Film index


Hamlet t l 3 I .0. I.\lichacl .'\lIIIL'IL‘}(l;t. l'S. Ztititii l;than llaukc. Bill \liirra}. K}lc Maclaichlan. Sam Slicpai'd. .ltilia Stilcx. |)ianc \ani‘a lll iiiinx. .-\iiicricaii iiidic dii‘cctHi .'\llllL'I'L"\tltt thriixtx Sliakcxpt'ai'c'x hcxt knmxn pla} iiitH thc iiinci'n \ktll’ltl. a \L'\\ \Hrk HI pt'iithHuxc .‘ipai'tnicntx and xtictch IiiiiHuxinc-x. HI cut- thrHat highuxini'xx and claiixterhHhia inducing ti'c'hnHng) l)ciiiiiark ix mm a llllllllrllttllttllttl L'HIPUI'JIIUII. \laclachlan‘x ('Iaudiux itx iicu pic-xidcnt ha\ mg \llt'L'L'L'tlL‘tl llic' ti‘L'L‘tlll} (lL‘c‘t‘axt'tl (ll) and thc dcad iiian'x xHii. lla\\ ltdx iiiHHd} llaiiilct. a (icncratiHii .\ \lilk'l'xt'l. .\lIllt'l\"\tl.t Iindx iinl. HII kiltc'i' iii\t.ipHxitian HI \Htl'tlx and iiiiagc-x that chaiiiiliai'ixc llllt'\

\\ C'H' licat'tl ilH/L‘tix til lllllt'\ lu'lttt'i'. \Hl cwruhing \mrkx tlltL' actHi'x haw \ariahlc xucccxx \i. ith tlic \ci'xci. hut \xhcn thc idcax cHinc Hll. \\ c xcc thc' pla) aIi'cxh. 'l‘hc l,llllllL'l'L'. lidinhui‘gh.

A Hard Day’s Night I l 'i .00

thc‘hut'tl l,L‘\lL'l‘. l'K. l‘)(i-li .lHliii l.L'llllUll. l’aul \ld'ai'tiic‘}. (ic'Hi'gc llai'i‘ian. RingH Starr. H7 ininx. 'l'liix i'ciclcaxc HI thc Bcatlcx' xci'ccn (lk'l‘lll. chplctc u ith digitall} I'L'\l(tl't‘tl xHundtrack. xccx tlic l~ah l'UllI' xiippch-dl} pit-paring l'Hr a liw ’l‘\' pcrt'Hriiiaiicc. Actuall}. iiggmg \\ ith thc' cxuhcrant cncrg} HI )Huth and the Icai‘lL'xx ai'i'HgaiicL' HI thxc \\ hH arc adHi‘cd. thc‘} degc thcir iiianagci'. latiiit thcit‘ Iaiix and makc a p|a_\gi‘Hund HI thc \II'L‘L‘I\. l.cxtci”x chk dHc'uiiicntai'} i'ccciwd txm Acadcm} Auard nHiiiinatian. 'l‘Hda}. thc caincra trickx ma} xcciii l('\\ than llilpl't‘\\l\t'. hut thc inancnt uphcat huniHur L‘UIIIL'\ ax a timcl) rclicl. ('aiiiL'H. lidinhui‘gli.

0 The Harder They Come 1 t.\'i OOOO tl’ci'r} llcii/cll. .laiiiaica. W73) It)” minx. Jiltlltt} (’liI'I’ ciiiiicx tH Schand in iiiteruc‘c and talk ahHut 'lilit’ [Ill/'(lt’l' 'l'lin ('mm'. a hrilliant I'uxiHii HI" rcggac xHuiid- track and gaiigxtcr xtHi'_\ ax cHuiitr} hH} (‘lill L‘UIIIL‘\ tH [mm and lindx hiiiixclI xcduccd him a had \xa) HI li\ing. 'l'hc muxic ix ti‘ciiicndHux. tlic takc Hii itx huxincxx

iiiachinatian ti‘uthI'ul. thc xtHi'} riwtiiig. Scc

Rough cutx and in int. (il’l'. (ilaxgtm; l‘iliiiliHiixc. lidinhurgli.

