contagioux; lhc ('(il xchch arc xo rcalixtic it‘x not that hard to hcltc\ c w hat you arc watching could hc rcal. 'l‘hcn tragcd} xll‘lltxc'x; thc lcmut'x talk. And talk. th ax thc prcdictahlc and. ultimatcl}. horing xtor) linc or Imimuur unl'oldx. that winning l)ixnc} lormula ix guarantccd to lxccp an} dinoxaur cra/y tour-ycar-old pinncd lo hix or hcr xcat w ithout xcaring thcin too much. Sclcctcd rclcaxc.

Dungeons and Dragons l I21 0. i('ourtnc} Solomon. [8. 30011'l‘hora Birch. Jcrcm) lronx. .\larlon Wayanx. I08 minx. llaxcd on thc ctill roIc-playing gamc itxcll' mxpircd h} C\L'l‘}llllllf_' lrom 'l‘olkcin‘x Lord ()I IIA/lt’ /\’llt:.'\ lU Rnlk't'l li. lltmat'tl'x (‘mmn 'l'lu' liurlmrum thix xl\ lantaxj. hlockhuxtcr hax arri\cd tw cnt} )carx too latc t'l)&l)‘ pcalxcd in pitpllltll‘ll} during lhc H0x), l)ircctor and gamcr Solomon. rcmainx rcaxonahl} laitlilul to thc xpirit o1 thc gamc with a xtor_\ imohittg li\c young adwnltircrx attcmpting to xccurc thc

pow crl'ul Rod ol Sm rillc (which controlx dragonxt on hchall ol limprcxx Sax ina tllirchi. who ix about to hc dcpoxcd h_\' H il w i/ard l’rolion tlronxi. llow'm‘cl'. what madc thc gamc xo conipclling itx improx ixcd nalut'c which t'aixcd it ahox c itx clichcd lantax) octnrc ix ont on film. Sclcctcd liClCil\L'.

East-West (Est-Guest) t 13) 000 tRCgix Wargnicr. l‘rancc. 2000i Sandrinc lionnairc. ()lcg Mcnchikm. Scrgcui' Bodrm Jr. Ill minx. Al'tcr hlindl} acccpting Stalin'x propagandacampaign. ol‘l'cring Riixxian cmigrantx |i\ ing in lhc \cht amncxt) and thc chancc to participatc in thc country 'x poxt war rcconxtruclion. .-\|c.\ci (iolm'inc t.\lcnchiko\ i rcalixcx that Kicx ix no placc l‘or hix young l"rcnch w il'c (Bonnairci and xon. :\ xcricx of tragic cxcntx hcgin to unl‘url ax thc) hoth taltc Rtixxian |o\‘crx. whilc around thcm thc ogrc-lilxc communixlx

w ca\ c plotx. l.uxh mclmlramatic xtul‘l'. that tcndx to tixc a mallct w'hcrc it xhould tixc a l'cathcr duxtcr. lt'x conxtantl} w'atchahlc. how c\ cr. and in partx gcnuincl) mm ing. Adam Smith ’l‘hcatrc. Kirkcaldy. Edinburgh On Screen 11') (\‘ariuux. l'K. I‘ll I l 00 minx. Back by popular dcmand. Janct .\lcllain. curator of thc Scottixh Scrccn .-\rchi\ c. prcxcntx a xclcction ol hixtorical lilnix prc- and poxt—war which paint an c\‘ocali\'c picturc o1 thc capital in hygonc timcx. Silcnt lilmx inclttdc piano accompanimcnl. l‘ilmhouxc. lidinhurgh. Elvis Live: That’s The Way It Is - Special Edition (ti 0... (l)c‘ntx Sandcrx. 1'8. 200] ) ()7 minx. Sandcrx' original documcntar}. chronicling 'l‘hc King'x lirxt xtagc xhowx in morc than a dccadc ttimc .xpcnt chcloping an almigth drug hahit and appcaring in tcrrihlc rom- com muxicalx). wax a xoporilic allair. 'l‘hix Spccial lidition. hoaxting around 40 ncw minutcx. ix a rcx clation with tour morc xongx and loadx morc inxidcr l'ootagc. \Vithin xc\cn _\carx lilVix wax dcad. a hloatcd parody of what hc wax hcrc. 'l‘hix ix onc inuxical and hixtorical documcnt you do not want to mixx. ()dcon At 'l'hc Qua}. (ilaxgow.

