Testimony Of The Rocks: Hugh Miller 1902-1856 l'ntil Mon .3 Jun. An exhibition celebrating the bicentenary of Hugh Miller. archetypal Scot. self-taught stonemason. pioneering folklorist. fossil collector. protagonist in the early evolutionary debate. free church activist and lidinburgh

new spaper editor. The exhibition features rare objects. manuscripts. photographs. books. pamphlets and the fossils which made Miller famous as a geologist.

Dr John Adamson: Photographic Pioneer t'ntil Sun 26 May. John Adamson was one of the pioneering photographic chemists in Scotland. who first emerged as an impressive photographer in the l850s. The elder brother of the better known Robert Adamson who formed half of the famous photographic partnership with Dav id ()ctav itts llill. this exhibition features original prints from a collection of albtttns ptit together by John Adamson.

Adorn, Equip l‘ntil Sttn 14 Jul. A national touring exhibitionexamining issues around the design of equipment and accessories used by disabled people. With consultation between artists/makers. designers and disabled people have inspired the production of functional objects that are lashionable. challenging and provocative.


Blackford Hill. (368 8405. Mon Sat 10am 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. £3.50 (£2.50).

World In A Spin t'ntil Mon 30 Sep. lixhibition and activities looking at how the spinning earth creates night. day and the changing seasons.


Lady Stair"s House. Lady Stair's (‘Iose. 52‘) 4‘)()!. Mon Sat 10am 5pm. l-‘ree. Men And Beasts t'ntil Sat 27 Jul. A collaboration between poet Valerie (iillies and photographer Rebecca Marr cotnprising black and white photographs and poetry documenting man's relationship to beasts and the land at the turn of the century.


l'niversity of Dundee. 13 Perth Road. 01382 345330.

Found In Space t'ntil Thu 25 Apr ((‘ooper (iallery ). The results of workshop with schoolchildren working the electronic imaging students Alec ()lmstad and Lynne (iranger. Portraits And Presentations t'ntil liri 17 May (1.amb(}allery ). Portraits drawn from the t'niversity of Dundee Museum collections featuring works by Sir (ieorge Reid. Alberto Morrocco and McIntosh Patrick.


152 Nethergate. 01382 909900.

Tue Wed. Sat & Sttn 10.30am 5.30pm: Thu 8; Fri 10.30am 8pm.

0 Fiona Banner: Your Plinth Is My Lap l'ntil Sun 9 Jttn. Best known for her text works derived from classic films. l-"iona Batmer presents a selection of new and recent prints. drawings and sculptures which continue her ongoing fascination with language. Born in Merseyside in 1966. the exhibition at the D(‘A is her most substantial solo show to date in the t'K. See llitlist. Ann Lislegaard l'ntil Stm ‘) Jttn. An installation combining sound. light and photographs by Danish artists Ann l.is1egaard which places the viewer at the centre of the work.

Michael Rothenstein t'ntil Sun 2 Jun (Print Studio). A selection of prints. Tanja Ufer and Laura Murray l’ntil Stilt 2o May.(()ne liive 'l‘wo).

Jewellery in organic fornts made front silver. gold. precious stones. pearls and enamel by 'l‘anja t‘fer attd evening purses in silver. line sillss and precious stories by Laura Murray.

Love 8: Hate: Poetry Prints t'ntil Sat 8 Jun. (‘urated by poet Don Paterson. and iii response to l'iona Banner's current exhibition. a selection of poetry prints will be posted up around the building.

Introductory Talk Sat 27 Apr. 2pm. D(‘A curator Katrina Brown gives an introduction to the l-iona Banner and Ann l.islegaard exhibitions.


Albert Square. 01382 432084. Mon Sat 10.30am 5pm; Sun 12.30 4pm: 'I‘hu 10.30am 7pm.

Life At Liff: The Mental Health Of Dundee t'ntil Sun to Jun. An exhibition marking the beginning of the closure of the Dundee Royal l.iff llospital. exploring the changes in mental health provision over the last 200 years.


West Henderson Wynd. 01382 225282. Mon Sat 10am 4pm; Sun llatn 4pm. Unknown Treasures: An Introduction To The University Of Dundee Museum Collections t'ntil 14 Jul. An exhibition of stunning artworks shown alongside examples from the university's collections of science. natural history. medicine and ethnography.

VISUAL RESEARCH CENTRE Dundee (‘ontemporary Arts. 152 Nethergate. 01382 348000. Wed l-‘ri 10.30am 5.30pm: Sat & Sun

12.30 5.30pm.

Primitive Streak t'ntil Sat 4 May. A fashioncollection by designer llelen Storey and Dr Kate Storey chronicling human embryonic development.

Bank t'ntil Sat 8 Jttn ((‘entrc for Artist Books). Printed works ineludittg back issues of The Batik. press releases. private view cards and fliers by artist's group BANK.

Outside the Cities Ayr MACLAURIN GALLERIES Ro/elle llouse. Monutnent Road. 01292 445447. Mon Sat 10am 5pm; Sun 2 5pm. The First Step l'ntil Tue 4 Jun. The first Scottiin showing of new work by Peter llow son including the much talked about paintings of Madonna.


