I Subculture at Suhxtitnte Venue.

l lpm 3am. £lll. Weekly Ham and l)oiiienie eram an tiiileaxihle number ol Perleet \L'lc'c‘llttlh into the time axailahle. The ei‘ou d go \\ ild. You knoxi hou it gticw.

I Triumph at The Tunnel.

10.30pm 3.30am. £9 t£7i. \Veekl}. (’olin 'l‘e\endale and Stex en .\le('reei‘) \uppl} the dt'exxed-up glamour kidx \\ ith progt‘exxn e home and traiiee in the main room uhile Ke\ in \lael‘arlane and Stephen l.ee mi\ tip garage. dhc‘tt and meal home iii room tiio. lt )ou're not “eating a“ lull} niee clothex. ho\\ e\ er. don't e\peet to get in.

I 2 Tons Of Fun at ('luh Budda.

llpiii 3am. £(i. \Veekl}. (ieot'l .\lontl‘ord and ('lirix llarrix get ltmk} \\ ith a hang- up-to-date \L'lc‘c'llttll ol dixeo home.

I The Unit l~'ot‘ detailx \ iin \\ u “the- uniteoiik.

I Velvet Rooms at The \‘elxet Rtttillh. llpm 3am, £4 hel'ore midnight; £8 alter. Weekly Stex ie Smith break out the eluh elaxxiex. garage and home in the main room \iliile Ra} mond \Voodx eool\ thingx domi \\ ith hip hop and Rtkll in room l\\o. I Wired at .-\\_\ lum. ('aledonian l'niversit} l'iiioii. lllpni 3am. £the. Weekl}. (ilaxgou \ longext running alteriiati\ e itidie night \\ ith dl'lllkx promm aplent}.

Chart & Party

I Bonkers at Bonkerx. l lpm 3am. £4 liel‘oi‘e midnight; £5 alter. \Veekl}. llll\ li'om the fills. than home and eheex} tranee.

I Classic FM at l’tir} Muir} ’5.

l lpm 3am. £(i (£4). Weekl). Dance elaxxiex and part} lllttc‘x. \\ ith altei‘iiatix e and rock tunes upstairx in Tu ixter.

I The Garage iii The (ittl‘ugc‘.

lllpm 3am. £5 t£.‘~i het'ore llpiii; £0 t£-li alter. \Veekl}. Super-eoiiiinereial part} \ounds on the riiaiii dttllc‘c‘llttttl' and indie L'l;t\\ic‘\ in The Attic.

I Graduate Club at gl. 1 lpiii--3;iiii. £4 (£3). \Veekl). Designed to suit those \\ ho ha\e alua) \ enjo} ed a Garage-st) le night


if. :1“

out. but t‘eel a little long in the tooth “lic‘lt xurrouiided h} lrmh—tiaeed. lager- \lztlltc‘d _\ouiig\ter\. Ste\ e Um I\ pro\ ltlc‘\ the part} antlieim.

I Privilege at l’i‘ii ilege (‘luh li\perienee. lllpiii~.‘~;iiii. £9 t£"i. \Veekl}. (’oiiiniereial home \xith )our t'c'\ltlc'lll\ 'l're\or Reill} (Beat mm and Bill) .\lae.-\teet‘.

I The Shack at Shack tl’oi‘merl} The 'l‘eriiplei. Ill..‘~llpm 3am. £7 «£5i. ('liem} ehart tunex.

I Seduction at l)c‘\llll}. lllpm- 3am. £(i below I lpm; £7 alter. \Veekl). Tonight the club \mtild like _\oti to ‘drew to imprexx' \xhile enio} ing the mual eommereial home ‘n' ti‘atiee pap.

I Strawberry Fields at Stt'au heir} l'ieldx. lt)..‘~llpm 3am. £5. \Veekl}. ('lasxie part} nomeme trom the Mix to laxl \\ L'Ch.



