nhcrsit} ol' lidinburgh pt'olcssot' gix cs a talk on thc thcrnc of Burns.
WWF S1i(‘(‘. 1-‘iiinicston Qua}. 0870040 4000. £22 £55. S()1.1)()1"1‘. (ict rcad} tor llullonania as thc \VWl‘ hardmcn takc to thc ring 111(ilasgow.
Jacqueline Donachie 'l‘i'aiiiwa}. 35 Albcrt l)i'i\ c. 287 3900. 6pm. lircc. l)oitt1cliic\ first solo show l’at't lidit was licld at 'l‘i'aiiiwa). llcrc. shc talks about i'cccnt and currcnt projccts.
Dreaming Of Jerusalem (‘olliiis (iallcr). l‘nhci'sit} ol'Stratl1cl_\dc. 22 Richmond Strcct. 548 2558. 7pm. Stuart
What is Maydaze? It is lltc annual .\1a_\' cclcbration which i'cplaccd .\Ia_\‘t'cst man} wars ago.
What is happening? Iiirsi llict'c is thc .\la_\'da_\' Rall} in (icorgc Sqtiarc which is l‘ollow cd by a host ol~ l'rcc c\cnts in (ilasgow (irccn.
Such as? 1.il\'c Swamp ('irctis thc all-litiirian cir‘cus thcatr'c. a music tcnt \\ 1111 Rick} Ross. Black l'litl'olosi and Sliooglcnilt}. actix it} and play tcnts. intlatablcs and sti'cct pcrt‘ormcrs. Anything else? l-‘or sport l‘anatics thct‘c \\ ill bc athlctics. badminton. hockc}. tcnnis. nctball. baskctball. goll’ and rugb} as wcll as a cclcbrit) livc-a- sidc t'ootball match and shoot-out.
I Mai/dam. Glasgow Green, 287 4422. Sun 5 May. noon—(5pm. Free.
1)ul'lin prcscnts a cross-mcdia collaboration l'or string quai'tct. photograph} and ambicnt sound as part of his artist talk.
Forrest HC Robertson Quccn’s Park. Victoria Road. 287 7273. 7.30pm. 15rcc. :\n illustrach talk with Robcrtson plus a qtlcstion scssioil and r‘alllc.
Other events
Chinese Chest Workshop (‘ollins (iallcr). 1'i1i\crsit} ol Strathc|_\dc. 22 Richmond Strcct. 548 2558. lircc. Scc Sat
Other events
Chinese Chest Workshop (‘otliris (iallcr). l'nis‘crsity ot' Strathcl_\dc. 22 Richmond Strch 548 2558. 151cc. Scc Sat 27.
Saturday 4
Burns And A’ That
Street Theatre Spectacular lligli Strcct. .'\'\r. ()1292 678100. 9.30pm. 1-‘rcc. Sai'agosa’s K dc ('allc light up tbc strccts ol' A) r with thcir dramatic p_\ rotcchnic displa). (iathci' at lull] ()‘Shantcr pub.
Tennent’s Scottish Cup Final - Celtic v Rangers llampdcn Park. I.ctl1crb§ l)ri\‘c. 6166000. 3pm.
£28 £35. 'l'hc l‘ootball scason in Scotland draws to a spcctacular closc with thc Scottish ('up t'inal. Who will do thc
sil\ crw arc doublc'.’
From Girls To Grrrlz: A History Of Female Comics From Teens To Zines .\litclicll Library. 20 North Strcct. 287 2999. 2pm. 1‘1‘cc. l’carl l'nion prcscnt a talk b} onc ot‘Amcr'ica's most important l‘cmalc cartoonists sincc thc 60s.'1’rina Robbins.
Other events
Craft Fair l’ollok llotisc. l’ollok (‘ountr} Park. 2060 l’ollokshaws Road. 616 6410. 10am 5pm. lircc. Stalls ot handmadc toilcti'ics. glasswork. chocolatc and jcw cllcr}.
Book events
Poetry Reading St Mary‘s Cathedral. 300 (ircat Wcstcrn Road. 5608217. 2pm. £3 (£2). Scotland's poct laurcatc lidwin Morgan rcads from his work along with othcr pocts. Part of licast.
