Music jazz listings

Glasgow Jazz residencies cont.

I Live Jazz The l‘i'iiitiiiarket and l-‘irkin. Albion/Bell Street. 333 7700. Ilpiii. A tortnightl} rotation ol Latin and mainstream ja/x \\ ith 'I‘he l'irkin l‘ix e and The Muldoon Ragtime Band.


I Bobby Campbell Quartet (‘hamherx Bar. George Square. 553 I740. 3.30 5.30pm. Mainstream and mellou ja/l \otttith u ith liddie load on \oca|\. I Harry Margolis’ Miller Band IIAitaehe. 37 Waterloo Street. 33) 32 It). 3 5pm. Big hand in the (ilellll Miller \eill.

I Lauder’s Big Band l.atider\. Sauchiehall Street. 33l 5l80. 3--5pm. The big band sound. with vocals from Heather Whiteloid.

I George McGowan Orchestra liat Drink Klan Woman txee 'l‘hu).

3.30 6pm. liigliteen—piece hig hand.

I Willie Hitchel ('oi'inthian ixee 'l'hti ). 6pm 3am. Willie Hitchel and other l‘exideiilx suppl) the Inc piano and voetilx.

I Shelagh Buchanan and The Sandy Taylor Trio The Supper ('Iuh (\ee ’l‘hu). 8pm. liiijoy _ia// li'otii [lilx renowned \‘UCttllSI accompanied h} one ol Scotland'x tinext pianistx uhile )ou dine hooking on the numhei' aho\ e.

I The Blue Notes (‘at'e Rouge. John Street. 553 4433. 8.30 l0.30pm. The hliies and other ja/x \olllltl\.

I Live Jazz Hlaekli‘ltil'x. 36 Bell Street. 553 5034. ‘).30pm. Modern ja/l from the R}an Ross Quartet on Sat ‘) Jim and the Richard Winter Quartet on Sat l6 .ltiii.

I Johnny Logue lil‘e\\el’_\' 'l'ap. l055 Saiichiehall Street. 33‘) 0643. ‘).3t)pni. Live ja/z lunk and eo\et'\.

I Kurt Wylie Bah} (iraiid (\ee 'l‘hu ). |0.30pin. Lounge piaiiixt.


I Kenny Paterson Quintet l‘)t)t. I534 l’ollockxhau \ Road. 633 (MM. 3pm. Scottixh ja/x singer Paterson leadx

thix quintet teaturing Bohh} l)ean\ on \a\. Stiii l0 Jun onl}.

I Chris Clark Trio l)l'lllll and MollkL‘}. SI Vincent Street. 33l 6636. 3.30 6.30pm. Mellon mainxtreamiaI/

\\ ith \ocalx.

I Michael Deans Jazz Quartet ('ottiei\ Bar. ‘)3 H}nd|and Street. 357 5835. 4 7pm. 'l'i‘aditioiial tall.

I Sunday Jazz with Bobby Wishart \lttL‘lAieliltili'x. 57 \Vexl Regent Street. 333 0595. 6pm. l.i\e iaI/ e\ei'_\ Sunda}.

I David Jones Pitcher and Piano. ‘)3 \\'e\t (ieoi‘ge Street. 353 3003, 8 lt)pm. ('onteiiiporar} ia/l piano.

I Live Jazz The Supper ('luh ixee 'l‘hu). 8pm. .\lu\ic \ihile )till eat \\ ith \arioux pianixtx and \ingerx prox iding some mellou ja/l and eax} listening ~ hooking on the numhei' ahox e.

I Live Jazz Blackl'riarx. 36 Bell Street. 553 5‘)34. ‘)..‘~0pni. Modern ja//

\\ ith the Kti‘xt) 'l‘hompxon Quartet on Sun l0 Jun and Stuart (iorman on Stiii l7 .lun.

I Jazz Trio The l.tlll\tlt)\\ ne. 7a l.illi\tlt)\\’lie ('i'excent. Keh inhridge. 334 4653. ‘) l 1.30pm. Ja/l on alto \a\. guitar and doiihle litlxx.

I Kerry Tracey (‘oriiithian txee 'l‘hu ). lt)pm 3am. ('laxxic ja/l piano in the lilla l’it/gerald iiiotild.

I Jazz DJ Bah) (ii'aiid (see 'l‘hu ). l0.30pm.


I Fionna Duncan with The Bonnie Rae Trio .\lc(‘huill\. 40 High Street. 553 3l35. ‘)pm. .\lain\treanija// llllle\ \\ ith lliix renou ned singer.

