the artists including painting in body colour on vellum which was prevalent in the l6tli and 17th centuries. Part two examines the differing traditions of Scottish. Irish and English miniaturists as well as the contributions from France. Switzerland and the Low Countries.
Victoria Represented: The Virgin Queen Wed 8 May. l2.45pm. Free. Matthew Wellard gives a talk.
NETHERBOW ARTS CENTRE 43 «45 High Street. 556 9579. Mon~Sat l()am- 4.30pm.
Working With Oaxaca L'ntil Tue 30 Apr. An exhibition of photographs taken by the working children of Oaxaca, Mexico.
Sharing Will Save The World Wed l-Sat 25 May. A series of photographic panels representing themes of poverty. sharing. greed. service and human rights presented by Share International magazine. NEW SHOW.
l4 New Street. 558 7604. Mon—Sat
l lam—6.30pm. L'ntil late on Bongo Cltib nights.
Object! Thu 25 Apr-«Tue 2l May. An exhibition of 2D and 3D works that expose or illustrate human and environmental damage associated with global production. NEW SHOW.
21 St Leonard's Lane. 662 l(il2. Mon-Sat 10am—5pm; Sun noon «4pm. The A-Z Of Rugs L'iitil Sun 28 Apr. From chemical dyes to the intricate techniques involved. this exhibition unravels the mysteries of carpet making.
75-79 Cumberland Street. 557 1020. Mon-Fri 10am—6pm: Sat 10am-4pm. Archie Dunbar McIntosh RSW, RGI L'ntil Wed 8 May. Paintings. NEW SHOW.
Leaving The Isle L'ntil Wed 8 May. Paintings by David Scholield.
Mary Brown Lfntil Wed 8 May. New ceramics.
Catherine Hills L'ntil Wed 29 May. Jewellery.
l7—-l9 Barclay Place. 477 2933.
'I‘tie-— Sat l().3()am~-6.30pm.
Mixed Exhibition A changing selection of paintings including reproduction art — Van Gogh. Dali. Monet. Kandinsky. Miro — originals and work by up-and-coming local artists.
PATRIOTHALL GALLERY (WASPS) Patriothall Studios, off-18 Hamilton Place. 225 I289.
Eric Cruikshank and Kirsten Body L'ntil Stiii 28 Apr (open daily noon—6pm). A new series of drawings
the gallery
45 Market Street Edinburgh EH1 lDF
telephone: 0131-225 2383 facsimile:
0131-220 3130
and paintings by I’iric Cruikshank and Kirsten Body. LAST CHANCE TO SEE. The Art Of Being Human Sat 4 & Sun 5 May. I lam—4pm. Paintings by clairvoyant. palriiist and poet James Page.
43 Candlemaker Row. 220 I91 1. Book Clearance Thu 25—-Wed 27 Apr. Thu & Fri noon—5.30pm: Sat
1 lam—3pm. Art and photography books and catalogues at half price or less. PHOTO INTERIORS
25 Marchmont Crescent. 229 2063. Mon—Fri 9aiii~-5.3()pm; Sat l()am—2pm. Mixed Exhibition A photographic gallery and framing workshop featuring a range of framed mounted images with space for local photographers to show their work.
Aisha — Scot/85h ‘— Academy
"I ook" i)\ \Vllllt‘ Rodger, ARSA
Want - 3pm (Sun. 12 noon - Admission 5.2 till
Season L4 Schools free groups on application
Sponsored l)\
Maclay Murray @ Spens
\l(‘(llti sponsor Q'l‘lie lleraltl
lilt' Royal St ottisli ’\( .i(li‘lii\, l7 Waterloo Plat (‘. ltlinliiirgli llll iB( i. l(‘l. 1)] it 3’38 709,“. I -llldllfi inioiulrovalst ottisliat .itleriiyorg
\H‘lhllt' - vs \\ vs.rov.i|s( ottisliat
THE queen’s HALLS
Clerk Street. 667 7776. Mon—Sat l()aiii—5.3()pm.
Murray Neil Until Mon 29 Apr. Landscape paintings of Scotland. Italy. Spain and Portugal by Murray Neil. Gloria Wallington Mon 29 Apr—Mon 3 Jun. Landscape of ()rkney by Gloria Wallington. NEW SHOW.
l5 Rutland Square. 229 7545. Mon-«Fri 9am—5pm; Sat l()am—4pm.
Lochend Butterfly - Design Competition L'ntil Fri 3 May. An exhibition of the winning and commended schemes submitted for the I.ocheiid Butterfly ideas competition for Urban Sustainability. LAST CHANCE TO SEE. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Inverleith Row, 552 7l7l.
listings Art
0 Ruth Vollmer - Drawings And Sculpture l'ntil Stiii 5 May (Inverleitli IIouse: Mon & Wed Stiii
10.30am 5.3(lpiii). The lirst«e\ er l'K showing of drawings and sculpture by the late German-born artist Ruth Vollmer. Influenced by mathematical patterns in the natural world. Vollmer inspired the likes of Robert Smithson. Sol I.eWitt and Iiva Ilesse. \'ollmer was in her late 50s before she had her lirst one-person exhibition and before her success as a artist. she had worked on murals and window displays for Blooiiiingdales and 'I‘iffanys. See llitlist. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.
Ruth Vollmer Lecture Sat 27 Apr. 1» 4pm. £4 (£2). Advance booking necessary. call ()l3l 248 2983. Ann Reynolds gives a lecture on the work of Ruth Vollmer. followed by a panel
Auctioneers and Valuers
salerooms every month.
Monthly Sales of Art and Antiques at Bonhams Scotland
Bonhams Scotland holds sales of art and Antiques in their Edinburgh
We are looking for furniture, pictures, ceramics, silver, jewellery and works of art which could be included in these monthly sales.
For a free and confidential valuation of items which might be suitable for these sales, please contact your nearest branch.
65 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 21L Ailsae Stubbings -- 0131 225 2266
176 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow 62 556 Susan Bouwens - 0141 223 8866
new works of coritemporary art from scotland
Open Mon Sat llani 6pm Sun |2pni 5pm
AdllilSSlOll free
Supported by
Jerwood Charitable Foundation. the
8 June 2002
Jennifer Beattie Steven Duval Alex Frost
Kevm Hutcheson Andrew Kerr Scott Myles Michelle Naisniitli Fred Pedersen Alex Pollard Anna Ray
Scottish International Education Trust
and the Scottish Arts COtincil
Keith Thompson
25 Apr S) May 2002 THE LIST 93