Clubs 'lSli'tC]?
Edinburgh Saturdays continued
I Luscious at (‘ltih .laya. ‘lpm 3am. U“. -I May. Fortnightly. Funky t'S house night hosted hy residents [)1 Stuart l’urdie atid .\'eil ('rookston but seeing that its their lil'sl l‘lllltdtl} its time to wheel Uttl the l‘lg guns in the shape ofJim ‘Shaft' Ryan. Bound to be ‘huge' as the kids are fond of saying tsorty no free eahs this fortnigltt thought.
I Luvely at the Liquid Roont.
ltt. itlptn 3am. £12 (£l()). 4 May. Monthly. .\ sauey soit'ee. geared towards a gay/tuned erow d and featuring a musie poliey of full-on. driy iitg house.
I The Mambo Club at Matnho (’ltih. lttpnt 3am. £5 tut. Weekly. See Fri.
I May The Fourth Be With You at the Honey eomh. l()fitlpm 3am. U». 4 .May. Bad ptiits aside tRiehard Whitely would he piottdt. tltis promises a night of booty shaking house from George T and .\'ieki F in the front room with a spanking seleetion of ltntk. diseo and ltip ltop traeks from the Spaee l‘aee erew in the haek roont.
I Messenger Sound System at Bongo ('luh. llpm 3am. £.\‘. 2"“ Apr. l'oitnightly. Bass of bowel-shifting proportions as tlte tnighty Messenger Sound System hlasts otit tlte best in righteous ioots aitd duh reggae. With special guests the l)iseiples. tlte l'K'S piemier duh studio. _
U Mischief at the \enue. 10.30pm 3am. £l() plus booking fee. 27 Apr. Monthly. Massiye three-storey drum tk bass and hip hop session in assoeiation with Iri/t'l't‘r-lt and Wireless Nation. Drum A; hass aetion ttoin old skool hero lumping Jaek Frost. li..\'.().. l).l \ader and M(‘s Fatman l) and 'l'onn l‘tper toeking the Reload floor.
W ltile low life Reeords take oy er tlte Bodytoek arena with Brainta\. Mystro. .lehst. llain l.o\e. Ritehie Rufftone and l)up.tsty les. While downstairs. things get a hit mellow er with duh and ragga from A] and the .\tlthassadot'.
I Opal Lounge at ()pal l.ounge.
ltlptu .iatlt. £5. Weekly. l)a\e Slteddett with his lttl\ ofdiseo and funky house‘l\\.
I Opium at ()pitnn. l()pm 3am. Free. Weekly. Roek. nu titetal and altetnatiye/indie.
I Oxygen at (‘luh .laya. ()pm 2am. £ If) (LXI. 2" Apr. Monthly. llard house night
w itlt Sarah (i and Dow/er also offering a free tasi sery tee. whereby four paying eustontei‘s ean elaim haek tip to £4 at the door \\ ith a \alid ta\i reeeipt.
Ci Phosphorescence at the Venue.
ltt. illpttt Rant. L7". 4 May only. last night ey er for this psyehedehe tranee eluh hosted by the resident l)_ls tl’agan. (‘harlie Monroe. llohhes and 'l'otntg 'n (irooyei. httt unlottunately. as they say. all good things must end.
Back of A List card
I Saturday Club at til Barrio. 8pm. £4 tfree before £l lpmi. Weekly. l.atino ehart and party tunes front 1)] lleetor.
I Tease Age at (‘itrus (‘tuh
llpttt 3am. £5. Weekly. Now going into its tenth year. this indie stalwart featttring sw ingittg (ills hits to haggy Manehester tunes eontinues to draw a paeked and sweaty erow d week in. week otit.
I The Egg at Wee Red littt‘.
llpm 3am. £4 t£3.5()i. Weekly. Still the best mi\ of indie. (ttls garage. nortltern soul and ska soundtraeks you're likely to stagger aeross.
