sculpture. xtairted glaxx and paintingx b} artixtx w ho practice priniiti\e art.


lSa l)undax Street. 557 5337. Mon Fri llani 5pm; Sat Illam Ipiri.

Andrew Fitzpatrick and Joan Gillespie l‘ntil Tue 5 Jtrii. New paintingx b} two or the (ialler) 'x moxt popular painterx. I‘it/patrick graduated Irom (ilaxgovv School ol'.-\rt and takex irixpiration l'r'oni rri}thologv (iilliexpie. a Duncan ol Jordarixlorie graduate ix irilluericed b} the work ol the Scottiin ('olourixtx and the I'ativ ex.


33 I‘riiori Street. 557 347‘). Tue Sat

Illaru (iptli.

Alastair Clark I'ritil I’ri l5 Jtiri. .\ xeriex (it work created in rexponxe to genetic modification leattrring enlarged leal' xurlacex contrasted w ith the xtructurex ol' chemical diagramx. .~\lxo in the xliti\\ are Ii\L' large xltinc litlttigl'ttplix. ltioxc Itiliti priritx and digital pol_\exter lithographx. Alastair Clark: A Practical Demonstration And Artist Talk Thu 34 Ma}. 7 ‘inti. .-\d\ance booking riecexxarv. .-\laxtair ('lark git ex a talk and demonstration on Iiix work.

John And Margaret Grant t‘niil l‘ri l5 Jtiii. I.arge-xcale xilkxcreen printx based ttpoii photographx and perxoiial notex b) John and Margaret (irant. The work forms part of the artixtx' current project The llit/ii'ir/tm/itl ('irv Series. centred rottrid London Zoo in l‘)5-I.

Artist Talk: A Theoretical Approach To Urban Survival Wed 30 Ma}. 7pm. :\tl\ttllL‘t‘ booking tieecxxar}. John and Margaret (irarit gi\ e a talk on their work.

Nicola Murray - Translations l'riiil I-‘ri I5 Jtiii. .-\ xeriex ol‘ itiiagex baxed on a pair ol' chromosomes prexerit iii the human genome. I'sing a comptrter. .\ltirra} Iiax created a Jamil) ' ol’ images Irotii a hand- painted representation ol' a clironioxome.


5‘) Palmerston Place. 537 (i555. Mon Fri 9am 5pm. Sat & Stin to be confirmed.

My Italy Sat 36 Ma) Wed (i Jun. A selection til. cttll'iCs I'l'tilit lliix painting competition open to the I300 children w ho studv Italian at xchoolx in Scotland and Northern Ireland.


SS l.othian Road. 33‘) 5033. Sun Illll I()ani I I.3()pm: I’ri ts Sat Illam I3.3()am. Holy Cow l'ritil Sat 33 Jun. Photographx lrom the sub-continent b) William Pearce.


35 William Street. 335 3l*)(t. 'I‘ue l-‘ri llam 5pm: Sat I lam 3pm.

Stills l'iitil Sat 3 Jun. New drawings by Alari Kilpatrick. iii charcoal and cortipressed charcoal on paper. a departure from his ttxual colour saturated abxtract paintingx. See review.


I‘ountainpark. Dundee Street. 33l ()(llll. I)ail_\ 9arn-ntidrtight.

Double Gazing Hi I Sat .‘xtiJun. Housed in the walkwa) connecting I-‘otititairi Park's leisure complex to the mtilti-screen cinema. art e\hibition of work bv [Edinburgh (‘ollege ot'.'\rt'.x third _xear lttpc‘slr}‘ students. The show It‘dlltt‘t‘s traditional textiles. multimedia and three dimensional \vot‘kx.


3 \Vart'ender Park Road. (m7 5 I53. Mort-Sat ltiam-opm.

Scottish Craft Exhibition A \\ ide variety of cral‘tx and applied arts b} tip-arid- cortiirig cral‘tmakerx and designers working iii Scotland.


45 Market Street. 335 3383. .\Ion ‘Sai

l lam-ome Sttii noon— 5pm.

Beck’s Futures 2 Sat 2 Jun-Sat It Jul. The second Beck's Futures award tours

lt’tiltt lattidtlttlx l(':\ \\ ill] the \stit'lx til llIL‘ ten xhortlixted artixtx. I-eattiring painting. xculpture. photograph). inxtallatiori and

\ ideo. the \x inning painting b} ’I‘im Stoner ix xhovvri alongxrde \xorkx b} I)ari Holdxxxorth. I)a\ id Httt'r'tmx. (lemma Ilex. Simon Hill. l).l Sinipxori. (‘larc \\'oodx. I-abieririe .-\ttdeotid tk John Ruxxell. Shahin Alraxxiabi and Brian (iril'lithx. See prev icw. NE SHOT.

Meet The Artists Sat 3 Jun. 3pm. .-\I’llxl\ xelccted ltil‘ IliL‘ llt‘clcx l'tlltlt'cx exhibition gi\ ex an rnl'ornial talk on their \stil'lk.

