Cauld Blast Orchestra l'hese award winners play Glasgow's West End Festival and this is the nine strong band's first Scottish concert in a couple of years. Best heard live. the band defies easy description - members come from folk. ja/x. I aim, classical. theatre. rock and experimental music. and bring a truckload of instruments. Cott/er 'I‘heat/‘e. G/asgow. 'l'ue 72 Jun.

Kate Rusby the youthful Yorkshire songstress launches her latest album [.itt/e Lights with a '3ritish tour, arrrvrng in Scotland with her touring band comprising Battlefield fiddler John McCusker and four folk instrumental illuminati. Queen's Hall, Edinburgh. Fri 1!) Jun.

Yaa Asantewaa Worth a visit for the music alone ~ the superb Pan African Orchestra of Ghana. plus Britain's all-female acapella Black Voices. and veteran drummer Kofr Ghanaba Yaa Asantewaa is a (lElliCC/lllllSlC drama illuminating the life of the woman who raised an army against British Colonial rule in Ghana at the turn of the 20th century. l~'estiva/ Theatre. Edinburgh Hi If) 8 Sat 16 Jun.


I Reel Scottish Experience ('alcdonian Hr‘cuci'). Slafclord Road. 023 8000. 7pm. £35. .llhl thc thing for tourixtx. (‘cilidh dancc. tour-cour'xc hanquct and a displa} of traditional plaidx.


I Kitchen Table Stirling Folk ('luh. 'l'ci'i‘accx Hotcl. .\lcl\ illc ’l‘ci'racc. ()l25‘) 2l852 l. 8pm. L51“). l‘oiir'-piccc hand with \ocal harrnonicx


OCauld Blast Orchestra (‘oiiicr 'l'hcati'c. H_\iid|aiid Strcct. 357 38(18. 8pm. £8 (Ur). 'l'hc t'ii'st at-homc pcrl‘or- niancc l‘i'om tlic auard-u inning Scottish tau/folk/classicaI/rock L‘ll\L‘lll- NC in our )car\: strong composition. llllpl'n\'i\;lll0lt. ninc tilllxlc‘lans tmcni- hci's of Salsa (‘cltica. .loclx 'l‘anixon'x Bllll'llx. .\lr .\lcl-‘all\ (‘hariith 'l'hc Raincoatx ctci do/cnx oi lll\ll'lllllL‘lll\ and a hugcl} cclcctic ini\ oi instruincn- tal st) lcs. Part of thc Hm Ifm/ liar/"ml


I Felicidade lil Barrio. \Vc‘xl Hill. 22‘) 8805. lllpin 2am. l-‘i‘cc. Rcsidciit \i\ chcn piccc l.atin hand \\ ith gucxtx.


I John Wright Band l’crircurlx l-‘olk ('luh. \maar‘ HUlle‘ Hotcl. Hog Road. (ll‘)o8 (378].53. 8.15pm. £5 iH i. ()nc ol' thc laxt pc‘l‘ltll‘lil;llch'\ tr'om thc popular Bordci'x l‘olk hand.

Wednesday 1 3


I Shine (‘otticr' 'I‘hcatr'c. H_\ ndland Strcct. 357 3808. 8pm. £8 rigor. (‘low \ocal liariiioii) trio \\ ith l\\o harp and an original approach l‘caturcx (‘oi'i'ina ch at. .\lar‘_\ .\lacma\tcr and .~\l_\th .\lc('orriiack.


I Fergusson’s Auld Reikie lidiiihurgh l‘olk ('luh. ('ahar'ct Bar.

()l) 'l‘hc l’lcaxancc. 05” 2 ;4‘). 8pm. Ur (£5 ). l.c‘il(ltlig lhc-plL‘L‘L' Sc‘tth hand Jock 'I‘aiiixoii's Billl‘ll\. \\ itli \H'HL'I' and hr'oadcaxtcr Bill) Ka}. cclchratc tlic 250th anni\cr\ar} ot' tlic birth of poct Rohcrt l’crguxxon through his pocti'} and thc Scots \ongx and air\ hc |o\ cd. cVokirig thc lidiiihurgh ol‘ lhc |77(l\. I Choro Escoses llcnr} \ .la// Bar. Moi‘l‘ixntt Strch 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5 (Hi. .\lario ('ai'ihc'x l.atirr st) lcd group.

