Regular weekly clubs plus one off events are listed by city, then by day, then alphabetical by title. Clubs will be listed, provided that up to date details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Lack of information may result in clubs being omitted. Glasgow club listings compiled by Johnny Regan.
Glasgow Thursdays '
I Brel at Brel. S3llptii iiiidtiight. l‘i'ee. 2 Ma). l-tii‘tiiiglitl}. With a li\ e xet l't‘oin Medieine Room on liongox. gtiitai'. drum and \oealx.
I Hot Latino Nights at Moda.
Spin lain. liree. \\eekl_\. .\ l'tixion ol l.atin and (‘tthan xottndx L'tttll'lt‘\_\ ol' I).l\ Sala/ar and .'\lttll'L‘;t\.
I Martyn at (‘ttl de Sae.
‘lptn itiidiiiglit. l‘t'ee. \Veekl}. \oti ean‘t keep a good thing don n. the .lengaheadx are one of tlte hardext \toi'king otttlitx in ion n. atid tliix pt'e-eltth xet liont their hettei‘lnoixe liall' Mart) n ix eoiixixtentl} great. l)rop h_\ the lane tonight.
I The Lansdowne Sessions at the l.anxdo\\ne Bar. ‘lpin iiiidiiigltt. l'ree. \Veekl}. .lonnie l-’i\ e and Brendan llexxle (Jtiieei get the tank lilo“ in' \\ ith retro Clt‘t‘tl'ti [Mp and l‘t'L‘akL‘l’x elaxxiex ilt lltix L‘lltx\lL‘ \Vt‘xl lilttl ltttl‘.
I Mark Robb at Moloeo (\\ext landi. ‘lpin midnight. l'ree. \\eek|_\. Hi Mark Rohh tranxl'orinx tltix e\v pakora hat into a time maeliine tor the night. i'e\ ixiting (lie t'ttnkiext _\eat'x lllllllitllll} hax _\et e\pet'ietteed. li\peet \\ idexpt‘ead meri'_\ making.
I Nico’s at \ieo‘x. ‘lpm itiidiiiglit. l‘iliCC. \VL‘L‘kl}. (iL‘t lltttt \lL'U.\ lot a elieex) pep talk hel’oi'e heading ottt to (lixgraee _\otti‘xell' iii a Satiehiehall Street ehth or kehah einpoi'ittin. (‘laxx_\l
I Phatboy’s Kitchen at .\le(‘litiill\ \Va) ()ttt \Vext. Spin midnight. l’i'ee. \Veekl}. Hip hop. ht‘eakx and heatx eotii‘tex} (ill the \Va\ Monke).
I Phonic at Moxkito. ‘lpm midnight. l'il'k‘k‘. \Veekl}. ()tllllll} tlt‘t‘lt littll\e \\ illl l’lionie l)Jx Stexen Reilh aiid (iordon l.ogan.
I Slasa for beginners at (‘iihii \orte. 7pm midnight. Ll (Hi. \Veekl}. 'l'he i'h}tliin ix inxide tix all xo get tip arid aeknotx ledge the poo er ol xalxa. (‘Iaxxex xtat‘t at Spin. htit lill tip on tapas ttntil )otir time eoniex.
I Sample 8. Hold at Bar Soliit.
Spin midnight. l‘t'ee. \Veekl}. the hip hop. eoinplele \\ itli gttext \oealixtx. xerateli} htixinexx and pei'ettxxion.
I Spy at Sp}. ‘lpm midnight. l'i'ee. \Veekl}. Siinon (’ot'diner than i doex hix (hang and deli\erx xonte (itialit) liottxe and Milk} gt'oo\ex.
I Kev Dillon at liar lll. 7pm late. l‘i'ee. \Veekl}. ll' ragga. 3 xtep and hip hop ix _\otii' hag then fill it tip \t. itli lx'e\ Dillon and ltix 'l'htt nighlx iii the heatitil'til hai‘ tip the lane.
I Virunga at lirel. ‘lpm midnight. l‘ree. 3 Ma}. l'ttt'lltlgltll}. l).l 'l’ehieo
xerx ex tip the hext iti ghetto groox ex and ('ai'ihhean heatx.
I Audio Intercourse ill .\l;ixk;i. Next date the.
