I Lube at the Venue. lt).3()pni 3am. £8 (£6). It) May. Monthly. The heated \C\\It)ll ol hard. uplil‘ting hoth and Iilthy trance relocate\ to the Venue to ll()\l ll\ regular monthly residency. Special guest (ieorge ‘(ll" Paterson joins the residents. I Lush at ligo. l(l.3()pm 3am. £thc. 26 .\pr. .\lonthly. Resident l)J\ Dale and (‘raig play pop hits and commercial house classics tor a gay /nii\ed croyyd. lo hecoine a l.u\h memher. \ign on at yy\yyy.cluhluxhcouk.

I The Mambo Club at .\lamho (‘liih I()pni 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. 'l‘he highly respected IIII\ oI' reggae. ragga. Rth. rap atid hip hop continues to he one (it the strongest nights to) music (it hlack origin in toyy n.

I Modern Lovers at I-igo. I Ipiii 3am. £4. 3 .\lay. .\lonthly. .»\ xyyinging Ilii\ ol rare \otll. Hammond lit/l and Ireakheatx galore.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge.

lllpin 3am. £5. Weekly. l‘unked up yoeal house \y ith a xiiiattei'ing oI' dixeo lt‘oIII .\like 'l‘liornton.

I Opium at ()pium. lI).3()pm 3am. l'AI‘L‘e. Weekly. Rock. IItI—ttielttl and alternatiye/indie.

I Planet Earth at ('itrux ('luh. l().3()piii 3am. £5. Weekly. The yaried

y ixual and muxical delightx ol' the 7i)\ and SUM \\ illt \oine \lt‘e\\ laid on the e\p|oit\ (it early 8le electro artixtx. .\'o \Illokllig at the liar pleaxe.

0Radio Babylon at l.a Belle :\ngelc. 10.30pm 3am. £8. 3 .\lay. .\lonthly. Alter a blinding liaxter \pecial the Radio

Bahy loii hoy \ (not Iorgelting the delec- tahle .\lixx l’enny l’ornxtar ol courxct keep up the momentum as the Mary l’rankxterx and lll'IIiIhlol’III \yelcome S l l’uturex (aka l.ondon l'ndergrouinl li\ated techno hod SI Begg) lot It lI\L‘ \L‘l ol' digi- tal Ireakery.

I Roadblock at l’o .\'a .\'a. l lpiii 3am. £3. Weekly. Meet l" stops the Baltic in had IIIlI\iL‘ \y hen \he digs tip the best in lunk. disco. lioth and hlock t‘oekitr liettlx.

I Salsa Con Sabor at I-LI Barrio.

()l‘In 3am. £4 (l'ree licl'oi'c l lpni). Io :\Pr. llot. hot. hot salsa and l.atin \otItId\ Iron) 1)] “cum and .\ano.

I Sublime at lloney comh.

lt).3()piii 3am. £l() (£8). 26 .\pr. l-‘ortnightly. 'l'he techirance night that liyex tip to its name yyelcomex l)J Remy. Suhliiiie‘x third Scollixh excluxiye this year alotic. lloyy do thexe lcllax do it'.’ .\th \upported hy resident ldge. .\iid there’s (to letting up ;I\ ()liy er l.ieh guests it) [no \yeekx Iinte ( Ill .\lay I. /'i))' 3/) .\pr (lute (HI/I. '.'l-l.i\I'(‘rml lin/i/ery get 1.3 of] (low price until limi.

QTrouble At The Blue Note at the Beat Jal/ Baxenient. l()_3()pin 3am.

£3 £4 (tree helore lllpm). Weekly. .r\ll- neyy improy ixed iaH 'ILIIII \ponxot'ed hy the legendary Blue .\ote Recordx. 'l‘lII\ I'ortnight \y e hay e \tttoky grooyex and tl()\\ll tempo electronica I'rom l’enetik Records (a Sonia ollxliooti Sideyy inder (lo .\pr). While ()uantic ('l‘i'u 'l'houghtx) emliracex 'l'rouhle’y l'reexty le ethic as he ititih yy ith liye hraxx and perettxxion (3 .\lay ).

I UTI presents: manna at Wee Red Bar. l lpm 3am. £8 (£5). 30 .-\pi'. .\lonthly. l'nderground techno night Icaturing resident l).l\ Seiiiai. .lohnny ()h? and 'lot'ntod .\lor plus guext 1).! Dan .\lot)o\.

I Woman’s Own ai (‘luh Jaya.

lilpiii 3am. £5 hel'ore midnight; £7 alter. 3 .\lay. .\lonthly. Brand new l'iiiiky to progrexxiye house night catering Ior women only. Resident l)J Ro/ lio\l\ the launch night along yyith guest l).l l.auren and Ior all yoti la/y girls. there\ a tree taxi \ery ice laid on. Simply arriy e at the club yy ith Iour other people and a ta\i receipt and your tare (minimum L‘llllllh £5) W ill he l'L'l-lllltlL‘tl (II the door.