()ld Alloway. Ay r. Bookings cart be tnade on the following numbers: Burns National Heritage Park. 01292 443 700; Ticket Scotland. Virgin Megastore. 0870 220 l 1 lo: 'l‘lCl's'L‘l \Veh (18700600100. For more information about the Burns and a' that festival call the information hotline on 01292 678100 or wwvv.burnsfestival.eom

QFaII From Light Stm 28 Apr Sun 5 May (continuous from 9.30pm last ticket 11.30pm). £8 (including shtittle btts from Ayr train station). A specially commissioned sound and light installa- tion front nva. creators of ‘The Path‘ in (ilen Lyon and ‘(irand (’entral' in (ilasgow inspired by the darker ele- tnents of Robert Burns‘ writing. l’url of the Burns and u ' I/ml festival. See pre- view and llitlist.



('arlisle Road. 01698 42o2 l 3. Mon Sat 9.30am 5pm: Sttn noon 5pm. Picasso: Histoire Naturelle t'ntil Sun 26 Ma): An exhibition of Picasso's wildlife prints. drawn to illustrate an 18th century natural history book. and on loan from the Hayward (iallery.


CHILDREN'S THEATRE WEE WITCHES Adam Smith, Kirkcaldy, then touring

’3. i l; mu


Despite their company name, it’s an accepted fact that nobody goes to the

toilet during a Wee Stories show. For although the average 5-year-old may claim everything they see at the theatre is ‘great’, trips to the loo, sweetie requests and chattering are all signs that the show isn’t quite as engaging as

it might be.

Not so with Wee Stories. The company’s remarkable gift for connecting with a young audience and holding attention, coupled with a talent for storytelling has made for some memorable productions. The Tale Of The Hare And The Tortoise, Treasure Island and Molly Whuppie all came from the Wee Stories stable, and their latest offering looks set to continue the trend.

Written, directed and co-performed by Virginia Radcliffe (last seen wobbling across the ‘hair bridge’ in Molly Whuppie), Wee Witches is set on the rooftops of a fictional city called Glasburgh. High above his people a King sits watching quiz shows, unaware of the fun, warmth and kindness provided by the witches who live amongst the community below.

When it transpires that the townsfolk like the witches a whole lot more than their King, his jealousy leads him to commit lots of horrible acts, all of which he blames on the witches, until the fun-loving ladies are forced to flee. Needless to say, Radcliffe and fellow-witch Vivien Grahame (aka stand-up comedian Viv Gee) pepper the action with musical interludes, magic and a multitude of colourful characters. And of course, a happy ending is assured.

As a subject matter however, this is Wee Stories most contentious to date. Despite the enormous popularity of wizardry (step forward Harry Potter) and the excitement generated by Hallowe’en, witches remain something of a taboo subject. Radcliffe was understandably wary: ‘I thought seriously about changing it, but there seemed to be so much enthusiasm from venues and children we piloted the show on. We’re not trying to reform people’s ideas of witches; I hate plays being didactic and telling you what to think, that’s not what theatre should be about. But I do think it needs to have something at

the core of it, something universal.’

And so, once again Radcliffe has come up with a show which appeals not just to their target audience of 3—7-year-olds, but their families as well. Because who could resist a show which blends magical realism and silly sing-a-longs? Or as Radcliffe describes it: ‘a mixture of Angela Carter and

the Singing Kettle.’ (Kelly Apter)

We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Kids listings compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Activities And Fun

The Art Corner Sat 27 Apr. Sat 4 May. l0am-noon A; 1-3pm. £48 for ten weeks. llunterian Art (lallery. t'niversity of(ilasgow. S2 llillhead Street. 330

543 l. Advance booking required. Ages 8 14. Budding artists can hone their skills in a mammoth ten-week course offering a wide variety of arts and crafts. Tots Loopy Landscapes Drama Sat 27 Apr. Sat 4 May. 10 l lam.

1 Iain noon. 1 2pm & 2 3pm. £15 for six weeks. lltmterian Art Gallery. t'niversity of(ilasgow. 82 llillhead Street. 330 5431. Advance booking

required. Ages 3 >5. lixplore space and landscape using creative drama games at this six—week course.

Expressive Arts Classes Sat 27 Apr. Wed 1 May. Sat 4 May. Wed 8 May. times vary. £48 £102. Scottish ()pera 'l'echnical (‘entre. litlington Street. 332 0000. Ages 3 5. (s .s’. t) 11 and )2 14. Ten w eelx' courses developing skills in the expressive arts. placing equal emphasis on music and drama.

Walkabout Knight Mon (3 May.

1 1am- 4pm. Free. Burrell Collection. 2060 Pollokshaw's Road. 287 2550. A medieval knight recounts days gone by as he mingles with the visitors to the Knights .-lml (‘uxi/vx exhibition.

Art Workshop Mon () May.

noon 1.30pm & 2.30 4pm. liree. Burrell ('ollection. 20o0 Pollokshaw s Road. 287 2550. Advance booking required. Ages

5 8 & 0 12. Impact Arts host a fun- packed workshop where yott can design a coat of arms. make a stained glass panel. or create a mythical monster.

I35) Atn E) Mgr. 1’00.” THE LIST 95