‘N mmx, I’otter'x tirxt iiarr'ati‘. e tilm xmee I‘NZK ()r/um/o ix tlte xttit'} oi .iti orphan tRieet I. a Ruxxran Jeu atlritt iii Izurope at the tillllircak oi \\orltl \\ar II. attempting to get to Ameriea to he re-unitetl \\ rth Iiei long ont lather. It'x alxo ahout language and the titit\etx.iItt} ot xotig. ()h. and it‘x a muxieal. though not iii the (itiItICIl .‘\ge IIolI}u.ootl xenxe, Ihe eaxtmg ix earth} and the perlorm.‘rrieex inipiexx. htit I’otter ixri't quite ahle to eontlenxe all oi her nleax into the lilm'x running tune. 'I he I,umiere. Iztlrnhurgh; I‘I‘II ('niema. I-alkirk.
The Manchurian Candidate 1 tSr ..... tJohii I-rankeiiheimer. I‘S, I‘Niji I'raiik Sinatra. I.aurenee Ilar\ e_\. .-\iigela I.anxhur'_\. .Ianet Leigh. Ilh minx In lnx riioxt eonx IIlk mg xereen role. “an e} pla) x a Korean \\.tt hero hraumaxhetl h) the eomniunixtx, uho heeoinex a paun in the xinrxtei mixxion plannetl tor Illllt on hix return home. HI'IIIIJIII politieal xatire euni- thriller. \xith the eaxt in great lorrn and a xtaggeringl} mxentixe plot elearl} antl grippingl) unraielletl. It tlariin \\eII \xorkx and xtirprixex in a \\a_\ tliai xo text tilmx tIU ttll)lttttl'e. I‘tIlttIttithe. Iztlmhurgh.
Mary Poppins t t 'i 0.00 t Rohei‘t Stexenxon. I‘S. IANVII Julie .'\lltil'e\\x, l)iek Van |)} ke. I)a\itl 'I'omlinxoii. li‘) niinx. Andre“ x xtarx ax exer} hotl) 'x Iaiourite nann} in tlnx \\'alt I)ixne_\ elaxxie. Van
I)} kox Izriglixh aeeent xhoultl ha\ e xeen him eontleninetl to death rou, hill the roll eall ol' xingalong elaxxiex t 'I-eetl ’I'he IJirtlx'. ‘('hini ('himine} '. ‘Spoonl'ul ()I' Suger' the Iixt goex our more than niakex tip I'or an} erimex agamxt tliaIeet. (irox\enor. (ilaxgtm.
The Matrix t Iii COCO. t't‘he \Vaehonxki Iirotlierx. I‘S/AlISilttIttl. I‘l‘Ni Keanu Ree\ ex. I.aurenee I‘lSIlIilll'lt. ('ari'ie- .-\nne .\I(i\\, lih minx. :\hxolutel_\ goh- xmaeking xeienee lietion thriller hoaxting cutting edge xpeeial ell'eetx. roekitig ttelititi xequeneex. a xmart xtor) and an immenxel} entertaining eartoon xenxihilit} ttlie lilni \iax xtor}hoartletl h} eomie artixt (ieol'l l)arro\\ I. In the luture tla} »to-tla_\ Iil'e ix nierel} a xerim. a matri\ eamoul'lagiiig realit}: a poxt- apoeahptie nightmare \Htl'ItI in \\ liieli humankind are a pon er xouree tor domineering xuper-etimputerx. ()nl} Reexex‘ e} her hero. Neo. and a gang ot' haeker piratex xtaiitl hetueen the e\ il teehtioltig} and their raee'x e\tinetion. (irox\eiior. (ilaxgtm.
May Day Films (I’(il tt‘K. ltitit l .\Iilt\ the. The Seottixh I.ahour IIixtot‘} \lmement pt‘L‘\L‘tltx a talk It) L'tilllL‘ItlL‘ \\ tilt the Ma} I);t_\ riiarehex taking plaee in Iitlinhtirgh antl (ilaxgoix. (iI’I‘. (ilaxgoii.
