Music folk listings

Sun 2 continued

I Tony Mitchell \Vcc Folk (‘1ub. Royal Oak. lnlirmary Strcct. 557 2‘)76. 8.30pm. £3. Scats 30. comc carly.


I The Du-Tels l3t1t .\'otc (‘1ttb. (‘lydc Strcct. 243 2177. £8. Folk-pickin' y'ctcran Pctcr Stamplcl and (irammy- nominatcd guitarist (iary Lucas join forccs to pcrl‘orm a yy'idc rangc o1. Atticricana.


I Acoustic Underground \Vhistlcbinkics. Sottth Bridgc. 557 5114. 10pmv 2.30am. Frcc. ()pcn-tnic. hostcd by Pctcr .‘ylicliacl Rowan.

Tuesday 4 .


I Runrig l'shcr Hall. l.othian Road. 228 1155. 7.30pm. £16.50 £18.50. (‘hcrishcd chccsy Scottish rock roots outtit with a (‘anadian singcr.

Wednesday 5


I Sharon Shannon cht'rcyy Fcrt'y. ('lydc Placc. 'l‘ickcts and information 287 5511.8pm. 'l‘hc \y insomc star ol' thc Irish accordion \\ ith hcr band including sistcr Mary on banjo. mandolin and 1idd1c.


0 Martin Carthy lidinburgh Folk (’Ittb. 'I‘hc Plcasancc (‘abarct Bar. 'l'hc Plcasancc. 8pm. £6 (£5 1. 'l‘hc doycn ol' British l‘o1k-rcy‘iyalists is a Mcrcttry .v\\\ard nomincc and an .\1B1{. Scc .\1tisic prcy'icyy.

I Absolute Beginners Ceilidh Dance .‘ytarco's l.cisttrc (critic. (irch Strcct. 337 5442. 8 ‘).30pm. £2.50

H; l .501.


I Davy Gibb l)untcrmlinc Folk (‘lub. Thistlc 'laycrn. Baldridgcburn. 01383 72‘)673. 8pm. .\'it‘ty gttitar work and humorous songs.


I Open Session l,omontl Folk (‘Ittlx Argy 11 Bar. Main Strcct. 0138‘) 757561. ‘)pm. Frcc. Musicians. singcrs atid

\ isitot‘s \\ clcomc.

Thursday 6


I Toni Wood Thc Star (‘1ub. Riy'crsidc (’lub. Fox Strcct. 56‘) 7287. 7.30pm. £61124). Topical contcmpttrary/traditional songs l'rom Australian toni Wood. accompanicd by- thc acoustic gttitar ot‘ Brian 11c‘yyy'ood. I Lucy Kaplansky and Alice Peacock chl'rcyy Fcrry. (’lydc Placc 287 5511. 7.30pm. £tbc. Highly rcspcctcd :\tltL‘l‘lCitItit singcr/songyy ritcr Kaplansky \‘istls1't‘tilnliic l'S.


I Songwriter Nights The \‘y'aycrlcy. St Mary‘s Strcct. ‘)pm. £1. Scc Thu 2‘).


I The Christmas Ceilidh 2001 chlrcyy Fcrry. ('lydc Placc. 287 551 1. 7.30pm. £22 £2‘).'1'hc(iary Blair (’cilidh Band play l'or dancing. 1o11tm cd by ('lydc 2 [)1 Alan Todd. 'I‘ickct pricc includcs 11ll11cl mcal.


I Tony Cuffe Benefit Ceilidh 1)()1'1tliit‘11()10H”118111.111g1181.

Portobcllo. 7.30pm midnight. £10t£5l. .\1usic and song l'rom gucst pcrl'oriticrs.

60 i/l' P1,. .V‘, :)t'~' 7" '

and dancc tnttsic t‘rom thc Bclla .\1c.\'ab (‘cilidh Band. Information and tickcts 667 7508. An cycning in support ol‘ thc l'ormct' singcr and guitarist ol'Jock 'I'amson's Bairns and ()ssian. critically ill in thc l'S.


I Yard Of Ale l)algcty Bay Folk (‘1tib. l)a1gcty Bay Sailing (‘1ttb. l)algcty Bay. 01383 822732. 8pm. (’hccrl'ul singalong l'olk.