I Budda at Bar Budda. Hpni midnight. l‘it'c‘c‘. \VCChl). (‘ttltti “'ttllxc‘l‘ lNc‘“ York .-\l|ianeei pla} iiig deep home.

I Descargarana at llmana. 8pm late. l-ree. \Veekl}. l.i\ e Latin ja/I aetion ax DJ (ieorge Martin is joined h} rexident hand ('he (itiexara l"i\ e.

I Divine Intervention at Brel. ()Plttilllldltiglll. Free. \Veekl). And}

l)i\ lite and llmh l’upp} pla} a seleetion ol' soundtracks. “ml and funk at this no“ \xeekl} pre-eluh.

I Euro at l’i‘i\ ilege (‘luh l{\perienee. ltlpm ~3am. £5 (£4). \\'eekl_\. The might) Michael Kilkie (Rhuiiiha. Atomic Bah} i now hosts thix euro to hard home night \\ ith Bill} .\l;ie:\teei‘ and gltc'slx.

I Fast Forward ill liiit Drink Man Woman. 4pm midnight. l5ree hel'ore (ipm; £3 alter. \Veekl}. Home mmie and chart anthems. \\ itli drinks pi'onim an added hottttx.

I Fresh at Mojo. Upiii~late. l‘ree. \Veekl). Let the l‘i'exh ere“ chill )Ull nut before the strexs ol. the \ieek ahead. Rexideiit (iary Laugxon isjoiiied h)

Thunfgday Nights 1-. POI“

Regulaifiil’romos, Cheesy Tunes, Free Entry (for Students 8 Guests) and No Smell of Mothballs

7o Cchaddens Road (behind Buchanan St. Bus Station)


regular gue\t\ l’aul llughm I.\lau Sound 8} \lc'llll and Barr) .litllthli‘ltc‘

I G-Man 8: Traxx at The l.l\ ing Room 4pm midnight. l‘ree. \Veekl} It I\ tio\\ [‘\‘\\ll‘lc‘ to \\l‘llc‘ oil the Sabbath m ll\ L‘lilll'c‘l} \xliile enio) ing \onie top-noteli tunex. thank to the l.l\ ing Rooni'x double bill. The at'tei'iiooii \lllll l\ taken care ot' h) (i-.\l.in. \\ ith lll\ heat~ and hip hop. l-i'om ‘lpm. thingx get a l‘ll ll\c'llc‘l' thank\ to underground home troni Simon and l)c‘l’c‘l\.

I Harri at (ii'otieho St Jude»

‘lpin midnight. l‘ree, l4 lan. l-ortnightl} The Slll‘ ('luli \tal\\art l‘l'lllgN lm high ealihre litttlxc‘ [it lltc‘ ltiit\l \l} lt\li t‘l (ilil\:_‘0\\ '\ \l} lc‘ l‘ul'x.

I Hi-T at Tehai-(h iia. J lllpin. l‘l'c‘c‘ \Veekl). .-\ Stinda} i'ela\atioii \c‘\\litll aimed \quarel} at tlime alter a \pot ol deto\ilieatioii. \lllc‘c' the \enue l\ a non- \lltttlxlllg lc‘d \llttp lltdl lUUl\\. c‘ttli\c'l'\c‘l}. like an opium den. The tunex eotirtex} ot a huge number ol loeal l).l\. are di'au ti l'rom e\ei'_\ genre under the \tllt. ax long ax the} ‘re laid‘haek, Drink ohxetire teax. pla_\ ehexx. gi\ e )our‘ hod} a rext.

I Nick Peacock at The \ariet} liar. 8pm midnight. liree. \Veekl}. local hero Nick PCUCUL‘lx \L‘lt‘c‘h llic‘ l‘e\l >|;t// gt‘oo\e\. with the (\c‘c'leUttttl l'oi';i_\ into home.

I Nico's at Nieo‘x. 0pm midnight. l-i'ee. Weekly Dril‘hler aiid Ste\ e \\ ith reggae and dtll‘ \L‘lec'llolh.

