Music rock & pop listings
Glasgow, Wed 20 contiuned
I Animation and The False Address 'l‘hc l5lli \iilc (atlc. King Strcct. 553 I638. 0pm. £3. lntricatc mcllou gtiitar \oundx l'rom Animation. I Acoustic Open Stage 'l’ht- llalt Bar. \‘l'oodlaiidx Road. 564 I537. 8.30pm. l'rcc. llo\lcd h} l’add) '\ (iirlx.
I Other Sam, Draw and The Heat 'l‘hc \cnuc. l7 3| ('alton Road. 557 3073. 8pm. £3. 'l‘riplc hill ol local iiidic aclx.
I Risingson, Major Major and Blueprint Bongo (‘luh. l4 New Slrccl. 558 7604. 0pm. £3. .\'S.\lx\ llllillixlx Rixingson hcad this triplc hill. Rumour has it thc} hax c t‘ockcd tip thcir clcclronicx/itidic sound [0 \tartling L‘llL‘L‘l. \(i lliix \hould hc inlcrcxting.
I Psyche Essential The Liquid Room. 0c Victoria Stt‘cct. 335 3564. 8.30pm. £4. Local indic act lcaturiiig 'l'ony Schgal.
I Kin 'l‘hc \thcrlL‘}. SI .\lar_\ '\ Strcct. 0pm. l‘rcc. .Scc \Vcd l3.
I Eddi Reader ('otticr 'l‘hcatrc. llyndland Strcct. 358 3868. 8pm. £15. Rcadct‘ rcturnx to thc thcatrc \i'hci‘c \hc t'ccot‘dcd hcr .\'u .S'Ii'lli'lm's titlixic \llU“ cight _\'car\ ago it ith a \arict_\‘ ot‘ country and ia/I-tingcd matcrial and hct‘ l'amiliar hcarl) \‘oiL‘L‘. l’tll'! (I’ll/IV Wm! Ifm/ [thxlii'ul
I Tequila Mockingbird (iilmorchill (il3. l'niwrdty .-\\cnuc. 330 5533. 8pm. L8 035). Jan. “odd and folk int‘lucncm com crgc in thc llltlSlL‘ ol' thix local hand.
58 THE LIST 7 431 Jun 300‘
I’url “fl/11‘ lli’xl lim/ [MI/iii].
I Lorien, Weekender and The White Room King 'l'ui\ \Vah \Vah lllll. St \IlnL‘L‘nl SUCCL 33l 537‘). 8.30pm. £4 plllx hooking l'cc.
I El Hombre Trajeado, Gilded Lil and The James Orr Complex 'l‘hc chidcntx. 'l'hc l3th .\'otc ('alc. King Strch 553 I638. 0pm. [3. lil llomhrc continuc thcir month-long rcsidcnc} \\ ith gucxt appcaranccx h} lidinhurgh hand (iildcd Lil \\ ho rock l‘ttllL‘UUSl} and thc .lamcx ()rr (‘omplc\ \\ ho don't.
I Solution, The Untitled and Peyote Valve .\'icc ‘n’ Slcax}. Sauchichall Slrcct. 3330637. 0pm.
I Open Stage 'l'hc l't'l'l'}. (‘Iitlc l’lacc. 430 8676. 0pm. £4.
I The Alf Stewart Combo Studio ()nc. Byrcx Road. 34] 65l6. 0pm. l'rcc. Blucx.
I Vagabonds 'l‘hc Scotia. Stockucll Strcct. 553 868i. 8.30pm. lircc. Popular
I Jam Session Samucl l)o\\ ‘x,
Nithsdalc Road. 433 0107. 8.30pm. l-‘rcc.
I Senator, Post Diluvian and Penny Hollow Bongo ('luh. l4 .\'c\\ Strcct. 558 7604. 0pm. £4. l’ost l)ilu\ ian prcscnt a night ol‘ qualin garagc rock and hardcorc hackcd up h} D] liuan.
I Sigue Sigue Sputnik 'l‘hc Liquid Room. 0c Victoria Strcct. 335 3564. 7pm. 1: ll). 'l‘hc 80.x clcctric punk pop tcrroristx rcturn to upxct thc ncighhourx \\ ith thcir lurid outlit and lack ol' talcnt. I Dagmars and King Voodoo ('al'c St Jamcs. 35 St .ltllllt‘x Shopping ('cntrc. ('athcdral Lanc. 0pm. l'rcc. 'l‘hc l'till .\loon (‘luh prcxcnt a douhlc hill of rock acts.
Neil Young and Crazy Horse play SECC, Glasgow, Sun 10 Jun
The dates listed below are for one-off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.
