lb’ Klng Strccl. 5.52 25-10, Mon Sal

noon (rpm.

Blair Cunningham l‘nttl ’l‘hu 3| Ma}. Blair (‘unninghain L‘\plt)l'c'x thc urban

cm ironincnt. c\cr_\da} Iilc and hix rclationxhip to it. in an cxhibition ol tc\t— ltitSc'tl \lelx.


IS2 Bath Strccl. 33* WW. .\lon l-ri |0.30ain 5pm; Sat lll.5ll;llll lpnt.

Mixed Exhibition A changing xclcction ot traditional and contcinporar} paintingx including uot‘lxx b} l'...'\. Walton. ('arlo Roxxi. John Ilcllan}. John Ilouxton. \Villiant .\lillcr l‘ra/cr and Sir William \latl‘aggart.


l l Mitchcll l.anc. 22l 0502. Mon. \Vc'd. l'it'i tk Sat I0.30atn (rpm; Inc I Iain (ipin: 'I’hu I0.30ain Spin: Sun noon 5pm. [I tincludcx cntr} to all c\hibitionxi.

The Glasgow Collection l’ntil Sun I Jttl ((iallci‘} ()ncl. 'l‘hc (ilaxgtm collcction. Iaunchcd in I999. ix art initiatn c to dc\clop (iltthtm 'x dcxign cconoin}. 'I'hix cxhibition highlightx thc projcct'x xucccxxcx aitd lhc contributionx xincc itx Iattnch. Scc Ilitlixt. 55degrees l'ntil Sun 27 .\la_\ lRL‘\lL‘\\ (iallc-t'} I. An cxhibition highlighting thc \xork ol‘(ilaxgo\\ -baScd 55dcgrccS. a contcnt xolutionx initiator and prm idcr. Scottish Design Awards 2001 l'ntil Thu 24 Ma}. An c\hibition xlttmcaxing lhc nominalitmx Ior [hix )c'at5x Scottixh l)cxign Anardx \thich ix opcn to dcxigncrx \xorking in Scotland. Scottixh dcxign clicntx and dcxigncrx l'i'om outxidc Scotland \torking with Scottixh clicntx. 'l‘hc pancl ix chaircd b) intcrnationall} acclaimcd dcxigncr. 1m in .\lat'ixcal. \\ ho ix bL‘SI known Ior hix cl‘calion ol' ‘('0bi.. lhc‘ inaxcot Ior thc Barcclona 92 ()l)ntpic (iamcx and hix \xork at thc lighthouxc. What’s That Glasgow?: Beautiful City \Vc‘d 50 Ma}. (rpm. l'il'L‘C llL‘kL‘tx tnailablc from What'x 'l'hat (ilaxgou '.’ (Ill-ll 552 (film or lltc Lighthouse :\ xcininar looking at thc numbcr ol' nc\\ \xorkx ol' public art and innmatix c public Spach bcing cotttlttixxionc‘d in (ilaxgtm. Spcakcrx includc Stuart .\lcl)onald lrom l.:\lil‘:l.. Roll Rtixc‘ltc‘l' til (it) l)L‘xiglt ('o- Uhc'l'alch‘ and .Adrian Stcxt art ol'(‘hrix Stcxxart .-\l'c‘ltilc‘c‘l\.


Station Road. .'\li|nga\ ic. 578 88-17.

'I‘uc liri I0am Ipni. 2 5pm: Sat & Stilt

2 5pm.

Paper Clay Plus l'ntil Thu 24 Ma}. ()\L‘l’ mcnt} national and intcrnational ccramicixtx .xlttm a dixcrxc rangc ol' \xork all madc l'rom papcr c|a_\. l'caturing l‘ramcd picturcx and lantcrnx.

Milngavie Art Club Sat 3 Sat 30 Jun. .\'c\x nork b) local artixtx iii oil and \\atcrcolour.


200 Bath Strccl. 33! 0722. 'I‘uc Sat

‘lam (rpm.

Glasgow Gallery Group l'ntil Thu 7 Jtiii. .\'c\\ nork b) ntcmbcrx ol' thc artixt co- opcratix c thc (ilaxgtm (iroup. and in\ itcd artixtx l'roni .\'or\\a_\. Sucdcn. Poland and ('tcrman}.


