Music rock & pop listings

Tue 11 continued


Oballboy, Desc, Barrichello, Degrassi attd I Am Scientist Bongo ('luh. I4 .\'e\\ Street. 55S 7(i04. Spm. £3. SI. Records ('hristmas I’art} l'eatttring the talents ol' some of the hest local acts around. headlined h) the rather excellent hallho}.

I August81, STML attd Alphonso I.a Belle Angele. I I IIasties (low. 335 7530. Spm. £4. I.ocal triple hi”.

I Capdown and Douglas Venue

I7 3I ('alton Road. 557 3073. Split. £5. ()xer-I4s shou. 'I‘ipped next rock otttlit ('apdott it do it hit the kids.

Wednesday 1 2


I The Bootleg Beatles Ro};tl (‘oncert Hall. 3 Sattcltieltall Street. 3S7 55I I. 7.30pm. £I(i.5Il/£I4.5() pltts credit card hookittg lee. See Mon II).

I The Complete Stone Roses The (iarage. 400 Sattcltieltall Street. 333 I I30. 7.30pm. £S plus hooking l‘ee. ()ter- I4s shots. Ilomegrou n Roses tt'ihttte act. olticiall} appro\ ed h_\ es-Roses hassist Matti.

I Capdown and Douglas King 'l'tit‘s \Vah \Vah lIttt. 373a St Vincent Street. 331 537‘). Spm. £5 plus hooking l‘ee. ()\el'- I4s slit)“. See Inc I I.

I Non Jovi 'I'he (‘athouse. l5 l'nion Street. 34S (moo. 7.30pm. £0 pItts hookittg lee. ()\el’-I-I\ shou. 'I‘hird trihttte hand ol the night. I.uck_\ tts.

I Pleasure Forever attd Senator 'I‘he l3th \ole (’Itth. 3o0 (‘l}dt‘ Street. 343 3 l 77. Spitt. £5. Yet anotlter San I-t'anciscan hattd hIending a \ariet} ol'

st} Ies. inclttdittg ps} chedelia. potttp rock attd general noise terrorism. Support Irom punk} Scottish trio Senator.

I Rod Stewart Tribute Christmas Party Bourhon Street. IOS (ieorge Street. 553 (ll4l. 7pm. £7.50 (£37.50 \\ ith dinner).

I Acoustic Open Stage the “alt Bar. tot) Woodlands Road. 5(i4 I537. S.30pm. I‘ree.

I Open Mic 'l‘lie Scotia. It: 114 Stockuell Street. 553 SoS l. 0pm. I‘ree. I Live Music \it'e‘ri‘Slezrx). 43! Sauchiehall Street. 333 ‘)o37. 0pm. .\'orth (ilasgou (‘olIege hattd night.


0 Basement Jaxx. attd The Streets (DJ set) (’ot‘n Ii\change. Ne“ Market Road. (iorgie. 443 3437. 7.30pm. £I5.50. l‘p-heat dance sounds l’rom I.ottdon part} animals Basement .la\\. \\ itlt support Iron) The Streets 1)] team. See panel.


Mike Peters 'I'he I’amous Bein Inn. (ilenlat‘g. (H.577 S303 l(i. 0pm. £10. The e\-'I'he.'\Iarm mangoes it alone.


OThe Charlatans and Starsailor SI‘.(‘('. Iiittttieston Qua}. 0S70 040 4000. £30 plus hookittg lee. See t'eatut‘e tor (‘harlatatts. page 30.

0 Basement Jaxx, Royksopp and The Streets (DJ set) Iiat'rotxland. 344 (iallotsgate. 553 4(i0l. 7.30pm. £15 plus hookittg l'ee. I’Ius DJ set l'rom next. l'Is' garage artist The Streets attd tlte highl} rated Icelandic IIIL‘II()\\ hottse ttterchants Ro} ksopp. See panel.

I Jim’s Super Stereoworld, Abdoujaparov, linviisiibles and Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine King 'I‘ut‘s \Vah \Vah IIut. 373a St Vincent Street. 33I 537‘). S.30pm. £050 pltts hooking lee. .Iitnhoh and I‘ruithat ol ('arter tour \\ ith their respectne neu hands attd cotne together lor old times‘ sake lot' a special (’arter

I Throwswitch, Station, Fractal Jack, TV-K and Kinder "I‘he

58 THE LIST .’ ".

('athouse. I5 l'nion Street. 34S (iotlo. 7.l5pm. £3 (adsance). £3.50 (door). .\'o age restriction. Rock/metal line-up.

I Lali Puna and Suckle 'l‘lte I3lh Note (‘Itth. 3N) (‘I_\'de Street. 343 3 I 77. Spm. £(i. (ierman electronica outlit supported h) meditatixe (ilastsegian cotttho.

I Ignorant the 13th .\'ote (‘at'e. 50 ()0 King Street. 553 lo3S. S.30pm. £3. Ittdie. I Remedy and Heirloom Nit'e'tt'Slezt/y. 43I Sauchiehall Street. 333 ‘)(i37. 0pm.