I Kerry Tracey ('oi'inthiaii tsce ’t‘hu ). lt)piii 3am. ('lasxic. laid—hack ja/x.


I Bobby Wishart 8: Band Rtixxell‘x Bar ('al‘e. 77 By'ex Road. 334 4073.

8 l lpm. Mainstream and modern.

I Live Jazz The ('loeluxot'k Beer (‘o.. l 15.3 | I55 ('athcai't Road. 64‘) 0184. 8.30pm. Tue l3 Jun \eex an old style crooner \\ ith his hand The Bob l)ale

Laura McDonald plays The Priory Hotel, Largs on Fri 8 Jun

60 THE LIST 7—21 Jun 3th“.

Sound. .-\nd ’l‘ue l‘) Jun hax the lan .lelllxllh ('omho \\llll their traditional ia// lead h} \a\ophoni\t Jeliklllx

I Paul Gallacher (‘ormihian txee 'l'hu). lt)pm .3am. Hot Rtkli on piano.

Wednesdays I Ruth Lambert liat Drink Man

Woman nee 'l‘hti ). 8pm. l’ertoi'mx pure

lit/l in the \t}le ot‘ .lulie l.ondon.

I Tom Urie and Shona Fraser ('oi‘inthian txee 'l‘hu ). lt)pm 3am. .la/x piano. ti'oni ea\) listening through to eolllellipol‘dl‘}.



I Live Jazz Henderson'x. 35 'l‘liixlle Street. 335 3605. 8pm. Artixtx Var}.

I The Third Men .\l;ti\oii Hector. 47 l)eanhaugh Street. 333 5338. ‘)pm. Blue\ gtllltit' duo.

I Los Tres Phenomenos ('ellar .\'o. l. l ('haiiiherx Street. 33043‘)8. lt)pm lam. 'l‘raditional ja/z \otiiidx.

I Felicidade lil Barrio. l()4 \Vextport. 33‘) 8805. l0pin 3am. l.atin. hoxxa nma and lit/l jamming \exxlotl \\ ith guest litiiitlx oi) \elected litg‘lilx.


I Live Jazz llc‘lttlet‘\t)t)\ txee 'lilitt ). 8pm. :\l‘ll\l\ \ai'}.

I Montuna l)i.\-.\'etil'. ‘)7 Hanm er Street. 335 861‘). 8pm. .la/I trio.

I Live Jazz 8. Blues W. .i. (‘hi-ixiiex. 37 3| \Vext l’oi't. 33| 100‘) ‘)pm. \ai'ioiix ttt‘ti\t\ pro\ ide the \t)lttitl\.

I Bill Kyle’s Backbeat Band ('ellai' .\'o. l (\ee'l’hu). 10pm lam. Hot. l'tink). electric lit/l.


I Toto And The Dexters lllil'l') ‘\ Bar. Randolph 'l’lace.‘53‘) 8|00.

3.30 6pm. Mainxtream. \\ ith \ocals l'i'om lit} l.e\ _\‘.

I Blues Inc. Dix-Neul tsee Hi i. lt)pm. l'p-tenipo electric hluex.

I Live Jazz (‘ellzir No. I (see 'l‘hu). lllptti lam. All kinds ol people pop iii to pla) at ('ellar .\'o. l.


I Live Jazz The Home Bar and (il'lll. l4 George Street. 634 8634. l 5pm. Various tit'llslx.

I The Duo llou'iex. 4/6 (ilam ille Place. 335 5553. l 4pm. 'l‘ei'ritic tunex \\ ith \er)‘ little in“.

I Dominic Spencer Trio The 'l'iiiiherhush Bar & Bistro. 38 Bernard Street. l.eith. 476 8080. 4 7pm. Varioux ja/l \otltitlx li'oiti this trio.

l0l’Bl) (‘ellar .\'o. | txee 'l‘hti).

lt)pin lam. ('laxxic ja/l on piano. haxx and tll'lllllx.


I Gary’s Notebook (‘ellai' No. I (see Thu). lt)pm. l.i\e ia/l l'rom llilx new \ieekly rexidenc}.


I Swing 2001 Malt Shovel. (‘ockhui'n Street. 335 6843. ‘)pm. S“ ing at the longest rexidenc} in lidinhtirgh.

I Billy Kyle’s Mystery Jazz Night (‘ellar No. l (we l‘ri ).

