(Izluns E-;-'i:ttt; .
Edinburgh Wednesdays continued
Pi M2K ill (inizt. t()ptn Rant. [4 tL'3t. Weekly linjo} the Mudd ('ltrh. (til :tll- no“ alternative indie night on the main :loot' and [)ixeo 3000. it \ell'-e\pl;ttt;ttor} t'l‘g'lll ol' dztneetloor dixeo in the upxtztirx lounge.
Propaganda at l’o .\';i .\';i.
i lpnt 3mm. l‘ree. \Veekl}. 1).! Hart) l.et\ (io (Booltthox) put\ the eeleette into eleetrie itt this \I_Vli\h souk hut:
Slap & Tickle ttt (‘lllh .\lere;tdo. itlpnt Ruin. £4 t£.‘~t. \Veekl). l-‘olloxt ing
illC demise ot ('ottte i’ltt} in the \Ved Slot.
E l l l llope Street. 34S (Wt—ls. E Air Organic Rh Kehingrm e Street. 5’) l 53”],
l3 Alaska I43 Bath Lune. 34S l3". H Archaos 35 Queen Street. 304 31S“). F31 The Arches Midland Street toll .l.tllt;tieil Street l. ()9()l (l33 (l5(l(l.
H Asylum 7() ('o\\ eztddeIIS Road. .553 l'oSl.
i3 Babaza 35 Rtt};tl li\eh;utge Square. ~ill (l l (ll.
E’i Bennet’s St) (ilnxxl'ord Street. 553 'x—ihl'
H Blackfriars 36 Bell Street. 553
5 )34.
[3'1 Bonkers ()7 Hope St. 34S SSS—l.
F1 BI‘Cl .59 :\\ltltttt lane. 3‘43 -l9(t(t. Budda l-l3 St Vincent Street. 33l Wm”.
53 The Cathouse t5 l'nion Street.
13 (WW).
El 3‘50 Sitlleltteltttll Street. 5.53
1% The Cran HHS .r\rg'\ le Street. 34S ’ ‘S'tSl.
F3 Cuba Norte l7 John Street. 439 S 1S.
q Cube .54 Queen Street. 33(t S99“.
ta Cul De Sac .r\\hlon Lane. 534 SSW.
r?! Eat Drink Man Woman 34 44 ling St. 553 9337.
iii Fury Murry’s 9o .\l;t\\\ ell Street. ‘3] (r5! I.
E] The Garage 40o Sutteltiehnll Street.
*3 I Do.
Lt Glasgow School of Art to"
i'cttlt'eu Street. 333 (WM.
:3 Glasgow University Union 33
z'ni\et\it) .t\\enue. 539 SN)".
ii“: The Grifliny 3hr» Built Street. 53‘) H97.
Lit Groucho St Judes tut) Built \llt‘L‘t. 3‘3‘l
92 474 Sztuehiehttll St thehind tlte
(i.tl'£t:_‘L‘l. 3.55 31 l l.
m Havana 5() Hope Street. 34S 44M».
Slttp tk 'l'ielxle ltttS etttergetl to Ineilttnte _\our mid-\teek rtt;t_\hettt. l).l lull}
\upplie\ the lunk) hentx and break while
ilrinkx protnox. eontpetitiotrx and themed drexx nightx eonthine to keep thing\ interexting.
Chart & Party
I Opal Lounge ttt ()pnl lounge. lllpttt iurn. L5. \\eel\l_\. Pop and chart L‘ltlSSlL‘S ll‘ttttl Ste\ re (i.
I Planet :tt (‘;t\endi\h. L3 tl‘ree t. \Veekl}. Studettt onl} night le;tlt|t'itt_'_' three liloorx ol uttht'idletl ;tIttte\. lurtto} up~todnte dnnee on the lirxt lloor. retro
I Life thttxetnent ol' (‘ot'inthinni l9! lngrnnt Street. 553 Hill.
I The Lighthouse 5t» \litt-ltetl Street. 33l (t5lt3
I The Living Room 5 li}l't‘\ Rota. 33‘) S5| l.
