Paul Harrison Quartet Now back on tho Edinburgh soono attor a spot? in London. Paul Harrison is

(raking tho samo kind of impact ho (ll(l notoro ho lott. this gig introduoos a nox'.’ lino-up for tho pianist. foaturgng Chris Grtovo on troinl:-ono and lvlartin Korshax'.’ on saxophono. Horny}; Ja// Co/lar. [fr/inht/rgh. Fri (90 NOE.

Jools Holland Jools (ploturo it isn't roallj; a ;a// plagor. hut ho (:an unloash as n‘oan a hoogio-'.'Joog(o Iott hand as anmot l1. around. and his rhythm and hluos oriontod outfit (:an ho roliod on to crank up tho onorgy tox'ols hohtnd thoir loador. .Jools has a triod and tostod l()t'tl‘.tll£t that ‘.'.’()t'l<S. so '.'-./i‘.\.' moss ‘.'."ltlt it? Pfat/iouso. Edinburgh. Fri 7' Doc: C/Vdo Aad'to/xtrm. (3/asgtr.'.; Sa.‘ 8 Doc.

Burt MacDonald Quartet “tho ovor l."~‘.'(3tltl‘.’(} Burt MaoDona'd Ouartot (:omhtno musroai atix'ortfurousnoss (chock thoir rooont CD fif)ll£ll)()t'étll()tt ‘.'.’|lll Lol Coxhallt ‘.'.’llll lt‘(}|()(l|(: aooossipiltt‘,’ (chock othor oi thoir othor (IDS; lll thoir own distinctix'o fashion. And tho gig is t'roo Broil Glziix/oatc Sat 5-,? DOC.

Rae. eome together tor thix intimate eoneert. Iintr) ineludex \\ ine and tiihhlex.


I Colin Steele Trio Henr} '\ .lzl/l ('ellai'. (S .\l()t‘t'i\()|t Street. 46? 52W). 8.30an £5. (‘ale (iral'liti‘x tormer rexident trumpeter ('olin Steele trontx llli\ (‘het Baker inspired ia/l trio.

I Jazz At The Trafalgar Suite Waterloo Bullet. 3 Waterloo l’laee. 5.56 75978.3()»(11. £3. See ’l'hu 29.


I London Community Gospel Choir \lotheru ell ('oneert Hall. (‘i\ ie (‘entte \Vindtnillltill Street. (H098 207515. 7.3( pm. £l l.5l) ( UN). The ehoir lend their tltlpl'L‘\\i\ e eolleetix e \oiee [0 will. \u ing and blues. ax \\ ell ax elaxxie gUxPL‘l \oitgx. You heard them in The [Jun Kine. no\\ eatt‘h them here.


I Soundbone & The Funk-Out- Fit llenr) 'x .la// (‘ellaiz S Morrison Street. .107 52M). midnight. £5. .\'e\\ hand lrom tromhonixt (‘hrix ( irei\ e \\ ith drummer l’aul .\li|l\ that \pt‘elltli\t‘\ in \ottl. tunk and jaw.

0Jools Holland And His Rhythm And Blues Orchestra

l’la_\ltou\e. l3 2: (it‘eenxide l’laee. 407

52()(). 7pm. £l9.5(). The ever-reliable Jools and llix hard-working hand dish up the familiar menu of elaxxie boogie “oo— gie. blues and roek ‘n' roll tunex.

I River City Jazz Band l‘airmile Inn. 44 Biggar Road. 3 l 2 8243. 8pm. £6 (£5). Speeial guests the RiVer ('it}' Ja/I hand join the lidinhurgh .la// ‘n' to e eluh for more traditional tall and New Orleans numherx.

I Todd Gordon Henr} \ .la// (‘ellatz X Morrion Street. 4(37 .5200. S.3()pttt. £5. S\\ inging \oettlx t'rom (iordon. u ho hax a real paxxion tor Sinatra. The singer has just released his debut album. ()ne l)a_\ In June.

Saturday 8


QBurt MacDonald Quartet Brel. 39 43 .v\\ltton l.ane. 342 4966. 3pm. l-‘ree. Sa.\ophoni\t Raynond .\lael)ona|d and guitarist (ieorge Burt l‘ront lllix

im enth e and atmospheric quartet. \\ hieh oeeaxionall} heeomex a quintet. 0Jools Holland ('l}de .-\uditorium. l-‘inniexton Qua}. ()S7() ()4t) 4000. 7.30pm. £19.50. See lift 7.

I Moscow Art Trio (‘(‘.v\. 350 Sauehiehall Street. .352 4900. Split. £ll) (on door onl} l (£0). t('(‘:\ 5). Three

\ il'lll()\() ltlll\tet;lll\ make tip the .\lo\eo\\ .’\rt 'l'rio \\ ho pla} a luxion ol' eaxtern liuropean t‘olk muxie. elaxxieal and imprm ixed iau. See pre\ ie\\.


