Bank of Scotland 2

Children’s International TheatreFestivaI

Tli'Q/‘ilJl' itSlw/Ilc


Various venues, Edinburgh, Mon 28 May-Sun 3 Jun

Theater Triebwerk’s imaginative Moby Dick

With the soggy days in Inverleith Park fast becoming a distant iiieiiioi'j,i. Edinburgh's annual kiddie fest has now ptit the final seal on its true intentions. Formerly known as the Scottish International Children's Festival. the week—long gathering has dropped the ‘Scottish' in favour of that all important factor: the sponsor. and inserted the word ‘Theati‘o'. Now governed by a parent company. Imaginate, the festival has stepped tip its commitment to bringing quality International drama to Scotland's youngsters. and not Just once a year. 'lt's great having this one—off celol')ratioii but we‘d like to arrange soiiiothing iiioi‘e pormanont.‘ says festival director Tony Rookie. ‘We spend a lot of time and money bringing these fantastic companies to Edinburgh. so it would be great to take them to other places as well'

To get the hall rolling. Germany's Theater Triebwerk are touring their imaginative version of Moby Dick to six additional venues acr< ss Scotland. LikeWiso. Catherine Wheels adaptation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and the Royal lyceuiii's reworking of Evelyn Glennio's autolmgrai>hy. Playing From the Heart Wlll both be soon outside the capital.

But first there's the festival itself. which promises the usual mix of Visually stimulating and engaging theatre spread across four of the city's venues. Companies from Scotland. Denmark, England. Germany, Italy and the USA v/ill present eleven different shows to children aged three to ltll(l-i(-3()ll8 ~ all of which have been cherry picked by Rookie over the past year. So if. as he claims. 9:3 per cent of the work he sees is unsuitable for the festival. what makes a show worthy of young Scottish theatre-goers? ‘l'm always looking for a show which tries to touch the emotions of the audience' he says. 'Whethor that's making them laugh, making them cry. making them excned. whatever. It's not about being intellectual or clever. it‘s about being touching in its broadest sonse.‘ (Kelly Apter)

Bank of Scotland Children’s International Theatre Festival Mon 28 May—Sun 3 Jun, Various Venues. Edinburgh. ()l3l 228 I404. Britain's biggest per- forming arts festival for children. now solely devoted to theatre productions. attracts companies from across the globe. creating a week-long programme of shows for chil- dren of all ages.

Tickets and information are available from the Box Office on ()l3l 228 I404 or in person at the Traverse Theatre. Box Office opening hours before Sun 27 May. are Mon—Sat l()am~6pm: and from Mon 27 May. opening hours are Mon—Sat 9.30am—8pm and Sun l()am-5pm. Tickets for all shows (with the exception of Playing From The Heart) are priced at £4. with six tickets for any shows priced at £20. Tickets are also available online at www.1ra\'

Creche facilities for the under 5s are available for selected performances. and places should be booked in advance when booking tickets.


Performances are listed by venue and then in date order.

Romanzo d’lntanzia (A Childhood Tale) Mott 3S Ma}. 7pm & Sat 3 Jun. noon. .-\gcs (i If). .-\ ph} sical theatre production based on tiso children \\ ho are left to their on n dcx ices b} their preoccupied parents. Ital} 's ('ompagnia


loxe. the iiioiisiei turns on his master when it is i‘eiectcd. ‘l his (‘athei'iiie \\'hecls \cl‘stolt of \lgll‘} Shellc_\ ‘\ ittltlitlls slot} ls .ftlill‘lk‘tl l‘} 'l‘Hlll

\lc( irath. and c‘\plitlt‘\ issues of line. i'eiection and i‘exenge in .i highl} [‘ll}\ performance.

Art Guffaw Wed 3“ \l.t_\. Sat I k Suit 3 Jun. \Ved 4.30pm: Sat tk Sun litlpin tk —1..‘~llpiii. .-\ges 5 l3. \Vhat use is a painter and decoi‘atoi \\ ho is afraid of colour and can’t than a straight litte'.’ \ot .i lot. but acclaimed entertainer .Iim .lackson tiscs humour. clouniiig techniques. magic. puppetr} and bubbles to pot'tt‘a} this bungling comic character who stumbles across a tiiagical artist’s studio.

The Gruffalo Sat 3 k Sun .‘~ .ltiii. Sat noon; Sun 2.3(lpm tk 4.30pm. .s\ges 3 (i. Scaring a\\a_\ other animals \\ ith tales of the tei‘i‘if'} iiig gi‘uff'alo is all \ei'_\ \xcll until one din the _\oung mouse's l'llli;t\\‘.t_\ imagination catches up \\ ith him. 'l‘all Stories present a magical. musical collaboration of the auai‘d-u inning picture book it} Julia Donaldson and :\\el Scheff'lcr.