Himalaya it’( it coo it-Li-ic Valli. l‘i'ancc/Su it/crlaiid/l 'K/Ncpal. 200th 'l'hilcn l.hHiidup. (iui'gHii K};IP. l.hapl\a 'l'xaiiicth. HM minx. ln thc high iiiHuiitainx HI' thc lliiiiala_\ax. a \ illagc [impart-x IHr thc annual )ak cat'a\aii tH market. llim cwr. thc )Huiig chict'tain hax hccn killcd and thc Hld clan ltc‘atl. t'L‘l'ttxc‘x IH i‘c‘c‘Hgttth‘ thc hHI—hcatlcd Karma ax hix xticccxxui'. .-\ mirth) inxight IIIIU lllL' lt\L'x HI~ tt littt‘tl} pcnplt‘. lllL' Iaiidxcapc ix hrcathtakingl} tht. and thc attcutiHii tH ch‘al dctail I‘cclx autlicntic. 'l'lic let liax lL‘\\ gHing I'Hr it. hcing at lit-art a Iliii‘l} hacknc‘} cd xtHi'} HI an licii' to thc thran ha\ iug tH prmc hc ix \mi'tli} HI thc crimn. l’l‘ll ('incma. liallxirk.

The Hole 1 I5) O... tNick llaiiim.

l'S. ZIXH i 'l‘hHra Bitch. limhcth l)a\ idt/. l()2 minx. 'l'hix px}c‘hHngic‘;il chillicr unI'Hldx thrHugh a xL‘I‘lL‘x HI" I'laxhhackx ax ti'auiiiatixcd tccnagcr l.i/ IBII‘L‘lH I't‘\L';ll\ In a

Falkirk Town Hall Ialkirk ( mimil

Thu 22nd Mar

Meet The Parents (12) 7 :30pm

Wed 28th Mar Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (12) 7:30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

36 THE LIST 26 Apr—IO Max 21:01

px)chHngixt ll).i\ idt/I that \llt' and thicc chcr Iriciidx \xcic tiappcd Im in.» w;ch in an iitidcrgiHund l‘llltlxt‘t l xiiig thc tight xti'tictui'c HI Ii.tI'I.tll\L' ll.l\lll‘dt kx tH icwal cHiiIlicting \cixiHiix HI thc‘ cwntx. \xhilc craItil} lax-ping thc liHi'rHix Ht thc hch a

iii} xtt'i'} lHi ax lHng ax pHxxihlc. thc tilin ix packcd \iith xtixpcnxt' \\ hat might haw happcncd tH thc cHntc-xtantx Ht li’i: li’mi/n I lliltl llit'} l‘t't'ti \lL'PlHt'tl til littul .ttiil \Mtic'l litt' l\\it \\ L‘L‘lxx. (it'tlt'tal I't'lc'axt'

II Postino tl i0... I\ll\‘‘l RadIHid. ltal}. l‘N5i \laxxiniH liHixi. l’hilippc .\Hii'ct. \lai'ia (it’d/ta ( 'uciithta HIS minx. \thn L'\llL'\l ('hilcan th-t l’ath \c'i'iida t\ttllt‘lt .tll'l\L‘x Hii a it'iithc ixlaiid Ull lltL' \L‘altttlllalt \(hhl. lIL' .lltl\ litt'al l‘ttxtnian \lai‘iH i'liHixii tH \xHH thc \ i||.t:_'c hai‘iiiaid. (it-nil} pact-d and lull HI \lcditc'i‘rant'an xtin. Radtwd'x Iiliii ix nut-l} unxcntinicntal. Sadl). 'l‘iHixi dicd thc da} allui xliHHting \iax t'Hiiiplctcd. hut lk' L’ttllltllld haw cht a tint-i lcgac}. 'l'hc lumici'c. ludiiihui'gh.

Independence Day I Iji oooo iRHland lziiiiiit'iich. l'S. I‘I‘Itn \\'i|l Smith. .lc'II (iHldhluiii. Bill Pullman. l5“ iiiinx. l)a_\ ()iic: alicn xhipx her er lltL' \xHrld‘x inaini' citicx. Ha} 'l\\(ti thc} attack. Ha) ‘l'hi'cc: mankind chx mm thum erdriw and gum up tH kick mec alicn axx. .\ Sttx xt} lc' iii\.ixiHii lIiiin ic \\ itii ‘Ittx xtatc HI tlic ai't cI'Ici'lx. IIIt/('/’t'llt/t'lltt l)(1\ ix pHchi'n \alimIHiviiian} at itx \ci') hcxt. .\ gripping xt’ttl't‘ xt'cltal'tu that tlttc'xn'l ltllxt‘ ll\L'll lHH xcriHuxl}. thinx x in \Ulllt‘ canpiiac} lllL‘Ul'lt'\ and i’Hiindx it HII \\lll1 thc iiint dc\axtatiiig dixaxtcr xccncx cwr put Hn Iilm. \mx l’icttit'c llHuxc. St Andre“ x.

Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade it’( n 000 iSit-wn Spiclhct‘g. l'S. WSW llarrian l'Hi'd. Scan (’Hnncr}. .'\llx(\ll l)HHd}. l)c'nhHliii lillth. |27 minx. 'l'hc third and xiippchdl) Iinal llt\l;IllllL‘IIl Hl' Spiclhcrg'x lichkhuxtcr xcricx. in “lilL'll tlic archacHngical adwiitui't'i' ix

iHiiicd h} Iiix Iathct' t(‘Hiiiicr_\ i IHi‘ a i'Hiiip

thrHugh thc .\lidd|c lzaxt iii xcai'ch HI thc llHl_\ (irail. lthl} purxucd tax mci'i h} lllk' .\'a/ix. .-\ rathcr deg} quaxi-( ‘hrixtian iiiHralit) and a iiiHrc—HI-thc-xaiiic-ixh let are HIIxct h} xti'Hng pcrIHrinanct‘x Ier l-Hi‘d and ('Hnnci'} and tcchnical him ura.

(it't)x\ L‘IIUI'. (ilttxgttu.

Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom tl’( ii 0... iStcxcii Spiclhcrg. l'S. 1084i llat'rian l-Hi'd. Katc (‘apxhaw Kc llu_\ (Juan. .'\Illl‘l\ll l’uri. ll.\' minx. .'\f_'.’llll thc IHi‘cigncrx Iind it hard gHing lam-ping up \\ ith thc .lanx. ax iiiaxtt-r cntcrtaiiicr

Spicllk‘t'g ptlc‘x Hit Iltt‘ ac‘ltHIt \Ctlllt'llt't'\. ilhlttx

tiiiic. hmxcwr. thc Irantic pacc hax cwn lL‘\\ crcdihilit} than Ix’uit/i'rx had. \Vhich ix _iuxt llllL‘. hccauxc thix xcrccning cHint‘idcx \\ ith a talk h} (imaii-hHrii xtuiitman \‘ic :\i‘iiixti'Hiig. (il’l’ & (ierxanr. (ilaxgmi. Jaya Ganga I Ht 0. (Vita; Singh. France/India. I‘Ntii 85 mm, liaxcd Hn hix U\\lll‘Ule../ll\(1(rtlllg'tl. Ill Xi'an/i ()I [III' I\’ii¢'r (huh/(H. lhtx ix llic‘ tltt‘L‘c‘lHl‘Ial tlL'l‘lll HI' Indian “l'llt‘t' |i\ mg iii l’ai'ix. Singh. .>\nd. xurprixc. xurprixc. tlic let cHiicc-rnx an Indian \xritcr li\ ing in l’arix \\ hH rcturnx tH Iiix hHiiicland tH trawl dim n thc xaci’cd (iangcx I'l\t‘t‘ in art attcmpt tH dixcmcr Iiix cHuntr) and himxclt'. .-\ltthig|i iiiadc chpctcntl) anugh. it'x xc'lI-iiidulgcnt and iiiterpcctnc and. ultimatcl). dull. .\lacRHhcrt. Stirling.

Jim Poole Short Film Award t ISi iVai‘iHiix. ScHtlaiid. Itittl i 0t) minx. 'l'hc (KitiicH'x annual thucaxc HI ScHttixh thrt Iiliiiiiiakiiig talcnt \\ ith a\\ai‘d ccrciiiHn} I'Hlliming thc xcrc-cning. Scc lx’Hugli cutx. ('amcH. lidinhui‘gh.

Jung (War) In The Land Of The Mujaheddin I 15) t l'lill‘l'l/ltt l.a//ai'c‘tti/ .-\lhcrtH \cndaiiuniati. Ital}i’.-\t'ghanixtan. Itititii llJ minx. 'l‘hc lluiiiaii Riglitx \Vatch liitci‘natiHnal l-'iliii l4cxti\al Hn tHui' arHiiiid thc \xHrld cHnic-x tH ScHtland \\ itli thix lHHk at :\I'glianixtaii tHda}. .-\ xiirchn and a lit“ x

cui'rcpondcnt _iHiii I'Hrccx tH xct up a thpital iii a cHuntr} that hax had tH dcal \\ ith \ariHux

\xarx mm the paxt t\\cnt_\ _\c;ii'x. (il’l‘. (ilaxgmx.