Burns And A’ That
Street Theatre Spectacular lligh Strcct. Ayr. ()1292 678100. 9.30pm. 1"r‘cc. Scc Sat 4.
The Festival Fireworks 'l‘own (‘cntrc. :\)‘r'. ()1292 678100. 10.50pm. 'l‘hc Burns And .-\' 'I‘hat lL‘sliVal draws to a closc with a 11l11‘l')’ ot' spcctactilar tircworks.
Horse Racing Fun Day Hamilton Park Racccoursc. Botliwcll Road. llamilton. 01698 2‘43806. 2.10pm. £10 (£5: undcr l6 l'rcc). 'l‘hc lirst racc riicct ol~ thc scason. t‘caturing additional cittcrtainmcnt t'or childrcn and a spccial jump jockcys racc.
Other events
Mayday Rally (icorgc Squarc. 334 9983. l 1.30am. 151cc. 'l‘bc traditional .\la_\'da_\‘ Rally organiscd by UN (ilasgow 'l’radcs l'nioii Council with spccchcs from John lidmonds. (icncral Sccrctary ol' thc (1MB and Janis lltighcs. .\lS1’.
Maydaze (ilasgow (irccn. (irccndykc Strcct. 287 4422.
.\'oon 6pm. l-‘i‘cc. A day (11111111in tun at'tcr thc .\la_\da_V Rall). with circus pcrliirmancL's. li\'c music. childrcn's actis‘itics. pla} tcnts and sports cwcnts. Scc photo caption.
Falconry Hierarchy Burrcll (’ollcctiotr. 2060 l’ollokshaws Road. 287 2550. 2.30 4.30pm. l'i'cc. A chancc to scc thcsc magniliccnt birds up closc and tind out about thcir rolc in 12th and 13111 ccntur)‘ lil'c.
Medieval Trumpets Burrcll ('ollcction. 2060 l’ollokshaws Road. 287 2550. 3 4.30pm. l-‘rcc. A mcdicval music group pcrt‘orm traditional music to t'anl’arc thc VlSllUl'S.
Other events
Comic Book Course (‘(‘.'\. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4900. 6 8pm. £20 (£15). l(‘(’:\ (‘lub Room). Ang 16+. A tour-wcck coursc lcd by David chcncy ltk‘llsing‘ on pagc layout. pancl dcsign. pcrspcctch and \ istial sttit‘}'lc‘llilig.
Mark Shand Royal (’onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 12.30pm. £3.50 £4. Shand talks about his joiirnc) as thc lirst l‘orcigncr' to complctc tlic 900- milc journey from tbc uncsplorcd junglcs oli thc lndo-libct bot'dcr' to thc Brahinaphutra. thc largcst ri\'cr dclta in thc world. 'l‘hc talk l‘ollows a slidc pi‘cscnlalion.
An Introduction to Hero St Marys (‘athcdraL 300 (ii'cat \Vcstcrn Road. 560 8217. 7pm. £2. .r\r't critic and historian John (‘alcutt talks about thc llcr'o cxltihition. Part ()1 FUN.
Other events
Spring Walk Kibblc 1’alacc. (ilasgow Botanic (iardcns. 730 (ircat \Vcstcrn Road. 334 2422. 2pm. l-‘rcc. 'Iakc in thc spring llowcrs and [11c lillL‘sl dcxcloprncnts in thc gardcns on this gtiidcd walk.
Sound Course: Introduction To Buzzmachines (‘(‘.v\. 350 Sauchicliall Strcct. 352 4900.
6.30 8.30pm. £20 (£15). (('('.-\ liducatiori Studio). :\ng 16+. I’roduccr and musician K8011} .\1aclcod and ('(’.-\ production manager l’ctc l)owling lcad this l'ottr-wcck iiitt‘odtictoi'} cotii'sc lo buumachincs.
