Clubs listings

Glasgow Fridays continued

I Critical Mass at Nice ‘n' Sleazy. Spin late. Free. Weekly. Noj (Midi lli-Fi) and John mess with your head playing anything from dtib. ptitik. indie. reggae. hip hop. dance and rawk to soul and ftiiik. (‘ome along and kick otit the jams or go uptown top rankin’. (itiest l)Js most weeks.

I Cul de Sac at ('til de Sac. 5pm--midnight. ('til de Sac knows what its customers want: good music and loads of it. Kenny llislop takes to the decks from 5pm to 8pm. and then at 9pm Steve Sutherland of l'rbana Mtisie takes over. Sensory overload.

I Edward’s at lidward's.

9pm -tnidnight. Free. Weekly. Ati after- office crowd is worked tip into a ball of happiness by [)J Keith Pyper. Please be careful.

I Friday Street at Blackfriars.

‘lpiii latii. £3. 26 Apr. Monthly. Blackfriars widens its already burgeoning musical sack with this irresistible night of northern soul. (iet the dtingarees on.

I Subtracks at Air ()rganic.

9pm midnight. Free. Weekly. Martyn (Jengaheads. Mhelt Project atid Stibtracks) drops it) to the ultra-funky. Dean llappel- designed West lind bar to furnish the darling customers with a set that goes wherever it damn well likes. Here comes

GKieran McCann and Matt Gray at (iroucho St Jtides. 8pm -late. Free. 37 Apr only. Special II‘I'])7:\‘(‘/I night of [)1 action.

I Kenny H at Moloco (West lind).

9pm midnight. Free. Weekly. Funky grooves from arotttid the globe. with a healthy smattering of soul thrown in for good measure.

I Moda at Moda. 8pm - 3am. Free. Weekly. l)Js Mark atid Scott entertain the troops in this. one of the most attractive night-spots iii town. House and R&B are the order of the day. bit! if that doesn't ftilfil then just marvel at what must be the coolest fireplace in town.

I Moloco at Moloco. Spin-midnight. Free. Weekly. Rotational l)Js from the Buff club work the pre-club crowd in this line West lind boo/er.

I Moskito at Moskito. ()pm—‘midnight. Free. Weekly. The Sole doti Stevie Middleton warms a funky crowd under Bath Street. Like all good l)Js, he's not afraid to throw in something old. borrowed or even blue.

I Nico’s at Nico‘s. <)pm~midnight. Free. Weekly. Nico's warms the Sauchiehall revellers tip with happy. popular music and a selection of alcoholic beverages. A ttovel idea if ever there was one.

I Paddy Power at the Variety Bar.

0pm midnight. Free. Weekly. It's a case of

the music reflecting the venue. The admirably eclectic l)J Paddy fires on everything from Brian lino to l'ndergrotind Resistance. More power to his stylus.

I Papacool at the Basement Bar.

0pm midnight. Free. Weekly. Papacool occupy that beautiful niche ofjaHy soul funk with a grace that most jtist can't manage. Quite special.

I Paul Cawley at Air ()rganic.

Upm midnight. Free. Weekly. Respected (ilasgow l)J atid Fcnetik king Patil ('awley serves tip some tasty shit to the ()rganic DUSSC.

I Phonic at 54 Below. ()pm midnight. Free. Weekly. Phonic l)Js Steven Reilly and (iordon Logan serve tip some quality house groov es.

I Russell’s at Rtissell's. 6pm midnight. Free. Weekly. 1)] Yaw kicks otit the best R&B. hip-hop and sw ingbeat.

I Soulsa Presents: Vinyl al Strata. 0pm tiiidiiiglil. Free. Weekly. Another beatttiftil (ilasgow bar w ith a fitting music policy. l'nderground house. Latin vibes and choicest disco from Andy l'nger. Shae-l) atid special guest l)Js.

r, ' r o ; S 2 '. o

76 THE LIST 2". At)! {3 May. 71“)?

I Sound Museum at (‘(‘A bar. ()pin—tnidnight. Free. Weekly. (‘hris ‘Beans‘ (ieddes (Belle & Sebastian) and Hushpuppy (l)ivinef. (iSA) uncover a forgotten world of sound. delving deeper and tnore carefully than many into lost realms of soul. Latin. ftitik. disco and exotica.

I Stateside Sounds at the State Bar. 4—7pm. Free. Weekly. Patil Shields selects favourites. rock classics and blues cuts. A night that should be commended for doing something different and for doing it well.

I Straight Ahead at Spy Bar. 9pm~late. Free. Weekly. Dance floorja/z. northern soul arid ftitik sptiti by the superb Straight Ahead crew.

GTraxx Party at Bargo. 8pm late. Free. 26 Apr only. Special Irip'li'r/i night with Laurence llughes atid Simon ('ordiner.


I Abnormals Anonymous at the (TA. Monthly. Next date 24 May.

I Aerodynamico at Ad Lib.

l lpm-4am. £5. 3 May. Monthly. Their star is iii the ascendancy: a night of cutting edge tech-house-soul frotn the Aerodynamico guys. Soon to guest at the Sub Club. too.

