We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Kids listings compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Activities And Fun

Clyde Capers Hi 35 Mon 3S .\lu_\. l0uin 5pm. £4.50 l £3.35 i. 'l he 'lull Ship .r\l (il;ixgo\\ llill‘ltiilll'. I00 Sloltcl‘oxx Rotitl. 33‘) ()03 l . 'l'lic tlccp the xeu IUI'IIIS the theme oi loiii du_\ x oI childi'cn'x \xuler} l'un und guinex. Children’s Video Workshop Sui 3o .\lu_\. |0uin noon & l 3pm. l'i'cc. (iullery ()i Modern .-\ri. Queen Street. 33‘) l‘)‘)(). ('lltll'llc llticlxt'll lt'illlS llIIS

\ ltlt‘ti \k'til‘RSlitip. l’lilL‘L‘S llllIIIL‘tl. S0 urri\c eur|_\' to mold tllSilPPtillIllIIL'III. Art And Sculpture Sul 30 .\lu} K Sui 3 Jun. l0um noon S I 3pm. £|3 for tour \\L‘L'l\S. llunleriun .-\ri (iullcr). l'ni\erxit} ol'(i|;ixgo\\. S3 Ilillheud Street. 330 543 I . .'\gcx S I3. .\Iould your idcux into u unique xciilpliirc ut lhix courxe led by 'I‘udhg \lclx'endr}. Storytelling Sun 37 .\lu_\.

noon l.30pin & 3 3.30pm. l-i‘ee. Bill'i'cll (‘lillt‘L‘IIUIL 300” l’olliilehu“ x Roud. 3S7 3550. .-\gcx 3 7. i.\lc//unine l.ihrui'_\ ureui. Inxpired I») the current exhibition. iulex ol' Iig) pt come to me ui lhix itin xlor)telling xcxxion.

Giant Productions’ Dilly Dali l’iiiil Sun 37 Mu}. 3 3.45pm. 3 3.45pm & 4 4.45pm. £35 I'or xi\ \teekx. .\ri (iuller) it .\Itixeiim. lx'ehingroxe. Argyle SII'L‘CI. .334 300”, ;\gcx 3 (i. l{\plore Iuir} lulex iixing xtor_\ telling. mti.xic und movement in ihexe \ ixiiul uri cluxxcx

Colours And Pigmentation Sui 2 Jun. l.30 3.l5pm & 3.35 3.30pm. £35 for live \l‘t‘c‘le. 'llllt' l.lgllllitillSL‘. l l Mitchell l.une. 33 3000. .-\gcx 4 o it

7 13. A colourinliixed \\til'l\\lilll3 to explore the range (ll. cololil'S illltl dccorutc the ltiiildingx oi old. Children’s Workshop Sui 2 .lim.

3 4pm. Free. Burrell (‘olleciion. 30o0 l’ollokxhunxx Roud. 3S7 3550. lluncy Juckxon leudx thix \torkxhop l'or children uged o\ er S. l’lucex limited. xo ill'l'IVL‘ eurl_\' to ux'oid dixuppointinent.


Small Soldiers ii’(ii Sui 10 Hit). lplii und Tintin And The Lake Of Sharks il'i Sui 3 Jun. Ipm. £3.35 (lumin ticket £0). (iluxgou liilm 'I‘heutre. l3 RUSL‘ SII'L‘L‘I. 3.33 S l 33. Sec l'iillli Inde\.


Thrill Ride i l ' i; Mysteries Of Egypt i l i; und Dolphins i l i llIIICS \ur}. check lilm lixtingx Ior detuilx. 'l'llt'dll’t'. (illng‘in Science (.L‘Iill't‘. 50 l’ucilic ()uu}. 430 501 Iii See l'IlIlI lnde\.


Disney Kids Awards Mon 3.\ .\l.l_\. ‘i3llum. £7.50iluinil} ticket £35i. l{o_\ul ('oncert Hull. 3 Suuchiehull Street. 3S" 55I l. 'l‘he (iluxgou leg oi the .l\\.ll'tl\ tour \\ ilh goodic ltugx uitd ilic cliuiicc lo uiidiiion to he purl oi the xhou in the lo} er iroin 0.30uin. 'l‘he xtuge Slio\\ xiui'tx ut

l l.30uni und ix hoxied It} the l)ixne} ('hunnel prexenterx und leuiurex periorinunccx I'roin top pop uctx .\tomic Kitten. l’oini lircuk. ullS'lI-\RS und Reel.


Trouble At Kittle Rumpit & The Stolen Bairn Sui 2i» .\lu_\. 3pm. £4 (£3). Scottixh .\quk & l’uppet 'l'heutre ('entre.

