Art listings

Glasgow museums continued

A Studio Under The Sky t'niil 'l‘hu 3l May. An exhibition of prints. drawings and original paintings by Derek Robertson taken from his new w'ildlil'e book.

A Kelvingrove Centenary t'ntil .‘ytoii 3| l)ec. .A commemorative exhibition marking the centenary of the Art (iallery and Museum. Kely'ingroy'e. The well loved sandstone btiildiiig houses oite ol' the finest ciy ic art collections in litirope l‘eattiring works by Botticelli. Rembrandt. Whistler and the (ilasgow Boys and (iirls atid was the \‘L'llllL‘ lor some ol‘ the linest exhibitions seen in Britain including Picasso-Matisse

t 1946i. \"an (ioglt t l‘)48) and Dali's Art In Jewels ( l‘)73-4).


The Chosen Letter t'ntil Sat 2 Jun. A calligraphy exhibition exploring the Variety ol~ ways letters can be made arid displayed

tisiiig wood. metal and slate.


2060 Pollokshaws Road. 287 2550.

Mon Thu 3; Sat l0ani 5pm: l-‘ri & Stiii llam 5pm.

Ancient Egypt: Digging For Dreams l'ntil Stiii 30 Sep. ()y'er I00 rarely seen treasures from the collection of William Matthew l‘linders Petrie. described as the ‘V'ictorian Indiana Jones'. The exhibition includes a look at the origins of the miimiiiy‘s curse; the idea ol‘ alien help in the building of the Pyramids at (ii/.a; and Ancient Egyptian y'iews ol‘ the afterlife.

GLASGOW BOTANIC GARDENS 730 (ireat Western Road. 334 2422.

Mon Sun Ham—4pm.

Brushstrokes L'titil Sun 27 May. Ati exhibition and sale ol‘ paintings from artists who regularly work iii the llopkirk building.


l'pper Colqtihoun Street. Helensburgh. 0l436 673900. Daily l.30pm—5.30pm. New Perceptions: New Directions’ 2001 t'ntil Oct 31. An exhibition ol’ contemporary furniture. lighting and decorative glass from all over Britain.

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER Bellahoustoii Park. Ill l)umbreck Road. 3534773. Daily l0am--5pm. £3.50 (£2.50). Louise Ritchie L'ntil Sat 30 Jun. Mixed media paintings.


High Street. 88‘) 3t5l. Tue-Sat l0am-5pm:

Stiii 2 5pm. Free. Aspects And Attitudes L'ntit Sun 10

90 THE LIST 24 May—7 Jun 2001

Blue Marble Stone by Hetty Haxworth on show at Glasgow Print Studio

Jun. Recent paintings and sculptural works by students from Reid Kerr College. Paisley”s only further education lacility oll‘ering lull-time art training.

Modes And Manners t‘ntil Sun 24 Jun. .A collection of l‘)th and early 20th century costume which looks at the etiquette ol‘ dress of that period. contrasting with modern-day examples ol~ special occasion wear.

Paisley Art Institute 1 13th Annual Exhibition l'iitil Stiii l0 Jtm. This long- established local art organisation present their l l3th annual exhibition.


(ilasgow (ireen. 5540223. Mon -'l'hu & Sat l0am -5pm; l‘ri & Stiii l lam -5pm.

The Man Who Wasn’t There t'ntil Tue 3| Jul. Recent chalks and charcoals by (ilasgow artist lirank McNab who photographs atid makes drawings of the

city 's tenement closes.

Artist Talk - Frank McNab Sat 2 Jun. 2pm. (ilasgow artist lirank McNab talks about his work currently on show iii the gallery.


2 (‘astle Street. 553 2557. Mon -Thu & Sat l0am--5pm; liri & Stiii I lam- 5pm.

One Planet, One People l'l'l l Jun—Sun 2l ()ct. Ati exhibition giy ing an insight into the Bali'is laith.


l(l() Slobcross Road. 3390631. Daily 10am—5pm. £3.50 (£2.95): accompanied children free.

Glasgow Harbour Art Exhibition l'ntil Tue 7 Atig. An exhibition of specially commissioned paintings by Scottish artists. Art At The Pumphouse t'ntil Mon 30 Jul. A unique exhibition of local Scottish artists. specially commissioned for display at the last remaining historic docks and quay s in Glasgow.