Rembrandt’s Scarlet Woman lhu 7 N Sat ‘) Jun. 'I'hu tk Sat 3pm. The I’rtiitniarkct (taller) lltixlx [vto pc‘l'ltH‘lIIdlIc‘cN ol lt’i Iii/mind! '\ Si ri/‘lir tl'mmm pctlot‘tltc‘d b} Yaxniiiri lx'arhol'. See All Heat.

Telling Tales l'ritil Sun 37 Ma}. .-\ri e\hibition ol \xork b_\ lidinburgh xchool ptipilx inxpired b_\ the photographx lt'dllll’c‘tl in the recent 'I‘race} \lollalt exhibition. The children rexponded iii a number ol‘ wan and in a \ariet} ol' media including draw irigx. collagex. paintingx. xculpttire and xotirtd.

Northern Lights On permanent \ ievt. once night tallx. ix Peter I‘irik‘x light inxtallatiori tor the galler} inxpired b} the aurora borcalix. ('onipr‘ixing a ‘rool liri' triangle ol light. light detailing on the eaxt tttid \\ L‘xl t'titil~ and hit xltttll. the colours regularl} change. brightening tip tliix dark corner ol' lidinburgh‘x Market Street.


46a Raeburn Place. 5l5 3(ill5. .\Iori Sat Illani 5.30pm.

Master Carvers Of The Indian Subcontinent I'nlil 'I‘htt 3i Ma). I)oor\\a_\ x. mirrorx. ItitltiL‘x and furniture from India and I’akixtari.

Mixed Exhibition l‘iitil 'l‘hti SI .\Ia_\.

A mixed xliovx ol'dexigiier and original

jevx el lcr}.


33a l)titidax Street. 55b 3 l SI. .\Ion I‘ri l().3()am (rpm: Sat ltlam 4pm.

Spring Mixed Exhibition t‘niil Sat 3(i .\Ia_\. Annual xhovt ol new \\til’l\x b) over 40 galler} artixtx including paintingx ranging iii subject matter lrom Iarid and seaxcapex to xlill and ligtirative \\til'lxx pltix prints. sculpture. ceramics. jeweller) and Indian lacquered boxex.

Karen Millard And Moira Robb Sat 3 Sat 35 Jtiii. Recent paintingx b} Karen Millard and .\loira Robb. .\Iil|ard’x \tork presents rellectiorix ol~ xk} and light while Robb'x mixed media paintingx are taken lt'Ulil xtudiex of shadows arid I'L‘llcclcd ittlttgc‘x.

Reflections Of Venice Sat 3 Sat 23 Jtiii. .-\ themed exhibition of paintingx and prints b_v galler) artixts itixpired b} \‘eiiice.


(‘al‘e Ilttb. ('axtlehill. Ro)al .\Iile. 473 3000. IUL‘ Sat 9.30am Illpm; Sun & .\Ion 9.30am (tuitlptn.

Sara Brennan l'ntil Sun I() Jtiit. Abstract tapextriex b} Iidinburgh ('ollege ol .'\rt graduate Sara Brennan. The works l'tixe tone. colour and texture and are itixpired b_\ the Scottiin laridxcape.


(i ('arlton 'l‘errace. 550 4-14 I. Wed Sat lilam 5pm.

Land l'ntil Sat 30 Ma}. The work ol' Iinglixh xur'realixt painter Patil .\'a.xh

(ISS‘) Hum ix on xho\\ along w ith workx b) coiiteniporar) at'tixtx Richard Long arid 'I‘homax Joxlitia (‘oopetz LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

0 Howard Hodgkin \Ved O Jtiti Sat 3I Jul. Howard Hodgkin ix one ol the I'K‘x ltlttxl L‘L‘lL‘l‘l'ttlL‘d painterx. Renowned for hix xumptuotixl} coloured paintingx oti wood. Ilodgkin \\ ho dexcribex himxell ax a painter ol‘ l‘eelingx rather than ideax. ix alxo a gil‘ted printmaker. lior the exhibi- tion at the Ingleb} (iallert w ho held a ret- rospecti\e e\hibition ol' liix printx iti NUS. Hodgkin will be xhow iitg ten xmall lormat printx which combine etching w ith car- bortirtdum and a linal hand colouring to

produce their richl} te\turcd xurtacc Sec Hitlrxt. 5"

Craig Murray-Orr \\ed o .Iun .x'at It Jul. \evx xculpttire b} .\c\\ /ealaiid born ('raig .\Itirr.i_\ «()rr. Since hix Iaxt xhou at the galler} in I‘NS. he hax continued to explore gun culture. can mg trorii hardwoodx rrt'lex and xrtiall arrtix. ‘\


St) St Stephen Street. 33o 5H” \Ion I ll ‘lani oprri.