20 North Strccl. 2S7 299‘). Mon» 'I'hu

0am 8pm: I-‘ri & Sat ‘lam 5pm.

The Foulis Academy t'ntil Sat l5 Sc‘p. A uniquc and pricclcxx collcction ol' bookx. printx and “orkx ol~ artx b} xtttdcntx ol‘ (ilaxgoxt 'x ltS’th ccntur} School ol‘ Art and l)c.xign. 'I‘hc l-‘oulix Acadcin) l‘caturing \xork b} l)a\ id Allan. Robcrt Patil and Jamcx 'l‘axxic and hixtoric panoramic x'ictx ol'(ilaxgo\\ at that timc.


22I \\'c.xt (icorgc Strccl. 248 9755. Mon-I’ri Ilium-5.30pm: Sat I0am ~2pm. Messengers Of Summer t'ntil Sat 20 .\la_\'. A xummcr ,xclcction ol' paintingx b} ll). I"c'i'gti.xxtttt. \Villiam (illllc‘x. liIi/abcth Blackaddcr. Jamcx Ka} and Annc Rcdpath. Scottish Paintings l-‘ri I~Sat 30 Jun. Scottixh paintingx l‘rom ISSI) to prcxcnt da}

including \torltx b} Mc’l‘aggart. Patcrxon and Bcllan}.

NEW-CONTEMPORARY-ART.COM ()n-Iinc gallcr}. \\ u \\ .ncu -contctnporar}- artcom

Miniatures One 'I‘hc opcning c\hibition Ior thix ncu on-Iinc gallcr} \x Inch xhtmcaxcx thc \xork ot up-and-connng artixtx lroin (ilaxgtm and ladinburgh u itlt all \xorlxx autilablc to bu}.


30 \Vaxhington Strccl. 22l 2123. Mon l‘l‘l I0am 5pm.

Wordsmiths Mon -I In 2‘) Jun. Studcntx l'ront thc SiI\crxinithing attd Jcttcllcr) l>cpartmcnt l‘L‘SpUnd lo \L'l Ic‘\l\ in IltlS thclnalic c\hibltion.


(l \Vilxon Strccl. .\lcrchant (it). 552 0702. An Evening Of Original Art and Live Music Tim 3| .\la_\. Spin. “0.50. 'l‘ickctx l'roni III~II 77‘) I873. I’roittuxic Limitcd prcxcnt a xpccial c\cnt ot' art and In c inuxic to launch lhc ncu prcinixcx ol thc Phocni\ (‘ontcmporan (iallct'). A xclcclion ol'commixxioncd nork b} artixtx liilccn .\Ic(‘uxkcr. ('ha/ .\Ic('orinick and Robcrt Springham \\ ill bc l'caturcd along \\ ith In c cnlcrtainmcnt lroin jal/ group Button-I ’p.


('cntrc I‘or l)c\clopmcntal Artx. IS Albion Strcct. 552 2822. .\Ion l-‘ri I0am 5pm. Trongate Studios Group Show 2001 l'ntil Fri 25 Ma}. Rcccnt \\Ul'lx b} l’iona (‘axxid). lilainc liclxl'ord. John ()'(‘onnor and ’l‘ltolllttx Rm.

Paintings by Japanese Children l-‘ri I In 2‘) Jun. Paintingx.


llb’ l)otlgltt\ Strcct. 243 (i580. .\Ion l'il‘l I0.30am 5pm; Sat I030am Ipiit.

Aileen McGrath t'ntil Sat 3(1.\lll_\.()ll paintingx.

Photographic Exhibition Sat 2 Sat to Jun. Photograph} b) (ilaxgotx School ol Art xtudcntx.


(i Burnlicld Road. (iil‘l'nock. MS I200.

'l‘tic Sat I0am 5pm; Sttn noon 5pm: ('rcxxncll l.anc loll B)rcx Road). 033 I200. 'I'ttc Sat IIain 5.30pm; Stiit noon 5pm. Emerging Artists Partnership 'l‘tm gallcricx lrotn lhc liincrging :\l'll\l\ Partncrxhip Ltd. xhoncaxing thc work ol' lcading art xchoon throughout Scotland and thc I'K.


20 King Strccl. 552 2I5 I. Inc Sat

I0am 5.30pm.