Five Thousand Days At Sea An exhibition oti board the only (‘lydebuilt sailing ship still alloat iii the ['K. documenting her ady'entures on the high seas between IS‘)7 and l‘)l‘).

Story In The Stones (Pumphousc Main (iallery l. An exhibition looking at the impact ol. the industrial ages on (ilasgoyx harbour.

Morse And More tPumphouse Lower (ialleryi. A hands-on exhibition. aimed at children. looking at the world of communication. You can operate a state-ol- the-an optical telegraph Used in the Napoleonic wars. try otit the liye-needle telegraph and crank up World War ll lield telephones.

Edinburgh Galleries


1‘) Brandon Terrace. 556 1 I75. “ed A l-‘rinun noon 6pm; 'l'hti noon 9pm. Functional Art t‘ntil Thu 31 May. A tnixed exhibition of modern art by Scottish and international artists. with many ot' the works axailable for rent atid l'or sale. l'eattiring an installation by Peter Russell. One Man One Woman Sat 26

May l-‘ri 2‘) Jun, A two-person show teaturing paintings by Shetland artist Lillian 'l’ait while RSA member Peter Rtissell creates a post-industrial installation tor the gallery space. NEV. SHOW.


20a l)undas Street. 557 5002. Mon liri

l lam- 5pm; Sat l0am- lpiii.

Hugh McIntyre l'ntil Tue 5 Jtiii. Mclntyrc is a w ell—tray cllcd impressionistic painter w ho trained iii the [SA arid at lidinbtirgh ('ollege ot' Art. His recent paintings lt‘itllll'c landscapes ot' lirance. Bra/il arid Scotland.


26 Bridge Street. hittssc‘lbttrglt. N15 3475. Sat Wed llatii 5pm.

Seeing Red Stiii 27 May Sat ‘) Jun. New paintings by two lidiiibtirgh-based artists. Brent Millar and Joyce (itmn ('airiis. NEW SHOW.


29b l)undas Street. 467 3037. Tue l-‘ri llatit 7pm; Sat l latii ~2pttt.

Road To The Isles l'ntil Sat 0 Jun. Paintings. crafts and sculpture documenting life in the Scottish lsles.


6 l)undas Street. 557 4050. Mon l’ri 10am-6pm: Sat l latii 2pm.

Paul Martin l'ntil Thu 31 May. New paintings.

Scottish Paintings Hi If Sat 30 Jun. A selection of paintings by Scottiin artists including Anne Redpath. Sam Bough. Patrick Naismith and Henderson Blythe.


10 Royal Terrace. 556 I010. Mon Fri l0ani 6pm; Sat by appointment.

Spring Into Summer t'ntil Sat 9 Jan. A spring selection of paintings lt‘itltlrillg works by William ('lark (ireeiiock. John Wilson litibank and H). l‘t‘l‘gltsstitl.


77 ('lerk Street. 622 7236. Mon Sat noon- lam; Stiii l2.30pni—- lam. Mixed Exhibition A changing exhibition ot‘ gothic art iiicltidiiig sculpture. drawing. photography and paintings by local artists.


2 Market Street. 52‘) 3993. Mon~~Sal l0am-5pm. £2 (U i.

RSA 175th Annual Exhibition l'ntil Sat 2 Jun. The Royal Scottish Academy‘s annual exhibition mines to the (‘ity Art ('entre this year. as plans are underway for the Playlair Project which will link the RSA with the National (iallery of Scotland. The exhibition l‘eatures paintings. printmaking. sculpture atid architecture by Academy members as well as selected works by non-ineiiibers. Among the pri/e winners is Keyin l)ugg. a 30-year-old sculptor who won the prestigious RSA (iuthrie Award for the most outstanding work by a young Scottish artist. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


22—28 (’ockburn Street. 220 I260. Wed—Sat l lam—6pm: Sun I ~5pm. People From on t'ntit Sun 17 Jun. Three new projects by Anna Best. Karen Guthrie. Nina Pope & Simon Poulter produced during a residency at (iri/edale. taking inspiration from the attitudes and interests of (‘umbrian people.

