Clubs listings
Glasgow Saturdays continued
I Homecookin at llaha/a. l'rce helore
l lpm; £5 at'ter. Weekly. l)Js Steyi art Mc(‘allum and Joe Higgins keep the iiitisic iammin' and the dance tlooi‘jtiiiipiii' all night lotig. RtQB tracks mixed \\ ith the odd classic and old-skool l'ayotirites. Jtist yyatch otit for football players.
I Inspire at the \'el\et Rooms.
10pm 3am. £0 (£4); £3 helore midnight. Weekly. Keith l’y‘pei' hreaks out the funky house and garage in the main room yyhile Raymond Woods cools things doyy ii yy ith hip hop and R&B in rooiii No.
I Jamboree at Reds. I lpiii 5am. £7 t£5i. Weekly. John Lyons and Martin llesketh ol'Vely'et Rooms tame mis tip a hleiid ol coiiitiiercial R&B and soul.
I Life at Life t('orinthiaiii. ltlpm 3am. £5. Weekly. A t'oriiiidahle night ot l'unk tor those who like their entertainment mature. hut still jammiii'. [)1 Skud. l’aul Rea and Ian 'I‘hoiiison present a selection or soul. funk atid disco augmented yy ith original samples and loops to guarantee a MC“ take oti familiar sounds.
I Let’s Go Back- Way Back! at the Riverside Social. .Midiiiglit 3.30am. £l3. -l May. Monthly. Another true originator plays ottt a tiiassiy'e set to an amireciatiye (ilasgoyy' croyyd. The fantastic l‘arley Jackmaster l-‘unk Will he ptilliiig otit the hig guns tor this special night ol anti-nostalgia. DThe Loft at (‘('A. 7pm late. £lt) US. 27 Apr only. The name alone should hring a stiiilc to the lips of any chihophile as I)ayid Manctiso plays his distincuye hrand of Latin. At‘ricaii. .\itiltmlt. soul and tunk as he recreates the legendary \Y(‘ cltih tor one night only. trip'l‘yeli special that should not he missed.
I Lush at the Polo Lounge.
10.30pm 3am. £5. Weekly. l’eaturiiig Andy in the Trophy Room W ith hits from the (ills to the 80s. \y'hile loll] proy ides ati up-t'roiit dance selection in the main rootii at the city's prettiest gay cluh.
OMadlib and Peanut Butter Wolf at Rentreyy Ferry. 1 lptii 3am. £1(). 27 Apr only. l‘llll on night of turiitahle trickery. taking hip hop in directions you‘ye ney er heard helore. l’art ot' Ii'i/i‘Iyt'II.
I Mish Melting Pot at the Rheistde Social. Midnight 3am. £l(). 37 Apr. Monthly". Simon ('ordiner and Billy Woods of Train are iti full effect once again tor this night of unhridled goodness. like all good cltihs. the only door policy is that you hring along your good \ ihratioiis.
I Mish Mash at the Arches. .\'e\t Date '8 May.
I Missing Link at .-\d t.ih. Next date I I May.
GMy Machines at (ilasgoyy School ol’ Art. llpm 3am. £6 (£5 £4). Weekly. Big one tor My Machines tand (ilasgoyy l on 27 .Apr Derrick May yyill he ripping it tip as part of the Irip'ly'e/i l'estiyal. A true innoya- tor and all-round genius. this is one guest you don't want to miss. tickets £lt) t£‘)i. As eyer. the hest in litiropean experimental techno arid Detroit techno yy ill he mashed up by residents Hamish and Wilkes. Rarely yyill head-punishment sound so good. [hr 4 May (Ht/i. l.'i-].l\lit'(ll'(/ Ito/(let‘s gel 15/ of] door price (1H rite/i! long.
I Papacool at Ad l.ih. llptii 4am. £5. 26 Apr. Monthly. (iet physical yy ith the l’apacool creyy. \y ho hring their oyy n hrand ol' l‘llllls'. soul and jaw to the pleasant surroundings ol Ad l.ih tor tonight's session.
I Relief at Alaska. .\'e\t date It May.
I Remedy at .Ad Lih. I lpiii ~lain. £5. Weekly. [)ayey 'l’hoiiison. ('olin |)a\ey and someone yyithotit I)ayey in his name
On en (‘aldyy ell get into the tech-house gt‘ooy'e \y ith the Ad l.ih inassiye.
