Art listings
Royal Botanic Gardens continued
Science Seekers - Solutions For ScotLAND t‘ntil Stiii ‘) Jun (Iixhibition Hall). A hands-on interactiye exhibition which looks at how Scottish science. can improxe our health and that of animals. plants and the eny'ironiiient.
Visions Of Science t'ntil Sun 28 Apr (Iixhibition Hall). A photographic exhibition featuring the \y inners of the Noy'artis Daily Telegraph Photographic Awards.
ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Landings (iallery. I()() Princes Street. 225 1501. Mon Sun ltlain opin.
Christian Furr t’ntil Fri 28 Jun. Paintings and drayy ings by figurative artist ('hristian burr. the youngest artist to officially paint Queen Elizabeth II. commissioned by the Royal ()y-erseas League in London.
lo l)undas Street. 558 1200. Mon Fri ltlam ()plll'. Sat ltlam 4pm.
Barbara Rae t'ntil Wed 1 May. A small shoyy of Works by Barbara Rae inspired by recent tray cls to Malibu.
Janna Syvanoja t‘ntil Wed 1 May. Neyy yieyyellery by Helsinki-born artist Janna Sy y'anoja.
Three New Artists ttntiI Wed I May. Next Work by Polly llaryey. Linda Short and Leigh I). Walker.
Wood x 10 t‘ntil Wed I May. Contemporary furniture and sculpture by various artists including Lucy Le lieuy're. Nicola lleiishays'. Markku ls'osonen. Malcolm Martin and (an iior howling. lid Teasdale and 'I'rannon Furniture.
160th Anniversary Painting Exhibition Tue 7 May Thu 6 Jtiii. An exhibition of paintings. drays iiigs and prints Iioiii the mid l‘lth cciittiiy to the present day. to celebrate the Scottish (iallery's ltitlth anniyersary in May. NEW SHOW. 16th Anniversary Ceramic Exhibition Tue 7 May Thu (i Jtiti. The Work of sixteen ceramicists including Philip ligan and Janice Tchalenko goes on display to celebrate sixteen years of the Applied Arts at the Scottish (iallery.
5 Barony Street. 478 7440. Tue Sat
10am ()plll.
Contemporary Scottish Art And Design A gallery and shop featuring a changing selection of hantl-yyoy en and eiiibroidei'cd rugs and textiles frotii the Ttirknicn. l'/bck. Itcltich and Aimati tribes of (‘cntial :\\|.I.
4-1 High Street. 557 mot). I)ai|y ltlam-(ipni.
Mixed Exhibition A changing selection of paintings by predominantly ltalian artists. featuring still life. landscapes and figurative. yxith all Works for sale.
Harbour-Fife by Archie Dunb
58 Ratclifle Terrace. (i(i7 Who. Mott
9am 5pm; Tue I-‘ri t)ain opm; Sat
Illam 5pm.
Mixed Show l'ntil Tue 30 Apr. .-\ mixed shoW of limited edition prints and original paintings.
Alison Auldjo Wed I in RI May. ()riginal paintings.
l'niyersity of lidinburgh. South Bridge. 650221 I. Tue Sat ltlam 5pm.
D.O. Hill And The Art Of Portrait Photography t'ntil Sat IS May tt‘ppei- floor of the White (iallery ). l-‘oriiiing part of the national festiyal celebrating the bicentenary of l‘)th century Scottish pioneer of portrait photography. l)a\ id ()ctay‘ius llill. this exhibition documents how the medium of photography eyolyed. See rey‘ieyy'.
D.O. Hill: The Birth Of The Photographic Portrait Wed I May. 5. l 5pm. :\ tlisctlssiott of the Work of l).( ). Hill with Richard ()y'eiiden. director of collections at the t'niyersity of Iidinburgh. Lunchtime Tour Wed 8 May. lpm. A lunchtime tour of the I).().llill exhibition. Alan Shipway: Archangel I'ntil Sat IS May (White (iallery I. Abstract paintings by lidinburgh-based artist Alan Shipyyay alluding to art history. architecture and the continuity of modernism.
Alan Shipway Lunchtime Tour Wed 8 May. Ipiii. .-\ lunchtime tour of Alan Shipyy‘ay's exhibition of paintings.
Talbot Rice Gallery
TIIti UNIVERSITY n/‘tintsiititoii
()t.i) (‘oiiiaoii Sot in Bloom. lioist R(ilt IiIIS’ 9Y1.
Exhibitions I3 April - l8 May Tees - 89:: =0 - Son: Acnvssion Free
Archangel Paintings by Alan Shipway
The Art of Portrait Photography An exhibition celebrating the Bicentenary of D. O. Hill
round room
Installation of paintings oy Cnr.s::ne Goodman
D.O.Hill Lecture
Archangel/ D.O.Hill Lunchtime tour
94 THE LIST 7?) Apr T) May 2002
ar McIntosh on show at Open
lye Gallery
Christine Goodman t‘niil Sat IS May tround room i. Perth-based artist (‘hristine (ioodman creates an installation of paintings for the round room.
Artist’s Talk Wed I May. Ipiii. (‘hristine (ioodman talks about her \york currently
on shoyy in the round room.
So I)undas Street. 550 Moo. Mon l‘ri Ilaiii (iplit; Sat TILMJLIIII --lpm.