The Emperor’s New Groove tt'i .0. (Mark l)indal. [‘51. 300] l l)a\id Spadc. John (ioodntan. liartha Kitt. 7X minx. limpcror Kti/co ix monarch of an unxpccilicd South .-\mcrican land who ix turncd into a llama h} hix xchcming axxixtant Y/ma t\oiccd moxt appropriatcl) h} Kitti during a hotchcd axxaxxination attcmpt. 'l'hc llama cinpcror gocx on thc run and ix hcl‘ricndcd by good-w lllL‘tl ltc‘l’tlc‘l' l’acha t(ioodmani. who hclpx rcturn hix l'our- lcggcd rulcr to hix thronc. 'l'hcrc arc thc occaxional clcwr poxtmodcrn touchcx Kit/co xtopping thc tilm rccl to talk to thc audicncc hut moxtl} thix ix primc old- xchool l)ixnc_\ xtul‘l‘. lt laclxx lhc animatcd landxcapc inno\ationx ol' 'Iirrrun. nor docx it cnjo} thc charactcr dc\ clopmcnt ot‘ .rl/mlm. which ix w'h). ultimatcly. itx mixxing cdgc. (ic‘llc‘rtll I'Clc‘uxc‘.

Enemy At The Gates ( IS) 0000 than-Jacqucx Armand. l'K/lirancc. 2001 l Judc Law. lid llarrix. Rachcl \Vcixl. Joxcph l’icnncx. 135 minx. 'l‘hc moxt cxpcnxix'c liuropcan mox‘ic c\cr rccrcatcx lhc dccixiyc momcnt during World War II w hcn thc

Ruxxianx and thc (ict'manx hattlcd on lltc liaxtcrn l-ront. .-\nnaud condcnxcx thc xicgc o1 thc cit} ol Stalingrad into a thrilling cat- ;tntl-mtttlxc gttlllc ltc‘l“ L'L'll [no xnipct‘x

tSox ict working-claxx hcro law and (icrman arixtocrat llarrixi w ith a lo\ c trianglc thrown in for commcrcial common xcnxc. lt'x a liltn thal‘x lull ol largc-xcalc xpcclaclc and intimatc dctailx. and in a xccnc to rnal Sm inc l’riiulc' Rum‘x ()maha llcacll opcncr. lhc hcaut} ol cincma hitx thc uglincxx o1 war with hrutal cllcct. Sclcctcd rclcaxc.

Erin Brockovich t I510... iSit-xcn Sodcrhcrgh. l'S. 3000) Julia Rohcrtx. .-\lhcrt liinnc). .-\aron lickhart, 1U minx. l'ncmplo) cd xinglc mothcr lirin «Rohcrtxi xhochornx hcr w a} into a tiling clcrlx poxition with l‘innc} ‘x ('alilot'nia law lirm. ’l’hcrc xhc accidcntall} uncmcrx a conxpirac} to conccal thc poixoning ol lhc local community. which lcadx to thc lat'gcxl dircct action law xuit in .-\mcrican hixtor}. 'l‘hix might xound likc a clichcd Jolm (irixham thrillcr. hut it'x haxcd on a truc xtor)‘ and Sodcrhcrgh'x dircction and Rohcrtx' pcrlormancc arc laultlcxx

togcthcr lhc) pro\ c that mainxtrcam Amcrican cincma can hc xomcthing truly gl‘c‘ul. Sc‘lc‘c‘lc‘tl rclcaxc.