I Head2Head llciir} \ .la// Bar. 8 Morrixon Strcct. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £5 i£4i. 'l‘hc ncucxt incarnation ot Bill K} lc and (iraham Rohh'x hand pla} contcmporar} clcctric l'unk-lucllcd ia//.
Friday 8
I Goddard llcnr} '\ .la// Bar. 8 .\lorri\on Strcct. 467 5300. Midnight. £5. 'l‘hcxc up-and-coming l'uiikxtcrx pla} a \clcction ol‘ original and cla\\ic tuncx. t'caturiiig \ocalixt .lci'cin} (ioddard.
I Jazz ‘n’ Jive Club l-airmilc lnn. 44 Biggar Road. 3 I3 8343. 8pm. £4 (Bi. 'l'hc Louixiana Ragtimc Band and ’l'hc Spiritx ol' Rli_\lllllt arc on hand to \crx c up traditional and .\'c\\ ()rlcanx _ia//.
I Brian Kellock Trio llcnr} '\ Ja/l Bar. 8 Morrixon Strcct. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £5. lntcrnationall} rcxpcctcd pianixt Brian Kcllock cclchratcx thc immincnt rclcaxc ol hix ncxi ('l). rccordcd li\ c at llll\ \ct‘) \cnuc \\ ith toiiiglit\ haiid-matcx. Kcnn} lillix on ham and John Rac on tll'lllllS.
0 Laura MacDonald Quartet l’t'ltil') llolcl. Broomlicld l’lacc. (ll—17.5 680777. l3.30pni. £5. (‘ontcmporan ja/x t'rom thix incrcaxingl} illtpl‘cxxh c Scottish sa.\ophonc star. Laura \\'lll lcaturc on hoth alto and \oprano. \i'hilc hcr rcgular quartct alxo lcalurcx ('hick L}all on piano. lixpcct hcr dchiit (‘l) lrom Spartacux Rccordx thi\ summer. Part of 'l‘hc'g\ .la/I l-‘cxtnal. 0 Alex Yellowlees’ Hot Club l’t'ior)‘ llotcl. Broomlicld l’lacc. ()l475 680777. 4pm. £5. l5ormcrl_\ knou \impl} ax 'l'hc llot (‘luh. \‘ltilllllSI .-\lc\
Ycllou lccx' trio \cric up \\\ ing in tlic claxsic Rcinhardt-(irappclli \t}lc. l’art ol' 'I’hc Largs Jan l‘cxtnal.
OCaroI Kidd Vikittgai' 'l‘hcatrc. (irccnock Road. ()l475 680777. 8pm. L050- L'3l.50. Scotlanth lirst lad} Ulla/l continues to huild on hcr rcputation ttx a lil'Sl-l’illc intcrprctcr ol' \lillltltll'tlS. l’art ol 'l'hc Largx Ja// l'cxtnal.
Saturday 9
I Keith Edwards Quartet, Graeme Wilson Quartet and Brian Molley Quartet Iii-cl. 3t) 43 Axhton Lanc. 343 4066. 3 8pm. l‘rcc. .-\ triplc hill Ulla/l quartctx pla_\ ing a mix ol' contemporary and mainxtrcam ia/l.
I Salsa Celtica (‘oiiicr'l‘hcuirc. ()3 ()5 llyndland Strccl. 357 5835. 0pm lam.
L' l 3.50. A licad} mi\ ot'jaH. African. Latin and ('cltic l'll}lltllt\ from [his liicl} group. l’ur! oft/iv lli'xl lim/ I'i'ilnul.
I Hot Charanga Sauce llcnr) \ Ja// Bar. 8 Morrixon Strcct. 467 5300. Midnight. £5. 'l‘hc startling Latin mice of ('arlox l’cna lrontx a ncu group pla} ing Brazilian \on muxic. \xith ('arric \chcnna itlutct. l)a\c Patrick tpianoi and Mario ('arihc thaxxi.
I Freddie King llctir} \ Ja/l Bar. 8 Morrixon Strcct. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £5. chou ncd \ocalixt around lidinhurgh and London and tallici' of a \\ holc _ia// l'amil}. King hringx hi\ hchop \ound to llcnr} \ to pa} homagc to thc grcat jal/ \ingcix.