I Vegas at ligo. l()fitlpm 3am. £0 (£7 in faney dressi. 4 May. Monthly. llep daddy swing. eountry elassies arid slea/y listening with yottr high-kieking hosts Frankie Sttntatra. Btigsy Seagull. l)ino Martitti arid the stunning Vegas show girls. And do try to tnake an effort with the faney dress eode. eh'.’ This is Vegas. not lit‘os/lilite.
I X Live (XL) at Bongo ('ltth.
l lpm 3am. £7.50. 4 May. Monthly. l'rhan heats ‘n' breaks night that eontinties to ‘.\'l .' in eluhland thanks to a eraeking line~up of loeal and international
talent and the resident hand Ytish 2ls
Chart & Party
I Escape To Time at Time. 10.30pm 3am. £(t t £5 l. Weekly. A \ertieally ehallenged man plays eommereial ehart and danee. ()\ er 2 l s only.
ur pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh
This pass entitles you to a discount (stated in the Club Listings) at the clubs listed on the front of this card. You can use this pass
want in the two weeks it’s valid and when this one runs out, you can get a brand new card in the next issue.
as many times as you
Valid from: 25/04/02
Until: 8/05/02
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84 THE LIST 2:3 Apr 9 iVlély 2H,?
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I Fire Saturdays at Babylon. l().3t)pm 3am. £the. Weekly. Ilot ehart aetion at this all-new Venue.
I Fusion at Majestic. 5 0pm. £2 £4. Weekly. Danee musie and R&B at this under lb’s night.
I Kick at l.oea. l()pm 3am. £2 before midnight; (£4 after). Weekly. See Fri.
I Saturday Sensation at Cavendish. l()pm 3am. £6. Weekly. 70s. 80s and ‘)()s tunes for the sensible adults w ho refuse to haye their eyenings spoilt hy irritating teenage beer monsters. ()yer 25s only.
I Subway Lottery at Stibway West lind. 7pm 3am. £3 (£l ). Weekly. ('ltibbing’s often like a lottery. iit that you're ney er quite sure if you’ll get a
w inner or a sltit night out. This elub features a lottery numbers game with big. big pri/es tip for grabs.
I Weekender at the Ark. l()pm 3am. £(i (£5 l. Weekly. I)anee and party tunes at this eapaeity night.
Edinburgh Sundays
I Anthropology at Bani Bou.
9pm lam. Free. Weekly. A seientitie study of htttnatt beings and their way of life pltts a relased seleetion from l)JRed(i‘sja// eolleetion at this opulent ()riental style bar. Seleeted drinks promos.
I Beluga at Beluga Bar & ('anteen Restaurant. 8pm lam. Free. Weekly. Sotil ja/l frotn the past four decades with (ieorge Reid and guests.
I F.S.O.D. at l’iyo ('affe 3.
9pm tnidnight. Free. Weekly. Sunday session with a seleetion of I)Js and tunes. I I Love Music at ()pal Lounge.
Hoot] 3am. £3 (Free). Weekly. (‘oltn ('ottk it‘ltragrooyei hosts an all-day session featuring guest l)Js attd a plethora of musieal styles ineluding house. l.atin. lit/l) grooy es. disco and R&B.
I Immersed In Music at l’iyo ('affe. 9pm 3am. Free. Weekly. Front ehilled-out to w haeked-ottt. Sky walker and Solo span the musieal speetrum at this all-new Sunday soeial.
I Motherfunk Evening Sessions at l’opRokit. ‘lpltt lant. Free. Weekly. Solid soul and frisky ftittk from (iitto. Fry er and Speetrum tMotherfunk l.
I Opal Lounge at ()pal lounge.
noon 3am. Free. Weekly. (‘olin (‘ook tt'ltragrooyet sings for his supper tand indeed ltis breakfast. luneh and tea) at this all-day session of quality house musie.
I Smirnoff Experience at till I.
9pm latit. Free. 23 Apr only. llousey. housey aetion from (‘olours' John Maneini.
. ‘ ,7. ‘ Osunlade at Audio Deluxe, Sat 27 Ap
I Smokey & The Bandit at (‘ity (‘afe. 9pm lam. Free. Weekly. All-new pre-elub session featuring dirty house and eheeky breaks and beats with Smokey and his trUsty Bandit.
