R88 MTV LICK PARTY Destiny‘s, Glasgow, Sun 5 May
After appearing at Destiny's at the tail end of December 2000. Trevor Nelson declared Glasgow as ‘the best Lick Party ever'. Now it's back. wrth a specral guest PA that we have been sworn to secrecy about. but we can guarantee they will be explosive (that's a hint). Dodge. remixer of Maxwell. India Arie and Beverley Knight. will also be on DJ duties alongside Lick regular Hanit and local legend Paul N'Jie.
This year Nelson is concentrating on gigs throughout the country. scaling down his appearances in London and taking up a residency in Ayia Napa. Making his third appearance of the year
R&B’s smoothest operator Trevor Nelson
in Scotland. he is adamant that this Lick will outshine the previous one. 'We owe Scotland some Licks.‘ he says. ‘The last time we played we c0uldn't get a weekend. but it was still a tremendous night.‘ Since 2000. things have certainly moved on in the R88 scene. the proliferation of R88 nights now reaching a peak. Promoters and club owners have at last started to heed what the DJs have been telling them for the past five years: that there is room for more than one type of music. The image of ‘Scotland the rave' is starting to shift and tastemakers such as Nelson are letting the world know. 'Scotland. more than anywhere else in the UK. is house heavy.‘ he says. ‘However. slowly but surely R88 is creeping its way up there. There is a hardcore fan base but you've got to give them all an opportunity to come Out.' Needless to say this is that very opportunity and. as with all MTV Lick Parties. the cameras will be rolling. So get some practice in on yOur dance moves otherwrse yOur lack of coordination will be beamed across the whole of Europe. (Stewart Dalley) I The List has three pairs of VIP tickets to give away. send your name to c/t/bs(0)/ist.co.uk no later than Tue 30 Apr.
legendary lidinhurgh techno night of the same name. That'd he stupid. I Pyrotechnics at Alaska. .\'ext date the. I The Real Thing at Soha. l lpm 3am. £6 (£5). 36 Apr. Monthly. DJs Al Kent and Billy Davidson how hel‘ore that magical period where house music was formed: late 70s disco America. (‘lassics are mixed seamlessly with modern stormcrs and the whole thing is a celehration ol‘ music and love. (iet into this. I Spanner at the Riverside Social. .\'ext date the. I Submit Reponse at the l3th Note (‘luh (upstairs). 10pm 3am. Free hel’ore l lpm; £4 alter. 25 Apr. Fortnightly. Journalists are just tailed musicians. aren't they'.’ .\'o: journalists are actually now DJs. as evidenced hy music lovitig Jack Mottram and Leon McDermott. who host this night of aural eclectica. livery'thing will he thrown into the mix. so keep the ears peeled. I Super Scientists at (‘luh ()9. Bi- monthly. .\'ext date 24 May. I Syntax at the Soundhaus. l lpm late. £8 (£6). 3 May. Monthly. A night for those who like their techno hard and underground. Syntax take it to the streets with their hard as nails musical stylings. For this night only. ‘.>l-1.isl'r'urtl Ito/(let's er'l £2 (lift/()(ll'pl‘lt‘fl(1HIII'QIII long. 0 Test at Alaska. I lpm~3am. £10 (£8). As ever. Test hring you the ittost original ideas and the most mind-expanding guests. Polish prodigy Marcin (‘ztihala will he per- forming a live PA direct from Poland in the main room. while downstairs the ever-men- tal Tokyo Bitches w ill he ripping it tip. Steve (ilencross and Shandy will also he in lull testin' ell‘ect. I Traxx at the Arches. l lpm «lam. £ l4 (£l2). 10 May. Monthly. The Traxx guys know a very good thing when they see one. and so. discerning cltth goer of Glasgow. do you. Kenny Dixon Junior AKA .‘yloodymaii ltas heen so how led over hy the rapturous reaction ol the Arches crowd so lar that he's hringing sortie of his most talented house deejay mates lor another legendary session. Theo Parrish. Rick Williite. and Malik Pittman l'orm the Three ('hairs ensemhle. and they are determined to once again take the root ol'l' ol' (ilasgow's lav otiritc suhterranean cltth venue. I True People at Ad Lih. .\'ext date 24 May. Monthly. Please note that (‘laude Young is now hosting a weekly show (Tue llpm lam) on Radio Magnetic (w w w.radiomagnetic.com l.
