Kids listings
Glasgow continued
The Sword And The Stone (t') Sat 27 Apr. 1pm: 5,000 Fingers of Dr T Sat 4 May. 10.30am. £2.25 (family ticket £‘)). (ilasgovv Iiilm Theatre. 12 Rose Street. 332 8128. See Film lndex. Human Body (PU); Grand Canyon (PG); Dolphins (t'): Into The Deep ([7): Blue Planet (l'). times vary. clteck l’ilm listings for shovving times. £5 (£3.50). IMAX Theatre. (ilasgovv Science Centre. 50 Pacific Quay. 420 5000.
Westlife Tue 7 Sun 12 May. 7.30pm; Sat 2pm & 7.30pm. £22.50. SIiCC. Finnieston Quay. 08700404000. The Irish pop sensations play a mammoth six nights in Scotland.
Spring Magic! Sat 27 Apr. 2pm. £4 (£3). Scottish Mask & Puppet Theatre Centre. 8 l0 Balcarres Avenue. Kelvindale. 33‘) 6185. lixperience the vvonder of close-up tnagic vvith popular children‘s entertainer Magic Bob. Pokemon Live Thu 2 -1"ri 3 May. 6.30pm. £‘).50-£16; family ticket £55. Clyde Auditoritttn. I-‘innieston Quay. 08700404000. See photo caption. Pirate Pete And The Buried Treasure Sat 4 May. 2pm. £4 (£3). Scottish Mask & Puppet Theatre Centre. 8 l0 Balcarres Avenue. Kelvindale. 33‘) 6185. Join in the mayhem on the high seas as Pirate Pete goes in search of buried treasure in this production from The Amazing Mr Bones.
Meet A Medieval Soldier Sat 4 May. 10.30am 12.30pm & 1.30 3.30pm. liree. Burrell Collection. 2060 Pollokshavvs Road. 287 2550. A ntedieval soldier recounts tales of the Battle of Stirling Bridge attd Bannockbttrn.
Activities And Fun
Quickies For Kids Royal Museum ()f Scotland. 2 Chambers Street. 247 421‘). Free. 'I‘en-minute talks for children held every Sat and Sun at 2.30pm. Saturday Art At The Dean Sat 27 Apr. 10am noon & 1.30 3.30pm. liour vveeks £20 (£10). l)ean (iallery. Belfortl Road. 624 6410. Advance booking required. Ages 6 l0. Juliana Capes leads a series of fttn vvorkshops vv hich use inspiration froin vvorks in the galleries to explore dravving techniques.
POKEMON LIVE Thu 2—Fri 3 May, 6.30pm. £9.50—£1 6; family ticket £55.
Mysterious Masks And Druid Drums Tue 30 Apr. 6pm. Free. Holyrood Park. 556 1761. Celebrate the Celtic festival of Beltane at this fun family event.
Famin Workshop Sat 4 May.
10am noon a 1.45 3.45pm. liree vvith exhibition ticket. City Art Centre. 2 Market Street. 52‘) 3‘)‘)3. Make celestial tiles and vs indchintes at these fttn artistic sessions.
Famin Workshop Mon 6 May. 10am noon. l‘ree vvith exhibition ticket. City Art Centre. 2 Market Street. 52‘) 3‘)‘)3. Working in a variety of media. create your ovvn lunar landscapes.
The Lifeboat Tue 7 Sat I 1 May.
Tue Thu 10am ck 1.45pm; Fri !0am; Sat 2pm. £4 (£3); fatnin ticket £14. Brunton Theatre. l.adyvvell Way. Mttsselburgh. 665 2240. Ages over 10. Catherine Wheels Theatre Company present Nicola McCartney 's adaptation of the remarkable true story of a ship fleeing vvartorn Britain.
The BFG Wed 8 Sat I 1 May. 7pm; Thu 2pm & 7pm: Fri 1 Iain & 7pm; Sat
1 lam. 2pm & 7pm. £‘).50 £13
(£5.50 £8). Festival Theatre. 13 2‘) Nicolson Street. 52‘) 6000. See photo caption.
Sunday Stories Sun 28 Apr. 2 3pm. £2. National Portrait (iallcry. 1 Queen Street. 624 6418. Ages over 5. Journey to faravvay lands and meet colourful characters in these storytelling sessions led by Colin Mackay.
Outside The Cities
Activities And Fun Coolgrooves Thu 25 Apr. Thu 2 tv Thu‘) May. 5 6pm. £1. Burglt Halls. The (Toss, l,inlitltgo\\,01500844600. Ages ‘) l I. Listen to chart sounds vyhilst learning energetic dance routines at this \\ eekly class.
Urban Trash Thu 25 Apr. Thu 2 tv Thu ‘) May. 7 ‘)pm. £24. Tolbooth 'l'hcatre. Jail Wynd. Stirling. 01786 274000. Ages ll 14. Make ntusical instruments and sculptures from found and recycled everyday objects.
Friday Hip Hop I-‘ri 26 Apr. t-‘ri 3 May. 2 3.30pm. £1.50. Hovv den Park ('entt'e. llovvtlen. Livingston. 01506 433634. Ages l0 l6. Spain's Juan Carlos l-‘erron hosts a high energy. hip hop vvorkshop.
Painting 8: Printing Sat 27 Apr. Sat 4 May. 10 llatn & 11.30am 12.30pm (ages 5 7): «k 1 2pm (ages 8 10). £20.
Clyde Auditorium, Finnieston Quay, Glasgow, 0870 040 4000. Pikachu, Ash, Misty and Brock attempt to thwart the sinister schemes of Giovanni and Team Rock in this colourful, musical spectacular. The multi-media action takes its lead from the Japanese video game which appears to be taking over the world, and the simple story is set against a backdrop of pyrotechnics and clever theatrical effects.