I MAS 39 lx’o_\;tl l:\eh;tnge Square. 33l “USU.
I Moloco l3.\" .v\rg_\ le Street. 534 4S13.
I Nice ‘n’ Sleazy 43l Snuehtehnll Street. 333 not"
I O’Henry’s I4 l)rllt'_\ Street. 34.\ 535 l.
I PlVO PiVO, l5 \\‘;tterloo Street. Sit-l Slllll
I Polo Lounge St \Vllvttt Street. 553 I33 I.
I Queen Margaret Student Union 33 l ttl‘.t‘l'\ll_\ (i;tttlett\. 5“)
‘l-‘Sl. I Reds. ‘35 Sauelttehnll Street. .iil l(t35. I Riverside Club tm Street. 5w 33S".
I Rocksy’s Basement to .\e\‘. Snetltlon Street. Huxley 553 .5'7'9l.
I The Shack 1‘); Pitt St. “3 "533. I Soba I | \trtelrell Street l we. 3H1 Jim.
I Soundhaus 4~ ll_\tlep;trl. Street. 33l ~lit59.
I Bar i Hull] Street. l. I Tchai-Ovna 13 (Mayo 1 .me. <5" 4534.
I Tempus ('( '.\. i5ll S.ttlelttt'lt.tll Street. \t‘t' ;1l\tt\ e.
I Note 3(tll (.l.\\lL' SllCt‘l. 3‘13 3 I ""
I The Tunnel S-l \ltteltell Street. 3H4 lotto.
I Variety Bar llllSnueltrehnll Street. n3 .ttttr
I The Velvet Rooms 53H Snuehtehnll Street. “3 (V55.
I The Woodside Social Club ;3‘) North \VtttttlSltlt‘ lx’tmtl. it" lit-l i.
I Yang H Queen Street. 34.\ S-lSl.
eltut‘t on the ntiddle liloot' illttl u \eleetion ol' gttntex nttd kgtrnoke iii the UPSIHtrS lounge.
I Pop Idols :tt Remltttion. lllpnt 3am. L4 t£3 t. \Veekl}. the UV \ltlr \ent’eh lt;t\ et‘ertted rt rnonxter and [MS ix itx wit“ it. Singing hopelulx ;tllern;ttel} intprexx and tllSII'L‘SS their lt'lL‘tltlS itt tlte hope ol' \\ inrting ;t karaoke lltttelltlte.
I Shark tit lirm tk lilile. 9.50pm 5am. L5 1L3 I. \\’eel\l.\. 'Seollttttd‘x higgext \llltlL'lll ntght' \uppl} mg the ohligntor} ehnt't pup.
I Skint .tt tlte .v\rk. ltlpnt .5ittlt. £3 three). Weekly 'l‘he undixpttted king ol \tudent
I The Ark 3 Sentple Street. 33‘) 7365.
I Babylon l‘).\’ (Brent Junetion Street. 555 3393.
I Bam Bou (to/(x7 Sotttlt Bridge. 55h
tijtio. ‘
I Bann UK 5 llttnter Silurtre. 33o lll3.
I Baracoa T \‘ietoriri Street. 335 5840.
I Bar Union 355/358 ('o\\g;tte. 557 3N).
I The Beat Jazz Basement lit
('ltutttl‘erS Street. 33.5 5309.
I La Belle Angele I l llttStteS ('tme. 335 "5%.
I Beluga .illn (‘lt;ttnher\ Street. 634 4545.
I The Bongo Club 14 Next Street. 55!» 53M.
I Cavendish \\‘e~t teller-rm. 338
I C.C. Blooms 35 34 (it'eL‘ttSitlL‘ I’l.iee. 55o 0.431.
I The Citrus (it'llttlld) Street. (t33 tl.\(t.
I The City Cafe Blair Street. 33o
I Club Java (‘onttnereinl Street. l.etth. 555 M33.
I The Cocteau Lounge (Ego), l’re.tttl\ l’l.tee. 45S ~43-1.
I Cuba Norte l93 .\lorri\on Street. 33I otw.
I Ego l’tenrtl} l’|;tee.-13S "434.