I Urban Groove at ('ltih Btidda.
l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Featttring the talents ol Domenic Martin. who seamlessly merges L'S house and garage. deep house. disco. soul. ltmk and jazz. while adding the odd dash of Latin and aim grooves.
I Zero Zero at the 13th .‘s'ote (‘luh
l lpm 3am. Free. Weekly. Bomher and Tosh. who hosted previous Thu-nighter Yum Yum. play pretty much anything they please. adding a dash ol punk. reggae and electronica to the mix ol' soul. ltmk and
Chart & Party
I Carwash at g2. l lpm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. Why are so many enjoyahle things had l‘or you‘.’ A night of shameless lttn. with disco. ltink and soul classics. courtesy of the (iarage‘s (Jerry Lyons.
I Cheesy Pop at Qudos (()Mt' ).
l0pm 2am. £2 (£l ). Weekly. Students and up to tour guests. Weekly. A riotous evening. and one limit) which l'cw escape unemharrassed.
I Envy at Destiny. 10pm 3am. £5 hel'ore I lpm: £6 alter. Weekly. Mainly charty dance action lrom the huge cltih that tries to cover all hases. Make sure you iron your shirt.
I Love Bug at the (larage.
10.30pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Insanely husy night ol‘ party tunes for students and youngsters.
I The Shack at Shack. l0.30pm 3am. £6 (£4). Weekly. Whatever your hag. chart. dance or party. DJ Hanlan should hit the spot with his mix of sttipid grinning tunes. I Shag at Ftiry Muri‘y‘s. l lpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. (let your lirst shag down a dark staircase ol‘l‘ St linoch's Square. Drtmken party tunes from Mark and James (3. ‘.\'o one lorgets their lirst Shag.‘ they assure tis. Blimey.
I Strawberry Fields at Strawberry Fields. 9pm 3am. £6 before I lpm: £7 alter. Weekly. A party-up set takitig in dancelloor ltiyes lrom the 60s to the present day.
Glasgow Saturdays
I Bubblin’ Under at the Arches (‘ale Bar. llpm midnight. Free. 4 May. Fortnightly. (io suhterranean in one of the cit} \ most attractive hars/calcs. DJ Dave Moore is just the man to take care of the gHNJVL‘S.
I The Corinthian at the (‘orinthiair
()pin—late. Free. Weekly. Laid hack tunes to complement the stunning surroundings of the (‘orinthian's main bar.
I Cul de Sac at the (‘ul de Sac. 9pttl—ttlltlnighl. Free. 27 Apr. Fortnightly. A DJ of some calihre. Michael Peek. cttts and scratches his way through the delectable record hag with everything from hip hop to ltink. from house to the hest ol the rest.
I Dirty Wriggles at the Variety Bar. ()pnt-‘midnight. Free. Weekly. A techno ‘n‘ electro pre-cltth set from Dirty Wriggles ol‘ Mystec Beat].
I Fake at Bar l0. 9pm —midnight. Free. Weekly. Fake DJs Jim Hutehison atid Brian Murnin take to the decks to deliver a killer pre-cluh set in this heautil'ul. cool and classy city centre puh.
I Fourward Thinking at Four Cafe Bar (('(‘A). 9pm--itiidnight. Free. Weekly. Beats and breaks characterise this pre-eluh session at the (‘(‘A. Jttst the ticket.
I Kube at Blacklt‘iars. 8pm lam. Free. It) May. Monthly. Aeerhic. pounding techno from the Kuhe hoys. Just what the Merchant ('ity needs.
I Mapuchi at Moloco. 7 -l lpm. Free. Weekly. DJ Marcello digs deep in the vinyl vaults to unearth the hest in ltink. soul. jazz and Latin.
I Moda at Moda. llpm-3am Free. Weekly. DJ Scott warms tip with sweet R&B. followed by DJ Pixie's funky house shenanigans.
I Nico’s at .\'ico‘s. 9pm midnight. Free. Weekly. DJ Mark Dull playing a wide selection of house. garage. R&B and hip hop.
I Sensu at Pivo Pivo. llpm—late. Free. Weekly. All forms of ltmk. spanning live decades with resident (iary Lawson plus regular guests Michael and (‘ookie
I Spy at Spy Bar. t)pm—midnight. Free. Weekly. Laurence Htighes and (‘olin Davie alternate each Sat playing the hest in quality house music and both providing a iarty attiiosphere.
b Tangent 0.13 at Bat'go. 8pm~late. Free. 27 Apr only. Special trip'ljvr/t night pre-cluh night.