2470/360' l'ritrl Ill 3!) Jul \ xeriex ot photographx b} Scott \Irtchell taken on a road trip actoxx .\rticrrca \\ luch co\ cred 3-I'll iiiilex tn lull circle. ’l‘ia\el|irt-_' throuin ('aliloriiia. \emda arid \ri/ona. .\Iitchell photographed the ‘e\er_\d.i.\‘ ll'tilll a coke itiachirie to a diner table

INSTITUT FRANCAIS D’ECOSSE l5 Randolph (‘r‘cxcctiL 335 .5 Wilt.

.\Ion I'ri ‘).5ll;tlll (\.5ll|‘llll Sat

‘).5llatti l..5ll[‘lll.

Kosovo Refugee Crisis: A Photographic Essay t'nitl tire I: .ltiii. .\Iedicinx I)u .\Ioride prexerit aii e\hibitioii ol potterl'ul photographx portra} ing lile iii the relugee cartipx ol Albania. .\Iaccdoiita and Montenegro b} \selliknown photographerx.

ITALIAN CULTURAL INSTITUTE S3 .\'icolxon Street. («W 3353. .\Ion l'it Illani 5pm.

Cascella Fotografo/Photographer Thu 34 Ma} .\Ion IS .ltiri. Photograph} b} .v\bru//o born artixt llaxilio (‘axcella

t ISotl I‘)5()i. .\ painter. lithographer. ceramic artixt and editor ol' photo riiaga/incx. (‘axcclla \‘.ax dedicated to creating artixtic photograph}.

La Majella And The Landscapes Of Transhumance Thu 31 Ma} .\Iori IS Jttti. I.andxcapex ol the Iiillx arid nioutitainx ol' the .'\l\ll//ti Natural Park b} Janet Swailex.

listings Art


oh (Allllll‘t‘lldlltl Street. 55S "5‘3 \Ioii l-ti Illarrt opiti; Sat Itlarii Iprri

Eduardo Paolozzi: Calcium Light Night and Other Works l'nnl Wed 5“ Ma} Prrtitx ot Paolo/n'x ( ‘iii’t rzmr lsc/sr and other \toth


(5 I'lie Shore. 55‘ 5355 Inc In

llani 5pm; Sat I I.irti -lpitt

Alastair W Thomson Inc 3*)

Va} \al " .lllll Solo xliow It} \l.txd.ttt \\ lllrtlllxttllIll1.tllll\t‘llIl\l.tIItl\t.t]‘\‘ paintingx and xtuiinirig triteriorx


l rii\erxit\ ot ldiribttrgli.31lt‘liaitibeix Street. b5” 3 H3.

The View \\k'\l .35 \HI 3“

t\\ed lIl Illaiii 5pm. Sat Illarii 3priii .\x part oi (inrfuzgsri x ///. a Iexti\.il \xhrcli celebratex the work ol erriergirig artixtx arid coriipoxetx working \t. itli digital media and interactoe techriologiex. .\I.irtin l’aiker cieatcx a iiitiltirriedra xotuid xculpttire lot the galler} xpace. liixpited b_\ itidtixtrral burldrrigx. photographx ha\e been computer iriodtlied along \\ rtli xouridx lioiii the buildiiig‘x xtiiiotiridriig

(imlmediate \ltill 3.x A; Inc 3‘) .\la_\ iltlaiii 5prrii. .\ri tnxtallatioii b} l'dtiiliurgh born \rii} Heextori allowing c\ploi.itron ol pli_\ xtcal xpace predelined b} \ ixual telerence pointx and audio cltrex. lit/l or (liti/I'ijllt x ///,

Dreams And Visions Ihu SI .\l;i_v tltlain 5priii. Sit/attire \dartix‘ rtixlallattori ix irtxpiicd It} dreainx and ol being iii a dzeaiii like xI.tlc. [III] or t/ltt'/t"."lll'\ //l. Tidal III I .ltiri t ltlartr 5pirti. ('hiixtirie .\lc( 'oriilic \xorkx in collaboration \\ ith lilriiiriaker \licliael \\'olclio\er arid \Hllt‘l Janice ( ialloxta} taking the tide .tx iiietaphoi lor itx xlaitirtg point. /’ii/I ut i/Iri/itgrri \ ///


J()Il.\' M.-\(it'lRl-;

23 W..\'rr-;i<i.oo Pl..-\(‘li EDINBI'RUII EHI 38H

xI/l slit/(’5‘ It'l/l /)(’ returned.


can". rock



City ol‘ Edinburgh Council. Scottish Homes. Niddrie Mains Neighbourhood Association and (‘axtle Rock Housing Association wish to commission a pi‘ol'essional artistts) to create a permanent. site spccilic sculpture which will provide a local point and suitava rellect the scale and scope the ol‘ the area's revitalisation.

An overall budget ol~ {37.000 is available l’or this project. which will include artist‘s lees. project research. preparation and development and l‘uture maintenance.

Please submit an tip to date (‘V and no more than 8 slides ol‘ previous work by 3‘) June 3()()I to:

OH or EDINBI'RGII (‘ottx't‘ir Hot'sis't; l)lil"I'



Scottish Homes