Kikujimi 12).... (Ilikcxiii KitaiiH. Japan. 200m ‘Bcat‘ 'l‘aRc-xhi. Yiixukc Sckiguchi. 122 minx. KitanH pla}x thc lIllL‘

rch tiiitcit'xtingl}. ale hix Iathci'x II;IIIIL'|. a xiiiall llltlt‘ ci‘iiiiinal \th Iiiidx hiiiixcll thc xuingatc Iathci' tH ninc )car-Hld .\laxaH «Sckiguchii “llL'll lltL' hH} xctx HII in xcai'ch HI thc iithhci’ hc liax llt‘\t'l' iiict. In a dcparturc limit the gangxtci’ Iilinx Iiix liuert-an rcputatiHn ix huilt Hii. KitanH'x xliarpl} (Il\\t'l'\t'tl L'Hllllk' mail 11in IL' \llU\\ x lllL' .l.lpilllk'\t' \llt'L‘t‘lHtiat‘lHt tn llth'L' xlapxltc‘lx

ianc. gi\ ing hix Hillu'at “II a Ii'ccr l't‘lll. 'l‘hc

l.uniict'c, lidmhui‘gh.

Leaving Las Vegas I txi oooo

I.\lll\t‘ l'Iggix. l'S. “NS! \IL‘Hlax (.QI‘L'L'. lilixahcth Shut: .lulian Sandx. lltt minx. Sackcd Ii‘Hiii liix iHh. lit-ii t( 'agi'i drin tH \'cg;ix \\ itli thc lec iiitcntiHn HI dunking hiiiixc'II tH dcalh. but during hix dc'xccnt L‘Ulllt‘x ttc‘l'itxx ltHleCt' St‘t'gt (Sltllt' I. tttitilltt't' leI Will. l'IlfJ‘L'lx‘x llL‘tIllrtll't'llk‘llctl mm It‘ capturcx thc irrcpoiixihlc cuthi'ia and mcntal pain HI itlL‘Ullthlll Ii‘Hm a \lll‘lk‘t'lHt‘ \ It‘\\pttllll. \xhilc thc axtHiiixhing pcrIHi'iiianccx h} the lcadx llt'lP it ti'anxci'nd thc xui‘Iacc taudriiicxx and dclw dccp intH undci'l} ing ciithiHiix, ('amcH. ladiiihurgh. The Legend Of Bagger Vance tl’( it 0.. tRHht-rt Rcdhird. l'S. Itittl Will Smith. Matt l)ainHii. ('hai'li/c ‘l'hcan. llti iiiinx. Rt‘dIHi‘d i‘c'tui'nx tH UIIL' HI hix Ia\Huritc' lllL‘lIlL'\ a tiii;ixi-iii_\xtical poi'ting purxuit ax a iiictathr IHi' MC and thix timc it'x a ngIiiig Iahlc. ’l'hc talc canc-rnx a

iii_\ xtc'riHux caddic ISiiiithi \xliH actx ax a guardian angel tH a IHi'iiici‘ ngIing champ tl)aiiiHn I. huriit-Hut altcr i'c'tui'ning Ii‘Hin \VHrld \Vai‘ l lzuerc. and _‘_'llltlL'\ him timardx rcdciiiiitiHii, .-\x HIIL‘ mpcctx Iani RchHi'd. Hit [I Quit] (H lfiiuzt'r liim c' tx IHiig. lt-ixui‘cl} pact-d and cxpcrtl} crattcd,

.-\x \\ ith a rHund HI' ngI_ \HIHL' chplc \\ ill hc cnthrallcd h} thc xtrugglc tH niaxtcr thc llttiL'I'

gaiiic. xHiiic \\ ill hc hHi'cd. uhilc chci'x u ill ximpl} cniH} thc xcciicr}. l’l'll ('incma. l’itllxll'lx.

The List New Scottish Filmmakers

i15i i\'ariHux. l'lx'. jtitil I "It iiiitix l:\cluxi\c

xcrccniiig HI thi'tx h} ScHttixh and ScHtland—Ich-d Iiliiiiiiakci'x t_\ing in \\ ith I'lii I.i\i‘x \cu ScHttixh l’iliiiniakcrx xpccial Icattirc thix l\\llL‘. Sec Icatiirc, (ll-'l'. (ilaxgHu; ('anicH. ladinhurgh.

