Theatre listings
Dundee Rep continued
Tu} Square. HHS: 335550. Il’. ll. \\'('. \\'.'\l
Puss In Boots t'niil Sui 5 Jun. 7.l5pm (Sui lllill 2.30pm). £6.50 9;] l.25 (£5.50 £9.35). liollim lhc iltl\'L‘llllll'C\ (it the cunning niillci‘\ cut in this ncxx \him h} popular plil} \\ right. Stuart l’ntu‘mn.
Ruthcs Square. (H593 (ll l 10!. ll’. \\'('. \VAI
The Uri Geller Experience Hi I I Jain. 8pm. £10 it I 2 U4). The tinned pan'unm‘inulixl hcndx \UlllL‘ \pnnll\ and pnxsihly a to“ minds.
‘) (irccn Sli'ccl. (H 503 533590. Aladdin l'ntil Sui 512m. 7pm (Sui innl 2pm). H) [9.35. High Rmu/ \tzlt'\ (i\\_\nclh (illllll'lC and Jnhn Stuhl lend the laugh in this l'csliw shim.
ADAM SMITH THEATRE Bcnnnch} Road. ()l5‘)2 412920. ll’. H. M ‘. WA]
Sleeping Beauty t'niil Sui 12 Jun
Men in tights: Th
lllUl Snnl. 7pm lpllh lll;l[\l. L") iU».5(h. Slings and laughter nplcni} til the .-\d;iin Smith's unnunl mum} pnnln.
('i\ it ('cnti‘c. \Vindinillhill Sli'ccl. th‘m 2075 l 5. ll’. \\'( I \\'.’\|
l'nlil Sat 5 Jun. 3.3llpnl «k 7.30pm. L” lL'J l. 'l‘nn) Rupcr keeps up tllL‘ l'cxliw cheer in lhix traditional punln.
185 High Slit-cl. (HUN (33 NH]. Ill. ll. \\'('. \\'.v\|
l'ntil Sat 5 .ltlll. 3.30pm tk ".itlpint
£5 U5. lt'x rugs In richcx lime in Perth. ;l\ their annual (‘hi'ixlinux punlu \cndx )im hmnc \\ ilh u \\;ll'lll glim.
St Andrews
ANN} SII'L‘CI. (H.554 47500“.
Little Me
luv 15 Sat 1‘) Jun. 8pm (Sat ninl 2.30pm). £7.50 L") lt'h ("l llui‘i'uli. ;i \lltl“ lhgit'x nut ;i pnnin? liixlcnd. .r\pc\ pruduclinnx pi‘cwnl Neil Simth lllll\lk‘tll conicd} uhnut Belle Shluniphurl. :i \\Ulll;lll uhu tiillx in low \\ ith the l'lL'llC\l kid in iim n.
e Nutcracker, Edinburgh Playhouse
SKE lCI". I Hat; W LD WEDNESDAY The Stand, Edinburgh. Wed 9 Jan.
t.".::‘:.'"~:r"‘.;:r :i»::-i7;lt<::‘:r:;::<;-. ‘~.".'I";2t s;/i::'7‘:::l, ‘;>_v f":‘t 13 ("/i' xix-z, : id- 1' l‘tgil‘igi'i!t'itaritli(:ll<:t.t;fl°[)12t:::gi':";f..':,~: l' 1:“! " \>' z-' "t
:““-: " £‘:"'l faz‘WLLF ‘~'."I<-'xr 'Zt-f) ‘.<>i; :2'3- " f."-.‘- 'l“' (wt -::" tiék'féii'X‘: fzitet-u an: it"tgi'i'Nt‘f
"in: ):.'>l. t‘I?"‘l"'l't,°"(}l\'"‘:l'il' w' x t " l “uni-Jim l t't m" “not H 'l ' A’H' manila l! (ninth: ."t '
(Igv‘~:-'~:t.z;-'if€. ’.'.';i:: . taut'éi pi :“;‘:'t«:' 4“ f;"‘:-. ESLLJ'UH :t" l‘. {Lyli‘fi q'ui' T.
