Art listings

Edinburgh Galleries continued


‘) West Port. 22] ()237. Daily l lam- 7pm. Hanging And Flogging In The Grassmarket l'ntil Tue 3() Apr. An installation by arts group 360 degrees. Emily Mooney Wed l Tue 14 May. New work by self-taught artist limily Mooney. NEW SHOW.


45 Market Street. 225 2383. Mon Sat

l lattt 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

0 presence: New Works Of Contemporary Art From Scotland l'ntil Sat 8 Jun. Following on from the success of the Fruittnarket (iallery's exhi- bition Izvulutimt [m 'I (Iver l?! in 199‘). [H'l’St’Ilt'r' shows the work of eleven of the freshest young talents based in Scotland today. Artists include Jennifer Beattie. Steven Duval. Alex Frost. Kevin Hutcheson. Andrew Kerr. Scott Myles. Michelle Naismith. Fred Pederson. Alex Pollard. Anna Ray and Keith Thompson. See llitlist.


46a Raeburn Place. 315 2603. Mon Sat l(lam 5.30pm.

Spring Exhibition Featuring new stock including ('hinese furniture and artefacts pltls a new collection of jewellery designs.


lilm Row. Leith Walk. 3l7 393‘).

Mixed Exhibition l'ntil Sat 25 May. A tnixed show of work by local artists.


(iallery & Shop. 77 [)undas Street. 556 MW. Mon Fri lllam 6pm; Sat

Illam 5pm.

Crear l'ntil Tue 7 May. Paintings and pastels by Philip Archer. on the theme of remote houses and communities.


0 F

Mixed Exhibition Until Tue 7 May. A selection of Danish glass. wood turning. ceramics. jewellery and bronzes.


22a [)undas Street. 556 2l8l. Tue—Fri l().3()am—6pm; Sat l()am-4pm.

Spring Mixed Exhibition Until Sat 27 Apr. Annual spring exhibition featuring over 100 new work by over 40 gallery artists. The selection includes paintings. original prints. sculpture. ceramics. jewellery. wooden and Indian lacquered boxes.

Richard Aired - Recent Scottish Landscapes Sat 4—Sat 25 May. Pastel and watercolour studies of Scottish landscapes and coastal scenes by regular gallery exhibitor Richard Aired. NEW SHOW.

Spring Mixed Exhibition Part II Sat 4~Sat 25 May. Paintings. prints. ceramics. sculpture. jewellery and Russian craftwork by over twenty gallery artists from Scotland and abroad.


66 (‘umberland Street. 558 9872. Mon—Fri 10am—6pm; Sat l()am--ipm.

American Urban L'ntil Wed I May. Typically American scenes by two American artists Richard listes (born 1936 in Illinois) and Robert (‘ottingham (born I935. Brooklyn) who explored the notion of almost photographic reproduction via print. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


6 ('arlton Terrace. 556 «i441. Wed-~Sat 10am—5pm.

Ian Hamilton Finlay l'ntil Sat 27 Apr. A retrospective of printed works and postcards by Ian Hamilton Finlay. the poet. philosopher. artist and gardener who is best known for Little Sparta. a classical garden that he built in the midst of a bleak Scottish tnoor. Hamilton Finlay began publishing

23 March - 8 September 2002

City Art Centre 2 Market Street Edinburgh

Advance Tickets 0l3| 228 IISS

For further details call 0I3| $29 3993



92 THE LIST 25 Apr—9 May 2002

Oil on two boards by Eric Cruikshank at Patriothall Gallery

short stories. poetry and plays in 1958 and his first free-standing poems were shown in 1963. Working from within a classical tradition. he has made a series of Humuges to other artists and has made permanent landscape installations throughout liurope and America. LAST CHANCE TO SEE. Felim Egan Wed 8 May—Sat 8 Jun. lrish artist Felim ligan returns to the lngleby (iallery with an exhibition of abstract paintings and prints. inspired by the landscape of his home in Sandymount Strand on the edge of Dublin Bay. NEW SHOW.

INSTITUT FRANCAIS D’ECOSSE 13 Randolph Crescent. 225 5366. Mon-Fri 9.3(lant-—~5.3()pm; Sat l()am~ lpm. Litteratures Du Sud: The New Generation L'ntil Fri 26 Apr. A documentary exhibition introducing a new generation of French-speaking authors from the lndian ()cean. the Caribbean. black Africa. the Maghreb. the Pacific and France.