Exit Wounds I IX) 0. t:\lltll'/c‘_l Bartowiak. [8. 200] ) Stcxcn Scagal. l).\l.\. thc minx. ‘\\'hat am l.‘ axlxx Stcwcn Scagal‘x haraxxcd. looxc-cannon cop. ‘a xhit magnct‘." ()n thc xtrcngth ot' thix putrid action mm ic. onc would hax c to xa_\. 'ch'. l)cmotcd and dumpcd into l)ctriot'x lottghcxt ncighhourhood. lhc po-laccd Scagal attcndx angcr managcmcnt courxcx. hcatx thc xhit out of had guy x. and clcanx up xomc naxt} policc corruption with lhc hpr of hip-hop cluh ow ncr and hi-tcch w i/ard l).\lX. llartow iak'x l'rantic dircction and choppy cditing cannot dixguixc thc xluggixhncxx ol thc agcing. o\‘ct'wcight and out-ol'-condition Scagal'x mox'cmcntx. Scc rc\ icw. (icncl'al rclcaxc.

Fight Club 1 l8) 0... tl)a\ id l‘inchcr. l'S. I‘M”) Brad Pitt. lid Norton. llclcna Bonham (‘artctz IRS minx. .\laxculinit} ix in a mcxx and conxunicrixm ix to hlamc. .\lcn ha\ c hccomc docilc xpc‘c‘lttltit‘x til~ lll'L‘ according to lag/II ("/u/t. l’inchcr‘x

contro\ crxial adaptation ol (‘huclx l’alahniuk'x no\'cl. ln rccklcxx rcxponxc to thix lalc twcnticth ccntur} malaixc. .\'orton'x docilc xpcctator tcamx up with l’itt‘x mixchicvoux 'l‘} lcr l)urdcn to Form an arcna l‘or mcn to hcat cach othcr to a pulp and thtix rcconncct with thc world. lt‘x hit and mixx. hut cnough of thc punchcx connccl to xtartlc cvcn lhc inoxt docilc of \‘icw'crx. ('amco. lidinhurgh.

C9 Girlfight t 151 can rim-xii Ktixama. l'S. 2001i .\lichcllc Rodi‘igticl. Santiago Donglax. Jaimc 'l'irclli. l l3 minx. l’ucrto Rican-Amcrican tccnagcr l)iana taxtonixhing ncw' contcndcr Rodriguc/i ix rchclling without a cauxc. both at xchool and at homc in hcr run-dow n Brooklyn. .\'cw York ncighhourhotid. But what xhc takcx oxcr hcr w imp); lox'ing hrothcr'x hoxing lcxxonx at a local gym l)iana tindx xomcthing xhc chcr had hcl'orc: xclll w‘orth. What Ktixama'x ,xtrilx‘ing dchut xharcx with lhc hcxt xport lilmx ix that it‘x about morc than thc xporl itxcll'. 'l'hc light xccncx arc tough. tcnxc and dynamic. hut t'rom thc gct go thix raw low hudch lilm packx a pow crhouxc punch that'x morc to do with w hat'x going on inxidc thc protago- nixt'x hcad than what xhc docx in thc ring. Sclcclctl rclcaxc.

Gladiatort IS» 000 (Ritllc) Scott. ['82. 2000) Rtixxcll ('rowc. Richard llarrix. Joaquin Phoenix. l50 minx. Jtixt hct'orc

d) ing (‘acxar .-\tirclitix tllarrixt chargcx (icncral .\ltl\llllllx t('rowci with clcaning up hix hclmcd. hut politically corrupt Romc. .-\tit'cliux‘ xon. ('ommodtIx tl’hocni\ t. docxn't takc kindly to thix and hax hix ri\al cxccutcd. But .\la\imux xurx i\cx and. ax a gladiator. workx hix w ay hack to Romc intcnt on rc\cngc. l’arallclx iiiuxt hc drawn with .S‘lmrlit'us and Bar Ilur; w c'\ c not xccn a Roman cpic in a long timc. Scott‘x ix a handxomc xpcctaclc and c\citing cnough. hut that'x all it ix. (’amco & l5ilinhonc. lidinhurgh.

All You Need

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I” " '.‘.,:. ' THE LIST 35