Kids Sat 20 tk Sun 27 Ma}. ".30pm; Sun 2.30pm a ".30pm. £0501£5i \IacRohert. l'nnerxit} ot Stirling. Stirling. 01'86 40108]. .-\ge\ 3+. .-\ neu intixieaI h} a next children‘s theatre eompan}. 'I‘he ("tixtard I’ie ‘Kraektn' KltI\ prexent an entertaining \Itou about the I\\llL'\ that attect their Inex.

The Happy Gang’s Cactus Canyon Still 27 Ma}. I230pm. £4 t£31. I'extnal ()n The I.och. I.oeh\\ innoch. RenI'reu \Iilt‘e. IIHTII 22” I I I0. See Iidinhurgh.

Puff The Magic Dragon Sun 27 Ma}. Ipm & 3.30pm. £5 (tour seats I'or £I5 I. (ireenoek .'\rt\ (iniId. (‘ampheII Sll‘L‘CI. (il'c‘t'llUL'Ix. “I475 72.5053. IIIL‘ I"I_\ing I’ig (’oinpan} adapt this eltmie \tor}. introducing Iotx oI audience [Mi'tieipation and unusual eharaetet'x. Nessie - The Loch Ness Monster Mon 28 Ma}. I0.I5am & I.l5pm.

£2.50 £3. I'lilkit‘k 'I‘oun IIaII. \Vexl Bridge Street. I‘aIkirIt. III324 500850. .-\n

ultrax ioIet puppet spectacular lrom I’lll'\L'\ International I’uppetx.

Decky Does A Bronco Wed 30 Ma}. 7.30pm. £8.50 t£4.25 £51. Adam Smith 'I'heatre. Iiennoeh} Road. Kirkeald). 0I5‘)2 4I2‘)2‘). .'\ge\ I()+. (irid Iron 'I‘heatre ('ompan} \ acclaimed hit oI' Iaxt )eai'\ Iidinhnrgh Iiexthal come\ to the Adam Smith. It tells the \tor} ol the lads u ho act otit their dreams and tears in their local \u ing park.

Frankenstein Sat 2 Jun. 2pm. £3. Palace Theatre. ‘) (ireen Street. Kihnarnoek. 0| 503 523500. Agex I()+. See (iIaxgou.

King Matt Tue 5 Jun. 7pm. £3. Volunteer Hall. St John Street. (ittItthlICIx. 0| 750 20842. Ages 8+. .'\ eo-prodtietion hetueen MaeRohert and 'I'.'\( i. about a ho} eaIIed Matt \\ ho lindx heing king ixn't aII he imagined. Stephen (ireenhorn'x adaptation of the hook h} .Iamiv Kore/ak explorex \\ hat happens \\ hen children's itIettII\ltL‘ \ IL‘\\ \ ttt‘L‘ L‘IlttIIL‘ttgetI.

a celebration

Moby Dick The 5 tk Wed (1 Jun. I Iain. £2.50. MaeRohert. I'ni\er\it_\ ot' Stirling. Stirling. III 780 4(il08 I. Ages 0\ er I0. (ierinan) \ 'I‘heatre 'I‘riehxterk prexentx a musical retelling ot' the L‘I;t\\lc' nmeI h} Herman .\IeI\ iIIe. ()n oning his leg to a great \xhite \x hale. ('aptain Ahab and Ill\ ere“ \et \aiI on a era/} adxenture on the high seas intent on re\enge.

Playing From The Heart Wed (1 & Thu 7 Jun. 7pm. £8.50 (£4.25 £5501; 4 seats I'or £24. .-\dam Smith 'I‘heatre. Bennoeh} Road. KirkeaId}. III5‘)2

4 I 292‘). .-\ge\ 8+. ('harlex Via) '\ true lite drama Ied a pei‘euxxh e score e\p|aining hon Iixehn (iIennie learned to t'eel mime. 'I'hix eo-produetion Irom the Rt)};lI

I.) eeum Theatre ('ompan} and I’olka 'I'heatre documents the inspiring lite ot' the \torId-rentm ned peretixxionixt I'rom her Childhood in rural .»\herdeen\hire. to performing on stage at the Ro}aI .-\Ihei‘t Hall.

The International Purves Puppets Iiiggar I’tippet 'I‘heatre. Broughton Road. (080‘) 22063 I. £5 t£4i1 lamil} tickets £23 & £30. Book in ad\anee a\ time\ are subject to change. Reductions lor partiex oI' Ii\ e or more. Shim \ on UIICI' 0\ er the nut t\\o \\ eeI\\

Pips And Panda Meet The Three Bears Thu 24 Ma} & Tue 5 Jun. I0.45am; I‘ri 25 Ma}. I0..‘~0am & I230me The 2‘) Ma}. I2.45pm; Thu 7 Jun. I().3()am. Ages tip to 7. The terrible t\\o\ome set oil on a journe} into the \Voodx \\ ITCI'L' lItL‘)‘ get into ttII \ot'h UI mischief.

Nessie The Loch Ness Monster Sat 26 & Sun 27 May. 2pm: Wed 3031a}. I2.45pm; ’I'hu 3| .\Ia_\. I2.30pin. Spike the Hedgehog. Mairi (ilengarry and

\\ ieked uncle Naggie .\Ic('raggie are Iltsl \tilltc‘ ol the characters \\ ho Nessie comes across “ITIISI tr} ing to eseape from the _\eIIo\\ submarine.

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2.1 May—7 Jun 2U 1 THE LIST 95