I Work at ligo, llpii) 3am. £8 (£(i). 3 .\lay. .\lonthly. l‘uiiky house I'roin l’ete (Men and Bret King.

Chart & Party

I Canned Heat at (iaia. lllpin 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. l)l llarry let's (io (Boomhm) lay x on the pop and partied up Iunk. disco and liottxe tunes. Plus 1)] l-‘ahulo/ upstairs in the lounge yy ith the latest Rth. hip hop and ragga.

I Cross Town Traffic at (’luh .laya. 0.30pm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. (‘heexy chart and dance \y ith l).l .-\me\.

I Friday Funkin’ ai llIe .\rk.

lllpin 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. Yoii'yc \yorked hard. noyy \trut your Iunky \lttll like there's no lotiiot't'my to Big l);I\L"\ party mi\.

I Frozen In Time at lime.

llpiii 3am. £5 (£4 ). Weekly. .\ \llot'l. grumpy man play \ commercial chart and dance. ()y er 3 I \ only.

I Kick at l.oca. lllpm 3am. £2 het'oi'e midnight: (£4 alter). Weekly. Kick start the \yeekend yy ith current coiiuiiercial chart and pop pap l'roni ilL‘l'()\\ the decades.

I Majestic at .\laiextic. lil.3(Ipiii 3am. Weekly. (’hart and party tune\ in room one u ith a selection oi ~(Ix and 8le layourilex in room tyyo.

I Mardi Gras at (‘ayendixh

lllpiii 3am. £(i. Weekly The (‘ayeiididi comes oy er all cai'niyal at this hen night \hoyycaxing Tllx right through to tip to date mainstream dance nnnic. ()y er 35\ only.

I Office Affair at Suhyyay Wext lind. 4 ‘lpm. £l £4. Weekly. ('hart tunex. bullet and cheap drinks: \y hat clxe do you need to make a tool (it youryell iii I'roiit oI yott L‘ollL‘LIgUL‘V.)

I Supernova at Remluiioii.

lll.3(lpni 3am. £5 (£5 ). Weekly. (liat'l and party hitx all night long.

I The Time Tunnel ai ('Iiili .\let‘cailo lllpm 3am. £5. Weekly. 'l‘reiidy Wendy. Shoyyhi/ law and Betty l’ord disrupt the space-tune continuum \yith ltlt)e\ (ion) the (ill\. 7ll\ atid Silx. ()r may lie it's tux! the alcohol.

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Beluga at Beluga Bar A; (‘aiiieen Restaurant. 8pm lain. l’ree. Weekly. llouxe. garage atid ia//y heah Iroiii late 1);) Viking and Iriendx.

I Black Sauce at Bani Bot).

‘)pin lain. l'ree. Weekly. ('onl'uciiix say Illl\ neyy ()ricntal \ty le har got plenty good underground house IIIlI\It‘ \y ith .\lartiii Valentine and Steyen Wanlexx.

I Extra ill (illtlt‘tl Silltltlll.

8pm lam. liree. Weekly. \t'\\ \\;i\(' ilISy'Il (ie all your layourite indie llll\) \\ Illl rotational l)J\ (irainne. Keiron and Stuart Braitliyyaite (.\logyyai I. Seeing ax these l‘olk play a \onieyyhat signilicant role III Scotland'x independent IIIll\lL' \ccne. _‘_'l|t‘\l l).l\ Ironi hands such as Belle (K Schaxtiaii and Snoyy l’atrol are a regular Ieature at li\tra Width. l‘n'xt hirthday hash I".\pi1 0Made In Iguana at lgtlana.

‘in1) Iain. l‘ree. Weekly. (‘redilile pi‘e cluhhing home times Iron) the ktioyy ledge ahle and ey er al'l'ahle Iy pex \y ho \taI'I inde pendent record \hack. l'ndei‘groiind Solu'xhn. II'I/t/yi‘h \pecial on 3“ .\pr ax Suh ('luh legend llarri‘x neyy liy e act the l’apa Washington ’l‘i'io hoxt their alliitiii launch party. See pm it i~..

I Pivo Gaffe 3 at l’iyo (‘atte 3.

()pin midnight. l’rce. Weekly. Weekly I'o\lel' ol' guest l).l\ playing a |IIl\ oI house. breaks and heat»

I Soul Resistance at the Wadi (lornierly the ('aryyaxh). llpin laiii. l'iec. Weekly. northern \(illl. rare giooyc. llamtnond jal/ and I'reaklieatx galoie \i. ith your lio\l ('raig Jaiiiiexon (.\Ioderii l.o\er\).

QSpace Face at l’opRokit. ‘lpni laiii l‘rce. Weekly. :\lltl_\ \Villlltllh and Scott l-‘erguxon the hoyx yy ho uxed to run ('arholic l‘rolic 'hack in the day' )oin lorcex yy ith the Squalor Shoyy. llaya and Spider to hoxt this \L‘Illllldl Saturday pic

cluh I'eaturing a I'uxioii ona/x. \tilll. I‘unk. house and hip hop. tri/i'l'i-i-li special on 37 .\pr.