S l0 liulcurrex .l\\enuc. Keh indule. 33‘) olS5. S} l\iu 'l’roon’x Kt‘iixpec'klt' l’uppctx prcxent t\\o Scoiiixh l'olk iulex enlixiing much uudience purticipution.

Aladdin Sui 3 Jun. 3pm. £4 i£3i. Scollixli .\l.l\l\ it l’uppet ‘l‘heutre ('entre.

S I0 Bulcurrex .-\\eniie. lx'el\ indulc. 33‘) (ilS5. .Ioin .\luddin'x quexi to retrie\e hix inugic lump in thix luck ()‘I.uniern I’uppeix production.

Frankenstein Tue 5 it \Ved (\ .Iun. Tue 7pm: \Ved Ilium it "put. £5 i£3.50i. 'l‘ron 'l'heuirc. (’hixholin Street. 553 S5S7. .'\f_'t'x l0+. l)r l‘runkenxicin'x dreuin oi creuiing u lilc quickl} lk‘c'tillit‘S u nightinure \\ hen he producex u inonxier. 'I‘hix ('uiherinc \\'heelx \erxion oi .\lur_\ Shelle} ’x Iuinoux \loi') ix udupted h} 'l‘oin .\Ic(iruih.

Activities And Fun

Quickies For Kids Ringil \Itixeum ()l~ Scotlund. 3 ('huinherx Street. 347 43I‘). l‘ree. ‘lt‘ll-IIIIIIIIIL‘ tulkx I'oi' children held exer} Suturdu} ui 3.l5pin und exei'} Sundu} ut 3.I5pin.

Tour De Force l'niil Wed 30 .\lu_\. l‘ree. I)_\ numic Iiurth. lloly‘ood Roud. 47.3 3070. .-\n e\hihition l'i'om (iluxgtm Science ('entre l‘euturing ximuluted tornudocx. xound xii‘etcherx und huhhle \iullx.

Rhythm 8: Rhyme Hi 35 .\lu) it liri l .Iun. 3.30 3.30pm. £l. Southxide (‘oininunii_\ Centre. ()Id ('hui'ch. .\'icolxon Street. 07‘)5I 40‘) 44‘). :\gc‘\ 3 und under. .\ltixicul \mi'kxhopx ior huhiex. toddlerx und their curerx gi\ ing children the opporltmil) to purticipuie in duncc. di‘uinu und intixicul ucli\ iiiex. Iiuch xexxion ix dill'ei'eni und rungex l'roin \\orld inuxic. cluxxicul. pci'ctixxion. Scolx xong und much

BIG IN FALKIRK Sat 26 & Sun 27 May. Free. Callendar Park, Falkirk, 553 1937. Summer family festival featuring street entertainment, fireworks, music, a fun fair and more. Last year’s event attracted over 60,000 people, and this year, French pyrotechnic experts Groupe F will create a fireworks spectacular, ‘A Little More Light’, and street theatre company Red Earth will perform their co-commissioned production, Flux. Music will be provided by Glasgow’s Latin band, La Sonera Calaveras, Mr McFalls Chamber and Craig McMurdo & That Swing Thing. For more information, see www.biginfalkirk.com

94 THE LIST 3-: Mac-7 .J..o

Withy Lantern Making Sui 2o Mu}. 3 4.3”I‘m. £ l 5 per purent .ind child. Ro}ul llotunic (iurden. linerleith Rim. 34S 30"”. \iter leurning the l‘;l\Ic techniquex. muke u luntern uxing \\ Illii\\ und tixxue puper.

Toddler Morning .\lon 3S .\Iu_\ it Mon 4 Jun. lluin. l‘rce. lloi'derx Bookx. l‘nil 3o. l‘ort Kinnuird lx’etuil l’urk. o5" 404 l. 'l‘oddlci‘ und luinil} xcxxion \\ itlt xior_\iel|ing. colouring-in und chutiing.

Film & Workshops

Bright Young Sparks - Family Movies 8. Events Sui So & Sun 2" Mu} und Sui 3 & Sun 3 .Iun. l'ilmhouxe. SS l.othiuii Routl. 33S 3oSS uiid ‘l‘lie I.uiniei'c. lx‘o}ul .\luxeiim. (‘huinherx Street. 34" 43 l‘). The lidinhurgh lnternutionul l-ilm l'cxti\ul prexcnix u xpeciul progruinine oi iuinil} lilin xci‘eeiiiiigx und \\til'l\\lltip\. l)cltlll\ ui'c liSIL‘tl lk‘lim:

Tsatski, Mum And The Policeman it‘i Sui 3o .\lu_\. lluin. £3. l’ilnihouxe. See l-‘ilm lnde\.