‘).30pm lam. An eclectic \election from an ewr-changing line-up of musicians. I Live Jazz Human Be-In. 3/8 \Vext (‘l't)\\L‘;lll\L‘\\;l_\. 663 8860. 9.30pm. \Villi two new alternating residencies. l‘rexh ja/I \\ ith meals and guitar from .'\il\tt .\lc('rear_\ on Tue l3 Jun. and ja/l. hliiex and folk \oc‘ulx l'i'om Ro\\eti;i on Tue l‘) Jun.

I Sexteto Caliente til Barrio txee 'l‘hti). lt)pm 3am. Hot dance \otlmlx l'rom thix Latin. salsa rhumha and \(ill hand.


I Live Jazz Henderson's isee Thu). 8pm. .-\l'li\l\ \ar}.

I Son De Rhumba ('ellai‘ .\'o. I (see

l'iri). lt)pm- lam. Latin ja/l.


Dates listed below are for one-oft and ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Folk & World listings compiled by Norman Chalmers.


I Martin Curtis The Star ('luh. Rixerxide ('ltih. l"o\ Street. 56‘) .7387. 7.30pm. L6 1934). .-\dmired .\'e\\ Xealand \lllg‘el‘.

I Open Stage Rentreu l‘ei‘i'). ('l_\de Place. 387 55l 1. 8pm. 9.4 .\'e\\ open \CSSlUll e\etit.


I Sexteto Caliente tit Barrio. \Vexi Port. 33‘) 8805. lt)piii 3am. l-i‘ee. Rexideiit hand \\ ith \ingei' lino Rocha pla) \alxa. i'umha and \Hll.

Friday 8


I Laurie Crump and Jamie Savan ’I‘he Huh. ('axtlehill. Ro)al .\lile. 473 3067. 7.30pm. U5. Young duo pla) muxic t'rom inedie\al llllle\ to the pi‘exeiit. and iron) lli'ittan} and (ialicia. on tiddle. coriiet. hagpipex. uhixtlex. pipe~and tahoi' and [)el'c‘ti\\tt)li. 'l‘icket price include\ a l\\o-cotii‘\c meal. l’l‘e\ellletl iii ;I\\t)t'l;tllt)ll \\ ith I.ii'¢' .llmii' Mm ,’

Saturday 9


I Salsa Celtica (‘oitier 'I'lieatie. ll)litlltllltl Street. 357 5835. ‘)pm lam.

L' l 3.50. (‘uha collidex xx ith ('ulloden in the hagpipes and hongo iiii\. l'.\t'i'}i)iic"\ l'a\ e Latin dance hand heat\ up the home. l’ai‘t ol~ the lliwi Iiiiil I'i'x/ii'u/

I Babylon D Reiilrexx l't‘l'l'}. ('l}de Place. 387 55] l. ‘)pm. L5. 'liihtite act pertorming the liilx ot' Hoh l)_\ lan


I Ceilidhs At The Caley ('aledoniaii Richer}. Slatelord Road. 633 8066. 7pm lam. L‘6iL5i. Scotx ceilidh dance \\ ith lixe hand and a caller.

I Lothian Schools Strathspey And Reel Society Queen‘x Hall. ('lei‘k Street. 668 301‘). 7.30pm. £6 tL3). .liiii .\lc('oll competes the annual concert ol' traditional Seoh liddle music.


I Kalinka And Katyusha (“ate ('osxachok. Rll\\l;tll (’ulttii'al ('entre. King Street. 5530733. 8.30pm. Vladimir Skiha and Sasha Krotox ol' R()\lt)\ pet'ltil'lll Rll\\ltlll \oilg\ and tiltlxle on halalaika. accordion and percussion.


I None Of The Above Bongo ( ‘Iuh. .\'e\\ Street. 558 7604. 8.30pm. £7 tL'5). Heather .\lacl,eod. Kim llo. Aniana Rajan and Tom ('oltiuhoun perl'oi'iii during the regular .\'()'l';\ night ol eclectica: roots} lillle\ \(iL‘ill\ li‘oit) .\lacl.eod are hacked h} memhci's ol .\li' Mcl‘all‘x ('haiiiher. :\l\o on the hill. (‘hinexe dulcimer. Indian claxxical dance. and tuo guitars pl;i_\ed xiiiitiltaneouxl}. I Sandy Stanage Wee l'iolk (‘Iuh. Ro}a| ()ak. lnlirmar} Street. 557 3‘)76. 8pm. (iuitar picker and singer.


I Karl Reid Jint} Mc(iint} 's. :\\ltl()ll Lane. 33‘) 0747. ‘) l lpm. liree. Aeollxllt‘ l'olk.