I Bennet’s at llennet‘x. llptii Sam. [3 (£3 l. \Veekl}. (in). ini\ed. xtt‘aiglit \tlto earex'.’ itixt ll;l\ e a hlot id} good time. people'. Shaun l(l\lllgl} la}x donn the eroud pleaxei'x itt thix e\ei‘ popular ‘l‘liti night iiiaxli tip. .-\nnie alxo pi't>\ idex high oetane tttnage
I Chalk ‘n’ Cheese at the Tunnel.
l lptii 3am. H (Hi. lree \\ ith a Straplax helot'e iiiidttiglit. \Veekl}. 'l'ttnnel i'egttlai'x
Kex in Mel’arlane and Seott Maeka}. pltix Stephen in room No. xpin tiplront liottxe and elaxxie danee traekx.
I Columbian at the .\x_\ ltiiii Baek Room. Spin lain. l‘i'ee to ('l‘St‘ niemhei'x. U othernixe. Weekly l’ttt xome hi'eakin‘ lttnk in )otii' trtink. \\ ith thix entertaining night ol xttident inadnexx.
I Freak Moves at (ilaxgtm Seliool ol- .r\rt. llpiii Rain. (3 ( [3 i. \Veekl}. 'l'he l’i‘eakntm ex people hax e a \axt nittxieal \oeahtilai'}: want to ha\ e a eonx erxation \\ ith them'.’ It _\oti lane} interloetttion of an entirel} litnk} nattii‘e. then get _\otti'xell do“ n to thix popular llltl night at the xeliool. l‘rtig it tip and ettt xonie rtig \\ ith no need for dt‘ttgx.
I Homework at \atilt. llptn Rant. [5 (L1 i. \\eekl_\. lan aiid Stex ie man the ho\. xo all ittxeetti‘itiex o\ei' the titnex are dixpelled. 'lliix night ainix lor xtttdent happinexx \\ itliottt eonipi'oinixing the tltlttlll} le\e|x.
I Hype at ('tihe. llfillpm 3am. £3 (fill. \\eekl_\. .lllll l)a Hext teainx tip \\llll the ll}pe ere“ to ptit on a night of t\\ixted. ttlti'a l'tink} liottxe. l’lent} ol' elteap hoo/e makex thix a fun night ottl. I LiveVEvil at ('ltih lltidda.
lllpin 3am. H. 25 .-\pr. Monthly (ilaxgtm getx a intteli needed xltot of drum tk haxx in the form (it thix night. 'l'hix xtit‘elire l'ttnk} eelehi'alioii leattirex t‘exidentx l’attl lx’exet. .'\tl1llll (ieeo and Siiiioit ptinixhing _\otit‘ ptilxattng hod_\ (ple;txtii'ahl_\. inindi \\ ith their hi'and ol' lt'ttxtt'ated l'tink.
I Mr Scruff at the .\t'e|iex.
lllfillpm 3am. L'Si UH. tl Ma} onl_\. ()li _\eahl life Mr Set'til'l i'oadxhou ridex on into ( ilaxgtm. and hex determined to
\\ reek the joint. l‘tllllx ix xeldoni xo litie. xo xaxottt‘ the lla\otii' on tliix date of the
I Off The Hook at the (Silt \ote ('ltih. Ilptn 3am. L'— tLSi. \\eek|_\. (let ill on a pieee ol the axant aetion. ax the (Hi the Hook ereit (\x ixt lieat'tx aitd niindx in true 13th \ote xt} le. ('onlttxe )otti' eat'x. halt}.
I Polo For Me at the Polo l.otinge. lllpin latti. l'i‘ee. \Veekl). You. the Itiek} pttntei‘. take the helm tonight. ax retittext eai'dx are a\ailahle o\ er the hat and in the hooth. Notice lot' the ttniinaginatix e onex: ‘l .-\m \Vliat l.-\tn' ix pi'oliihited h} Ian and ptinixltahle h_\ xpanktng.