Su Grierson: Eyeshine t'ntil Sat 3t) Jun. Digitally manipulatcd photographx and \ idco noi‘kx b) Sti (iricrxon \\ hich c\plorc thc xinixtcr naturc ol' induxtrial Iandxcapcx.


50 ()0 King Strcct. 553 I033.

Now Mon 28 Ma} Sat 23 Jun. Photographic \xorltx b} linal _\car ll.\'l) Prolcxxional Photograph) and Digital ltnaging xtudcntx ol'(ilaxgo\\ ('ollcgc ol- Building and Printing lcaturing xttidio and location portraiturc. xtill lilc and adxcrtixing.


25 Albcrt l)ri\ c. 287 3900. Inc Sttn

l ton «Spin.

bPipilotti Rist I'ntil Stiii I0 Jun. (iaining intcrnational rccognition “ith hcr \‘idco inxtaIlationx. thc acclaimcd Sn ixx artixt Pipilotti Rixt xtill bc crcating a ncu work l'or thc gallcr} ‘x main cxliibition xpacc. commixxioncd b} 'l'ramna). Rixt hax xaid ol‘ hcr \tork: 'I makc pocmx in mmc- merit and hcr \ idco inxtallationx l'tixc cott- tcinporar} muxic. pop \ idco. comptitcr graphicx and lillll. llcr nctt piccc. Show A In: c\plorcx thc intcrpla} bctxxccn thc domcxtic and thc public. thc mind and thc bod}. SCL‘ llllllSI.

David Sherry I'ntil Sun l0 Jun. .\'c\t

\xork in thc Projch Room b) (iIaxgtm-

littSc‘tl ttl'IISI l).t\ ltl Sllc‘l'l'}. Ull'c‘ t‘I Iltc' li\L' rcctptcntx ot thc 'l'ramxxa} I).trlt l.tghtx (‘otnnnxxtonx .mardctl tn 2000. (iratluattng Il‘tttll (ilaSg‘tm Sc‘llttttl ttI .\l‘l.\ \IJSIL'I‘ HI l'llIL' Art courxc in Junc 2000. hix nc\\ \xork includcx prolcctx baxcd upon an inxcxttgation into c\trcntc borcdont. Scc


2S King Strccl. 552 4S1} 'l‘uc Sat

llant 5pm.

Hair On One Side Is Swept Back Sat 20 Ma} Sat In .lun. .\ group xhotx lcaturing thc \xork ol Mar} ('hong. laurcncc l’iggix. \ltcltacl .\Iallct and \Itrtant (‘ahn (liong. originall) lroin Ilong Kong. graduatcd tront ()ntario (‘oIlcgc ol Art in 'l'oronlo and lot thc xpacc xhc crcalcx a ncu tnxtallation. l'tggix. a lourtlt _\cat‘ xlutlcnt at (ilaxgott School ot Art. produccx cral’tcd obtcctx in labrtc. l)tincan ol Jortlanxtonc graduatc \Iallct crcatcx xculpturcx uxing a \arict) ol inatct‘ialx including lcttcring and ('ahn. \\lltt ix baxcd III S“ it/crland \lltMS colotn'l'ul liguratn c paintingx. NE? St ilf)‘i.'.f

Rosalind Nashashibi Sat It) Ma} Sat In .Itin. ()riginall} inadc on liltn. \ttxltaxhibi \ tdco \tork ix on xhtm in thc baxcnicnt Spacc. NE SI It)‘.'.’.


(t3 'l'rongatc. 552 4207'. Intermission l'ntil Sat 3t» .\Ia_\. An c\hibilion ol \xorlx Iront K k .\l Photograph}.


IS Albion Strccl. 552 2322. .\lon l-‘ri Illatn 5pm.

Art Within l'ntil In 25 Ma). An L‘\ltlbili0tt til \\Ull\ pl'odtlct‘d at lllc‘ .'\I'I 'l‘hcrap) (iroup at lilorcncc Strcct l)a} lloxpital.

On Reflection In I l‘ri 2‘) Jun. Rcccnl uork b} 'I‘rongatc Sttidiox incinbcr Kcn Bradxhau.