Gown by Anna Ray L'ntil Sun 17 Jun. New work in the project room from Anna Ray inspired by the relationship between

the hospital ciix ii'onmetit .itid the my isible space beneath the skin

Meet The Committee t‘titi 31 Stay 6pm The (‘ollectixe (iallery 's cotiittiittce. teaturmg artists Karen (‘tmnmgliaiir Bryan l)a\ ies. l.yii lowenstciti. ('liad Mct'ail. Michelle Naismith and Jonathan ()wen. show slides and talk about their work


tl‘ittt‘lttc‘l'l} (iallcry 4| t. 41 l)undas Street. 55" 456‘). Mon l5ri l0 30am 5 30pm; Sat l0._‘ 5pm.

Mixed Exhibition l’iitil \xetl Io ,\t.iy Paintings by Day id l'\.tlls. Pctet Narditii. .\nitra Rtishbrook and [lay id Sinclair Mixed Exhibition l‘t't l Wed 2" Jun New paintings by lay (‘laik. Maiy

l)a\ idson. .lill l’itilay. Brenda |.ciiaghan and Bill Wright,


3 l 7 ('owgate. ()ld low ii. 55.\ 1730.

line lt'ri noon 6pm; Sat l0aiii 5pm; Sun

1 5pm.

The Arc Angel’s ‘Brazen Hussies Collection’ ill 25 May Mon 25 in”. Design retail outlet (‘oiict‘cte Btittet'tly is the tittllcl lot the Work (ll .\l’c Angels. a groiip ol' nine women designer/welders who produce one-oll items lor the home interior l-‘otmded iii I‘lSS. the group. w lio come l'rom dixerse backgrounds. li'aye gamed tutoring in traditional 'malc‘ metalworking skills. The exhibition leatures iiiirt'oi's. CillltllL‘Nlle\. tables and ss‘t'cc‘tts. \Jl



Bell‘oi‘d Road. b24 6200 irccorded information 332 2266i, Mott Sat

l0am 5pm; Stiii noon 5pm.

Paolozzi And Music that Sun 2.x ()ct. As part ol‘ a series ol‘ display s born the (iallery ‘s collection ol litlllgtt‘tltt l’attlttl/Ps work. a suite ol' nine screenpritits entitled ('u/t'ium lie/i1 Ate/it inspired by the work ol' innoyatiye .'\lllL‘l'ls’;ttt cotiiposer. ('liarles lyes.

0 Roland Penrose l'iitil Stiii ‘) Sep, £4 (£2.50). .loint adiiitssioii with Lee Miller lixhibition at the National (iallcry ol Modern Art. ()iie ot the key ligures iii the dcyelopment ol' modern art in Britain was Roland Peni'ose l l‘)00 |‘)S4i. 'l‘liis major exhibition which coincides with the publi- cation ol It’u/tmt/ I’t'tiroyt'.‘ I/it' IVrit'iitlli Sunni/iii. a biography by his son Antony Peni'ose. rcyeals his work as a surrealist artist. exhibition organiser. collector and writer. Penrose was l'rieiids with a number ol surrealists including lirnst. Miro and Picasso and was responsible lor the lirst surrealist exhibition to come to London in l‘)36. To complement the exhibition. the National Gallery ol' Modern Art is hosting an exhibition ol‘ photographs by Peiirose‘s wile. Lee Miller. See llitlist.


27 ()ticcnsl'erry Street. 220 4l50. Mon Sat 9.30am 5.30pm; Stiii iioon 4pm. Recent Acquisitions A changing display of the gallery 's recent purchases.


ll (iaylield Square. 553 7l l0. 'l‘hti Sat

l laiii 6pm; Sttti 2 5pm or by appointment. 0Jonathan Owen l'ntil Sim l7 Jtiii. l’ounded by the The [axis toriiier y istial arts editor Stisaima Beaumont. doggerlishcr is lidinburgh's newest independent cotii- mercial contemporary art agency. working exclusiyely with resolutely contemporary artists. (’onyerted limit a tyre garage into a gallery space. the inaugural exhibition tea- tures the work ol' emerging artist Jonathan ()wen who will be showing wall paintings and L‘ttl-tiltls which raise questions on issues of masculinity in the early 2 l st cen- tury. See llitlist.


S Adyocate's ('lose. 225 ()27 l. l)aily

l l.30ani--5.30pm tclosed Wedi.

The New Wave Of Primitivism l)om is an arts project established in I996 by a group ol' international artists workitig iii Scotland. With a constantly changing exhibition ot~ artworks. the gallery houses