mix of hip hop. house. funk and disco. And don’t forget the big ()utliouse BBQ before hand. yum. yum.

I Taste at the Liquid Room.

1 lpm- 3am. £ If) (£6). 28 Apr only. The capital's infamoUs Sunday night session continues apace. Fisher (8; Price supply a progressive mix of house and garage in the main room while Maitin Valentine wows the mixed/gay crowd with his funky US house gems through the back. With special guest Alex Anderson from the Gallery in London popping in to keep you on your toes.

Chart & Party

I "31' at Cavendish. l()pm 3am. £3

(£l ). Weekly. Mainstream chan and party classics at a night whose acronymic moniker stands for ‘Alcohol Replacement Therapy". Which would work if ‘alcohol' started with an ‘h'.

I Sln at the Ark. l()pm 3am. £2 (£1 ). Weekly. (‘han and party tunes from D] John. plus boo/e at sweet shop prices.

I Sundazed at Subway West lind. 9pm-3am. £2 (£1 ). Weekly. ('heap drinks promos and chart tunes provide a debauched climax to the weekend.

Edinburgh Mondays


I Beluga at Beluga Bar & ('anteen Restaurant. Xpinr lam. Free. Weekly. Soul jazz loungin' with l)om Flanagan (2‘) May). followed by chilled out deep house and soulful garage with Anthony Small (6 May).

I Quality Control at the Meadows Bar. 9pm~ lam. Free. Weekly. ()ff—kilter hip hop. breaks and beats with the inventive lot that run the Quality (‘ontrol radio show on Fresh Air FM.

I UrbannHangSuite at Baiin l'K.

l lpin--3ani. Free. Weekly. See Fri.


I C.c. Blooms at ('.(‘.Blooiiis. 10.30pm -3am. Free. Weekly. Things mellow out (or so they claim) at this gay club. with an upbeat disco selection.

I Metro at Po Na Na. I lpiii - 3am. Free. Weekly. I)J Roddy Mac mixes up 80s classics. filthy disco and house.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. l()pm -3am. £3. Weekly. Harry Lets (io and DJ Fabuloz with R&B classics.

I Spanish Pub Night at H Barrio. l()pm 3am. Free. Weekly. A right old knees-up for the Spanish and Spanish- loving community hosted by I)Js Felix and lidu and featuring flaiiieiiquito straight through to Hispanic chart hits. I Vod: Bull at the Liquid Room. l()pm- 3am. £4. Weekly. Students love this all-new hip hop hootenanny. hosted by Lyley (Scratch) and boasting absurdly cheap drinks promos all night long.

Chart & Party

I Decadence at Revolution. 10.30pm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. [)epraved dancefloor decadence at this capacity student night.

I Funny Farm at Subway West lind. 7pm 3am. £l (Free with flyer). Weekly. l)r Shock Jock administers his music therapy to the freaks. Funny features also include electric shock chairs and a giant Operation game.

I Tentastic at (iaia. l()pm 3am. £l(). Weekly. Pay £10 on the door and get uniirnited drinking at the bar. This frankly insane facility (bearing in mind it‘s the beginning of the week) will be complemented by a suitably crass chart and party selection.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


I Beluga at Beluga Bar & ('anteen Restaurant. 8pm lam. Free. Weekly. Big Beat l)Js Simon Hodge and Stuart

Bennet spin jazz funk classics from across the decades.

I Caramel at Rtisli. 0pm 1am. Free. Weekly. l)J (‘l’R mainlines the freak fttiik. with cocktails at happy hour prices all night long.

I Flowin’ at Bani Boti. 9pm lain. Free. Weekly. JP and P Sty'l/ provide more bounce to the ounce with their weekly fix of soulful to scratchy hip hop Lilltl

I Immersed in Music at l’ivo (‘zil'l‘e. 9pm lam. Free. Weekly. Oh and cheeky ‘Monkey Boy" .Mark lidniondson play Afro-Caribbean. funky phatback grooves. I UrbannHangSuite at Baiin l‘K.

l lpiii 3am. Free. Weekly. See Fri.