(in; ll(}'t(?(}fS
zi'id {1(l‘.(}lf;{} fest nail .'(i".l(}‘.'.i}"f3_ AHle Miller. 8i(?‘.(:.'l l)l(i'r\ (l'tfit ham“. 100k I“;ltt<:i‘s; l'll() the-z! ()‘.'.'l hands; and [Ir/(M ()u.‘ '.Term19am; m '.'.4 '.'.t>t."‘t>:;<:';:‘. git; ll .'.'|lii()l(}‘.(}lll‘()l(?l3(?hl‘(2‘.'.ll.‘.'.1lf3l)()f"l. ‘l'.'.';l:;thi'iki"sgi(itinittngihngi5mm; ::f t,li<>'.'.'t;.' (EXl)'(t hr; Mllm. ()l‘i": "'tgiit (if <::> {Xifélllltl dim: int:- Blishftlcktn Ev‘uititméi. 'ht.‘t I think 71‘}, stuff :5; ;i ht t<><> mid-L} and '~::«t't>s; Ull tli<1~ gitxlzhnztt? Ell‘Il I just (7(1in 5;<3-::ii‘ t<> l().'l(} ll 12032:: 80 the :lm {l(>(‘.‘3 the <>t"l(:«i 1." luring; mall. (iftorituxta it}; Haiti; zihpgl li'igi (Md 4‘. llilil fi‘if‘dz’? (FXlXWll‘ti'f‘d. 80 ill the i"<>"‘<:'it l"“ ‘.'.'(>r'kihg; on
it) 3, 0? (1'
t‘ (EllSl‘JZ‘ n‘ntwmi. hum: :t‘ .'.'l‘i<:h l «(in itsptt-git.‘
lzliiit lftfittff; l:<:-‘.'.';2r‘»:>: ll‘lf; is;‘;; (}(l§l(‘r. ‘.’()l{lil|(?. .l‘iliiltl‘t‘ltitll‘, fiitlt“ that Ullth and n<>t illt} t?‘(ll(?l't{li thzit <:i.‘<l(it\ ()l7530!!{lfl{1'l;lllf§lf§{1H}ll‘;l(l<}(>l. \Z'th Silt-(Tut. §l\l(?f3lf§ (3:00. '.'.'<><:-'l\ tmi‘g; out the” ;)ll(fl\l|(}f3l tings. tillahfaickm Bruthersi (:thtt-i f'izltt' Sitliifl l)l(3k(1;l;liltltlt§1 'lt's; gluing; to l)(}l)(}()_l)l(}(l()lltgl (Z()ll‘(}(l‘§. that}; ll\()'(?(‘:xll(?ll‘(? that you’d llt;l‘,l)(}t3lll) 'lll()t’ltli§l if it ‘.'.'(lf§gl(1"l(_l120”, hut ‘7' ll ‘.'.;i:;h't you'd f3l()l)ll. Hut lll|f§ :;h(>\.'.".‘.':|l lll‘.()l‘.(}()‘.(}l\()l‘(}(“will “1053!th th; 2 f‘w. \.'.';ii‘t 10 do gar‘d i't(} {ltl(ll(}ll(2'i} '.'.'it| he ‘.'.(‘:ll '.‘.£llll€}(l l><>t<>r<>iigih<l.' :Mtitzmun l~ Ii:;:
Mitchell Theatre Pavilion
Theatre Royal
lhc \nuv. iii.il1
Theatre Guide
Friday 4
lldl‘t'x lll lllL' \Vt‘ml
Saturday 5 llnlwx In lht- \Vuml ('mtlcn-lli \lmlillll
I hc \ium nun
Sunday 6
liJlRN lll lllt' \\i'iul
Monday 7 Tuesday 8 Thursday 10
li.ll‘t”\ lll ‘l-llt' “uml
Wednesday 9
lidl‘tN lll llk‘ \\|'|‘\l liJl‘kW lll 'l'lln' “Uiul
\ \I.:\ \l.iddin
lltc \nuu tll.:ll “z w. nun llh‘ \num Hull
Church Hill Festival Theatre King’s Playhouse Royal Lyceum Tiaverse 1
a: a i: a m E 0 III
Slccpiiiy licliul}
l’t'lt'i l'.in Silllxt'l lillulLWJlll
limim \nd lhv llmxl
film-ping: Iii-nut}
l’clt-i l’.in \‘llllxt'l liillllt‘hllil
lit-Juli \nd Ihc llt'.l\l
St l’t‘lchl‘lllg' liullx‘l SI l’t‘li‘hl‘llli' linllt'l SI l’t‘lt‘hl‘lllg' lidllt‘l
l’vlvl |’.ni l’clci |’.in l’t‘tci l’.:n
Sunxct Hunk-mid Sunxcl lluulcmid \unwl linult‘mid Snnwl llnulcmnl
56 THE LIST -'- \Ji‘l" ."m‘fli"