Largs Jazz Festival Aswrn‘cl, Directs current fatr'ateg, of creating a network ()i ‘slllttli ia/X textuals; around the country takes another step tors/gird ‘.'.’llil the inaugural event in l (rigs. Carol Kidd. lcrninjx Sinith, l aura MacDonald. Sir/anne 3onnar and local resident Bobby Wishart head the hill. Various; venues. large. /1/ 6-) Sun Hit/(Ill. Cauld Blast Orchestra llie emergence of the ()auld Blast Orchestra in the early 90:; lllétli\(:(l a major development in the trend toward Ja// tolk hybrids. which llélf; played a big role in recent Scottish music. although those were only two of the llh’tll‘y ingredients \.‘.’itl(lil ted llll<i lilt,’ (JHO'E; exciting. inulti layered inusic. /\ \.'-.relr,oine return to action. (Jolt/er [limit/e, (Nara/on: [no 1.” Jun. Paul Towndrow Quartet Alto saxophonist Paul l()\.‘.’ll(ll()‘.‘.’ first caught my ear in the Scottish final of a national ia// competition in the late 905;. and he has developed in impressive fashion since. l le leads his; own (tuaitet here. Hen/tr}; Ja/J Bar, 1 dinning/i. Hit/21 Jun.

\haltc ol' l’ctcr'x‘ South .\trican \c\tct. l’ai't ol'l'hc Largx .Ia// licxtixal.

OScottish Guitar Quartet \‘ikiiigar ‘l'llL‘zlll'c. (il'L‘L‘llUClx letl. lH~l75 (M59777. (Lillpni. [5. I‘caluring thc lillL‘lll\ ol .lcd lirockic. \igcl ('Iai'k. \lalcoliii .\lcl‘ai'lanc and Km in .\lacl\'cn/ic. l’art ol'l'hc';_'\ .la/l l‘.L‘\ll\;ll.

CMelvin Peters Sextet and Bobby Wishart Trio l-‘laiiagan'x liar. 48 53 (iallougatc Squaw. lll475 0757M. Xprn. l‘r‘cc. 'l'hc South :\lt‘ican hand ch h_\ Pl;|lll\l .\lL‘l\ ill l)ClL‘l'\ git head In llL‘all \\ llil';_'\‘ oun \a\ophonixt rand incrcaxiiigl} lhcw da} \. pianist i. liohh} \\ ixhai't. l’ai‘t ot'lhc lai'gx .|a// li‘xtnal.

Tuesday 1 2


OCauld Blast Orchestra (‘uriicr ’l'licalr'c. 95 U5 thirdland Stiu‘t. 35" 5835. Spin. £8. .-\ r‘ar‘c outing; tor onc ol’ thc lllU\l cwiting and ;l\l\L‘llllll‘Ull\ hand\ to cnicrgc l‘roin thc iaH-lolk t'uxion ti'vnd of thc ‘lllx. a dcwlopnicnt thc_\ \wi'c lll\ll'lllllL‘lll;ll in kick-darting. l’ar‘t ol' the \th [ind l-‘t‘xtixal.


I Bill Wyman’s Rhythm Kings l'xltci' Hall. l.olltian Road. 338 l I55. Spin. U5 £10.50. 'l‘hc Rolling Stonc and hix hand PL‘l'lill‘ltl a rim otiax/ and hliiCx. including trackx l‘i‘ont lllL‘ll' i'cccnt alhuni. (i/‘run'rlt I.

I Centre Stage Jazz Club lilk' \iiltl lluiidicd. llttt Row \ticct. 335 IV") \ *ltttiii, "3 .\l.iiii\tic.iiii. progrcwiw and mpcrrntcntal i.i// tiorii the icxidciit l)oiiiiiiig \pt‘nu‘i liio. [‘llh gin-xix

Wednesday 1 3

G asgow

I Linda Fletcher Trio Hit-l. W M \\lltitll I am. “13 Wort \pni. l rcc \ llllell ot on} ihlt‘lllli‘.‘ _‘_'L"lll\ tioiii the trio .ll\l' lt‘dlllllllj.‘ \‘ott \laddcii .lll\l ( icoigx l.}.ill at l HlllljJL' lt/aid \lll\l\


I Choro Escoses llcnnk ,l.l// Hat. .\ \loi’i'ixoii Str‘ccl. ~1qu 53H”. 5. Illpiii. L5 it‘ll, .\lai'io ( 'iri‘ilu'K llk'\\ latiii \t} ch group lH'llllellf.‘ tlic wand and ili_\tliiii ol lhcii' natiw San l’atilo.