I Hot Charanga Sauce Henr} \ .la// ('ellar. S .\lUl‘t‘i\()ll Street. 467 52””. midnight. £5. the startling l.atin \oiee ot‘ ('arlox l’ena l'rontx a new group pla} ing Bra/ilian \on lllll\lC. \\ ith ('arrie .\1el\'enna(llute). l)a\e l’atriek (piano). .\lario (‘arihe (haxx).

I Picante Henr} \ .la// ('ellar. S Mot't‘ixott Street. 467 .5200. 8.30pm. £5. Ken Mathiexon'x hand pla} ing modern jam and blues u ith \peeial guest \a\op|toni\t .limm} Wood.


I Ball, Barber and Bilk t‘xher Hall. l.othian Road. 228 1 I55. 7.30pm.

£ l 7 £2 1. See 'l‘ue 4.

I Haftor Medboe Quartet llenr} \ .la/l (‘ellatg .S’ Morrison Street. 4(37 5200. S.3()pm. £5 (£4). l-‘eaturing Medhoe on guitars and the hard-\xorking l’aul Harrison on piano.

I Jazz At The Trafalgar Suite Waterloo Bullet. 3 Waterloo l’laee. 550 7597. 8.30pm. £3. See 'l‘hu 29.

I Bill Kyle’s SHJQ Human Be—ln.

2 S \Vest (it’oweatheua). (to: (SSH). 9pm. l‘ree. See Sun 2.

Monday 1 O

St Andrews

I lan Miller and Dominic Spencer the Seoi'ex Hotel. 7n the Seorex. S.3()pm. £3. See Mon 3.

Wednesday 1 2


I Three Candiru 'l‘ehai—(hna. 42 “(ago l.ane. 357 4524. Spin. £l.5(l. See Wed 5.


I Open Mic Henr} \ .la// ('ellar. S .\l()t‘l'i\()ll Street. 407 .5200. S3llpttl. £5. .\ ehanee tor axpiring muxieianx and \ingei‘x to pertorm \\ ith a prolexxional rh}thm \eetion.


I Stuart Brown and The Frank Harrison Trio Henr} '\ .la// (‘ellatz S .\l()l‘l’i\()lt Street. 407 52()(). .\.3()pm. £5. .la// \lttlltltll'(l\ and original numbers as this hot Seottixh drummer teams up \\ ith London pianist l‘rank Harrison's trio.

Dates listed below are for one-off and ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Folk 8: World listings compiled by Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 29


I Kieran Halpin The Star ('luh. Rnerxide (‘lulx l-'o\ Street. 5o9 7287. 7.30pm. £(t (£4). lt't\ll \ongxxriting/guitar- pla} ing talent. re\ident in Seotland. and \\ ith a down alhumx under his belt.

I Celtic Wah Wah l’riueex Square. Buchanan Street. 22l ()324.

7.3” 9.30pm. l-‘ree. l'ittldlex pereuxxion. \oealx and eleetrie danee grom e\.


I Songwriter Nights 'I‘he \Vznerle} t'pxtairx. St Mar} \ Street. 9pm. £l. ()riginal intixie old} at llli\ open-\tage e\ent. .’\dmi\\ion tree to perl'ormerx. l-‘urther details trom

iimigoew hlue}

I Ntzu Bongo ('luh. 14 Ne“ Street. 553 7(r()4. ltlpm. £5. :\l'rie;ui-xt_\le roots/roelx l'rom a line-up of three hands.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra R()_\al (‘oneert Hall. Sauehiehall Street. 353 S()()(). 7.30pm. £ll £24. RS.\'() l’()p\ pl'e\e111\it St Andre“ \ night eoneert \\ ith tiddler .-\l} Bain and aeeordionixt l’hil ('unningham. I St Andrew’s Night Ceilidh St .v\ndre\\ '\ tn the Square. ()t't' Saltmarket. St Andre“ \ Street. 548 (»()2(). Spin. £5 (£3 ). 'l’he (‘loud Ho“ e ('eilidh Band pro\ ide the muxie.

I Ceilidh Dance Rent‘reu t-‘ern. (’l_\de l’laee. 28." 551 l. 9pm. £5. .\lu\ie from the (tar) Blair (‘eilidh Band.


I Guid Crack Club Waxerle} l'pstairx. St .\lar_\ \ Street. 7.30pm. £2.50 (donation). St :\ndre\\ '\ \ight guest

\tor} teller Senga Munro.