I Reel Scottish Experience ('alcdoniari Hrcncry Slatclor'd Road. 623 sum. 7pm. U5. Scc .\lon l I.

Thursday 1 4


I John Wright Band 'l‘lic Star ('ltih. Ri\ci'\idc (‘lulx l‘o\ Strch 56‘) 7287. SL‘L‘ Ilillc I2.

I Open Stage Rciii'rcxx l-‘c-r'r'}. ('lydc l’lttL‘L‘. 287 55l l. 8pm. £4. SL‘L‘ Thu 7.


I Sexteto Caliente lil Barrio. \chl Port. 22‘) 8805. lllpm 2am. l‘rcc. Rc‘8lllc‘lll hand \\ ith \ingcr l.ino Rocha pla} salsa. ruinha and \(ill.


I Tony McManus ('raigxl‘arm. .\larcc Walk. ('raigxhill. ()l5(l(i 433034. 8pm. Nit-1.50). Star l‘olk guitar pickcr.


I Bob Fox l‘alkirk Folk ('luh. .-\rriot Sti‘cct. l)l.i2—l (il3595. 3.50pm. [.5 (£4.50 lllL‘llllk‘l‘\l. \ctci'aii folk/trad pci'l‘oi'mcr' li‘oin lingland's North liaxt. on \oca|\ and guitar.


I Traditional Music Concert 'l‘lic Piping ('ciiti'c. 3t) 34 Mcl’hatcr' Strcct. ('ou'caddcns. 287 55l l. 7.30pm. l‘rcc hut tickctcd. An informal coiicci't of traditional music. pcrloriiicd h} \tudcritx on thc RS:\.\ll)\ Scottish .\lu\ic CUlll'8L‘. I Dougie MacLean (‘oiiicr 'l'licatrc. ll}ll(ll;llltl Sti‘cct. 357 3868. 8pm. L' l 2. (‘oiiipoxcr oi ‘(‘alcdonia'. and hugcl} popular singci‘Aongxx r'itcr. Part of thc lli'xl Iim/ l't’.\li\'(l/

I Matt McGinn - A Tribute Kihhlc l’alacc. (ilaxgtm Botanic (iul'tlc‘lh. 73f) (ii'cat \chtcr'ii Road. 33-1 2422.

7.30 8.45pm. l’ctcr ('ochr'anc [)I‘L‘\L‘lll\ his musical trihutc to (ilthgtm '\ Iatc l'olk gi‘cat. Part of thc ll'mi Iim/ l‘i'Uii‘rl/


QYaa Asantewaa - Warrior Queen l-‘cstual ’l‘hcatr'c. Nicolxoii Strch 52‘) (Mill). 7.30pm. £7 U2

l£5 UH). Around 4() pci‘ltii‘litcl‘x takc llic \tagc liot‘ lltl\ \pcctactilar Llattcc/liilhlc/ drama cclchrating thc lilc of thc \minan \\ ho in l‘)()() raixcd an army againxt Britiin ('olonial Upprc‘\\luti iii (ihana. .»\d/ido l)ancc ('oriipan}; thc uondcrl'ul Pan African ()rchcxtra ot’ (iharia. pcr— l‘orming on traditional and nco-tradition- al instrunicntx: Britain'x Llll-“Ulllcn acapclla Black Voiccx and \ctcran

dr'uiiimcr' Koti (iltattal‘a lt‘\'l‘.lllll:_'l\‘ll. ;\i'ni\tr'orig. ('hai‘lic l’arkcr and Hillic Hollida} r arc part of thc acclaimcd \\c\t Yorkxhir'c l’l.l}ll\\ll\L' production 8cc alw Sat Hi.

OThe Kate Rusby Band (gum-in Hall. ('lci'k Sti'cct. (m8 2lll‘). 8pm. 5 l2 tillli. ’l'hc Yorkxliii‘c lav rclcaxcx hcr ncxx alhtim liIi/i lig/ih and a xiiiglc hour it and brings lici hand tcaturing \(illlhlll-l‘k"lllll‘l‘} .lohn .\lc(‘u\l\cr itid dlci. .\iid} (‘tittirig laccoidrorii. \lichacl .\lc(}oldr‘ick it‘lutcxi. Ian (arr «guitar» and .\rid_\ .8c\\ar‘d tl‘.t\\|.