Men Of Honourt IS» .0 t(ieorge 'I‘illnian Jr. l'S. Ztltll i Rohert I)e .\'iro. ('uha (iootling Jr. (‘harIi/e 'I‘heron. IZS niinx. I’rotltieetl h)‘ Bill ('oxh}. .ilen ()I llunortr ix the true xtoi') ol' ('arl Braxhear‘. the Douglax Batter ol LIL'L'P xea (II\ ing and the lirxt hlaek man to attain the rank ol‘ .\laxter ('hiel. the highext in the IS \a\_\. lt‘x a litige xliee ol jingoixtie eornhall \\ hieh \HtllIti he thoroughl) reprehenxihle it it \\ ere not a true xtor_\ antl xo \xatehahle. .\'o xtring ix lel’t lIIiPlIIIL‘tI to let tix knoix that Braxhear t(iootling .It‘l ix a north) hlaek role model. I)e .\'iro hax a hall pla} ing the retlneek .\Iaxter (‘hiet \\ ho initial!) inxpirex then huniiliatex anti tinall} I‘L'IIlCIlkh the xinnetl- tlL'tlIllSl Iil'thltettt‘. Seleetetl releaxe.
The Mexican t tit 00.. t(iore Verhirixki. I'S. Ztttll t Julia Rohertx. Brad Pitt. Jamex (iantlollini. 123 mmx. 'I‘hough it pairx t\\o ot~ IIoII}\\ootl'x moxt hankahle and attraeth e xtarx. Brad Pitt and Jtilia RtihL‘l'h. VII/Iv .ilt’tlt‘ttlt [3I;t}\ like it I0“ i‘llti- get ttttlie lilttt. I’tltix (Illlllh tltttIe Jer‘r} t\ Set” to .\le\ieo h} the rnoh to reeo\ er the epon} - moux eurxetl antique pixtol. ()I' eourxe. thix \lIPPU\CtiI_\ xiniple taxk turnx out to he an) - thing htit. not leaxt heeauxe Jer'r} 'x ha\ ing 'relationxhip mat-e \\ ith Iiix girlfriend. the uptight Samantha tRohertxi. I-‘ull of tlouhle eroxsex and uril'ortunate aeeitleritx. pqu a th e xtar perl'ormanee trom 'I‘lie .S'u/irtnrm' (iantloltini. the xtor_\ t\\ ixtx and turnx in a eoiixtantl} amuxing manner. See rexiexx. (ierieral t‘eIL‘ttSe.
The I I)(ii .. tl’eter (‘IielxonL t'S. I993) Sharon Stone. (iena R0“ Iillld\. Ilarr} Dean Stanton. W minx.
.-\tlultx ma} he \II.l\\Il h} the heax _\ weight aetrng talentx. hut \KIII then he Iett agog ax the mo mpper'x eoriihmiri: to heeome one ehnalroux ehampron ot the opprexxetl \JIICkI I'teak the \Irght} little more than \katet prxtolx .IIIti trite-grit} Younger \ reweix. on the other hantl. u III tap into the ho}x' imagination. htit might he thxturhetl h_\ the Iieart rentlmg xeetiex tonartlx the end. ()tleoti. kIIIIIJIIlHL k
Miss Congeniality i t3: 0
tI)tItt.tItI I’etrie. I'S. :IltlI i \.itltIt.i IiuIIoek. \Iiehael (lime. (‘anthee I‘Iergeu IIH mmx Iiulloek'x ( iraeie llart eonxnleix herxelt nixt one ot the gu_\x in the HM. So xhe‘x none too thrilletl \iheii xhe ix ehoxen to inliltrate the rankon 'hikmr xtutterx' in the \lrxx
l nitetl Statex I’ageant in a hitl to eateh a I'riahoriiher like terrorixt, 'I he galumphmg. eharmlexx ( iiaeie tieetlx .r makeoxei ('ue (‘aiiie'x tlelroeketl pageant guru to attempt
toil ahuxi\e thugx with
the moxt riinaeuloux traiixtormation xniee IIerir} IIiggmx got hold oI I'.Il/.t I)oo|ttt|e Bulloek thith herxelt \iliole heartetII} into the proeeetlmgx. xuhniittrng Iiei eharaeter to a xeriex ol unthgiiilietl pratlallx .-\x the
mm re'x piotlueei‘. xhe onl} hax lieixelt to hlaiiie. (ieiieral i'eleaxe
Much Ado About Nothing I t’( h .... tKenneth Branagh. I‘K/I 'S. I‘Nii I)en/el \Vaxhnigton. Kenneth Ihaiiagh. Izmma 'I'honipxon. Keanu Ree\ex. I I I nimx. .\ qut_\. Ii\el_\ \erxron ol Shakexpeare'x eometl} ol Io\ e and tIeeeit. xet in the xun tlrenehetl 'I’uxean liillx. Barhetl \\ ittieixm II} aeroxx the xereeii ax Britiin thexpx antl .»\meriean xtarx aequit tlienixeliex u itli honourx. ()tIL'UIl. Iztlinhurgh.