I Afterglow at Ad Lib. Monthly. Next date tbc.

I The Ark at the Tunnel. l().3()pm--3am. £7 (£5 ). Weekly. Never mind who actually owns the place: the Tunnel does what it does very well and its loyal crowd love it. Scott Mackay atid Simon Foy keep the crowd jumping with industrial strength hard house in the tnain room. while (iary (,‘urley moves the crowd iii bar two with smooth garage atid vocal house.

I Bebado at the Riverside Social. Midnight-3am. £7 (£5). 26 Apr. Monthly. (‘hief from lrian Jara is on the decks. and isjoined l)og de Jay'a. Batu-K pltis expert cuts by the (i-Man. Also. the Moose will be plying your mind with live percussion. A great night all round.

I Bogota! at ('uba Norte. 9pm— 2am. Free. Weekly. A night of Latin pop and house. replete with food. dancing and general merry-making. Beautiful.

I Bud House Party at the Arches.

l lpm-3am. Free for Btid Party ticket holders. 3 May only. Forget all that crap about global mega-companies being greedy. soulless monsters: Budweiser is holding a free party with David Holmes. liowie B and Junior Sanchez. See ll'ort/ (fpfnr more (lentils and (1 chance Io win tickets.

I Bughouse at Soba. l l.3()pm 3am. £5. 3 May. Monthly. Btighouse residents Dan and (‘hris chop tip meaty chunks of house in the basement whilst the Papacool I)Js fry' tip tasty ftitik and soul flavours iii the bar.

Concrete at Soundhatis. l lpm 5am. £8 (£7). [0 May. Monthly. l)J ()rco atid l)J Phicks are joined by a very special guest tonight: first lady of nu-skool breaks atid beats l(l Sui. She's been hon- ing her skills on an exhaustive stateside tour. so the crowd will be in pretty safe hands.

I The Cathouse at the (‘athotise. l().3()pm» 3am. £l before 1 lpm. £4 (£3) after. Weekly. Riding high on the nu-metal wave. this is one of the busiest nights iii town. Rock. grunge. indie and a dash of breakbeat across three floors at (llasgow's top venue for rockers and alternateens.

I Clockwork at Big Joint. 3 May. Monthly. 'l‘echno. electro and breakbeats brought to you by Marko and Mossco.

I Club Cubana at the Tempus bar. l()ptii 3am. £4 (£3). 3 May. Monthly. This relatively new night for (him is gaiiiitig a reputation as one of the most incorrigibly swinging nights in town. 1)] Duncanario spitis everything from modern Salsa hits to classic barrio beats. with a healthy smattering of world rhythms thrown in for good iiic'astit‘e. (iel dovvti.

I Coded at Vault. l 1pm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. They're front a record store. so the tunes are going to be fresh atid highly funky. aren‘t they'.’ A rotating roster of l)Js affiliated to 23rd Precinct supply house-led grooves at the new cltib. Steven

Mc(‘reery is the main man. btit the pool of

talent includes Billy Kiltie. Billy Woods aitd Amanda Price.

I Debunk at the Vault (25 Queen St). 3 May. Monthly. l)J Fuse joins I)Js David Forbes arid Mallorca Lee at this tribal house and trance night.

I Fresh at the Polo Lounge. 1 lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Michelle and Andy take charge of the musical duties iii this delicious Merchant ('ity mixed club. Whether you‘re iii the 'l’rophy Rooiii or on the dancefloor. the tunes will fuel your happiness.

I Foot Therapy at Alaska. Monthly. Next date tbc

I Foresight at Rocksy‘s Basement. Monthly. Next date the.

I Funk Room at the Arches. Next date 17 May with guest Miss Sharon Jones.

I Gain at Alaska. llpm 3am. £10 (£8). 10 May. Monthly. l)J Rolando isjoining the inimitable Percy X for this techno mash tip. If you like your tunes harsh. rough. ready btit always classy then get down here.

I Glasnost at Alaska. Next Date 17 May.

I Global Love at Archaos. l lpm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. lltige clubs need huge nights. Progressive house arid trance is served tip by resident Lisa Littlewood. and lapped tip by a nicely suited and booted crowd of young people.

I Goodfoot at the Riverside Social. Midnight 3am. £5. 3 May. Monthly. The (ioodlooot mob bring their brand of distorted ftiiik happiness to the Social again. You can’t deny it.

I Hustle & Bustle at Babaza. 6pm~~3am (l)Js from f lptii). Free before

I lpm. £5 after. Weekly. Patil 'I'raynor and Stewart Mc('allum rip it tip with some highly charged R&B and hip-hop mixed with funky and ftinkier tracks.

I In at the Deep End at Ad Lib.

l lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Ad Lib clear the tables away once agaiti as Richard atid ltidica take control. Jackin' beats and solid grooves dominate while Bigfoot Monkey provides the fittest quality live percussion. I Life at Life. l()pm r 3am. Free before midnight. £7 after. Weekly. Kevin McFarlane. Bob Jeffries and (iordon Miller take on the two rooms with a solid ftitik. sotil. garage attd old-school classics selectioti.