96 THE LIST 7?) Apr 0 May 900?
THE BFG Wed 8-Sat 11 May, times vary. 29.504213 (25.50428). Festival Theatre, 13-29 Nicolson Street, Edinburgh, 0131 529 6000. It’s a story that has sent many a child off to sleep with nightmares — before, that is, discovering that little Sophie’s giant is a big teddy bear. Whisked off to a world of child-eating giants, the BFG takes little Sophie in search of her dreams. This delumptious production, adapted by David Wood to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Roald Dahl’s classic, will have you
whizzpopping all the way home.
(‘ovvane 'l'heatre. Covvane Street. Stirling. ()1786 473544. Create a masterpiece using a variety of materials and techniques.
Rubbed Out Sat 27 Apr. Sat 4 May. 1.30 2.30pm (ages 7 ‘)) tk 3 4pm (ages l0 l2 ). £20. Tolbooth Theatre. Jail Wynd. Stirling. ()1786 274000. Improve your dravving skills using a variety of materials.
Popmoves Mon 2‘) Apr. 4 5pm. Regal Community Theatre. South Bridge Street. Bathgale. ()1506 433634. Ages
6 8. A lively. funky and energetic
vy eekly dance elass.
The ALWA Ouiz with Primary School Robert Burns Clubs Tue 30 Apr. 1 3pm. Belleisle Ilottse llotel. Belleisle. Ayr. 012‘)2 442427. Learn more about the life and times of Robert Burns vvith these qui/zes.
West Lothian Youth Dance Tue 30 Apr. Tue 7 May. 4.30pm tk 5.30pm. £1 £1.50. Hovvden Park Centre. Ilovvdett. Livingston. 01506 433634. Ages 8 l 1 ee 12 16. Dance artist itt residence Katy McKeovvn hosts a vyeekly perforntance dance group. Orienteering - Come and Try It Sat 4 May. 10am noon; 1 3pm. Vogrie Ilottsc. Vogrie Country Park. (iorebridge. 01875 82 l‘)‘)(). A cltance to get to grips vvith the basics of orienteering.
The Singing Kettle’s Jungle Party Sat 27 Sun 28 Apr. noon tv 3pm. £0 (£7): four tickets £25. Mothervv ell Concert Hall. Civic Centre. Wittdtnillhill Street. Motltervv ell. 016‘)8 302‘)‘)‘). Dress up as your favourite vvild animal and join the Kettlers vvitlt nevv member Kevin for a tropical adventure vvith giraffes. chimps and lions galore. Sing along vvith the gang to your favourite songs and a fevv nevv ones too.
The Ancient Egyptians Tue 3() Apr. 2.30pm. £7 (£4). By re Theatre. Abbey Street. St Attdrevvs. ()l 334 475000. Ages 6 l2. livet'ything you ever vvanted to knovv about pharaohs. hieroglyphs and sphinxes in Hopscotch Theatre Company 's fun-tilled delve into history.
The Blitz Wed 1 May. 2.30pm. £7
(£4 1. 13} re 'l'heatre. Abbey Street. St Andrevvs, ()l 334 4750i)”. Hopscotch 'l‘lteatre present Ray tnond Burke's tale of World War 11. designed for 5 12-year- oltls.
Journey To The Centre Of The Earth Sat 4 May. 1 lattt. £3.50 (£2.50). 1‘alkit'k'l‘ovvn Hall. West Bridge Street. lizilkit‘k. 01324 506850. Join Axel. Hans and (iertrttde the duck on a magical adventure through mysterious males. exploding volcanoes and other fantastic sights.
The Happy Gang’s Singalong Sat 4 May. 1 Iain. £5. The Famous Spiegeltent. Wellington Square. Ay'r. 01292 443700. Wartn up those vocal chords and join in with the Happy (iang in a selection of their favourite songs.
Wee Witches Sat 4 May. 2pm. £3.50 (£2.50). Adam Smith Theatre. Bennochy Road. Kirkcaldy. 015‘)2 412‘)2‘). Ages 3 -6. Wee Stories present this spooky tale about a group of outrageous ladies. See previevv.
Mr Men And Little Miss Show Sat 4 May. lpnt. £6.50; family £22. Magnum Theatre. Harbourside. Irvine. 012‘)4 278381. Ages 3---‘). The much- loved characters are brought to life on stage vvith laughter. music and song. Mr Men And Little Miss Show Sun 5 May. 2pm. £6 (£4). Hamilton Tovvn Hall. Lower Auchingramont Road. Hamilton. 016‘)8 4522‘)‘). Ages 3 A‘). See Irvine.
The International Purves Puppets Biggar Puppet Theatre. Broughton Road. 018‘)‘) 220631. £5 (£4): family tickets £23 & £36. Book in advance as times are subject to change. Reductions for parties of live or more. Shovvs on offer over the next tvvo vveeks are:
Pips And Panda And The Magic Egg Thu 25 Apr. 10.45am. Ages tip to 7. The tnischievous duo are off to the beach vvhere they build sand castles and play in the sand. before stumbling across a magic egg. Magical Princess Sat 27. Sun 28 Apr. Mon 6 May. Tue 7 May. 2pm: Wed 1 May. 2pm at 7.30pm; Thu ‘) May. 12.45pm. A t'krainian folktale about Andreas. a brave adventurer who tries to save his beautiful princess from the wicked Tsar.
Pips And Panda ln Magicland Sat 4 May. 2pm; Wed 8 May. 10.45am; Thu ‘) May. 10.30am. Ages tip to 7. When Mr Magic takes Pips and Panda off to Magiclattd. they meet lots of nursery rhy me characters vvho jump out of Mr Magic's mystet'iotts book.