Saturday 8


0 Moscow Art Trio (‘(‘.-\. Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4900. 8pm. £10 (on door only) (£6). t(‘(':\ 5). Stunning y'it‘tttosity‘ l'rom thc triangular Rttssian l‘usion ol‘ castcrn litiropcan folk song and music. classical idioms. atid impro- \‘iscd jazz. Piano. horn. Vocals and sttpcrb musical cmpathy. Scc prcy'icyy. I The Christmas Ceilidh 2001 chl‘rcyy Fcrry. ('Iydc Placc. 287 551 1. 7.30pm. £22 £2‘). Scc Fri 7.


I Rik Palieri ('a1c(‘ossacho1\. King Stt'cct. 5530733. 8pm. £3. Polish l'olk/blucgrass and bcyotid l'rom l‘S tray cllin' pickcr.


I Jez Lowe \Vcc Folk (tub. Royal Oak. lnlirmary Strcct. 557 2‘)76. 8.30pm. £3. linglish singcr-songyyritcr. somctimcs \s ith his Bad Pcnnics band. but this timc solo.

Monday 1 0


I Acoustic Underground \Vliistlcbinkics. Sottth Bridgc. 557 5114. 10pm 2.30am. i'iliL‘L‘. SL‘L‘ .\1tin 3.

Tuesday 1 1 -


I Adam McNaughton Pcnicuik Folk ('1ub. .\'a\aar Hottsc Hotcl. Bog Road. (11967 67815.3. 8.15pm. £51£~1L Hilarity and crudition t‘rom thc man rcsponsiblc tor. among tnany crcations. 'Iilu' .lt't'ly' I’it't‘t' Song and ()or Hum/('1.

Wednesday 1 2


0 Calasaig Edinburgh Folk (‘ltib. 111C Plcasancc ('abarct Bar. 'I‘hc P1casancc. 8pm. £6 (£5). Kirstcn liasdalc arid Kcith Johnstonc arc thc l\\o singcrs in thc bcst yottng Scots tmulti-instrumcntall band around at thc momcnt.

I Absolute Beginners Ceilidh Dance Marco‘s 1.cistll'c ('cnti‘c. (irch Strcct. 337 5442. 8 ‘).30pm. £2.50

112 1 .5111. SCL‘ \Vt‘d 5.


I Session l)unlcrmlinc Folk ('lttb. 'l‘histlc 'I'ay'ct‘n. Baldridgcbttrn. 01383 729673. 8pm. (‘ampsic Folk (‘1th joins l'orccs “111i Dunlcrmlinc tor thc night.


I Open Session 1,omond Folk (’lub. Argyll Bar. Main Strcct. 0138‘) 757561. ‘)pm. Frcc. Scc \\'cd 5.


I Star Club Party Night 'l‘ltc Star ('lttb. Riycrsidc('1ttb. Fox Strcct. 56‘) 7287. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). .\1ttsic by thc (itiyan Spoonitd \yillt gtlcsls.

I The Christmas Ceilidh 2001 chlrcyy 1"crt'y.('|ydc Placc. 287 551 1. 7.30pm. £22 £2‘). Scc Fri 7. Edinburgh

I Songwriter Nights 'l'ht- \Vaycrlcy. St Mary ‘s Strcct. ‘)pni. £1. Scc Thu 2‘).


Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Classical listings compiled by Kelly Apter.

Thursday 29


I New Zealand String Quartet (’onccrt Hall. l'niycrsity o1‘(11asgo\y. l'niy'crsity .-\\cnttc. 330 4()‘)2. 1.10pm. Frcc. 'l'hc uttartct arc ioincd by pianist Richard Bcauchamp l‘or \yorks by Iain .\1athcson. John Psathas and liditibttrgh's 1.}‘C11 (it'c‘ssyy c11. l’rtl‘l t’fl/It' .Vt'it' Zt’tl/um/[Vt'it‘ .illl.\1('V/t’S'IllYll.

I John Kennedy and Stephen Gallagher Rccital Studio. t'niycrsity ot‘ Strathclydc. 76 Southbrac 1)ri\'c. ‘)50 3476. 1.15pm. Frcc. Saxophonist Kcnncdy and pianist (iallaghcr pcrt‘orm works by (icrshyyin. Bccthoycn. Schulhol‘t' and othcrs.

I Concerto Caledonia St .'\11(11'L‘\\.\ 1n ’I‘hc Squarc. ()l‘l' Salttnarkct. St .v\ndt‘c\\ 's Strcct. 548 6020. 8pm. W t £4). Soprano ('athcrinc Bolt joins thc cat'ly music cnscmblc tor \torks by tltc 61h Far] ()1. KclIy and 111s pa1s.


