listings Theatre



Drama is listed by city, then

alphabetically by venue. Dance is listed after drama for each city. Shows will be listed. provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication.

Drama 8: dance listings compiled by Kelly Apter.


WA 2 \thclchair .v\ccc\\; l’ : l’arking l‘ttclllllt‘x; “(i = s\tltt|tlt‘tl .Il‘lIL'll \l. TICKETLINK

'l‘ickch for major \t‘lltlt‘\ in (Ela\go\\ arc axailahlc from thc 'l'ickct ('cntrc. (’antllcriggx, .\lon Sat lt)_3tlam 030me Sun noon 5pm in pct‘xon or until 9pm h} phonc on (ll-ll 28" 551 l. .\n} ‘l'ickctlink ho\ officc can \cll ttckch for othcr \cuucx. THEATRE TOKENS

lil‘ intlicatcx \cnucx \\ hcrc 'l‘hcatrc 'lokcttx can hc cwhangctl l'or tickctx. 'l‘okcnx can hc hought from thc 'lickct ('cntrc. (‘autllcriggx (ilaxgou. 0H| 28" 5‘00; uloxt hranchcx of W“. Smith. John .\1cn/ic\ antl .latncx 'l'htn Hookxcllcrxz or l‘) crctlit card from 'lokcnliuc. 01"l 210 8800.

Glasgow Drama


207 Bath Strcct. 287 55l I. III. \\'('. \\'.t\|

Babes In The Wood: A Scottish Fairy Tale l'ntil Sat l‘) .lan lnot Slot) 7. Sun l3). 'l‘imcx \ar_\. £3 £15.50. lh‘u‘l'tlk‘tl l3} [Ii/IF ].t\l ;t\ llk‘ ’lk‘\l looking \lttm in tent)". li'u/uw contiuucx to hc thc panto hot ttckct. \xith lilainc ('. Smith. Tom .\lc(io\crn and ('luwrin ' ’l'lrt’ l-krl'x .\lark (’o\ and Paul Rilc} kccping thc ('hrtxtmax flag ll_\ ing long af‘tcr )our intligcxtion'x dictl do“ n.

o (iram illc Str'cct. 287 55l I. III. 'l"'l‘. M '. \\‘..\|

Cinderella l'ntil Sat 5 Jan. 7pm (Sat mat 2pm). £l4 l 2). 'l‘hc Stagc School of. Scotland f'ollou up laxt _\car'\ panto \ucccxx \\ ith thc c\ cr—popular talc of thc do“ ntrodtlcn tlaughtcr and hcr mo acxthcticall} challcngcd xixtcrx.


l2l RL‘llllL‘ItI Sll'L‘L‘l. 552 ltS—H). Il’. \\‘('. \ml

Aladdin l'ntil Sat 2() Jan (not .\Ion).

lth \at‘}. £7 £l l.50. 'l'hc Kt'ankicx

\tar in thix )t‘ar'x l'cxtiw c\tra\agan/a

at thc l’a\ ilion.

Glasgow Dance


282 llopc Strcct. 332 0000. Ill. \\'(‘. \\'.’\|

Scottish Ballet - The Snowman l'ntil Sat l2 .lan (not Sun ()/.\lotl 7). 'I‘imcx \ar}. Scottixh Ballct prcxcnt thcir magical adaptation of' Ra} tltmttl Briggx‘ hunk. L‘Ultlplt‘lc \\ tllt lotx of cutltll} charactcrx and llouartl lilach magnificcnt \corc. Scc rc\ it‘\\ on Kim pagc.

Edinburgh Drama


l.atl_\ xxcll \Va}. \ltrxxclhurgh. («)5 2240. ll’. ll. ll. \\'(‘. \\'.r\|

Sleeping Beauty

l'ntil Sat 5 .Ian. 2.30pm tk 7.30pm. £l0.75 t£().75). Dal/ling \pccial cl‘fcctx. grcat onc-lincr\ and a rcall} naxt} \ illain “hat morc could )ou “ant from _\our panto‘.’ ()ncc again thc Brunton 'lhcatrc ('ompan) tlcliwr thc gtmtlx,

Musselburgh Amateur Musical Association

'l‘hu l7 Sat l‘) .lan. 7.30pm. £5. .\l.l\.\l:\ .lo it for charit} at thix l'untlraixing conccrt.

33a Morningxitlc Road. 220 434‘). ll’. ll|

Best Little Whorehouse In Texas Thu 17 Sat 20 Jan (not Sun). 7.30pm tSat mat 2.30pm). £l0 t £8.50). Raunch) 'l'c\au l'un \\ ith 'l‘cmpo .\lu\ical l’rotluctiom.


2 km cn Strcct. 52‘) ()000. lll. ll. \\'('. \\'..\|

The New Adventures of Peter Pan l'ntil Sun 13 Jan tnot Mon 7). 'l‘imcx \ar}. £5 £l().50. (icrartl Kcll)‘ and And} (Era) kccp thc lttllgltx coming thick and faxt in llltx magical rc-tclliug of .l. .\l. Harric\ claxxic talc.


IS 22 (il‘t‘t‘thltlc i’lttt‘t‘. 0S7” 006.3424. Ill. \\‘('. \VAI

Sunset Boulevard

l'ntil Sat l2 .lan lnot Sun). 7.30pm t\\'cd «k Sat mat 2.30pm).