I eh1 l9“ High Street. 33H 5377'.
I El Barrio lit-t \\e\t Port. 33‘) SS()5.
I Flashback Wt I Hope Street. 336
I Gaia King Stahlex Road. 339 7986.
I Gilded Saloon 353 (‘tmgrtte 33‘) xi, a:
I The Honeycomb I5 I“ \iddn Street. set» 5541). '
I The Human Be-ln 3/S \Vext
(‘r'tnxegiuwtuty (r(t3 SSH).
I Iguana 4t l.othi;ttt Street. 33o 43SS.
I The Liquid Room 9e \‘ietoriu
Street. 335 35(t4.
night\ not onl} \llppllL‘S the tinext elt;trt ttlttlielliS hut ulxo eurex enough to prm itle drink\ at [1 till night and tree entr} to
o\ erdrntt n \tudentx.
I Smooch tit Sulmn) \\e\l lind.
7pm 5:111]. ‘33 tL'l t. Weekly Student \oiree \tith t;t\t_\ Sntnhuen (I ;t \hot all night long. I Traffic Light Night ;tt (igtirt.
lllptn 3am. £4 (U I. \Veekl}. ;\ night or \trtnton flirting tor the \lllLlL'llIS. li\er.\one get\ it \tieker on tirriutl: red ntennx no \ttt} tin \thieh ettxe \\lt_\ are _\ou there .’t; ttnther tttetlttS ‘tnttthe’; and green tne;tn\ looking ittto eueh other\ e_\e\ the neu tnorning and at} ing ‘\t hut \\;t\ )our name ttg;ttnfi"
I Loca 355 (‘ottgttttx 335 54”.
I The Mambo Club \Vext roller-rm. 447 3391.
I The Meadow Bar (Moo Bar) Btreeleueh Street. (307 0907.
I Club Mercado Rh 5‘) .\l;trl\et Street. 336 4334.
I Noa. .5 Queenxl'err) Street lune. 4o? 7136.
I Opal Lounge 5t (ieorge Street. 330 3375.
I Opium 71 (‘ougnttz 335 S3S3.
I The Outhouse Brottghton Street lune. 5.5— 068.
I Oxygen 3-5 lnlirtttttr} Street. 557 9997.
I Peppermint Lounge Blair Street. (L33 (tSl l
I Pivo 3 (t (Hilton Roztd. .557 3935.
I p0 Na Na 30 lirederiek Street. 330
I The Pond 33 34 Bath Rtttltl. 4o? 3S35.
I PopRokit 3 l’ienrth l’l.‘tee. 55m 427:. '
I The Potterrow Brtxto Square. 050 9l95.
I 0 Bar S/l l l.eith Street. .55— 5S3“. I Revolution 5| l.othi;tn Road. 33*) 7(370.
I RUSh .5 Rohet'txorl\ (low. .557 57(tS. I Studio 24 (’ttlton Road. 55S 375S. I The Subway (‘o\\g;tte. 33.5 (firm. I The Subway West End l,othi;ttt Road. 339 9197.
I The Union lleriol \Vzttt l‘ni\er\it.\. RlL‘L'ttl'tttti.-15l 5353.
I The Venue ('ttlton Road. 557 3073. I The Wash the Mound. 335 M93. I The Watershed 44 St Stephen Street. 330 .5374.
I The Wee Red Bar l-Lttintturglr ('ollege ()l' .'\rt. l.;turi\ton l’lnee. 339 I443.
I Time 34:1 l't'etlel'lelx Street. 33“ l33(t. I Not? l4 (ieorge Street. (334 S3] l.
I Yo Below (to Rme Street. 33o (into.
SO that was the first big weekend of the Trip Tych festival.
On Friday night we went through to the Barras.
Then on Sunday night I hung aboot up the back at Optimo looking like a pervy tramp.
It's officially Trip Tych. Co riht 2002 D Jackson and M Collin
Tried to explain that gingers are the blocks of Scotland to Chuck D as we left.
Shouldn't have bothered.
, ml. _
86 THE LIST 1“, NJ ’t -