Little Caesar: IS i 0000 t.\lcr\_\n LURU}. 18. With Izduard (i. RHhiann. l)Huglax l'att'hattlxx .li'.. (ilcnda l‘arrc'll. Ml

Sandra Bullock proves that she is quite capable of making a complete

arse of herself in Miss Congeniality

minx. 'l hr t‘llL' that lll.l\lt‘ lx‘Hhianii. llk'lk' pla} iiig RicH liaiidcllH. thc iiiHhxtci \\ ith llll' anihitiHn tH II\L‘ tH lllt' th and run thc \\lltllt' cit} h_\ hiiiixc'll ()I cHuixt' it'x lllt' ll\t' and .tlxii lttll HI Rtt'tt. “litt'x llllltlt‘llt'kl Ull :\l ('alian. .\ \t'lllllldl gaiigxtt'i iiiH\ ic. 'l llt' l.uiiiicrc. lidiiihuigh.

The Long Good Friday I I.x'i ooooo t.thn \lt‘Ki‘ii/ic. l‘K. l‘).\'I)i lIHh llekiiix. llL‘lCll \lii‘i‘t'ii. l’icrcc lieriiaii. ll.l iniiix. llaiHld Shaiid tllekinxi ix an unIHigt-ttahlc cicatiHn. at Hiict- thc [witch cinthimi'nt HI hix lllllt' and plat'c tl.HndHn. I‘IHtii and a thimxhack tH tlic niHiiHcliiHinL' :J.iit:thci‘x HI thc lltllllt'\ \luni. ('agiic}. and l-duard (i. “'Illi llt)\l\lll\ itx llx tlt't\ ltth lHtt'i' .llltl lit (llk‘ IHi' «liangiic itx lllt'l. tlic Iilm iithHix alHiig lt'tttti UllL' \L‘l PICL‘L' l0 .tllttlltL't'. 'l‘lit' \ IHlL'llt'L'. thHugh xliHckiiig It'\L'll iiHu i and brilliantly xtagt-d. ix iicwr .Ill(t\\t'tl tH (i\t‘l"- lit‘llll thc chaiactc'i'x. lt'ading thix iiiinHi‘ claxxit~ tH itx \lll‘llt' hut dcxaxtattng cliiiia\ 'l llt' l.tiiiiicit'. l~.diiihiirgh.

A Long Night’s Journey Into Day ilSi Il'l.tltCL‘\ Rcid/lh-lmiah llHIIiiiaii. l'S. I‘N‘li ‘III minx. 'l'ht' lliiiiian Riglitx \Vatch lntcrnatiHiiaI l'lllll l'k'\ll\.ll Hii tHur .ii'Huiid thc' \iHi'ld L'UlllL'\ tH ScHtlaiid \kllll thix ()xcai‘ iiHiiiiiiatcd dchiiicntar} \\ hich IHIIHu x IHiii \lHI'lL‘\ hi’Hiiglit tH thi' attcntiHn HI SHuth .'\!Ilt';t'\ 'li'iitli .-\iid RccaniliatiHn ('HiiiiiiixxiHii. thc IHi'uiii cxtahlixht-d iii thc' \\;Il\C HI .'\[‘;Il'llit'ltl. (il’l'. (ilaxgHu Malena i l5i O. t( iiuxt-ppc ’l'Hi'natHi‘c. Ital). Itittl i \lHnica licllucci. (iiiixcppc SulIarH. l.ucianH l'L'tlL'l'lLH. 03 minx. .'\n Hutxidcr iii a xiiiall Sicilian timii during \VHi‘ld \\ai' ll. \lalc'na ilicllucc'ii ix rcgardcd h} thc chalx \\ ith a llll\ HI ltixt. vin} and xtixpiciHn \M- xcc lici' thrHugh

I“ L'l\L'-_\L';Il'rtll(l tiat't'aIHt'. Rt'llillt).\ IlL“.()lL'(l c'} cx. ax llL' xpiw \H} curixticall} Hii licr and turnx lIL'I' intH tlic cH-xtar HI hix iiiaxturhatHi'} Iaiitaxicx. 'l'hcrc'x xHiiicthiiig ()llL'Il‘xHL‘ ahHut thc' \Hl} ’l‘Hrnath'c' tixc'x \lalctia'x Ialc' tH prm idc hix 'Htllllg pi'HtagHiiixt u. ith a lL‘\\HIl in thc rcaliticx HI thc adult uHi‘ld. lliit thc Iilm'x llll\ HI \ihimxical cHiiiiiig-HI-agc chcd} and tingcr-iiagging eral Iahlc lcmcx lllt' \ it“ L'r lc'c‘litig qttcax}. SL‘lL'c'lc'tl rclcaxc.

The Man Who Cried i l3i CO.

iSall} l’Httcr. l'S/l 'K. 24W); (‘hrixtiiia Ricc‘i. JHlinn} l)cpp. ('atc lilanchctt. JHhii ‘l‘urturrH.