I Bailamos at Havana. 9pm —2am. Free Weekly. DJ Keith I) Brings you a world selection: Salsa. R&B. latin chart action and whatever else that will move
I Bennet’s at Bennet's.
l l.30pm 3am. £5. Weekly. Feel the goddamn ltmk as Shaun and Annie give
listings Clubs
the Bennet‘s‘ party posse exactly what they want: commercial dance mixed with a selection of 70s. 80s and 90s hits.
I Caledonia Soul at the Woodside Social. Monthly. Next date the.
I The Cathouse at the (‘athous-e. l().30pm-~3am. £3.50 (£2.50) het'ore
1 1.30pm; £4 alter. Weekly. Indie. rock. grunge and heats across two floors.
I Club Cuba! at (‘uha Norte. ()pttt—Zam. Free. Weekly. (let in touch with your Latin spirit at this classy night of dance. The linest Latino heats are supplied hy Duncan. Farah and Shannon and make sure to arrive early to guarantee entry.
I Club 69 at Rocksy's Basement.
1 lpm—2am. £5. 27 Apr. Monthly. Better the devil you know. Residents Martin and liwan take to the decks under the curry house. Hardcore. you know the score. For this date only. 'A-I.is!'r‘unl Ito/(let's get [2 (gift/nor price (11/ trig/t! long.
I Colours at the Arches. Next Date I I May. Monthly.
I Cube Class at (‘uhe. l lptii 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. Proving that this venue doesn't die with the Stih ('luh. (‘uhe is now hugely successlttl in its own right. ()ld-school house classics and tip-to-date anthems are the order ol‘ the
day at this packed Sat nighter. thanks to main room man Matt Le Funk. In the hack DMG serves tip R&B.
I Disco Inferno at the Renlt'ew Ferry. Monthly. Next date I I May.
I Divine at (ilasgow School of Art (downstairs). 10pm» 3am. £6 (£5--£4): £3.50 (‘rSA students. Weekly. Andrew Divine and Hush Puppy continue the longest rttnning residency in (ilasgow. The secret of their longevity? Damn good northern stompers. moog-heavy sleaze-funk atid the hest in huhhlegum pop. Long may it continue.
I Electro Lounge at Adlih.
l lpm— 3am. £6 (£5). 13 Apr. Monthly. Get Jenga‘d otit of your head with another night of high class house. Bttt are the clientele a hit too cool for school’.’ I Fluid at Alaska. Next date 18 May with special guest Mr (‘.
I Fools Only at Big Joint (‘luh .\'ext date the
I Freefall at the Arches. 10.30pm—3am. £1.14 May. Monthly. Apparently. the Judge won‘t hudge. Well. He'd hetter. cos Alan Belshaw and Simon Foy' also want a shot ol‘ the decks at this night of mighty hard house and trance action.
I Freeform at the [30) .‘s'ote (‘luh (hoth floors). 9pm— 3am. Free heloi‘e 10.30pm: £5 (£4) alter. Weekly. The Note's longest running eltih and it‘s all thanks to the Walt brothers and their selection of 60s soul. 70s ltmk and the odd curvehall to keep things interesting.
I Freelance Science at Alaska. llpm—~3am. £ l0 (£8). 4 May. Monthly. Basie Freelancing this month: which means only the linest twisted house from Stuart ad ()rde and only the ltmkiest downstairs action from Pattl ('awley' and Sidewinder. Class in a (ilas'.
I Havana Esperito at (‘anvas (Arta). £7. Weekly. A night of sophisticated Latino class. DJ Jan. hrings his Latino box of tricks to the Merchant (‘ity 's newest venue. (‘anvas. where there's no dedicated dancelloor. htit there is classy service and an elegant. laid~hack vihe l‘or those who've had enough of sweat with their salsa.
I I'll-Karate at Riverside (‘luh Next date 18 May.
0 Homebass at Alaska. I lpm 3am. £10 (£8). 27 Apr. Monthly. ()ur very own Jengaheads are joined once again hy the finely talented F(‘ Kahuna. recent Jockey Sltit cover stars and all—round llavours ol the month. Downstairs is no timew aster. either: Al Kent will he spinning up a storm. This will he a husy one.
Apr—0 May 2001/? THE LIST 77
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