Movie Star Animals Sui 2i) .\lu_\. 1pm. £3. I"iImhouw. .-\gex 7 I I. .-\d\unce hooking necexxur}. .\ l‘un \Mii'kxhtrp \\ ith unimul iruinei' l)u\ id Slcuurl iroin ('reuture l"euture \\ ho demonxti'utex him to pei‘xuudc cclcliril} unimqu to do ux the} tire told.

Anne Frank’s Diary ii‘i Sun :7 Mil}.

lpm. £3. I-‘ilmhouxe. See l-‘ilin Inde\. Scary Movies Make-Up Sim 27 Mu}. [.30 3pm. £5. The l.umicrc. .'\gex 7 I l. .v\d\unce hooking necexxur}. l.eurn ihe trickx ol the horror inuke-up nude in thix Iiin \toi‘ltxhop.

The Little Vampire il'i Sui 3 Jim.

I Iuin. £3. l-ilmhotixe. See I‘ilin lnde\. Katja’s Adventure il‘i Sui 2 Jun. Ipm, £3. l-ilinhoiixe. See l‘ilin lnde\. Animation Workshop Sui 3 Jun. l.30 4pm. £5. The Lumiere. :\:_'L‘\ 7 l I. :\d\unce hooking necexxur}. “me u gout muking _\our on n xhudon uniinuled xhorl lilin ut lhix l'un \xorlxxhop.

Princes And Princesses il'i Sun 3 Jun. lpm. £3. l-‘ihnhouxe. See l‘ilin lnde\. Drama Workshop Sun 3 .Iun. l 3pm. £5. The Lumiere. .-\gex l0 I3. Adxunce hooking necexxur}. .-\ drumu “til‘lelitip inxpired h} the xtor} oi .-\nne l’runk.


Bank Of Scotland Children’s International Theatre Festival .\lon 3S Mu} Stiii 3 Jun. \ui‘iotix \cnuex. 33S I404. .-\gex o\ er 3. :\n uclion-pucked \\ L‘L‘lx til. SlIU\\'S prexentcd It} eleven iheuti'e coinpuniex l‘roin ucroxx the globe. See pi‘eVien und xepurute lixiingx.


Disney Kids Awards Sun 27 .\lu_\. l).30uin. £7.50 iluinil} ticket £35i. l‘lc‘SllHtl 'l‘hcutre. l3 3‘) Nicolxon Street. 53‘) ()(lllll. The fun xtui'tx ut 9.30um \\ iih goodie hugx und uuditionx to he u purl ol' the xlitm “liic‘li xturtx ut l l.30um. lloxied h) the l)ixne} (‘hunnel pi'exenierx und l‘euturing perI‘oi'inuncex from top pop :1ch .\lixx-ieeq. l’oint Breuk. ullSl‘ARS und Reel. You cun ulxo vote on \\ ho xhoiild recei\c u l)ixne_\ Kidx .>\\\urd.


The Happy Gang’s Cactus Canyon Thu 3| Mu} Sui 3 Jun. 'l'hu I0.30uin; l’ri I0.30um it 3pm: Sui l Ium & 3.30pm. £7. King'x 'l‘heutre. 3 [even Street. 53‘) ()llllll. Sput/. Nick)" und Mr I’ go on holidu} to (‘uctux ('un}on. hut cun the) Iind the legendur} loxi ('und} .\Iine'.’ l‘un. inuxic und xong I‘or ugex tip to 9.


Out To Play l'ntil Sui 3 Jun. l‘i'ee. .\ltixeuin ()ltliildliootl. 43 High Street. 53‘) 4 I43. 'l'hix e\hihition lookx ul the chunging nuiure oi childhood guinex Irtilll the puxt to the prexeni du}. l’eex er. hoolx. tig und diuhlo ure juxi mum of the guinex plu} ed hel'ore the imention oi computer guinex und ieIex'ixion. und there n ill quo be xoine old reproduction guinex ior children to H} otll.

Awesome Insects l'nnl Sun 2 Sep, l-‘i‘ee. Royil \Itixeiiin. 3 (‘huinlterx Street. 34" 43 I". lx'noxxn io inoxi .ix creep}

cru\\ hex. ihix hundx‘on e\hil\ition prox idex u l‘uluitccd I‘i'olile oi lhix rich und tli\ei'xc group oi uniinulx,

Telling Tales l'ntil Sun 37 \Iu}. l'i'uitinurltet (iullei‘_\. 45 .\l.irl\cl Street. 335 33S3. .\n e\liilution oi \xork l\_\ lidinliurgh xchool pupilx inxpired h} the photogiuphx ieulured in the recent 'l'ruce} \Ioiiutt L‘\lIIl‘IIIt‘II. The children rexponded in .i nuinher oi \\;i}x und in u \urict_\ oi incdiu including druu ingx. collugex. puiniingx. xculpiuie .ind xound.