Thursday 14


I Chick Lyall Trio llt'lll'} \ .I.i// liar”. N \lot‘t'ivrtl Slit-ct. to" 53bit. .\. ‘l'l‘iii. L5 tLVli. (‘hit‘k l.)all it'iiiaiiix ;llllHl1j_' thc lllir\l [H'Hle'L‘\\l\L' ia// lllll\lt‘l;lll\ in Scotland. hut ix alm an mccllt'nt intci'pi‘ctt'i ol thv \taiidai‘d i‘cpci'toir‘c. .\ clawurll} traincd (otiipoxci‘. l._\a|l hiinyx .r l.ll\‘ \ciiw ol lor‘iii and control to tan coiiiltoxitron.


I Balance llciir'} '\ ,l.i// liar. H \loi'i'ixon Sti‘cct. to" 53W). Midnight. (5. \ llt'\\ hand loinicd h} drunriiii‘i' Stuart lil'il\\ll \\llll ti'tinrpctcr .\|an “5 lie. t\\o cu‘t‘llcnl _\oun;_' ia// rnuxn‘ianx. l'.\imt tli'uin tk h;i\\ and othi'i' iii‘ltan \ltllllil\ uridcrpinnin; \Ullk' incllou i.i// iiiootl}. atinmphcrn' lllll\l\‘ \\ ith a hca\_\ groow. I Jazz ‘n’ Jive Club l‘illl'lllllk' Inn. -H liiggai' Road. 313 3343. Split. L31 iL'Si. Rodgcr‘ ll;iiilc_\ \ .la/I llllllllkl\ ioiii thc l.oui\iana Ragtiinc Hand l’oi' rnoi'i' traditional ia// \(tllll\l\.

I Watercolours llciin \ .lll/l liar. x .\loi‘r'r\on Sti'cct. to? 53bit. .\‘,.illpiii. £5. Brccx} guitar iticlodicx \\ itli a latiii tingc in tlic l’at \lclltcn} niotild.

I Lee Paterson \\ lll\llk'l‘llll\lt'\. -t South Bridge 557 5] H. ‘lpiri. l-i'cc. Scc Sat 9.

Saturday 1 6


I Baricuda, Burt MacDonald Quartet with Lol Coxhill and Chick Lyall Quartet Bid. 3‘) 43 Ashton lanc. 3-13 JUN). 3 Spin l'i‘u'. Anothcr‘ ti‘iplt' hill ol' talcntcd ia/x actx :JI'JCL‘ lllk‘ \lagk‘ :ll lil'L‘l.


I Groovediggaz llL‘lll‘} \ .I;i// liar. i\' Mollith SII'L‘L‘I. >107 53H”. \litltliglll. 93.5. .\ doxc ol' lllt' l'unlt l'r‘oiri ltdrrihtii'ggh'x pi'cinicrc l1t‘£l\}\\k‘l;3lll \oul outlil. lcalurin; \ot'alixt ion} King and thc talcnh ol' .\lai‘tin Kcrxhau on \a\.

I Lynne O’Neil llcnri \ .|a// liar. 3 .\loi'i'i\on Strch to“ 530i). N5lllllll. £5. |._\ nnc ()’.\‘cil \upplrm thc \ocalx tor a night ol~ t'uitk} iax/ \ouitdx.


I Jazz At Cottier’s Bar ('oiiit-ik.

95 0.5 ll}ndland Sll‘t‘t'l. 55‘ 5.53.5.

4.3M Spin. l'rcc. \Villi lllll\lL‘ li'oin \lichacl l)cari\ .la/I liiixcnil‘lc and mum] gucxtx.


I Burt MacDonald Quartet with Lol Coxhill llcnr'} \ .la// liar. N \li‘l'l'lvlll Sti‘cct. 40" 531)”. 8.30pm. £5 rtJr. Ra} inond .\lacl)oiiald and (icorgc Burt t'i'ont thix quintet. on \a\ophonc\ and guitar itwitcctiwl}. \\ ith ('o\liill routing; thcni \\ itli \ttlllL‘ ll'CL‘ lion in; \a\ \\Hl'l\. 'l‘hc hand can alw hc licai'd Did} in; liw on 'I‘hc Brian Norton Show on Radio Scotland on l-i‘ida} l5. Scc pi'm IC\\.