I A Midsummer Night’s Dream chti\a1’liltcatrc. l3 2‘) Nicolson Strcct. 52‘) 6000. 7.15pm. £12 £20t£‘) £171. Stttdcnts 1i‘oni thc ncyy Bcnjamin Brittcn lntcrnational ()pcra School. hottscd in London's Royal ('ollcgc o1 .\1ttsic. cclcbratc thc building‘s opcnittg \\ ith a production o1 Brittcn‘s magniliccnt t'cyyorking ot‘ Shakcspcarc. .loining thcm iii i'.t11l11)ttl'§_‘1l\\111 bctlic B'l' Scottish Fnscmblc and pupils l‘rom St Mary is .\1llstc School.

I New Zealand String Quartet (ircy tiriars Kirk. (ircy l'riars Placc. 225 1‘)00,",-15pm. £‘)t£41.Scc’1'hu2‘).

I The Steve Martland Band ()ttccn's11a11.('lcrk Slt‘ct‘l. (3(i8 2111‘). 8pm. £10 £12 (£8 £101.1hc mastct‘ol' thc ayant-gardc music sccnc takcs his rtick/jal//c1;tssicaI lty brid sound on tour. I Edinburgh University Chamber Choir (‘anongatc Kirk. 'l‘ickcts: 220 NW. £5 t£3l. liric yon lblcr dil‘L‘c‘h 111C choir in \yot'ks by (iibbolh. Byrd. Palcstrina attd Holst.

I Advent Carol Concert St (lilcc‘ (Ktthcdral. Royal .\1i|c. 225 9-142. 6.45pm. Ft'cc. .-\ lamin concct't o1 t'cstiy c songs and hymns marking thc start o1 ('apital (‘hrtstmas

St Andrews

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Yottngcr Hall. .\'orth Strcct. 0133- 475000. 7.45pm. £6 £16 t £2.50). Tim S(’() takc a \\1tll‘1\\1llt1 tour ol'thc \yorld.\sith('op1and’s 'l‘ltrt't' [xiii/I .-lntt'rtt‘tm .S/o’lt'ht'y. 1’1;t//o1;t\ Sit/nit). Ray c1's ,1/(il/lt’l’ (imm' Sui/c. I.y c11 ('rcssyy c11's 'l‘ln' Pump/an .1lttssttt‘n' and thc \yorld prcmicrc ol‘.'\1bct‘ga's l'io/tn ('Hltt't'l'ltt.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Roy at ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Stt‘cct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £11 £24. All cycning with “odd- rcnoyyncd liddlcr .\1y Bain and accordionist Phil ('ttnningham. to cclcbratc St .r\ndrc\\ ‘s Night.

I Cosi fan tutte 'l‘ltcatrc Royal. 282 11opc Strcct. 332 ‘)000. 7.15pm.

£5.50 £50. Scottish ()pct'a\ ttpdatcd production ol' .\1o/art's popular opcra. itt \yhicli tyyo mcn tcst thc lidclity ol thcir loycrs. \yitlitttic\pcctct1rcsttlls.

I Midday Concert R8.\.\tl). 100 chli’cyy Strch 332 5057. lltln. £5 (£3). lctior .\1ark Padmorc atid pianist Malcolm .\1at'tincau pcrlot'm Brittcn's ()n

This lsluml. Faurc's ('inq .\1c1odics dc \cnisc and songs by Rcy‘naldo Hahn.

I Chamber Music Concert RSAMI). I00 chl‘rcyy Strcct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. Frcc. RS.-\.\11) studcnt chambcr cnscmblcs pcrl‘orm.


I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (ircy l'riars Kirk. (ircyl'riars Placc. 53‘) 8877. 7.45pm. Frcc. Kcnncth Young conducts thc orchcstra and thc \c‘yy' '/.ca1atid String ()uartct in works" by 1.yc11('rcss\y'c11. li\'c 1)c ('astro- Robinson. Jack Body and Hclcn Boyy‘atcr. l’url o/‘I/tt' .\'¢'it' Zt'u/(tml. .Vt'tt' .1Itts'it‘

‘ft'y’lil'tll. Frcc tickcts can bc obtaincd \‘ia

postal application to: SS() (‘onccrts Sccrctary. Broadcasting Housc. Quccn .\1argarct 1)ri\'c.(}1asgoyy (312 8I)(i. Subjcct to ay'ailability. tickcts will also bc ay'ailablc at thc door on the night.