I Deaf Shepherd Houden l’ai'k (‘entre. lltmden. (ll5llo 433034. Spin. £8 (£5 ). linergetie t\\ lll--Htl(lle/pl[k‘\ and \oilg\ t'rom one ol~ Seotland\ moxt popular hand»


I St Andrew’s Night Ceilidh Rttllle\ Hallx. Rothex Square. (H592 hi I llll. Spm lam. £9. .\lu\ie l'rom 'l'apxalteei'ie.


I Folk Music and Song Evening 'l‘tillieltiu an Hotel. Balloelt Road. (H.390 7575M. 9pm. l’ree. .'\n open mie t'olk \exxion. all singerx and llltl\tel;tll\

\\ eleome.


I Lothian Conservation Volunteers Ceilidh Dance Solltlt Side ('ommunit} ('entre. \ieolxon Street. Spm. U) (£5). .\lu\ie trom Ro} /one.

I Artlink Ceilidh St Bride\ ('enlt'e. ()r\\ ell 'l‘erraee. 22‘) 3.555. Spin midnight. £.\' (£5 ). l-‘undraixing danee \\ ith the Seoteh Snap ( 'eilidlt Band. l’roeeedx to .'\t'tlllll\ l'.\t’()l‘l Sen tee \\ltiel1;l\\l\l\ people \\ll() ll;t\ e tlll‘llL'lllllL'S getting It) arts exentx in the l.otl1ian\.

I Ceilidhs At The Caley ('aledonian Bre\\e('_\. Slatel'ord Road. ()2.3 sum». 2pm lam. £o ( £5). .\lu\ie trom 'lapxalteei‘ie.

\! I.

The Moscow Art Trio A tt'l()l<\, ono horo as this trio fall into no oasy (:atogon: ovon if tho» havo a Goorgian folk singor who can handlo a shax'xnf. alongsido tho group's piano and horn. lalont and skill thoy havo Ill spados at you think thoir piano playm‘ and hand loador Misha Alporin (proturodi is a ‘.’|l'ltl()S(). wait till you hoar llllt‘. on tho mouth-blown (itolod:(:a. (SC/t. Glasgow Sat 8 Doc.

Calasaig Horo is ono of our brightost toting hands. ‘.'.’lllt two singors and a van load of pipos. tiddlos. flutos. ‘.'.’lllSll(1‘S and t’rottod things. Now. with two albums undor thoir bolt. thoy aro dotining a now SCOHISli sound. [itl’i/l.‘)t//"(]/l f-ot’k Club. ‘.'./o(:' l? DOC.

Martin Carthy His daughtor Eli/a might ho hottor known to tt‘léllttStt‘ttht‘. audionoos. out Pa is no slouch on tho guitar. usod to play in Stooloyo Span. still plays in Brass Monkoy. and for dooados has boon an inspiration to gonorattons as thoy (llS(I()‘.'(}t' tho hoauty in English folk song. String; Jan: Jul). Galas/trots. Sa.’ " Dot/3. [.(ilrilxrr‘g/t Fo/A’ Clan"). l'.’o<," .‘3 [)oo


I Folk Music Christmas Party .\lanor Park Hotel. Kilmarnoek Road. (H292 3l32()5. S l 1.15pm. £l5 (£l()). 'l‘he all-\inging Sangxteh. \\ ith \upport trom l)u\t} Miller. .'\l\o ineluded is a 3— eout’xe meal.


OMartin Carthy String .lam (‘lulx Salmon Inn. Bank Street. (H.750 2()53.\'. Spin. £(r. Paul Simon and |)_\ Ian are both indehted to Illi\ tinglixlt lllllx legend. See pre\ ie\\.


I English In Its Underwear: A Celebration Of The Scots Language St .-\ndre\\ '\ In the Square. ()ll Saltmarket. St Andre“ '\ Street. 54.\' (\(l2l). 7.30pm. £8 (£4). \Villiam .\lell\anne) gnex the Re} note addrew. t'ollo“ ed It} a debate on the poetr) ol‘ Rohert l'et‘gttxxon. Songx trout (iordeanna .\le(‘ulloeh and .'\nne Sinelait'. \\ ith liddle tunes t'i'om Hugh .\lae( iilp.

I Balalaika (‘al'e (‘U‘Atlt'lltllm Kill; Street. 55.3 (V33. Spin. £5 (£3). l\’ll\\l;lll hand p|a_\ \arioux \i/ex (ineluding the ham \erxion) ot' the three<xtringed Rtl\\l;tll traditional instrument.


I The Taliesin Tradition \etherhou Stot')lelling (’entre. High Street. 530 9579. to ( £4). l’ai't ol the .-\rthurian \ightx \ei‘iex. eentred on Merlin and the Baidx. \\ illl Bill 'l'a_\ lor (elarsaeh and l)re) \\ ith Donald Smith (\tor}te||er) and l’araig .\lae\eill (hard).

'\ . “THE LIST59