I Blow at Bongo (‘lub. l()pm 3am. £4 (£3). 7 May. A blazing night of drum 8; bass. hip hop. reggae and dtib ctits.

I Come Correct at ()pium.

l()pm 3am. Free. Weekly. The iiti metal theme bar takes a break from the norm. showcasing underground [S and [K hip hop with l)JRC(l() (Iil Segundo). GDogma Beltane Special at Studio 24. 10.30pm 5am. £8 (£6). 3() Apr. Two floors of techno. filthy electro and deep house madness to match the insanity of events tip (‘alton llill. well running around naked painted red is not exactly sane is it now. And if that weren't enough there's a live set of hard- ass techno from 'l'resor's lloly (ihost including their whole lloorshow. So if the fire festival itself didn't warp your mind surely this extravagaii/a will (in a good way we hasten to add).

I Livin It Up at F.l Barrio. 9pm lam. Free. Weekly. Smooth urban grooves (for this. read hip hop. R&B and street soul) at this all-new session hosted by 1)] Bayo and guests.

I Motherfunk at the Honeycomb. l().3()pm 3am. Free. Weekly. Messrs (iino. Fryer and Spectrum freak the funk fantastic at their consistently rammed night of classics old and new. .\'ew York's Matt ‘Mr Fine Wine' Weingarden digs otit the ftiiik from his record cellar (3() Apr).

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. l()pm 3am. £3. Weekly. Ftiiiked tip vocal house and classic disco from Paul Finlayson.

I Relief at Bongo (‘lub 10.30pm 3am. £4. 3() Apr only. Richie Rufftone mans the decks at this night of hip hop and drum 84; bass shenanigans. Joining Mr Rufftone is fellow hip hop chappie Demon and drum & bass gee/ers ()mnibeast and Silverback. making that choice fora Beltane clubbing after party

jtist that wee bit more difficult. ()h and its

fora good cause an' all: the H.F..l..l’. project in Malawi.

I Strictly Rythmn at Ft) .\'a Na. l()pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. l)Js llenriques and Innovator supply the R&B. hip hop and live percussion. Free mix tapes and pri/es all night throughout the night.

I Vibe at ligo. l lpiii 3am. £2. 3() Apr (Q 7 May. Fortnightly. With James Longworth. the Dancing Stud Muffins and the Singing llairy Bloke. Sounds like a normal night round my flat.

I Wax Factor at the Liquid Room. l().3()pm 3am. Free. Weekly. All new weekly session showcasing breaks. hip hop and ftiiik with residents Smokey & The Bandit. The Sqtialor Show and (iav Anderson.

Chart & Party

I Fairy Liquid at l.oca.

l().3()pm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. linniensely' popular gay night featuring uplifting commercial chart and dance. with heavy bias on disco.

I Jackass at Subway West lind.

7pm 3am. £2 (£l ). Weekly. A night of shameless ftiii and games. including ‘fiiid the prize in a bowl of maggots‘.



a. r,’§;;. . :‘f ’Ofi‘oe"

"stir 9:; Clubs

Po Na Na, Edinburgh, Thu 25 Apr & 9 May

Scratch Perverts play the second Hedflux of the fortnight

A couple of years ago people started claiming Thursday was the new I llt l;r,. Unfortunately. Edinburgh's cluh promoters missed the haiidv-xagon and. ‘.'.llt:.l you take the mighty Snatch Clul) out of the reckoning (and you probably a" i. ,t ;:.l for reasons of taste alone). Thursday nights can look a little hare. especiail; on the guest front. With the Seratch Perverts. Norman .Jay and 0.) food t:i.<-.i' lit) 1. .. future dates. new night Hedlfux looks like it could fill things up nicely.