I Latin Fever at llavana. 9pm» 2am. Free. Weekly. [)1 Keith I) spins tip some (‘olunibiaiL Cuban. New York and African salsa. adding a twist of Latin chart. R&B and global beats to the rhythmical stew. Tasty.

I Loose Joints at the l3th Note ('lub (downstairs). l()ptii 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. ('lassic dancefloor madness from the Loose Joint crew. A musical range of about 4() years yields a litige selection of funk. jazz and soul masterpieces. Wind your body, vvriggle your belly;

I Juice at the (iltisgow School of Art.

I lptii 3am. £7 (£5 £6). Weekly. Keep ahead of the game as Juice treats you to a zeitgeist-shaggingly fashionable guest this evening. Antony Rother is popping by to promote his new electro tour-de-force. Hacker. A jaggy‘ binary sotindscape is guaranteed for all.


Your pass to great club nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh

See page 83 for details

I Mad Dog at the Sotindhaus.

l lpm-late. £6 (£5). 26 Apr. Monthly. A night hosted by Rttftis (i. Poindexter. with a musical policy that dictates nothing arid includes any [hang with a groove. Tonight there‘s guests l)an Btighouse and a live set from 'l'ycho. llere‘s ltopitig they succeed iii world domination.

I MAS at MAS. llpm— 3am. £6 (£5). Weekly. (iood residents. a smart venue and a usually attractive crowd make this one of (ilasgow‘s btisiesi weekly Fri nighters. Billy Woods. Danny Sharkey and Marcello l)ella ('roce assume the positioti. so to speak.

I Monox at the Sotindhaus. Next date tbc.

I Muzik Box present Basement Party at Blackfriars. 9pm laitt. Free (donations welcome). H) May. Monthly. Residents Matt Reilly arid Billy Sctillion take you on a musical journey . . . only joking. They may not go in for cliches. btit they will deploy everything in their mixed bags. from sotil to afro beat. underground disco to house. iti at) attempt to please their audience.

I National Pop League at \y'oodside Social (‘lub. 3.45pm 2am. £3 (£3). 26 Apr. Monthly. An old-style (ie good) independent music night. with nods to all the right sources of alternative greatness. They describe their sotiiid as taking iii (‘86. post ptiiik and indie pop. An appreciative crowd cements this as a iiiglil of rare. unadulterated quality.

I The N00 Groove at Ad Lib.

l lpm 4am. £5 (£4). 25 Apr. Monthly. (ilasgovv house veterans Nick Peacock and Brian Williamson are joined by fellow homeboy Ian ()‘Brien for a night of the best of the underground. They‘ll rummage around in their boxes and come tip with classics old and new. lixpect a set that gives knowledgeable nods to the spheres of Latin. jau. sotil atid. of course. house. I Offset at ('ttbe. l lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. l'plifting house and LS garage iii the main room courtesy of the Solemusic boys (ieoff Montford. (iavin .\lc(‘leod atid Stevie ‘Sole' Middleton. Watch this night grow: there are some great gtiests coming tip in the following iiiotitlis. (‘ome to think of it. on 26 Apr. 1)] (‘raig Bartlett tl.america-(‘ardiff) will be maintaining the groove.

0 Optimo at Barrowlatid. 8pm 2am. £lS. 26 Apr only. ()ptitno does its eclectic sound clash/freak otit thing btit iii a way bigger venue at this Irip'lv'vt‘li special fea- turing Richie llawtin (Dex. F.\' (Q 909). liS(i. Pole and Radioboy live. Sure to confuse any rockers who wander into the Barrowland by mistake (tee lice). See pre- view/or Rit‘ltie llrot'liii.

I Playhaus at Soba. l lpm 3am. £5. It) May. Monthly. Martyn (Jengalteads. Mhelt project. Stibtracks) and (iordoti Logan (Phonic) spit) the fitie grooves for an attractive crow d.

I Pressure at the Arches. l()ptii 3am. £18. 26 Apr. Monthly. Slant definitely has the monopoly on stars this month. Ashley Beedle. Rocky and l)iesel are the enviable line-up of X-l’ress 3. iiiaiti men for this evening's event. Btil things don't end there. Sotiie bloke called Josh Wink w ill be flying in to ensure raised consciousness atid funkin' good tunes. As ever. a prestigious night of enjoytiietit.

I Public Spirit at Budda. l lpm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. The Public Sprit massive bring you some quality guests to fill the abyss left by Joti I)a Silva. who is cavorting around Russia. ()n 26 Apr we have shae frotn dviny I. while oti 3 May there's a real treat in store. as it‘s the

funky viny'l freaks records party. Turn tip and worship these bad boys.

I Pure at the Velvet Rooms. l()ptii 3am. £6 (£4). £3 before midnight. Weekly. Mtisic for adults. Rotational residents play Rth aiid hip hop in the upstairs arena while the dow tistairs lotmge gets the

funky soul treatment from Billy Milligan. Note: don't confuse lliis w ill) the