Tuesday 1 9


I Centre Stage Jazz Club lilc \tild lltindicd. lllll Row \trcct. 335 l\lt" \ Winn :3 \"c lit: 13


I Charity Big Band Concert l).ll\i\"\ li‘\\ll llall. \ltlx-i (low. 53" Illlll "pin (5 it ii llrc Hand oi lllk' (‘oii‘x ot lx’o}.il l iipiiii'cix \‘.1lll lllt' l’ii‘t'x and lllllll‘A ot “l l iigiitct'r lx’cjgiiiicnt twrtoiin iiitixit’ lioiii tlic zllx right through to lllk' ‘lllx to\\‘ lllll\l\ tot lmal t'll.tllllk'\

Wednesday 20

G asgow

I Linda Fletcher Trio Hid. W «ti .\\lllHll l..lll\'. V13 J‘ch. Spin. l-i'u'. 8w “ml l 5


I Open Mike llk‘lll} \ .l.i// liar. h .\lor‘r'i\on Str'cct. Alli“ 53th. t\, 5lll‘lll. L5 rLYl i. .\ L‘hanu' loi ;t\[‘lllllf_‘ lllll\lt'|.lll\ and \lllka‘h to itcr‘loi'rir u rtli .i [\litlk'\\litll.ll i'h_\thni \ct'tion. (all on“ 3‘NN it ion \xanl to lakc pail.

Thursday 21


I The Nimmo Brothers xiiitlio I. I (ilit\\CllUl l ;lll\'. 5ll (rSlU. «\lllll. l lt't‘ Illut‘x} ia// \xith a hardt‘i t'tlgc lroiii thcxc lot‘al lllll\l\'l.lll\.


GCauld Paul Towndrow Quartet lit-iii) '\ .la// liar. .\' .\loi‘i'i\on Strut-t. in" 53th). .\. ‘xlliuri. £5 iHi. \liitlci'n |;i// \taii daid\ and origsiiialx lioin tht‘ pcn ot alto \a\ophoni\t 'l'ou ndi'ou. cui'i‘cnll) hack ll’Hlll lll\ \tudicx at llcrklu'.

The following details are for regular free weekly dates: see main listings for one-off or ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by city, then by day. Residencies will be listed, provided that up-to- date details are supplied to us. Jazz Residencies listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.



I June Love and Alan Pike l-ai l)l'llll\ Man Woman. W King; Sti'cct. 553 “33". Spin. \l.llll\llL‘.llll |a// \\llll \iu‘.rl\.

I Paul GallacherCorinthian. I‘ll lllle‘alll Stiu't. 553 Hill. lllpiti .5.llll l’iano t'l.l\\l\‘\. lioni llr'oadua} to llcclltmcn.

I Danny Thompson Ham (il'dlltl. i lilirrhank (iai‘dcnx. 3-18 .1043. ll)..5ll[tlll. .-\ \\ idc \t‘lu‘tion li'oitr llll\ loungt' Pl;llll\l.


I Andrew Mann ('oi'intlrraii l\L‘\' ‘l'hiir. (rpm .iarti. I’rano and lrw \ot'alx, I Bobby Wishart & Band Hoitlun llookx. .\lll\lL' and ('alc. ‘lh' Buchanan Sliu't. 333 77th). ".30 ‘l. illluii. \lk'lli)“.

I Stephen Duffy Tri ‘I'hc Suppci (‘Iiilx 7t) .\|hion Stru'l. 553 33H”. Hitiii. .la// \xhilc _\oii dinc lroni \ot'alixl and piaiiixt l)ull_\ lcadrng llll\ ia/l trio in a Na! ('olc/I )iana Kl'illl \l§ Iv.

I Tap Moi-La Iiit'uci'} lap. “55 Sauchicliall Stiu‘l. 3 ii 553”. ‘).5ll[llll. l’la_\in;_' \orthci'n \olll and llllll\_\ MN. I Danny Thompson Bah} (il';lllkl ixcc llllll. “Lillplll.l.Ullll}1L‘Pl;llll\l.

' 2' .J .-' .V’i’ ' THE LIST 59