works shown at 'I‘ransntission attd ltis residency at NIPCA iit llelsinki.
2S Kitig Street. 552 48 | 3. Tue Sat
1 lam—5pm.
Dragueur Wed l Sat 25 May. A grotip show of work by tltree American artists featuring paintings by l..A. based lidgar Bryan. collages by Ricltard Hawkins attd screenings of The Anita Pallcnberg Story. a \‘ltlL‘tt by laura (‘ottinghani (with Leslie Singer). NE‘W SHOW.
(>3 'l'rongate. 552 42(37.
Fieldwork t'ntil Hi 20 Apr. An exhibition documenting tlte I-"ie/tln-urk project where artist Louise ('raw ford aitd arcltitect lait .-\|exander of McKeown Alexander were commissioned to work for eigltt months to explore the issties that are central to redeyeloping the Merchant ('ity attd Trongate. An accompanying publication reflects their findings attd is ay'ailable front Visual Arts Projects MM] 552 (3563). To accompany l‘TU/(lll'nl'ls. a new neon installation is on View in Tontine Lane Pend. (ilasgow (toss and the Shopfront project (opposite Tontine Latte Pend). LAST CHANCE- TO SPF;
l8 Albioit Street. 552 2822. Mott l"ri |0am~ 5pm.
A Touch Of Glass Hi 20 Apr liri 31 May. Ait exhibition of glass work made by members of'l'rongate Sttidios. NEW SHOW.
I59 Bridgegate. 552 6040.
Ooh-er Missus! t'ntil Thu 20 Jtltl. l’rom l-‘rankie lloward to liric Morecambe. paintings of iconic figures by artist Jeremy Donald.
Glasgow Museums
This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Glasgow Life, page 97.
Argyle Street. Kely‘ingroy e. 287 2(y‘)(). Mon Tliti & Sat l0am 5pm; l’ri & Still I lam 5pm. (‘afe. l-‘ree.
A Kelvingrove Centenary l‘ntil Spring. A commetnoratiy e exhibition marking the centenary of the Art (iallery and Museum. Kely'ingroy'e. Endangered Wildlife t'ntil Autumn. Ait exhibition highlighting the endangered wildlife itt Scotland.
The Holocaust Artworks Of Marianne Grant l’niil 30 Jun. linduring occupation. forced labour and concentration camps. Prague-born Marianne (ii'aitt continued to paiitt and sketch what she saw around her. This llloy‘lllg exhibition of \lll'Vly iitg sketches and watercolours show daily life iit 'l'heresienstatlt ghetto. the dead iit Bergen-Belsen and sketches recording the Liberation by field Marshall Montgomery and the British forces.
Barras People l-‘ri 26 :\pl' Sun 30 Jtiit. A photographic sttidy of (ilasgow's famous ’liarras' market by Scottish photographer Martin (iray. The large-scale images featured iii the exhibition are part of a two-year study of the Barras by Gray and teley isioii producer liiona Wltite and a book is also planned to follow later iii the year.
The (loss. Kirkintilloch. 57S (ll44. Tue Sat l0am lpitt 6’; 2 5pm. Woodhead Art Club Sat 27 Apr Sat 25 May. Paintings by members of this local art club.
20(t0 Pollokshaws Road. 287 2550.
Mon Thu & Sat |0am 5pm: Fri & Stilt llani 5pm.
Treasures From The Store: 19th Century European Paintings t'ntil further notice. a new selection of oils is on display highlighting the range of Sir William litirrell’s taste.
Knights 8: Castles l'ittil Stiit 5 Jan. This exhibition explores the fascinating world of knights. castles. and mediey‘al life through a yariety of objects including tapestries. arms and armour and dress.
l'ppei' ('olquhotin Street. 0l43b 073000. Mon Stilt L30 5.30pm.
Inspirations l‘ntil Sun 27 Oct. (‘entenary e\hibition showcasing work front some of the great names in British domestic design. all of whom hay e been inspired by (‘ltarles Rennie Mackintosh.
HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER Bellahouston Park. It) l)untbreck Road. 3534773. |)aily 10am 5pm.
Tom Chambers l‘ntil Tue 7 May. Recent paintings by (ilasgow -based artist Tom (‘ltaiitbers
John Taylor Wed S May Sal S Jun. Paintings.
Kelyii‘. Hall. I Btirithotise Roatl. 2S7 2720. Mon Thu tk Sat l0am 5pm: l‘ri tk Stilt llam 5pm.