The night started lll Oxford last year at Po Na Na's ~- a chain lietter lxll.;.‘.ll f. ,: mainstream pop than for quality boogie music. But according to promoter l).f.t.’ Gay/don. the group were attracted to Hedflux precisely because ll was a ll: “e underground night. And it's been so successful tha it's nova running at ‘.t:l .v it: around the country. ‘We've just started it in Reading and that’s a teats; ltlli on party' says Gaydon. ‘Thal's what we're aiming for. the ‘.‘.’ll()l(; place gtiiijiii :g l‘.

a liar atmosphere. Vvv’e're getting in Dds vii/ho play eclectic sets. so i:-;


not hear much that they know. but they will hear something that)! open their


With that (llll‘ in mind. he's recruited Bentley Rhythn‘ Ace tc «ck of? proceedings. lv‘iike Stokes and Rich Marsh enjoyed chart success lf‘ the Life {ids when big heat was heading tov'rards its short-lived peak and gathered a fair fec.’ column inches for their comedy l)()ll£l\.’l()tlr. Fatherhood may liaxe ca n~e.l if it: pm down a little. but if Stokes form over this inten'iew —- during ‘.'.l‘..t‘.ll he enjo, s a quick kickal)out and expounds on his ‘."‘.’(lV(3flllg support for Blflllil‘tlilélll‘ l adios FC is anything to go by. they're not taking things too seriousa. J-ust yet.

‘We play good tunes tunes. all the styles.’ he says. ‘We've got this lt’:t.\)l(l :,l ..,p by us in Birmingham and we always pop by and listen to tunes on the docks at ..i use it a hit like a lilirary. So we've got loads of records but don't lsl‘.<).'. what an; of them are called. It's like: "Oh that one. yeah. the one with tne green Si::(?‘.tf.m

(James Smart)

I Shagtag at (iaia. l()pm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. Alcohol-fuelled flirting (aided and abetted by drinks promos) via the infamous number-based introductions system.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


I Beluga at Beluga Bar ck (‘anteen Restaurant. Spin lam. Free. Weekly. Bob (‘airiis and l)oni Flanagan select the best in global ja// grooves for the local drinking hordes.

I Excursions at Iguana. 9pm lain. Free. Weekly. Weekly. Rotational residents (i—Mac (Manga). (iary Mac (Sublime). (‘olin Millar and Adam Bray (lleadspiii) demonstrate their ania/ing tlL‘L‘kle‘t‘iCul versatility ill the lieltls til~ drum & bass. hip hop. ftiiik and breaks. I Smirnoff Experience at lluiiiaii Bc-In. Upni lani. Free. Weekly. lidiiiburgh‘s tip-aiid-coniing deep house l)Js Lena and Jamie Buchanan man the th)\.

I Together at Bani Bou. ‘Jplll lam. Free. Weekly. Bass buggin‘. dirty discoid funk with your hosts (irant Macdoiiald and Alan l’aul (Mti/iki/tiiii).

I UrbannHangSuite at Baiiii Us”. l lpiii 3am. Free. Weekly. See Fri.



I 30 at Bongo ('lub. ‘).3()piii 3am. £5. 1 May only. A night to raise awareness for asylum seekers rights organised by l-‘i‘ecgual and l'nited ('reatioiis. Btit this ain't no po faced charity event: Alan .on (Joy ). (iary' Mac (Sublime) and Matcliu l’eachti bring the tribal beats as well as African drumming and dancing troupe .\'ju/u.

I Indigo at Bongo ('lub. 9.30pm. £5 (£4). ti May. Live jal/ and funk into the wee small hours.

I Kerosene (K2) at Studio 34.

l lpiii 3am. £|.5(). Weekly. Increasingly popular alternative night in which I eat. Wally. lgy and Doug play death. doom. heavy metal and extreme tunes.

I La Boum! at Bongo ('lub.

9pm 3am. £5. 8 May only. Maiiielodi attd l).l ()li lay down the worldvv idc roots. folk. ftiiik. African dance and drumming.

I Low Gravity at the Liquid Room. l().3()piii 3am. £3 (£2); free to Sublime members). Weekly. All new night geared towards turning the iiiid--week messy w itli iiu-skool breaks and cheap home. It's a heady combo and it comes courtesy of Felix and Beaiiy. the back room boys from Sublime. Please note that Layo & Btisliwacka will guest on S Mav.

.‘f'v ‘,\[\t {3 lgl‘g, .3

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