I Seismic at .\d l.ih. llpiii 3am. L31 (t; it. 25 .'\]ll' only Brand neu night xhoueaxing t|llillll_\ ttndei‘grottnd. eleeti'onie danee tnttxie. the Rim e l).lx. l)an Motto\. Speneer and .\(.\'.i ..() pla} the t'eeot'dx \\ liile (‘hin Sei'atehet' eontrihtttex a li\e xet. l’leaxe note that tliix xlttm \\ ill he hrttadeaxt the on Radio Magnetie (nu \\radiitinagentieeoini
0 Sidewinder at (‘aii\ax. Spin late. E5. Weekly .v\ll hail the neu king of (ilaxgou iii/x nightx. (ireenittiee (35 .'\pl‘l aitd the \igel (‘lai'ke 'l‘t‘io (2 .Ma_\i xtep tip to the plate ax [,ooxe .loiittx' gtiextx itt thix tlt‘llg‘ltlltll maxh text. the mtixieal polie} ix att}thittg \\ ith a gi'oo\e. xtt llttx ix a good oppot'tttnil} to xoak tip the line xtit'rottiidingx ol' the inimitahle .’\l'l;l. (iet the tank otit.
I Skint at the (‘alliottxtn llpiii 3am. L31(Eli.\\'eek|}.\er} nitieh a night to t'el'leet \xhat'x going on iii (ilaxgtm at the moment. 'l‘ottgh eheniieal hreakx aiid heatx. roek and indie tor a eroxxd ntttelt lllxt‘ lltt‘ (tllt‘ (tlll\ltlL‘ lllt‘ (itillt‘l') til. Modern .v\rt.
Your pass to great Cllll) nights in Glasgow 8. Edinburgh
See page 83 for details
I Specific at :\laxka. llptii 3am. £3. 35 .t\[)l'. Moiitlil}. 'l‘lie \ionderl'til ()ll\L‘ Moldan hi'ingx the MS lttlll' to this night of eliallenging intixieal e\pei'imentation and funk} xlienaniganx.
I Soul Shaker at Max. l lpiii Rant. [4 (£2 l. \‘t'eekly .\ mi\ed hag ol' eleetro. lL‘k‘lllltt. liottxe and Milk L‘otlt‘tex} ()ldolltt Mitehell and .ltink}at'd l)og (Shake the l)ixeaxel. .\'ot had at all tor a 'l‘litt.
I 1210 at Baha/a. Spin 3am. l‘i'ee helore l lpin. £4 (£3). \Veekl). l.iterall_\ tindet‘grottnd eltih liotixing xoine huge \oeal liottxe and garage lo\e|inexx deplo} ed \xeekl) h} lati ‘l‘lioinxon and \ttttL‘L‘.
I Twice Ass Nice at the \'el\et Rooinx. llpiii Sam. [4 (tree \\llll xtttdent ll)i_ \Veekl}. l)on't he tooled h} the plitxh interior: the \‘ehet ere“ eould teach the )ottng \\ hippet‘xnappei'x on the xeene a thing or three ahotit aleoholie danetng. l”pxtairx. rotational rexidentx take it in ttirnx to prox ide the eotninet‘eial Rtkll and hip hop xeleetionx.
l)o\\ nxtait‘x. .lamex l)oe .lnr pla_\x lhi/a antlienix all night long.
Chan & Party
I Madhouse at Sliaek. lllflllpin Rant. {—1 ( [I l. \Veekl}. .\ maxxixel} poptilat' tiight. Stttdent antheinx are dttl_\
tlt‘pltt} ed h_\ l).l (..l.
I Loveshack at l‘ttr} .\ltll'l’_\ ’x.
Ilpiit Sam. (4 ([3 i. \Veekl}. (ioing through a i'enaixxanee iit t'eeent _\eat‘x. l’tir) 'x ix peopled \\eek in \teek otit h) a trim d that \\;llll a night ol~ ttnpi'etentiotix part} ing. .litit and Phil \\o\\ thetn \\ ith a hlend ol' eotiiinei‘eial elaxxiex. \ intage indie and a totteh ol' dixt‘o loi‘ thoxe iii xetittinx.
I Rumble at the (iarage. llpiii 3am. £~1(L'2i.\\'t't'kl). llon poptilai‘ ix tltix niglit'.’ lloxx man} people lia\ e fallen don n the (iai'age'x lethal xtaii'eaxe and \xoken tip hi‘ttixed the da_\ alter".l lloxx elieap ix the hoo/e‘.’ llo\\ hig ix the queue otitxide'.’ \Vh} don‘t _\oti go and lind otit l'or )otit'xell".’