£8.50 £28.50. l‘aith Brtmn taka Norma l)t‘\lll()llkll hcltx out thc tuucx in l.lo_\tl \\'chhcr\ \upcrh muxical \crxion of thc Hill} \Vildcr film. Scc In it‘\\.

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (irintlla) Stt‘cct. 248 48—18. ll’. ll. ll. \\'( '. \\'.»\|

Beauty And The Beast

l'ntil Sat 5 Jan. 7pm (Sat ruat 2.30pm). £9 £lo (£5 £ l 3). ()ncc again uritcr Stttart l’atcrxon comcx up ll'lllllpx for thc l.)ccuut. \\ ith thix touching and

\t} lixh rcwxorking of' thc f'ait')talc t‘l;t\\lL'.

Lavender Blue

'I'uc l5 .lan Sat 2 l‘ch. 7.45pm tSat mat 2.30pm). £7 £l7.5()t£l £l3). .\Iuric| Rotnancx tlircctx (iracc Barucx' atmoxphcric ncu thrillcr wt in thc BtH‘tlL‘tN SCL‘ pl'L‘\ ic\\.


('amhridgc Strcct. 228 I404. ll’. ll. 'li'l‘. \V(‘. \\'.'\I

San Diego

Sat l2 .lan. 7.30pm. £3 (£1.50). l’crl'ortucd rcatling of a ncu uork h} Icading Scottixh pla_\ \\ right. l)a\ id

Kildrum. (02% 732887. ll’. ll. ll. \\'(’. \\'.r\|


Thu 17 Sat I‘Han. 7.-l5pn).

El The New Adventures Of Peter Pan Andy Gray and (Berard Kelly lead the fun in this; old fashioned panto lark. Gayle Watson (:harms; in the role of Peter. K/ng's Theatre. f'd/nht/rgl), t/nf/l Sun ISL/an

The Snowman lhe ()rrglna! 198? animation rs; given life. and a

feels as though we’ve caught them In private Helen Mona han talks to

A l i l ' . .\ tic“ \L‘t’\lt)ll till [ltt‘ lllllL'll lt)\ L‘tl Hellen Van eene, Art, ' ' ~ I ~ I A s : fair} talc from ()nc In .\ llundrctl page 70 Mad, bad, Faith Brown in Sunset Boulevard, Edinburgh Playhouse (‘ompau_\. ' .‘ THE LIST 55

(ircig. much longer narratwe hy SCOUISll 3; Edinburgh Dance L Ballet. Beautiful costumes and FESTIVAL THEATRE a: charming; (:l)oreography add to the 5; I3 3‘) Xtcolxtm Stt‘cct. 53‘) noon. Ht, 5, effect. See revrew (Kids; section). \W U \\'-'\| 3% lheaf/‘e lt’ot’al, (i/(lSt ow. t/nf/l Sat s . .1 St Petersburg Ballet Theatre 1;.) km ‘l‘uc 8 Sat l2 .lan. 7.30pm l'l'hu mat S! ' 3 '3 l.30pm; Sat mat 2.30pm). £5 £33. 'l‘hc 5133 sunset Bou'evard “my ilk't‘léli'm‘sl RUN“! Utml’lm} l‘t‘l'li‘l'm VVIIUOI'S superb flln) rs; hrought to ‘S’W‘ “lllhz‘ “WM 5 “HM l“’l’l'l"" "Mm" the statue hv Andrew I lo\'d . \l' III .(I ’. 2 ' , ' l i Wehher. l arth brown reads as; the PLAYHOUSE tragrt: Nora [)esanond. and the IS 22 (it’L‘L‘lhttlc l’lacc. 0870 0003-12-1. thug“; if; ;1 [real 8m} [’(}\'I|(}\_'.'/. |H,\\'('.\\'.-\| «‘3' l- . I ), , . . \, 1/) (XI/mun I) I All/tense. t//)f// Sat 1( The Nutcracker j, ‘1 Mott 1-1 Sat l‘) .lan. 7.30pm l'lhu & “1” Sat tnat 2.30pm). £0 £30.50. 'l‘hc .55; Eigti Babes In The wood l ||(}()[] (3 (.1‘.'"”‘”' '\‘”.'”'“‘l it‘ll” '1“‘.””“ l‘.’ . . Sniff ) makes; a triumphant return Izdmhurgh \xrth tltcn‘ rcntlttton ol \urr , I H C I H. (s, s i . H 3.: (mwum MK “MN. mud :3 to pan o Ill ll.) ot a.) ll()ll(,( a i: :3: star affair. the old story rs; t)l‘.'(}ll Central Drama & Dance new lrfe wrth \.rg;orous; f, Ayr performances; and delightftr' song}. 1 GAIETY THEATRE K/ng's; lheafr‘e. (Nassgoat. 1/!th St)? i ('arrick Strcct. 0| 202 ()l I222. Ill. \\‘('. If) Jt’t/l . Mr 1 Jack And The Beanstalk s‘ . . - . L-» r. l'ntil Sat l2 .lan (not Sun). 2pm tk 7pm. £8 £l2 t£().50 £8.50). |)can W I l’ark tlUIIS hix lincxt l)amc coxtumc for _ thc (mtct) \ annual pauto \caxon. glrlsz Cumbemauld In over—srzed clothes. CUMBERNAULD THEATRE expose naked flesh; It