Constellations Mon 29 Apr- Sat 25 May. Black and white photographs of flowers by Paris-based artist filliott Brook.

K JACKSON’S PUBLIC HOUSE 40—44 Lady Lawson Street. 228 4284. For tnore information call ()7‘) 3927 4903. Isluvman L'ntil Fri 17 May. An exhibition of work by former associates of Manchester's migrant artist-initiative The Annual Programme. featuring work by Dave Alker. (iraham Parker. Dean Hughes. Martin Vincent. David Mackintosh. Jim Medway and Kristin Mojsiewicz.


65 The Shore. Leith. 553 5255. Tum-Fri

l lain ~5me Sat 1 lam—4pm.

Wit Without Words L'ntil Sat 4 May. Humorous works of art by various artists including paintings by Aliisa Hyslop. Steve Johnston. Diana Leslie. Graham H.D. McKean and Michael Ross. ceramics by Ayelet Lator. sculpture by Alan Faulds and jewellery by Alison (iollings.


87 Broughton Street. 558 8778.1‘ue~Sat

l lam ~6pm.

Mixed Exhibition This new gallery on Broughton Street. set up by the former owner of the Bellevue (iallery. (‘allum Buchanan. features a changing selection of paintings by 20th artists.


Belford Road. 624 6200 (recorded information 332 2266). Mon-Sat l()am—-5pm; Sun noon —5pm. Cafe. Frank Auerbach L'ntil Stm 12 May. Highlights from the critically acclaimed retrospective by Frank Auerbach. held recently at the Royal Academy of Arts in London. featuring fourteen paintings dating from the mid l‘)5()s to recently completed works. Renowned for his use of heavy oil paint which is scraped and daubed onto the picture surface. Auerbach repeatedly repaints the same composition

over several months or even years until he is satisfied that he has produced a ‘true expression' of his subject.

John Bellany At Sixty L'ntil Sun 23 Jtttt. Port Seaton-born artist John Bellany celebrates his 6()th birthday later this year. and to mark that occasion. the gallery presents an exhibition of his paintings. spanning his whole career. Highlights include Allvgmy. a three-panel painting made in 1964‘. My fill/10” and The Bereaved ()m' and Iingimu. Printmaking In Britain 1920-40 Mon 2‘) Apr. 12.45pm. Patrick lilliot discusses British printmaking from I920- ~10.


The Mound. 624 6200 (recorded information 332 2266). Mon Sat 10am-5pm: Stm noon --5pm.

Rosslyn: Country Of Painter And Poet Full] Sun 7 Jul. £3 (£2l. The first ever exhibition devoted to the Midlothian countryside location of Rosslyn. famous for its remarkable l4-l6 chapel. castle and glen which has been the inspiration for many artists and literary figures. The show features paintings. prints. drawings and images of the exquisitely carved ‘Apprentice's Pillar'. the foctts of one of the most enduring Masonic legends of Rosslyn. Landscape With Apollo And The Muses By Claude Lorrain Fri 26 Apr. l2.45pm. (‘olin (‘ruise from Staffordshire l'niversity gives a talk.

The Scotland Of Burns And Scott Part I Fri 3 May. l2.-i5pm. Free. Paul Scott gives a lecture on the work of Burns and Scott.

NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 62-1 62()() (recorded information 332 2266). Mon-Sat 10am—5pm; Sun noon 5pm. (’afe. Free. An Exile’s Eye: Photography By Wolfgang Suschitzky l'ntil Sun 1‘) May. Free. ()ver 40 photographs by the Austrian-born documentary filmmaker and photographer Wolfgang Stlscltiilky. Fleeing Austria in l‘)33 for Britain before travelling first to Holland. Stlschillky signed up in l‘)37 with Paul Rotha's Strand Film company. Making films for the Ministry of Information. some of his documentary films were shot in Scotland and in later years. he went on to work on a series of feature films including Ring Of Brie/11 lf'uli'r t [960). [interrupting .llr .S'lmm ll‘)7()l and (Ir! ('urlrr t l‘)7l ). This exhibition however. concentrates on his documentary photography which captures Britain between the 30s and the early 70s. Portrait Miniatures From The Dumas Egerton Collection l'ntil Sun l6 Jun. The second in a series of annual exhibitions exploring the world of the portrait miniature drawn from one of the most comprehensive private collections in the world. ()ver 7() works have been selected from the 5()() strong collection revealing the skill of this delicate artfortn. Divided into two parts. the first section looks at the different working methods of