I Neil Diamond Tribute Christmas Party Bourbon Street. IOS (ieorge Street. 553 014 I. 7pm. £7.50 (£37.50 \\ ith dinner). Sittgannga .\'eiI at this part) hash.

I Scooby Snax Stttdio ()ne.

(il't)\\ enor Ilotel. (irosxenor 'I‘errace. litres Road. 341 (i510. 0pm. Free.

I The Vagabonds ‘l‘he Scotia.

I I3 I I4 Stock“ eII Street. 5.53 Shh’l. 9pm. I"ree. I’opular co\ers.

I Jam Session Samuel I)()\\ 's,

(i7 91 .\'ithsdaIe Road. 433 0I07. S.30pm. I‘t‘ee.


I Rock Action Records Christmas Special i'eaturing The Zephyrs, The Remote Viewer, The James Orr Complex and Mogwai DJs Wee Red Bar. :\rt (‘oIlege. I.auriston Place. 33‘) I443. Spitt. £the. Mogtsai‘s record IaheI celehrate (‘hrimho itt true acronistic st} le \\ ith an exerting ol' uonk} electronics. contemplatn e acoustic sounds attd some graceliul post-rock sueeps. And pt'oh;thI_\ loads ol' he\ \} attd the odd .»\phe.\ I“ in- Mis\_\' Iilliot-.»\(‘/I)(’ soundclash on the decks lrom Stuart Ilt‘aithtxaite. .'\Il itt all a top exerting guaranteed.

I Ellis, Aeiris and Big Hand In Belle .-\ngeIe. I I Iiasties (lose. 33.5 7530. Split. £4. .\ trio oI local acts headlined h} Iillis \\ ho itttpressed hugel} with their melaneholie-tinged terse indie rock dttring this _\ear‘s 'I‘ Break competition.

I Ayrz Rock, Paul McLusky and Read It 8. Weep Bongo ('Iuh. 14 .\'e\\ Street. 55S 7(104. 9.30pm. £thc. Indie Irom Scottish aet A} I'/ Rock. classic guitar rock Irom .\IL‘I.ttsI\} attd a tottelt ol tttetal trom Read It & \Veep at this henelit gig lor the I’B(’ I-‘ottndation. .v\|I competed h} Iidinhut‘gh cotnediatt (’hris ('ooper u ith a 1).] set l'rom I)t'e\\ Kirkland.

I Songwriter Nights The \Vznerle}. St Mar} 's Street. 0pm. £ I. See Thu 3‘). I Ronnie Rootsie (’at'tet's Bar. Morrison Street. 633 7033. 9.30pm. Free. See Ilitl 3‘).


The dates listed below are for one-off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 29


I The Steve Martland Band Queen's IIaII. (‘Ierk Street. (ioS 301‘). Spm. £l0 £l3 (£S £l0). the master ol' the mant-gat‘de music scene takes his rock/ian/classical h} hrid sottttd on tour. I Ross Milligan Trio Henr} \ Ja/I ('eIIar. S Morrison Street. 407 5300. S.30pm. £5. Blues attd lttnk from this sophisticated guitarist. mm hack on the Iidinhurgh scene.

I Jazz At The Trafalgar Suite Waterloo Bullet. 3 Waterloo I’Iace. 55o 7597. S.30pm. £3. Mainstream. progressn e attd experimental ia/x limit the resident trio ol [an Millar. Dominic Spencer and I)es Iran is. plus guest appearances.


I Groove Diggaz IIent'} \ .Ia// ('eIIar. S Morrison Street. 4(i7 5300. midnight. £5. .\ dose ol‘ litmk trom Iidinhurgh's premiere hea\ _\ \\ eight soul outlit. t'eatttring \oeaIist Ion} King attd the talents ol Martin Is'ershats on sax.

I Jazz ‘n’ Jive Club I’airmile Itttt. 44 Biggar Road. 3l3 S343. Spm. £4 (£3). The Louisiana Ragtime Band attd The Spirits ol' Rh} tltnt are on ltattd to ser\ e tip a helping ol'earl} attd .\'e\\ ()rleansiaI/ sl_\ les.

0 Paul Harrison Quintet Henr)‘s Ja/I ('eIIat'. S Morrison Street. 4(i7 5300. S.30pm. £5. Another ne\\ group lead h} pianist attd composer IIat'risott. le;tturing the talents ol (’hris (irie\e on tt'omhone attd Martin Keisha“ on sa.\.