I Shake the Disease at Soundhaus. llpm 5am. £l(). 37 Apr. Monthly. This is gonna hloyy your mind: legendary J. Satil Katie ol l)epth ('harge yyill he spinning a t'aucotis set alongside the uhiquitotis 'l'yy itch and Bosco. Who Will he mi\itig tip the usual steyy ot' crtishing electro and hreaks.
X-press 2 join Josh Wink at Pressure, Fri 26 Apr
I Soulsa Presents: Vinyl a! \‘antt. llpm 3am. £5 lied]. Weekly. the mighty popular residency trotii Andy linger and l.ady Shae l) gets hack into lull syyitig alter a short hiatus. playing underground disco. \ocal house and .\eyy York garage. l'.at'ly arriyal makes more \Cll\L'. \lUleld ill)
I Subculture at .\t.\.\‘ tilt association yy ith the Sith ( ‘luhi,
llpm 3am. £lll. Weekly. .\'o sleep till Jamaica Street is the rallying cry. and there's a groyy ing sense ol anticipation ahotit the cluh at the minute. Harri and Domenic do the usual: rip tip the dancet‘looi' arid ptit neys henchmarks in place. What tnorc do you people want? I til lltt‘ \Vtititlsltlt‘ Social ('luh. llpm 3am. U». l May. Monthly. The priyate psychedelic reel takes another pleasantly sloys spin at this most understated and trendy yenucs. A night ol' admirahle originality.
I Traxx at the Soundhaus.
llpm Jam. £St£tii ~l May. Monthly. Simon. Hilly atid l.attrence take it to the hridge the Kingston Bridge. to he pt'L‘CisL‘ \\ illt llic‘lt' tlt‘liciotls lilctitl til~ dark. l'iinky house. The intimacy oi the yenue adds to a sense or togetherness. ('hcck it?
I Triumph at the lunnel.
10.30pm 3.30am. W t £7i. Weekly. ('oliii 'l'eyeiidale atid Steycn .\lc( 'recry supply the dressed up glamour kids
yy ith progressiye house and trance iii the main room. while Key in .\lacl'arlanc and Stephen Ice mi\ up garage. disco
Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh
See page 83 for details
and \ocal house in room t\\o. ll’you‘rc not yyearing ayy t'tilly nice clothes.
lioyy c\ er. don't c\pect to get in.
I Twotun al lititlda. llpm 5;ttt1. L” 1. \Vt‘t‘lsly. lilltltltt \klllk't‘/t‘\ ( it‘tlll .\lontt'ord and (‘Iiris Harris to carpet honih tand yes. there are carpets inyolyedi the central city \cnuc \\ ith the kind ol house tracks that \yoiild start a lltil t'll t‘llltcl' stilt~ til lllL‘ .\lltlllllc.
I Wired at .\sy ltiiii. (‘aledonian l‘niyersity l'nion. Ittpm 3am. £3. Weekly. (ilasgoyy ‘s longest running alternatiyc indie night \\ itli drinks promos aplenty.
I Xposure at .\l'clttttts llpm tam. £t\' t £(ii. Weekly, Sery iiig up hedonistic hard house and trance. your hosts Slcyie Kerr. lain 'l'honipson and l)a\e (iilmour keep the kids on their toes,
Chart & Party
I Bonkers at l’ionkcrs. llptii iam, £-l helore iiiidnight; £5 alter. Weekly. Who are \y c to argue \\ ith this night ol' utihridled popularity and silly lun.‘ Mainstream pop minglcs \\ ith the hits ol the Slls. and the ci‘oyytl go \y ild \ycek alter neck.
I Boogie Nights at Media.
llpm 3am. £(i. Weekly. Step hack in time to rcyel in the times ot the ills and fills. Arriye early to ayoid a crushing disappointment.
I Classic PM at l'tiry Murry 's. llpm lam. £(i t £-li. Weekly. \iccly named night ol happiness lrom the old cltih undergoing something ol a renaissance. l)ance classics and party tuncs. \y ith altciiiatiyc and rock tunes upstairs iii in ister.
I The Garage at the ( iaiage.
lllptn iam. £5 1 [it helore llpm; to t Lilli alter. Weekly. ()nc ot the husiest nights in loyyii. Supci coiiitiiercial party sounds oit the main dancetlooi and indie classics in the .\itic.
I Graduate Club at g}, llpm lain. H t £ l i. Weekly. llcsi;_'iictl to suit those \y ho hay e alyyay s ciiioyed a ( iai’agc style
night out. htit t'ecl a little loiig in the tooth yyhcn surrounded hy tresh laced. lager stained youngsters. Stcye Day is proy ides the party anthems.