Hansel And Gretel Sat 2 .& Sun 3 Jun. Sat 2.30pm tk 3.45pm; Stiii l2..‘~flpm. .-\ges 7+. Denmark's lignsteati'et (ii‘uppc .ib' l'L‘\\ol'l\ this popular children's tale gi\ ing it a iiiodei'n-da} dimension. .\ stor}tellci‘ and musician create a limit). }t't tense atmospheredepicting the struggle

bet“ een good and e\ il as t\\o children find theiiiscl\es at the mere} of a de\ ious \\ itch.


34 Hamilton l’lacc. fllil 32h 5425. 'l'ick'ets also :nailable from the bo\ office on (MRI 228 1404.

A Friend For Boltan The Lion to l Stiii 3 Jun. l’i'i 3.30pm; Sat noon; Sun l2.3()pin. £4. .-\ges 5+. Boltan the lion's best friend is a camel htit their ncu -l'ouiid friendship is qtiickl} put to the test. l’ii'st the) encounter a group of human beings in their desert stomping ground and then Boltan’s prospecthe mate doesn't like his choice in friends. (ieriiian compaii} 'l’heater 'li'ielmerk presents this engaging and anard-n inning talc using music and humour.

The Night Maze Sat 2 & Stiii 3 Jun. Sat 2.30pm: Sun 3pm. .-\ges (i l I. See pltoto caption.

Moby Dick Sat 2 Jun. 7pm. Ages 10+. (ierman) 's 'l‘hcatre 'Ii‘iebu crk presents a musical retelling of the classic ttmel b'x Herman .\fcl\ ille. ()n losing his leg to a great \xhitc \\ hale. ('aptaiii Ahab and his crew set sail on a ci'al) adxciitui‘e on the high seas intent on i'e\cnge.


ONCE Sat 2 & Sun 3 Jun, 2.30pm. £4. Garage Theatre, Grindlay Street Court, Grindlay Street Lane, 0131 228 1404. Ages 6—11. Take a fairytale, break it down into smaller sequences, mix it up with other stories and a bit of imagination and what do you have? Denmark’s Teatret Carte Blanche gives traditional stories the unconventional treatment as performer Sara Topsoe-Jensen fuses dance, music and mask in a darkened room to create an imaginative experience.


(it‘llttlltt_\ Street ('out't. (iriiidlgn Street l.ane. “Ill 22‘) 70-1 I. 'l ickcts also a\ailable from the bo\ office on H! il 338 Hill.

Once Sat 3 & Stiii Huh. 2. iflpiii. .i\ges (i l I. See photo caption.

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (it'llttllit) Street. (ll if 248 48.13. 'l‘ickets also rnailable from the bo\ office on (MRI 3381404.

Playing From The Heart l'l'l I is Sat 3 Jun. l-ri 7pm; Sat lillpiii & 7pm. .-\ges 8+. ('hai'les \Va} 's true life drama led a pei'ctissnc scoi'e e\plaiiiiiig him Mel} n (ileniiie learned to feel music. This cit-production from the Rinal

l.) ccum 'I‘heatre ('ompaii) and l’olka 'l‘heatre documents the inspiring life of the \\()l'ltl-l'L‘lttt\\llt‘tl percussionist from her childhood in rural :\lk‘l'tlt‘t‘lt\llll'L‘. to performing on stage at the Rinal Albert


(‘ambridgc Street. (ll3l 228 I404.

Haiku Mon 28 Ma). 5.30pm. Ages 3. o.

Denmark's 'l‘catro Rio Rose base their production on the poetic form of a Japanese haiku. In this magical award- winning lo\e story. a couple ponder elements of the world \\ hieh tend to go unnoticed. from a falling leaf to a frog looking at the moon. all set \xithin the mer-changing seasons.

96 THE LIST 2-1 Mam-T Jun 2001

.-\bbondan/a-Bertoni present the [K premiere of this piece \sltich tackles issues of self-esteem. dcpcndettc} and frcedotn through moxemcnt. words and song.

Frankenstein Thu 31 .\la_\. jpm. Ages lll+. l)r Frankenstein's dream of creating a life quickl} becomes a nightmare \\ hen he produces a monster. Desperatel} looking for friendship and

THE NIGHT MAZE Sat 2 & Sun 3 Jun, Sat 2.30pm; Sun 3pm. £4. Theatre Workshop, 34 Hamilton Place, 0131 226 5425. Ages 6—11. It’s time for bed but Sally is depressed about her disastrous birthday party. In her dreams, she escapes to a mysterious land where she embarks on an exciting journey and finds her way back home. Denmark’s Theater La Balance present this feel-good story which tackles issues of self—confidence.