I Graeme Wilson Quartet Bret. 3‘) 43 .-\shton I.ane. 343 4‘)(i(i. 3pm. I‘ree. Illis lititlt‘soltte. I'l'tiltled It} talented _\oung sas pla} er Wilson. pla) hop-iin material \\ ith ethnic IlllilllL‘llL'L‘s lt'om

Pt‘otston Hood it; a fingor picking £I(I()tlf$Il(i (itittztr f3l)(3(ll£tl|f3l ‘.'.’lIIl (t (IEI//lllltl two hairdo-(l I(:(‘Illll(ltl() and 2t stylo ‘.'/Ill(lll If; rootod tn JéI// and Moos. but (:ll(;()tl‘[)£tf§i§(3fs a ‘.‘./l(l(,‘ ranging musical \.«'o(:;tI)ulztr\,c Hts; oztt‘ly inllttonoos; inolttdod tlto ltkos; o: Loo Kottko and John Faltoy. and lto has (:atrtod sontotlttng oi thott‘ unoonvotitional ooloottoistn into IlliS own l)I£I\,'lllt}. I lo has f;()lltt}lllt‘.(}f> boon oontparotl to tho lztto Mioltaol llodgos. but tho tltlllétt'lfd is; won; ll‘tl(ZIl his; own man. and his most t'(}(:(}l‘t t'o<:or(ling. /~-/(tn(/'.t///ttori Notos. squosté; tltztt Ito has; tnovod onto (1 now lovol of £l(:ltl()\.’(}lll(}ltl. both {If} .‘t plztsot and 2t (i()ll‘.l)()t;(?l.

tKonny Mzttlttoson)

I /)/(}.‘J.’()/l Hood plat/5; (If Hon/v3; J; // (Jot/(tr. [dinning/i. Srtt‘ 7 Doc.

countries like India and .Iapan.

I Live Jazz ()K(). (iS Ingram Street. 573 I500. 3 5pm. I‘ree. I'.\’el"\' Satttt'da}. Relaxing al‘tet‘noon sounds courtesy ol‘ I’auline ('opeland attd pianist Ronnie I’inla).

I George Penman’s Candlelight Club ('al'e Source. at St Andrew s ill the Square. I St Andrew s Square. ()lt Salttttarket. 54S (i030. .‘.30pnt. £5. .r\n et‘ening ol laid-hack classic ia/x Irom this old titastet'. Booking essential il‘ meal is required.


I Melting Pot IIenr)'s1aH('eIIat'. S Morrison Street. 4(i7 5300. midnight. £5. 'I'rumpetet' (’olin Steele (Midnight Blue Band) leads his sis-piece through a dattcel‘Ioor-tttittded jaH set. with the emphasis on l‘unk.

I Preston Reed IIenr} ‘s .Ia// ('ellar. S Morrison Street. 4(i7 5300. S.30pm. £5. 'I‘his :\ltlel'ieillt guitarist pla}s the \\ hole spectrum ol'ia/I Iron) t‘aunch} hIttes to romantic impressionism. See panel.


I Hung Drawn Quartet IIent'} ‘s .Izt/l ('eIlar. (S Morrison Street. 4(i7 .5300. S.30pm. £5. Illis sa\ophone qttartet plan their on n im‘entix e arrangements ol‘ia/l standards as \\ ell as their original compositions.

I Jazz At The Trafalgar Suite Waterloo Bullet. 3 Waterloo Place. 556 7597. S.30pm. £3. See Thu 3‘).

I Bill Kyle’s SHJQ Iluman Be-In.

3 S West ('rosscattseua}. (to: SSol). 9pm. I‘t'ee. :\ quartet put together h} drutttmer Bill K) le. l‘eatttring an alternating litte tip ol the hest ol' Iidinhurgh's ja/x pla) ers such as (‘olin Steele. Brian Sitiels. Iii'itllt Kellock. Jimm) Wood. attd more.

St Andrews

I Ian Miller and Dominic Spencer The SL‘UI‘L‘S Hotel. TI) The Scores. S.30pm. £3. ('ontemporar} sasophone and piano duo.

Tuesday. 4


I Ball, Barber and Bilk Roytl (‘oncert littll. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 55.“ S000. Spm. £l(i.50 £33.50. 'I‘t'aditional jaz/ t'rom three \eterans ot' the [K scene. 'I‘he neu Big (‘hris Bat‘her Band makes its lirst Scottish appearance. alongside .'\cket‘ Iiilk and his Paramount .Ia// Band and Kenn) Hall attd his .Ia//men. 'I‘he )eat‘s are undeniahl} taking their toll on some ol' these gins no“. httt the} remain a popular draw

Wednesday 5


I Linda Fletcher Trio Bret. 3‘) 43 Ashton I.ane. 343 woo. Spm. I't'ee. .«\ night ol‘ eas) listening gems It‘om the singer's trio. lcatttring Scott Madden (piatto) attd (ieorge I.) Ie (hass).

I Three Candiru 'I‘ehai-( it na. 43 ()tago I.ane. 357 4534. Spitt. 31.50. Iiclectic neu group lead h} d 'utttmer \ick \Veston.


I The Standard Bearers IIenr) \ .Ia// (‘elIatx S Morrison Street. 4o“ 5300. S.30pm. £5. .-\ ial/ jam session \\ ith the Standard Bearers. Ied h} drutttttter I’at Quinn \\ ith loads ol‘gttests.

Thursday 6 1


I Brian Kellock and Sylvia Rae Queen's ('ross ('hurch. S70 (iarscuhe Rtitttl. ‘Hh (ihlll). (Spill. £ I 5. Int) ()I Scotland‘s most .‘tccotttplished _ia// musicians. pianist Is'eIIock attd \ocalist