Mysteries Of Egypt 1 t ‘i tttruee \L-ihaur, l S. Itttll i ()mar Sharil. Kate .\laherl_\. mmx. ()mar Sharit xtar'x in the tirxt National (ieographie film to appear in I.\l.-\.\. imparting talex ot tomhx. treaxurex and the ania/ing aeIiie\ementx ol tliix aneient ei\ ilixation. l.\l:\.\ 'I'heatre. (ilaxgou.
Nurse Betty r Is: 0000 t_\‘eit Iailiute. [8. 3mm) Renee /.eII\\ eger. \Itit'ggitt I‘reeman. (ireg Kinnear. I It) niinx, \Vhen xmallttmn Kanxax \\;iIIl’e\\ Belt} t/elhiegeri \\ itnexxex the murder ol her
\\ hite traxh ear xalexnian. xhe xul'terx a realit} xhilt that Ieai ex her heliei ing the eheex} melodramatie \iorltl ol her taxourite (Iii) time \Uttp. xi Rt'tlutll V/it [.1'tt . It) he real. .\lueh ot' the tilni‘x humour ix tlemetl I'roni the tlixpar‘it} hetxteen melodrama and real lite; the oeeaxionx \then the} interxeet are xtttttlltatteotlxl} hilarioux. paintul and poignant. .\'ot ax riiixanthropie ax |.al§ute‘x lirxt [\Ht lilmx. .Vru‘w Ht'IH Ix nexerthelexx tar more \ ital than other lIoII} “tutti eometliex. Cameo. litlinhurgh.
0 Brother, Where Art Thou? r 13» .... tJoeI (‘oetL I8. Zillllli (ietii‘ge (‘Iooiie}. John 'I‘urtui'ro. 'I'ini Blake .\'elxon. I07 miiix. I’rexton Sturgex' Sul/ri'un'x [rare/i antl IIomer'x The ()(l\ \\('\ are the xtarting pointx l'or thix .‘itlxwet xereu hall eometl}. Smooth-talking I".\erett I'I_\xeex .\Ie(iill t(‘loone_\ i. ximpIeton Delmar t.\'elxoni antl inalatljuxtetl I’ete t'I‘urturroi are memherx iii a ehain gang on the run looking Ior hurietl loot. 'l‘heir iourne} up and tloun the xtate ol .\lixxixxippi hririgx them into eoiitaet \\ ith axxortetl eeeetitt‘iex haxetl on Homer'x iii)thologieal tigtirex. .\ lighter \xork tor the (‘oenx_ more lx’ur'xr'nu .trrmnu than lit/en. htrt it'x xtill a rare treat. .-\ truI} eapthating eoiil'etlerae} ol' tltiueex. I‘ilmhouxe. Iitlinhurgh.
102 Dalmatians «ta .0. lKe\ tll I.im.i. l'S/l 'K. Ztltith (ileim ('one. (ier'artl Departheu. loan (irull'utltl. ‘ltl minx. ('ruella‘x haek, .-\ntI thix tiriie xhe'x Izlla. 'I’hankx to a xhot ot mind-altering I’ax Io\ ian treatment during her xta_\ at Her .\la|ext_\ 'x I’Ieaxure. the larger that) me Imtltlle ix releaxetl into the eommunit} ax an animal- |o\ing philanthropixt. ()nl} \\ hen Big lien \lt'ike\ I\\ el\ e tIite\ the xpell \ttap. letting her reiert to eharaeter. her paxxion lot' Dalmatian Iur rene“ Cd. Ill: ix a generation on from the original etite eaninex. hut the xhape ol' the xtor'} ix \ irtuall) relentieal. \xhile the xeript'x too eaught up in the maehinationx ot. the human \xorltl to gi\ e the tlogx enough of a look in. Seleetetl releaxe.
|Iid€X Film
flan-‘0 B a TWam‘mi'ms Sgoml
“ma\et\ " By Alan Bleasdale _.....
Starring: Sara Crowe and Robert Duncan I"Gus" from Drop the Dead Donkeyl
"A very funny. rowdy play." PUNCH
Edinburgh Music Theatre
Kiss Me Kate
Mark Little
in Defending the Caveman By Rob Becker
"the best fun....Whether you are single. dating. married or whatever, you will love this show to pieces." THE ARGUS
Th By Eric Chappell
Starring Joanna Van Gyseghem. Leslie Grantham and Roy Hudd 'Theft is like a breath of fresh air. superb." THE OBSERVER
GROUP BOOKINGS 0131 529 6005
wooded by ~€DINBVKGH-
z", AIX—‘Q '.I€:, THE LIST 37