I Shagtag at l’t'i\ilege. llpiii 3am. £4 (Hi. \Veekl}. lnxanel} xtteeexxl‘ttl night haxed on a eoinplex nttmei'ieal l'lit‘ting
x} xtent; exer_xone getx a nttmher upon entry then. it xoineone eateliex }tttll' e) e. _\oti \\ rite their nttmher on the hoard ne\t to tour on n. \\ itli the idea heing that the} then i'tixli tip to )Utl and get itito a hit oliigg} giigg}. Mtixie-uixe. it‘x eomniet‘eial liottxe and (mine lrotn Se\_\ Ste\ e arid Kink} Kenn}. Bo xeleetal
I Penny and Pound at l)extiii_\. lllpm 3am. [I hel'oi‘e llpm. £3 alter. \\eekl_\. In l'ot' one penn} l\\ ell. not reall} l. and dt‘inkx for t l. :\n_\ next night haxed on a x) xteni tltix et'a/_\ dexet'\ ex \(tlllL‘ l‘L‘\[tL‘t'l.
Glasgow Fridays
I Ad-Lib at .\d l.ih. 5pm Spin. l-‘t'ee. \‘t'eekly Rotational l)_lx pt'o\ ide the llk‘l'lt‘t‘l xottndti'aek to \\ ind doun to the \\ L‘L‘lxt‘lttl Iltt\l ;t\ lltt‘ ltttl‘ \lltll \L‘l'\ L' Up the right eoektailx to take the edge till the \\eek.
0 Alan Woods at (il‘tttlL‘ltt) St Jtitlex. Spin late. l‘ree. It» .»\pt~ onl_\. Speeial II'i/tlieli night ol~ l).l aetion.
I Bar Ce Lona at liar ('e l.ona.
‘lpiti iiiidiiigltt. l‘i'ee. Weekly Sole eolioi't (ieol'l Montl'ord xatiatex _\otti' axx \\ itli a taxi} hlend ol liottxe and dixeo gl'tttt\t‘\.
I Budda at liar llttdda. Spin midnight. l'i'ee. \Veekl). l’tit'\e_\or of line l'ttnk (‘hi'ix llat't'ix xa_\ x a xlanitnin‘ hello to the llttdda elientele. \tho are in for a night of" high elaxx liottxe. linti'} tail} to thoxe nearing their dixeo tt'ottxerx.
I Chi at Me('litiill'x. Spin titidtiight. l‘ree. Weekly the ('hi xpiiinei'x hegin h_\ deplo} ing a unique hletid ol' tnellon xhaolin heatx and then tinleaxliing the hem iei' xttill‘ later on.
Sidewinder Sidewinder has a mission: to represent the jazz-loving people of Glasgow. too long tindernourished with the beautiful strains of this music. Regular space and time in which people can come together to perform and jam. Weekly guest bands provide the musical backdrop. there's Greeniuice on 25 Apr and the Nigel Clarke Trio on 2 May. Canvas. Alta. Thu 25 Apr and 2 May
Test A live PA from Polish electro—maestro Marcin Czubala marks this out as another head- ltickingly entertaining night of Testy nonsense. Live performances from this gtty are like hen's teeth. so respect to Test. Alaska. Fri 26 Apr.
Homebass Keeping well ahead of the game this month are the Jengaheads. who have enticed the ultra-funky FC Kahuna away from the press circuit for this special night of Homebass excellence. Alaska. Sat 27 Apr.
trip‘lych The festival all clubbers have been waiting for: highlights include. deep breath . . . David Mancuso. Derrick May (pictured). Jerry Dammers. Richie Hawtin. Peanut Butter Wolf. Madlib and shed loads more. and you don't even have to get your shoes muddy. Various venues. 26—28 Apr. Check /is til it 1s for full details.
Melting Pot Bank Holiday Special The musical smorgasbord that is Traxx is propped up on both dripping sides by two lads from Strut Records. One has a silly name: Simon Haggis. and one has an Italian name: Tony Rossano. these guys play a particularly sexy brand of ftinkin' shit. Who says Sundays are for doing the ironing? Riverside ‘ Social Club. Sun :3 May.
Concrete l‘ilectro queen (O Sui i ]()lliS in for a bit of the madness at Concrete. She's been garnering the greatest plaudits from all of the most respected publications. Dds and producers. and now it's down to the delectable people at the Soundhaus to show their appreciation for this rising star. Soundhaus. Sat to May
— mun“? - ’ .VLU; ;’ w .
.‘fi At" Si Me. .‘t‘t‘L‘ THE LIST 75