I Paul Cawley at (ii'oueho St .ludex. 0pm midnight. l‘i'ee. 7 Jan. l-'ortnightl_\. The l-‘enetik l'elloxi \\ itli \onie lieim ‘n’ breakage.

I R818 at Bar ll). 7pm midnight. lii‘ee. \Veekl}. Rela\ \\illl Rtkli etm and take ad\aritage ol' the gc‘llc‘t'ttth driiikx proniox at this eit} eeiiti'e \t\ le bar.

I Scratch 'n’ Sniff at .\le(‘huill\.

0pm midnight. l-ree. .\'e\\ pre-eluh \enttii‘e. lt‘ttllll'lllg‘ Darin} Harlioui'

pla} mg home. garage and \\ liate\ er el\e ltc‘ lttltc‘tc‘x

I The Sunday Social at The Art-hex. NC“ date —l l'ic‘l‘.

I Stiletto at lileetrie (it) t’l‘lie

listings CLUBS

l iglitliotiwei .\ .illpni l- Fllam £3 \\eekl} Stiletto take their art-inmie eroxmwi one \tep tuithet l‘_\ aettiall) [‘litMHg‘ iii a gallet} Joining Sadie and \nna .l on l-l Jan 1\ (lane \ltiine} ot Se\ en Sixteix tame. then ne\t \\ eek the} 'ie aetuall) letting \onie l‘loke\ on lllc‘ dck‘lw See lllllhl

I Yang at \ang ‘lpni lam l-iee

\\ eekl} Hip hop and home \\ itli liiil‘l‘lei and -\ litiid (Killed (iet


I Bennet's at liennetk ll Illpiii 3am £3 \\eekl\ loin pla} \ ttiiie\ lo\ ed l‘} t\\el\e~_\ear—old giilx. plm \Ulllc‘ l‘aiigiii‘ hatidl‘ag. to equall} appreeiatn e ga_\ men l'umi} old \\itlltl

I Bite at The (‘atliome lll illpiii iaiii l'ree l‘etoie ll .illpm. £3 t£l 5H! altei \Veekl} .\ milder nii\ ol indie and roek than )«iti‘ll tiiid at the (ID '\ premier roek name on l‘i‘ida} or Saturday

I Club Tropicana .it the (iiiiage «Anita llpiii 3am £‘\ l£_‘i \\eek|_\ Indie. l‘tllll c‘l.t\\lc and eoiiteiiipoiai}. \\ ith a liealtln tltt\c‘ ill llllll‘itp

I Dream at Straulieri) l’lt‘ltl\

Illillpni 3am £15 \Veekl} l'il'teen niekei might \L‘L‘llt a l‘ll xteep tor a night do\\ti Straul‘err} l'ieldx. hut in addition to hanging home atitlieim and \aue} daiieiiig gti'lx. the bar I\ totall} and tilted} lree Much like a \tomaeli pump on the \llS.

I Funk Sundays at Slaw. 8pm Rani tit I£3 i. \Veekl}. Home \\ itli (‘liieago teiideiieiex lroiii ,\iid} (inext plm ll\ e [k‘l'c'll\\lttll eoui'tex} ol .\iidie\\ Mom

I Liquid Cool at lialia/a. ‘lpm iani. £5 \Vc't'lxl}, .'\..l.. Kt'h KL‘L‘g‘ttll :tlttl lull 'l'lioiiipxon pla_\ ing top—iioteli \oeal garage and home to a c‘llll‘ paeked it uh l1}[‘L‘t‘-ltc‘tlttlll\llc‘l\\L'lll}\UlllL'lltlltg

re\ c‘llc‘h. all or \xhoiii went to lia\ e forgotten that the} lime \\Ul'l\ in the morning. lt'tiualiti lllllc‘\ :ind glaiiioi'om aiitiex are }our hag. Stitida} \ at llal‘a/a are llltllll\\;tl‘lt‘.

Continued over page Liz. 3 iii


3 '8 ,ar‘ 23?" THELIST 69