Fire! l‘ntil Thu 3| Oct. The history of lirelighting iii the west of Scotland is documented iii this exhibition.
lliglt Street. SS‘) 3l5 l. Tue Sat
|0am 5pm: Stiit 2 5pm. l’i'ee. Govancroft l'ntil Sun 2.x Apr. .«\ small display celebrating the late lamented pottery \lltlttled ill the east etld of ( ilasgoyy. Shoes l'ittil Stilt 2S Apr. l-‘rom Turkish slippers to stilettos. this fascinating e\hibition e\plores the world of shoes. featuring 50 pairs. some of w lticlt are artworks. complemented by items front the museuiit’s collection.
(ilasgow (ireeit. 5.54 0223. Mon Thtt tk Sat l0am 5pm: l-‘ri ts Stiii llant 5pm. Old Ways And New Directions l'ntil Autumn. An exhibition of historic mental health items collected by (ilasgow Mtisetiins since l‘)‘)5.
Glasgow Green Renewal t‘niil Sun 2 Jtiii. An exhibition highlighting the current project to renew and upgrade this popular (ilasgow landmark.
2(itlsllc Street. 553 2557. Mon ’l‘lltl tk Sat lllant 5pitt1l5ritk Stiit I lant 5pm.
In The Shade Of The Tree l'ntil Sun 23 Apr. Internationally renowned photographer Peter Sanders‘ photographic insight into the world of lslaitt.
lllll Sloltcross Road. 33‘) 003 l. l)aily l0am 5pm. £4.50 ( £3.25): accompanied children free.
Five Thousand Days At Sea An exhibition documenting her atlyeiittires on the liiglt seas between IS‘)7 and WI”. The Story Of Glenlee this new permanent e\hibition pt'oy ides an insight iitto w ltal life was what like for sea tra\ellcrs lll ISUo through a coittbinatioit of grapltic panels. audio trails and reconstructed areas.
Story In The Stones tl’tnnplinnse Main (iallery i. An exhibition looking at the impact of the industrial ages on (ilasgow harbour.
Morse And More (Ptimphotise Lower (iallery l. A hands-on e\hibition. aimed at children. looking at lltc world of contmtinicalioit.
Edinburgh Galleries
APEX INTERNATIONAL HOTEL 3| (irassittarket. 300 3456.
Beyond Conflict t'ntil Fri 10 May. An exhibition of work by Scottish artists reflecting themes of peace and reconciliation iii a collaboration between Aid International. the (‘otttittonwealth (iames (‘ouncil for Scotland and the l)emarco litiropean Art liotintlation as part of the (iamcs‘ Spirit of l‘rieittlship liestiy‘al.
(i l)uitdas Street. 557 4050. Mon Fri |0ant (1pm: Sat llaitt 2pm.
The Straithes Group Sat 27
Apr Sat lb’ May. Paintings by various artists including Laura Knight. llarold Knight. (.11. Mackie. l'i'etl Mayor aitd lleltl‘y Silkslone llopyy'ood. NEW SHOW.
l0 Royal Terrace. 556 l0l0. Mon Fri l0am (ipni; Sat by appointment. Mixed Exhibition l'ittil liri 3| May. Paintings from stock including works by (ieorge llottston. J.l). liergtisson. Maclattcltlan Milne and PW. Adam.
2 Market Street. 52‘) 3993. Mon. Tue. l-‘ri ts Sat |0am (tpnt: Wed & Thu
10am Spin; Sun ttoott 5pm. £6 (£4.50); family ticket L'l5.
OThe Art or Star Wars t'ntil sun S Sep. The only Scottish showing of this major touring exhibition which goes beltiittls the scenes to witness the creation of the storytelling. science-fic- tioti. film and entertainment phenome- non that is Stur Wars. The show features more than 200 origiital objects drawn from the arcltiy'es of (ieorge Lucas including original conceptual drawings of R2-I)2 aitd ('-3P( ). costumes for Luke Sky walker and |)artlt \'at|ar and artwork front the new lilnt Slur llill'y.‘ Iii/)LHHIU // xii/(It'k (II-'II/lt’ (i/Ulll'y which opens in May. See llitlist.
22 2S ('ockburit Street. 220 I260.
Wed Sat 10.30am 5pm; Stiit 3 5pm. Thomas Dale t'ittil Sttii 5 May. Playing with \‘lStlill trickery. Thomas l)a|e creates a series of installations for the gallery space including a large-scale door stop. a radiator attd a projection of curtain blowing it] the w itttl. See review. Lucy Levene - Come and be my Baby l‘ntil Stiii 5 May. Documentary photographs by Lucy Lcyeite taken at a nightclub on the Lothian Road.
(l-"ornwrly (iallery 4| l. 4| l)uitdas Street. 557 45(3‘). Mort l‘ri
|().30aitt 5.30pm; Sat l0.3()am 5pm. Sue Thomson and Ian Mastin l'ittil Wed | May. Recent paintings.
DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE 3 Home Terrace. 225 7|S‘). Mott l-‘ri l0attt 5pm.
Drawing The Line l‘ntil l‘ri 31 May. Organised by the [mint of l)aitish ('artoonists. an exhibition of work by Danish cartoonists.
Belford Road. (324 (t200 (recorded information 332 2266). Mon Sat l0ant 5pm: Stiii ttooit 5pm.
From The Colourists To The Blackout Sat 27 Apr Stiit l4 Jtil. A coiitprehensiy e stiry'ey of Scottisli art from |‘)()() |‘)40 featuring over ()0 paintings and drawings drawn mainly front the collection of the Royal Scottish Acatleitty. Artists include the Scottish ('olotirists. James (‘owie. Williant Straitg. .laittes (‘adenhead. Anne l-‘inlay and sculpture by Mary Plty llis Bone. Percy Portsitiotitlt and Toni Wltalen.
Ni \(V 8| l()\"V.
listings Art
Eduardo Paolozzi: Bunk! t’ntil Sun 29 Sep. Free. Paolozzi‘s suite of ' prints based on the images used in ltis lecture Bunk! at the l(‘A. London iit 1952 which celebrated popular culture. The RSA Diploma Paintings Mon 6 May. [2.45pm. Free. Joanna Soden. curator at the Royal Scottish 1 Academy gives a talk. 1
THE DI ROLLO GALLERY 27 Queensferry Street. 220 4 I50. i Mon-Sat 9.30am 5.30pm: Sun noon-4pm.
Recent Acquisitions .\ selection
of the gallery's recent purchases.
ll (iayfteld Square. 558 7| l0. Thtt Sat
1 lam-(3pm or by appointment.
Claire Barclay t'ntil Sat 35 May. Some reddish H'Ul'ls (/Ulll' u! nit-Iii is an . installation of drawings aitd sculptural works by Glasgow-based artist ('laire t Barclay in this her first solo show ill I Edinburgh. EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART I Latiriston Place. 22l (>000. Mon Thu l0am-—8pnt: liri I0am 5pm: Sat & Sttti ‘ l()am— 2pm.
Beautifulomo! tintil l’ri 3 May (Andrew (irant (iallery l. After three
days of photograplting litliitburgh
through the lens of a lonto camera. an exhibition of quirky snapshots by students and professionals on the theme of beauty. accompanied by walls front (ierntany. Atistria. Sw'it/erland. UK and the USA.
EDINBURGH GALLERY ; 20a l)uitdas Street. 557 5002. Mon iii l0ain—5pin; Sat l0;tlll~lpm. Mixed Exhibition Until Sat 27 Apr. The lidinbtirgh (iallery tiioy'es iitto its new permanent home with an
exhibition of paintings by Jade Stout. ('olin Park aitd liwa lreita Polaitek. Howard Coles Thu 2 Tue 2| May. Paintings.
EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 23 Union Street. 557 247‘). Tue— Sat 10am—6pm.
Stuart Duffin - Street Of Prophets Until Sat 25 May. Mel/.otints. etchings and oils by Stuart l)uflin. inspired by the artist‘s residency iii the Jerusalem Print Workshop.
New Screen Prints l7ntil Sat 25 May. Sereenprints by Jenny Martin. limin (iillntor. Susie Reade and Kelly Stewart.
Dreaming Of Jerusalem Thu 2 May. 7pm. Stuart l)uflin presents a cross-media collaboration for string quartet. photography and ambient sotiitd as part of his artist talk.
l‘) St Leonard‘s Lane. 662 0040.
Mon ~Thu 10.30am 3.30pm; l"ri 10.30am 2.30pm; Sat l().3()am-4pnt. have you ever thought? Until Stiit 26 May. l-‘acilitatetl by the Royal lidinburgh llospital art's team. DART. an exhibition of works by David Peacock who suffers from autism and artist Samantha litheridge.
THE FILMHOUSE CAFE BAR SS Lotltian Road. 228 2688. Daily l0am- |()pm.
Toto l'ntil Sat 4 May. Posters aitd photographs.
In The Midst Sat 4 May Sat l Jtiii. Aspects of (‘aitadian land by photographers Ryan Lower and Neil Sltirreff.
3.5 Williaitt Street. 225 2|‘)(t. Tue l-‘ri
l laitt 5pm; Sat l laitt 2pm.
David Cook Thu 2 May Sat 1 Jtitt. ('oastal landscape paintings of the North liast of Scotlaitd by I)ay'id (‘ook. NEW SHOW.
2:3 Apt 0 May .7001) THE LIST 91