()n-Iinc (iallct‘). \m \t.\ ixionon200l .‘\ ltc‘\\ lltlc‘l‘ltc‘l Sllc‘ tlL‘tllL‘alL‘tl It) \lttm caxing thc \xork ol- thrcc (ilaxgott -baxcd artixtx cach month. It _\0ll hax c a propoxal l'or thc \'ixion()n \tcbxitc. cinail

karla black“I hotntailcotn

Michelle Naismith, Lorna Maclntyre And Karla Black l'ntil ’I‘hu RI Ma}. Rcccnt \xor‘k.

Neil Bickerton, Kevin Hutcheson and Drew Collett In 1 Sat 30 Jun. Rcccnt \\ol'lx.


l32 \chl chcnt Strccl. 2205-100. Molt l'l‘l 7am I hurt; Sat Sam I Iptn; Sun

I0am IIptn.

Susan Roan I'ntil 'I'hu .iI Ma). Ro};il (‘ollcgc ol' Art graduatc and illuxtrator l'or 'I'llt' llt'rultl. Sttxan Roan thxx t‘cccnt \xork and “ork in progrcxx.

Brooklyn To Bailliestone l'ntil 'l‘hti 3| Ma}. Photograph} h} .\Iartin ('Iark

\\ hoxc prcx iotix clicntx includc (‘rcation and Domino Rccordx.

RCA Graduates 2000 Hi I Sat 30 Jun. A group xhon ol audio—\ ixual nork b} Roytl ('ollcgc ol' Art graduatcx lcaturing ()lixcr Klimpcl. I.ixc Am} IIanxon. 'I'ainnt} .\Iillcr aitd ()Iga Norma.

Glasgow Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Glasgow City Life, page 97.


Arg} lc‘ Slrc‘c‘l. Kc‘l\ ll]gl‘0\ L‘. 257 209‘).

Mon 'I'hu tk Sat I0am 5pm: In t& Stiii

l lam 5pm. ('alc. l‘rcc.

Glasgow In The 18405 By William Simpson l'ntil Mon 28 Ma}. ()\cr 50 \xatcrcolourx ol'(ilaxgon b} William '(‘rimcan' Simpxon t I323 ISWI \\ ho madc hix namc through illuxtrationx uhich documcntcd thc \xar nith Ruxxia ol' 1854 (i.



Roland Penrose & Lee Miller Two complententan exhibitions shedding light on one ol the most extraordinary artistic relationships

of the 20th century surrealist artist. exhibition organiser.

collector and writer. Holantl Penrose and former Vogue l‘.l()(l(}l and photographer I (:e lVllllttl. Roland Penrose and l ee Alli/let. Dean Gallery and the Nt'tt/onal Gallery of Modern Art. l tI/nburqh. until Sun 8) Sep.

Pipilotti Rist Ihe internationally acc aimed Swrss artist l’tptlottt Hist takes tip residence tn Itamway to create a specially commissioned yttleo installation. Show A l eg, a spectacle of colour, light and sound which packs an almighty Visual punch. ll't’I/lll‘.’(II/, Clasgottv. until Sun 10 Jun.

Cuba Si! Compelling) black and white photogrz’tphs documenting Cuba from pre--re\./oltittortan; times to the present (lay. featuring; Alberto Kortla's iconic 10005; portrait of Che Guevara. See revrew. Dick Institute Museum and Art Gallery. Kl/llh’ll'llOle. unt/l Fri 7.") Jun.

Howard Hodgkin Describing himself as a painter of ‘representational pictures of emotional situations'. the lngleby Gallery is home to an exhibition of richly textured new prints by one of the UK's most celebrated painters and prrntmakers. Howard Hodgkin. Ingleby Gallery Edinburgh. Wed (5 Jt/anat 27 Jul. Richard Deacon One of the UK's foremost sculptors Richard Deacon transforms the DCA's main exhibition space with his unique spiralling wooden structures which emulate the sea. Dundee Contemporary Arts. Dundee, until Sun 24 Jun. Jonathan Owen Up—and- coming artist Jonathan Owen kicks off Edinburgh's newest L, contemporary commercial art 1'; space doggenlsher. with an i exhibition of wall paintings and cut-outs which raise questions

about masculinity in the early 21 st century. dogged/'sner. Edinburgh, until Sun 77 Jun. Z;

24 Map? JFK/1,1" THE LIST 89