I Tony McManus \\'}ritl llicatic. Hucclctich Sti'cct. lll8‘)(i 82 ‘85-1. 8pm £81L'fii..\'cc'llhu l-l.

Saturday 1 6


I Dougie MacLean ('ollici' 'l‘limirc. H}iidlarid Str‘cct. 357 3808. 8pm. l; l 2 Scc l't‘l IS.

I Guitars Galore ll)lllll;llltl l’;tl'l\lt (‘hurclr H_\ndlarid Road. ~1pm. l'rcc. \ \ai'icd pi'ogr'aiiiiiic ol‘ lllll\lc lroin Rt‘lllll\\;tllL‘L‘ to l.atm and ran Pl'L‘M‘lllt‘xl h} tlic Youth (itiitar lirixcmhlc.


0 Yaa Asantewaa - Warrior Queen licxtnal 'l'licatrc. .\'ico|\on 8hch 52‘) hill)”. 7.,‘llpni. ‘27 L' I2

(£5 fl”). .'\\lltlll\lllll:_'. \Hil'ltlw'lav music and daiicc lroiii (ihaiia. Scc lii l5.

0 Mr McFall’s Chamber ()tlcclt\ Hall. ('lci‘k Strch («)8 2lll‘)~ 8pm. £8 (LYN. 'l‘llc L‘\L‘l'-L‘L‘lL'c‘lll' CINCIHNC (Hitllll “C It) L'U\ L'l' :lll l‘;t\c‘\ \\ tlli lhc I‘L‘lc;t\c Ul t\\o alhuiiix thix month. 'l‘onight \cc\ ilic launch ot tlic \ccond. (yniiiri .lrigg/i-i'x uhich includcx contcinporar} Scotlixli \xorlw l'i'oin .lltlllL‘\ .\lac.\lillan and l'.lllllL' .\lc(iuirc plus Richard 'l'lioiiipxon.

lo\\cll (icorgc. l-dith l’rat and cum king ('iiiiixon

I Croft N0. 5 Hongo (illll‘. \cxx 8trcct. 558 “NH 7 l5piii £5 1L5! l'll\lll:_' Scots dancc tuncx \\ ith funk gt‘oo\c\. thc _\ourig hand cicatc\ a high- cricig} ini\. uxmg liddlc. \khrxtlc and accordion .ilorigxidc a rock r'li)thm \cctrorr cttcch arid \iiiiplcx

Loch Lomond

I The First Gartocharn Bothy Night .\lillcriniurii llall. (iar'tocharn. llli8‘).\1fl-Hh :u I l5llpii‘. (‘51) It 1i \ ncxx. llHl‘L'ltlll) rcgulai lioolc) \\ itli lllll\l\’. song and daiicc liom \riiallpipci'. \irigci gtirtarixt Kcn (Iniiphcll and trrcndx. \laxdarr Ritl‘ctlvtlt and 8tcpliariic l\)ll\\k‘ll.


I John Wright Band \\_\ml llicatrc. Hucclctich Sticct. lll8‘)o 82‘85-18pm.L’8iljhi.8cc l'uc l2.


I Skripka, Buben J Utyug (‘alc ('t»\\.rc'litrl\. lx’ii\\i.iii ('ultuial ('cntic. King Str'cct. 55 i ll" H 8, illpni, \ iolniixt l.c\ \tlax |Ulll\ Vladimir Skilsa and Saxlia Kiotox ol thc lx’oxtm Halalaika tor a \clcctiori ol light l\)ll\\l.tll lllL‘lHtllL‘\. I Back To Roots 'I chat ()\tl.i. ()tago l.aiic. ‘57 A1521. 3pm. L5. l).l l’aul Slircldx [)l.l_\\ laid hack tracks li'orii 'l'hc ll) l'tl\. 'l‘lic Storicx and .\'cil Young iii an .iltci'noon ol lllll\lc' coiiiplcincntcd h}

|i\ c acotixtic guitar from Scott

.\lacl )oiiald ax lic prc\ IL‘\\ \ acoustic and harmonica di'i\cn lllll\|c li'om lll\ loi'thcoiiiing alliurii. \i-n llt'rlll.


I Arhoolies \\'t-c lolk (‘lulx Ro}.il ()ak. liilir‘iriai'} Sli'ccl. 557 2‘)7(i. 8pm. L5. 31) \cal iiia\. so gcl thcic cai‘l} )‘all.

"-.j/' ,,‘ .' THE LIST 61