Scottish Toastmasters t‘iiix-crsity ()t' (ilasgow. Adam Smith Building. 40 Butc (iardcns. 946 8235. 7.05 9pm. £30 tor six months. .-\ sclti-hclp public spcaking club [caching imaltiablc lL‘L‘ltlthllL‘S and sharing cxpcricnccs with othcrs.
Stella Screen Cinebar Blackl'riar's. .30 Bcll Strcct. 552 592.4. 9pm. 1‘r'cc. SL‘L‘ 'I‘uc 30. only tonigth lilm is Sims/zinc.
Wednesday 8
Book events
Big Word Performance Poetry .\'icc ‘n' Slcal}. 421 Sauchichall Strch 333 0900. 9pm. £4 (£3). \Voi‘d-pla)
w i/ard l)cs('1arkc. vulgarit) champ Annic Wallace. ditI} lilspcth .\lur'r'a} and powerful Jcnn)‘ Lindsay join rcsidcnt hosts Anita (ittVttll and Jun Rolls tor this titanic poctic cabarct.
David Sherry 'l‘ramwa}. 25 :\lbci't 1)ri\'c. 287 3900. 6pm. 151cc. Shcrr) talks about his rcccnt show at 'l‘ramwa). ('omt‘ortabl} Bcing :\li\ c. his rcccnt works shown at 'l'ransiiiission and his rcsidcnc)‘ at Nll‘(':\ in llclsinki.
Holmwood House
(31 (33 Netherlee Road. ()athcart. (3117' 2170. Daily 1.110 f>.Il0pm. £93.90 ($9.201. Designed by the famed ttlth century architect. Alexander ‘(Ereek' Thomson. this house is an excellent (:xaiiiple of his cl; ssical style. Museum Of Transport
Kelvrr: Hall, 1 Hu'nliouse lload. 211/ Qr'fi20.
Mon 111118 Sat
1()£lll‘ 51pi1111r28 8111‘
11am fipm. Free. A rnuseuiii crammed wrth huses. trains, tire engines. ships and other paraphernalia, devoted to the histon of transport.
Pollok House
Pollok Country Park. 2000 l’ollokshaws Road. (3100410.1)arl\,i
10am 5>pi11.5‘5>i5‘lt.r'5>1; tan‘ily ticket 1113.130. ()iie ot the most elegant 18111 century buildings in the country. this historic
house features some of
98 THE LIST 7:2 Arr 1: lvla. .* .' V
the finest Spanish paintings in Britain from the collection of Sir William Stirling Maxwell. Scotland Street School Museum Museum Of 1:ducation, 22:") Scotland Street. 98/ 0:300. Mon— Thu 81 Sat 10am—f)prii; F1181 Sun 1 '.ai11-:')pm. 1 ree. Designed in 1004 by Charles Rennie Mackintosh and now home to archive iriateiial on education in Scotland from 18/? onwards.
Scottish Football Museum
Hampden Park. letherhy Drive, 010 (3100. Mon—Sat 10ain—53pm; Sun llain—Eipiii. 51:") (572.130). rhe home of Scottish football now houses the history of the beautiful game in Scotland. Sharmanka Kinetic
Gallery 2nd Floor. 1/1 King Street. 53512 7080. Tue
1pm. lhu 7pm. Sun (3pm; mats for families
Sun 11pm. 5‘3 (5‘2); under
10s tree. An hour—long mechanical hallet performed by Eduard Bersudsky's kinetic sculptures made from scrap metal and tiny wooden figures.
St Mungo Museum of Religious Life And Art
9 Castle Street. 5151.3 2551/. Mon- 111118. Sat 10am :'>pi11;13ri81 Sun 11am--:’)pm.1-ree./\n awartlwnining museum of world taiths. featuring a /en garden. priceless art works from the
worlds s:x major religions. Da'i's Christ Of Saint John Of [Vie Cross and the story of re igion in Scott; nd through words and pictures. Tenement House
1.25) Buccleuch Street. (iariietliiil, {3131313183. Daily :2 {>1)rii.3‘il.i>0 iS‘L).f)0i. lliis typical Victorian tenement tlat of 1801) proyides a fascinating look at Glasgow 1110 dur~ng the lust halt o" the 90th