Ken Ferguson Sat 3" :\pt' Sat I I May. Recent paintings including mountain scenes by Ken l‘ct'gttsoii. Ni“... SI i()\.'.".
For further information call 52‘) .‘i‘BIl/RoS2 fora detailed itinerary. Message Sent l'ntil Tue 4 .ltiii. The Tray clliiig (iallery 's latest tour is a group shoyy of Work by artists \ylto explore \arious systems of commitiiication. l‘cattti'etl artists include Bewrley llootl. ('hristian Marclay. Jenny Hogarth. Judy Spark. Malcolm ltroyxn and Wi'apthcyyorld. The gallery \x ill be stopping off at Perth High Street Il‘i‘i 2o Apr. 2 Spmi; (‘entral Retail Park. l‘alkii‘k (Mon (i ty Tue 7 May. Illaiii Spmi and I‘alkirk ('ollcge tWed S May. ‘lam 4pm).
'l'raycrse 'l‘healrc. Ill (‘anibi'idge Street. 228 5383.
The Painted Dream t'ntil Sat IS May. Paintings by Hannah 'l‘racey.
to South l-‘ort Street. 47S 7Sltl. Mon Sat I lain II.«15pm: Stiii I23” I 1.45pm. Soul Reflections t'ntil Sat IS May. A collection of Works in mixed media by Subie ('oleman.
(formerly \lalcolm limes (iallery i. 4 l)undas Street. 55S 0544/5. Mon l'ii ltlam (ipm: Sal llani lpm.
Mixed Exhibition t'niiI Mon It) May. Sporting and natural history paintings.
Edinburgh Museums
This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh Life, page 99.
THE DRAWING ROOM GALLERY 2S ('liai'lotte Square. ladinbui'gli. 243 9305. Mon Sat Illain 5pm; Siiii
noon 5pm. l'iee. Not only the head otlice
for the National Trust for Scotland. 28 (‘harlotte Square also houses a permanent collection of 20th century Scottish paintings featuring Work by Peploe. Hunter and ('atlell. Displayed in a domestic setting. the Works are complemented by a collection of Regency furniture.
MUSEUM OF EDINBURGH tformei‘ly lluntly llotisei. I42 (‘anongate. 529-ll-13. Mon Sat ltlam 5pm.
The Toun’s Time t'ntil Sat 4 May. To celebrate tlte lstlth anniycrsary of the operation of the time ball on (‘alton llill's Nelson Monument. this exhibition looks at the my ention and features information of the ()ne ()‘(‘lock (iun. public and pillar clocks and other aspects of time around the toyy n.
MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND ('liambei's Street. 247 42 l‘). Mon Sat ltlam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm; Tue
l()ain Spin.
Relief And Revolution: The St Andrew’s Society Of Philadelphia t'ntil Stiii 3t) Jtiii 2002. This exhibition looks at Scottiin immigration to .\'orth America and the founding of the St Andrew 's Society of Philadelphia. set tip in I747 to care for the sick immigrant Scots.
\eyx‘hay en Harbour. SSI 4lo5. Mon Stiii noon 4.45pm.
They’re Handed Doon t’ntil Tue 3| Dec. .i\n exhibition looking at the history of the Paisley shayyl and their adoption by \eyyhayen Iishyyiyes.
PALACE OF HOLYROODHOUSE Royal Mile. 556 1096. Daily
9.30am 4.45pm. tofitlttlfitl £5): family ticket U650.
Golden Jubilee Stamp Exhibition Sat 27 Apr Sun 5 May. To celebrate the Queen's (iolden Jubilee. some of the World's rarest stamps from the Royal Philatelic ('ollcction Will be on shoyx at the special exhibition including the Penny Black arid the Mauritius 2nd Blue. NE‘NV SHOW.
53 High Street. Queenst'crry. 1M 5545. Mon. Thu. l’ri tx Sat Itlam lpiii &
2.l5 5pm; Stiii noon 5pm. l-‘ree.
Food For Thought A look at children's diet and eating habits over the pttst l5” years.
2 (‘hanibcrs Street. 247 42“). Mon Sat ltlam 5pm tTue Spmi; Stiii noon 5pm. l-‘ree.
Millennium Clock .\ chance to New Russian mechanical sculptor liduard Bcrsudsky ‘s millennium clock. a kinetic sculpture. measuring nine metres high. Textile Treasures: Caring For A Collection l‘ntil Mon (i May. A collection of litiropean \y all hangings and dccoratiye textiles spanning the l7th and lb'th centuries. The centrepiece of the exhibition is creyyelyxork hangings of ITI‘) \x ith the monogram of the Old Pretender. Other key exhibits include a ls'inghorne carpet made around M2” and too eiiibroideries dated to}? shoyy ing scenes from the late ()f'l'lit' lire/ii made for one of the ('atholic courtiers at ('harles l court. IASI (II IANCZI IO St E. Scottish Sports Hall Of Fame I'ntil Wed 3| .ltiI. .v\n exhibition highlighting the tilt) nominations for possible introduction into the first Scottish Sports Hall of l-‘ame at the Royal Mtiseiini. I‘rom noyy until .lune next year. \ isitors yy ill be my ited to nominate their on n choices xx hich \\ ill then be counted and submitted to a judging panel xx ho yy ill choose 5” of the Nation's fayoiti'itc sporting figures for inchision in the first ey er permanent Iiall of fame. You can also yotc on-line
xx xx ys.scottishsportshalloI‘I"