I The Shack at Shack. lllfillpm 3am. £7 t £5 i. Weekly, ('hecsy chart tunes atid commercial dancc tracks l'ioiii l).l (it‘dt‘ltlc‘.
I Seduction at Destiny. ltlpiii 3am. £(i helore llpm; £5 alter. Weekly. 'l'onight the cluh \yotild like you to ‘dress to impress' \yhilc entoy ing the usual coiiitiiercial house 'n‘ trance pap.
I Strawberry Fields at .s‘ti-ayshen-y l’ields. It). ittpm 3am. £5. Weekly. ('lassic party nonsense [tom the (ill\ to last \ycck.
Glasgow Sundays
Pro -- C uh
I Budda at liar Hudda. .\pm midnight. l'rce. Weekly. Dispel the night al'tcr hlucs \y ith l).l (‘olin Walker ol the .\cyy York Alliance. \yho yy ill he play ing only the deepest house and most progi‘cssiyc g‘l‘titn Cs.
I Chillin’ at llayana. .\pm midnight. l’rce. 5 May. l'oi‘tnightly. l’remier Asian music l).l Rl' gets doyy ii and dirty yy ith a selection or ls’tkli. hhangra and hip hop. ('htinky t'unky.
I Divine Intervention at Iii-cl. “pm midnight. l‘t‘cc. l).l llushpuppy hlciids tiiod. old giooyc and l'unk into a pleasing mash. serycd yy ith some line llttllst‘ l't‘tl.
I Greek Night at llayana. ‘lpm lam. l'rec. 1S .\pr only. l).l Keith 1) puts on his ltitik trousers tor a night ot music raising money lor the (ircck coiiitiitinity ol' ( ilasgoyy. l'.\pect \\ idcly eclectic lllllt‘ag‘t‘.
I The Hustler at .\it ( )l‘gltltlc.
5pm midnight. l'rcc. Weekly. Straight out the ‘hood to your neck o' the yyoods: .lohnnie lila/e and his occasional guests supply gi'ooycs so smooth they .\l ttioy c yo" iiioiiitiiaK ass. I The Man With No Suitcase at the (irilliny. .\pm Midnight. l'rec. Weekly. Re named ()hi Wan With No Suitcase tor this eycning ot' Star lliirs inlhicncctl cra/incss. l)r .\shton l.amont makes sure that the torcc is \y ith the lucky prc cluh reyellers ol the ( ii'ittiny. Also. \yc lia\c 'l)eath Stars in their layes‘: a karaoke tor those yy ho iust can’t helie\c that Darth is l.iikt"s
lttlltt‘t‘. Sit good
I The Medicine Room at lli‘cl. Spin midnight. l‘ree. Weekly. Medicine ls’oom l).ls turn a nasty mid \ycek mood into a smooth. scdiictiye c\cning session. I Miso at the (Kiptaiii's ls’cst. tipm midnight. l-ree. ll \pr. l‘ttt'ltllg‘llll}. A neyy night lirought to you hy the people heliind (ilasgoyy 's lltitnt ()ut lestiyal. [c\pect to hear all kinds ot music l'roni tolk to clcctroiiica. l'caturing hyc acoustic. toned tloyyn electronic perlotmances. l).l sets arid \fl sets. I MOIOCO at .\loloco, Spin midnight. l‘rcc. Weekly. Martin St .loliii keeps it min up, \y ith a selection that takes iii stompin' northern soul. roots. rock and
I Nico’s at \ico's. ‘lpm midnight. l'rec. Weekly. turn that [limit upside doyy n. llilly Milligan. the lati Mellis til dance music. otters a cheesehoard ol no small \at‘tcty.
I Phonic at Moskito, “pm midnight. l'ree. Weekly l'hese l’homc lelloyy s are popping tip c\ery is here, W iiiding don n llle'\\t‘t'lst‘l1tl,(it‘ltlt‘ll.llltl Sith‘ll l‘l.l_\ only the choicest housc cuts.
I Passionality at time
llillpm iam l-rec. Weekly. l)_l Sliayyn ensures that the \yeckcnd is staying .tll\t‘ \y illi this post \yeckcnd night ot pleasing cliaitistiy.
I R&B at llai ll). "pm midnight, lice. Weekly lx’ela\ \yilh ls’tyll tiacksmitheiy atid take adyantagc ot the generous drinks promos .tt this class city centre liar.
78 THE LIST 2", Apt
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