I UrbannHangSuite at Baiiii I‘K. llpiii 3am. l’ree. Weekly. Sec 'l'hu.


I Airborne at the Venue.

ll). 30pm 3am. .\lonthly. .\'e\t date l8 .\lay \yith \ci'y special guext .\chy York techno god .loey Beltran).

I Atomic Baby ai la Belle .\iigele.

ll). 3(lpni 3am. £l() i £8). 2“ .\pi. .\lonthly.

l)l()_‘_‘l'\‘\\l\(‘ houxe gt‘oo\e\ Iron) .\lichael Kilkie and Stuart l)iiiican. /'r)/' [lily i/iiti- (III/L '.\ /.i\/'i (mi fin/(lily git 13‘ on (IUHI' [nit i‘ it//)ii::/1l /tl/I'\'

QAudio Deluxe at the Iloneyeoiiili. ltlpiii laiii. £lI). Weekly. l‘tll'llllgjllll}. Smooth. \(llllllll houxc \y Illl lll\l a xiigge» tioii oI )a// and soul at llII\ \yeckly \hindig hoxted hy I'L‘\l\lt‘lll (‘raig Smith. lhix lortnight trip/u I) bring ordained .-\I'rican priext and head ol Yortiha Recordx (.\cyy York) ()\lllllittlt‘ and his deep \piritual lltlll\e yy ith .\Iricai) inllu-

I Blast at (‘liih \lercado. llpii) 3am. £l() l £8). I \lay. l'ortnightly. lime to wide a ten old \col'e\ .l\ llttggy and .\laikell tight ll out in a hint hour hack to-

hack lhi'cc deck challenge. raixing the root

yy llll their \axxy \elcctioii oI \ocal hoth and garage gioo\c\.

QThe Bud House Party at (‘orn l:\ci‘.ange. ‘lpiii 3am. l'rcc hilt ticketed. 4 May. .\ one oil c\trayagan/a ax lilltht‘lM‘I' my ite you into their ‘home‘ y‘. iIh .limior Sanche/. l)a\ id lltillllt'\ and ll()\‘.|t‘ \it I‘ll/III; I I” “If lllttl't' (lt‘lllI/\ (lift/i I!' Il.”t(‘)ll( .lll ‘vk I'... 'l( /l\( .r‘.

I C.C. Blooms Sat at ((2 liltiiilllx lll. iilpni 3am. l ice. Weekly. l).l .\lly I\ hack again \i. ith more oI her trademark

high-camp-to-house deckiiical expeitise ..: lliix alyyay \ lioaching gay Venue.

I Colours at the liquid Room.

l()pm 3am. £lI). 27 .-\pi'. .\lonthly. liyceedingly special guest. Roger Sanchex. Stars at this night of heady home hedonixm.

I Digital at the Venue. l().3()piii 3am, £(i ( £5). 4 May. .\lonthly. .\lay the liourti he \y ith you. chunky techno yy ith \peeial guext ('lair H.

I Disco Inferno at ligo.

l()_3tlpm 3am. .\lonthly. .\'e\t date l8 .\lay.

I Fiesta Latina at In iot Roxy l'nioii 9.30pm 3am. £4.5(l ( £3.50). 37 :\pr. Sal claxxex. dance perl'ormance and a dedicated ero\yd intent on haying a damn line liexta yy ill all guarantee a llhitllllolh l.atiii \oll‘ee that‘s not to he missed.

I Fly at the Beat la/l Basement. 10.30pm 3am. £5. 4 .\lay. Monthly. The lioyx hehind Big Beat and lleadxpin chili together along yy ith AK (Ytixh Reeot‘dingx) to lioxl this neyy monthly \lioW case dedicated to till lliitigx lilllik}.

\\ ith \pecial guext liat ('in '\ .\lartin Brc\y dropping in to stir thingy tip.

I In Flight at the Beat Ja// Basement. ll).3llpm 3am. '7 (£5). 37 Apr. .\lonthly lax/y danccl'loor grooyes l'rom llerhie llancock to (‘arl (’raig at this all-neyy session hosted by (‘olin ('ook. (lay Sutherland and (iarcth Soiniiiery ille.

I Jack Yer Boots Up at the Beat .la// Baxeiiient. 10.30pm 3am. £7 (£5). ll .\lay. .\lonthly. Boh (’airnx (Niixpirit) is joined hy special guext Rollercone lor a liye \et ol' deep house SW l\\ \I} le. I'eatui'ing the yocal talents ()llttkol) liggay I Last Night A DJ Stole My Wife at l’o \a Na. llptii 3am. £3. Weekly. I).l 4th \ai‘iiiiiit. keeping it real yy ith the old \kool to in) \kool heats thing.

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»\:' ' THE LIST 83