I Lee Paterson \\ llhllCl‘llllle‘M -1 it South liridgc. 55' 5] 1-1 0pm licc l’crtornung lll\ oun inatciial alongxidc clamic hlucx toll. atid goxpcl \l.lll\l.ll\l\
0 Ian Carleton and Graham High .\lac('ahc\ Hat. 8“ \laitixticcl. “I475 6807“ 5pm l-rcc Suing and l atin ia// tioin llll\ l‘dinhuigh guitar duo l’ait ol lhc largx .la// l‘cxtnal
OTommy Smith ‘Alone At Last’ \ikiiigar 'l‘hcatic. (ii’ccnock Road. “H75 680'". 8pm L" 50 lion‘t llll\\ out on llll\ \upcrh \olo pioicct. \xhich loiniii} Smith \\lll tout \xidcl} in Scotland o\ci thc \umincr. couitcx} ol lll\ ('icatn c Scotland \\\ard lhc \d\il[‘llt‘lll\l \\lll
pla} \olo. inning in a iangc ot ia// \l.tll dardx. \‘ld\\ .iiid tolk tuncx. and lll\ ti\\ll \‘t‘lllpti\llltlll\. htit hc l\ iic\ci icalh alonc hc llSL‘S a \uriound \iitllltl \pcakci \_\ \tcin. clcctt'onic ctlcctx and pic iccoidcd \ound\. including pocti} icad h} l'tl\\lll Morgan and Laura .\lacl)onald. in llllell} iinaginatnc l.’l\llliill. l’art ol 'l'hc | argx .la// l'cxlnal.
QThe George Penman Jazzmen with Fionna Duncan Viking.” 'l'hcalrc. (it‘cclioclx Road. “I475 680 8.l5ptn. (0.50. .\n altcrnoon oi \ intagc tall li'oin llll\ \xcllcxtahhxhcd (ila\_:o\\ hand. \\llil arc ioincd h_\ \ticdlhl Duncan. l’art ol' 'l'hc lat'gx .la// l'cxtnal.
I Linlithgow Jazz Club Huiin ll.lll\. 'l'lit-(‘i'owtllfititi8.1»liiiiii. 8 llpm. U [8 ichildrcn trcci. \cii ()rlcanx and traditional \t} lc ia// lroin thc lt‘\ltlt'lll \cht land Jam Band and \pccial gucxtx.
I The Pasadena Roof Orchestra .-\dain Smith 'l'hcatrc. ltcnnoch} Road. 0l503 4 l 3030. 8pm. U050 t {0,510. .la//. carl} \\\ ing and daiicc niclodicx \\ itli thc l’;l\;ltlclttt Root ()i‘chcxtra.
I The Standard Bearers ()llL'L'll ('harlottc Rtitillh. 56a ()uccn (’liarlottc Strcct. 555 6660. 8.|5pm. L4 tllllhlt‘ldllx \\llll inxtrumcntx £3i. .\ inaiiixtrcain ia// \cxxion \\ ith lhc Standard lit‘ill't‘l'x. l'caturing triimpctci' lzddic Scwrn. \a\ophoni\t Nick (iotild. PlulllSI 'lom l‘inla}. haxxixt Rick) Stcclc. driiinincr l’at Quinn and \iiigcr \Vcnd} \Vcathcrh}. 'l hc \ccond \ct \\ ill hc a iam \cxxion.
I Colin Steele New Trio llk‘lll'} \ .la/l Bar. 8 Morrixon Strcct. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £5 tL'4i. ('alc (iralliti‘x old rcxidcnt truinpctcr ('olin Stcclc lront\ thix tic“ coiitcinporar} ia/I trio.
I Heather MacLeod, Kim Ho, Anjana Rajan and Tom Colquhoun lionf-‘o (‘luh. l4 NC“ Strch 558 7604. 8.30pm. £7 1L5 i. _\'onc ()l 'l'hc .\ho\ c prcxcnt anothcr cclcctic night lcaturing hlucx and l'ollt \ocalx lroin .\lacl.cod hackcd h_\ mcnihcrx ol .\lr .\lcl'all\ ('hamhcr. :\l\o (‘hincxc dulcimcr pla}cr llo. lndian claxxical dancc lroni Raian. and ('olquhoun pla} ing tuo thlllttl’\ \iinultaiicouxl}.
OSuzanne Bonnar \ildngar 'l'hcati'c. (irccnock Road. 0l475 680777. l3.30pin. £6. 'l‘hix Scottixh ia// di\a ix .‘icclainicd lor hcr \xarin intcrprctationx and lcchnical grasp of thc ia/I idiom. l’art ol 'l‘hc Largx lit/l l't‘xllutl.
GJeannie Maxwell and The Jazzwegians (‘ruixc Ship. l.;tl‘;_'\ l’icr. 01475 680777. 3.30pm. U350. l)i\icland _ia// t'roin \ingcr .\la\\\.cll and hcr hand.
\\ ith thc crui\c dcparting at 3.30pm \harp. \o don't hc latc. l’art ol lhc Largx Ja/l l‘cxtiml.
OStrathclyde Youth Jazz Orchestra with Melvin Peters Sextet Brixhanc llouxc llotcl. l4 l6 (irccnock Road. 4pm. £6 'l‘hc rcnouncd _\oung _ia// orchcxtra lcd h} Bohh} \Vixhart arc ioincd h} \pccial gucstx in thc