Children’s Storytelling Sut 30 it Sun 37 .\lu_\ und Sui 3 & Sun 3 .lun. Sui lluin; Sun noon S 3pm. l5rec. llorderx llookx. [hit 30. l-‘ort lx'innuird Reiuil l’urk. 057 404 l. l’untuxticul xloi’iex und lruditioiiul tulcx ui thexe \\eel\l_\ xlor_\tel|ing \t'SSIUIIS.

Outside the cities

Activities And Fun

Big In Falkirk Sui 30 & Sun 37 .\Iu_\. Sui noon 1 l.30pin; Sun noon opin. l‘rec. (‘ullendur l’urk. l-ulkirk. 553 I037. See photo cuption.

Arts And Crafts Courses Sui 2o .\lu_\ it Sui 3 Jun. I0uin. ll.I5uin. lpm & 3.I5pin. £Io. liuxt Kilhride :\l‘l\ ('enlie. ()ld ('oucli Roud. liuxl Killu‘idc. ill 35.5 30l000. .l\d\unce hooking required. .-\gex 5 l0. \uricd ucti\ itiex iinolx ing xiinplc urlx und cruitx.

Spring Fling Sun -7 t\ .\lon 3S Mu). l0um 5pm. l-‘ree. Suininerlec Ilcriiuge l’urk. llerituge \Vu). (‘oullti'idgtz III 330 43l3ol. .-\ iuinil) du} out \iith liin

ucti\ iliex ior children pliix ii'uclion und xleuin enginex on dixplu}.

Kid’s Entertainment Sui 2i» .\loii 3S Mu}. I0uin 0pm. £3 umiluhle on door. l-‘exii\ul ()n The I.och. l,och\\ innoch. Rciiireuxhire. 0S70 330 I I It». l‘un loi' ull the Iuinil) ut the l-"exiixul on the Loch I’euiuring xloi‘}lcllcl‘\. c|o\\iix. inugic. puppeix und u kid'x inui‘quee. Lemonade On The Lawns Sun 3 Jun. l0.30uin noon. (ilenili'er Ilruex ('ountr} l’ui'k. (ilen Lodge. (ilenlield Roud. l’uile‘}. SS4 3704. .-\gex .' l3. Bring ulong u pucked lunch to join in the putt} L‘clcltl‘uliiig llic lilSl meeting ol the Snullou x ('luh below the xchoo! holidu} x. Sambalistic Sun 3 Jun. I 3pm. £3.50. Regul ('oininiinit) 'l'heutrc. South Bridge Street. lluthgute. 0I50o (s3355S. l’uinil} \mrkxhop io leurn the huxicx oi xumhu drumming und ull going it ell. recreute the ill} thinx und xoundx oi" u lli'u/iliun curnixul. Making Music From Junk 8: Recycled Materials l'niii Tue 3 Jul. 7 0pm. £ I S I‘or the courxe. ('ouune ('entre. (‘ouune Street. Stirling. (07% 473544. :\gcx I I I4. l'xing plent} ol' iinuginuiion und u \uriet} oI e\er}du_\ ohiectx. ci‘eute xoine uniixiiul xoundx und inxtruinenix. Painting & Drawing l'niil Sui 7 Jul. I0 I Iuin it I l.30um I3.30pm. £IS Im the courxe. (‘onune 'l‘heutre. ('ouunc Street. Stirling. 0I 7S6 473544. Agex 5 7 S; S 10 lixperiineni \iith u \ui‘iet} ol' inuieriulx und techniquex including churcoul. chullx'. puintx und printmuking.

Let’s Dance l'ntil Sui 3S Jul. noon lpin (k l.30 3.30pm. £lS tor the courxe. (‘ouune 'I‘heutre. ('ouune Street. Stirling. 0| 7S6 473544. Ach 5 7 (Y S l0. l)c\clop iinuginution und co-ordinuiion through conteinporur} dunce und li\cl}' \Hil'lII-llp gumcx.


Watership Down il'i Sun 3 Jun. 3.30pm. £l.50. MucRoheri. l'nixerxit} oi Stirling. Stirling. 0I 7S6 4(il0Sl. See l‘ilm Index.


Bugsy Malone Thu 24 (Q Hi 25 .\lu_\. 7.30pm. £6 i£3i. Sir John Wilxoii To“ n llull. Stirling Street. .-\irdrie. 0|()‘)S 367515. .\'orth I.unurkxhire ('hildren‘x 'I'heuire perform the xtuge \erxion oi Bilgx)‘ Mulone.