I 2 Urban at Q Bar. ()pm- lam. Free. Weekly. DJ Fabuloz drops the latest pressings and jams from the hot and jiggy world of R&B.
I UrbannflangSuite at Bann t'K.
l lpm 3am. Free. Weekly. See Fri.
I Blitz at Studio 24. l().3()pm 3am. £5 (£3). 28 Apr. Monthly. l.’plifting to hard- driying (ierman tranee eare of the resident I)]s l)oe. Strax. Kamikaze and Andy T. I Celsius at tigo. 10.30pm 3am. £l(). 5 .May. I-"ortnightly. All new gay night boasting a hard danee/progressiye hose musie policy and guest aetion from leading London nights: Fey'ah. Fahrenheit and lleayen.
I Chocolate Sundae at Peppermint Lounge. l()pm 3am. £4 (£3 before midnight). Weekly. Fortnightly. (‘ommereial R&B and hip hop with DJ Paul ‘Foxy’ Fox. Dress stylish.
I Deebo at Po .\'a Na. l lpm 3am. Free. Weekly. 1)] Wa/Io supplies a spangly seleetion of sexy. diseo house and uplifting t'S garage.
I DKY at Studio 2-1. I lpnt 3am. £2 t£l.5()t. Weekly. I)KY strides eonlidently into its third year with resident I).|s Jordi. (iareth and Date playing roek. goth. metal. industrial and punk. Theme nights and free gifts eombine to keep things interesting. week in. week out.
I Kayos at ()pium. l().3()pm 3am. Free. Weekly. Another example of wilful mis- spelling tno doubt the nu-ntetal kids love it) at this righteous roek night spanning early works to tnodern masterpieees.
G Madlib and Peanut Butter Wolf at La Belle Angele. l()pm 3am. £l(). 28 Apr only. Full on night of turntahle triekery. taking hip hop in diree- tions yoti'ye neyer heard before. Part of Irip'lyr‘li. Please note (‘annibal ()x who were originally booked to appear can‘t make tonight’s date.
0 Metalheadz M0202 at the Liquid Room. l()pm 3am. £l() £12. 5 May only. The first port of call for any serious drum 6:; bass head as seminal reeord label Metalhead/ hits the eapital with I)oe Seott and M(‘ Rage. With a bit of help from their friends Manga’s DJ Kid. (i2Mae and the (ieneral. Also wateh out for (ioldie in June.
I Mode Organic at (‘itrtis (‘lub.
l lpnt 3am. £2. Weekly. A sweet mix of ska. soul. funk. mod attd freakbeat at this long-running (and now weekly) ()(lS soiree.
I Nova at lloneyeomb. 10.30pm 3am. £3. 5 May. ()pening night of this Suday session at the lloneyeomb with residents Ross Keddie. Stuart ('ross. Jamie Buehanan and house musie all night long. I Pimp at (‘ayendish l lpm 3am. £3 (£2 t. Weekly. All-new night of hip hop and R& B. seryed up a treat by Big lil and a supporting east of thousands.
0 Richie Hawtin and Luke Slater at the Venue. l lpm. £l(). 28 Apr only.
l.i\ e set from Slater's new eleetro diree- tion while llawtin presents his Final Serateh minimalist teehno thingamajig. haeked up by Brainstorm and Rob Dylan on DJ duties. Part of {rt/flyr‘lt. Sn' pre- t‘fl'tt' for Riv/tie Huan and feature/Ur I.I(/s‘(' S/ult'r.
I Tackno at (’lth Mereado.
10.30pm 3am. £6 (£4). 28 Apr. Monthly. Party anthems all night long as queen of kitseh. 'l'rendy Wendy. hosts Toupe 'l'aekno. I-in‘ this date only. ‘xI-Ijs'l'r‘unl Ito/den gel [2 ofllnf/im' midnight.
I Taste and Space Face at tigo. l()pm 3am. £l() (£6). 5 May only. More Sunday may ltetn as progressive house httds l‘iisltet' & l’riee team up with the Spaee Faee massiye (Andy Williams and Seott Ferguson to their mums) and their