I Margaret Wakeford and Simon Coverdale 'l‘hc Hub. (‘astlchilL Royal .\1i1c. 473 2000. 7.30pm. £30. An cycning o1 music. lood and \\ inc in aid of thc ('hildrcn's Hospicc Association Scotland. \y ith pianists \Vakcl'ord and ('oy'crdalc. SL‘L‘ pancl.

I Edinburgh University String Orchestra RL‘lti ('onccrt Hall. Iidinbttt‘gh t'niycrsity. Bristo Sqttarc. 668 2111‘). 7.3111111]. £5 11231. RobL‘l'l Dick is ill thc batoti tor Bach's ()I't'ln'V/I'H/ Sui/c. Hindcmith's 'li‘utm‘nmyrlt. Sibclitts' JUN/(UHF [mm-a. .\1o/at't\ Uti't'I'II-Im'lllt) III I)’ Hot and 1)\orak's Svn'nm/t' rm- Strings.

I Jeremy Cull Rcitl (‘onccrt llall. lidittbttrgli l‘niycrsity. Bristo Stlttarc. 668 Mb). 1.10pm. Frcc. ()rganist ('ull pcrl'orms \torks by Hollins. Bcrnard and Rayancllo.


I La Traviata 'I‘ltcatrc Royal. 282 11opc Strcct. 332 ‘)00(). 7.15pm.

£5.50 £50. Scottish ()pcra prcscnt \crdi's classic opcra about No 1(i\'L‘l's li'otn dil‘l'crcnt sidcs o1~ thc track. (‘lairc Rttttcr stars as thc bcautil‘ul couttcsan \iolctta. \yhilc liy'an Boyycrs and “ya 1.c\ insky sharc thc rolc ol'.-\ll'rcdo.

I Ulster Orchestra Royal ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sattchichall Strcct. 3538000. 7.30pm. £10.50 £23. 'l‘hicrry Fishcr conducts thc \ isiting orchcstra in Ray'cl's .l/ol/tt'r (mow Sui/v and l’t'tmo ('u/tt‘t'rlo in (i in ith soloist (‘ristina ()t'ti/l. Puccini's / ('n‘mntmu‘ and .‘\1ctidc1ssohii\ Still/)llnlli .\‘o 4 ‘lm/iun '. 0 Adrian Chandler St .'\llt1l'c‘\\ ‘s In "I‘hc Squarc. ()1'l'Saltmarkct. St .-\ndrc\y 's Stt‘ccl. 5486020. 2.3(1pni. £5 (£2,511). Linda ()rtitiston introduccs this pcrson- ablc baroquc \ iolinist “110111 thc organis- crs arc likcning to Jamic ()liyct'. .-\ dcmon \\ ith his instrttmcnt arid a bit of a charmcr. ('handlcr \y ill pcrl'orm sonatas by .lcan-.\1aric 1.cc1air and Louis .\\”s priyatc \ iolinist. accompanicd on ccllo. guitar attd harpsichord.

I Wizards, Witches And Wands Royal ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sattchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 3pm. .\ spccial childrcn's conccrt lrom thc RS.\'() l‘caturmg 'l'lu' Mug/t" I’lulr' and Hip Sort‘t'n'fy sip/nrmit't'. Scc prcy icyy on Kids pagc. I Glasgow Chamber Orchestra RSAXH). 11)11RC011‘C\\ Slt'L‘L‘l. 5.32 51157. 8pm. £7 (£5 ). ('ondttctor PclL‘I‘ Jones \yclcomcs talcntcd young pianist Jay icr .\'cgrin to thc stagc l'or Bccl‘ioy'cn's Prom: (‘oitt't’rlo .Vo 5. 'l‘hc cycning also lcatttrcs Bach‘s Sin/intro .Vo 2. Hay dn's Symphony .\'n ‘N atid Boy cc's .S'i‘m/i/mnt' .Vn .5.

I Mo’s Company (iallcry ()l' .\1odcrn:\t't. ()ttccn Strcct. 22‘) WW».

3 4pm. Frcc. Violinist llcctor Scott and clat'incttist Shinobtt .\1iki continttc thcit' scrics o1 inl'ormal altcrnoon conccrts. 1i11lllg‘(i().\1.'\ \\ ith thc sotmds o1 contcmporary Scottish composcrs all ol‘ \\ hom \\ ill bc prcscnt to spcak about thcir \iork. ‘l’oday ‘s conccrt is a spccial collaboration l'ot' Japan 2001. 1c;tlltl’lllg a