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DRUMLAIIRIG CASTLE HORSE DRIVIIIG TRIALS: Fri 9—Sun 11. 10am am—«tpm. Ilrumlanrig, 3 miles north of Thornhill on the A76, DumIriesshire. £5 per car. £1.50 for pedestrians down Irom castle. Its the sport of princes, Including the Duke of Edinburgh, who will be driving the Queen’s team of Balmoral Fell Ponies. The competition starts with the dressage section on Friday, but the main event is the cross-marathon competition on Saturday and Sunday, during which the teams have to race up hill and down dale around the rive llith, finishing oil with eight spectacular obstacles including water splash. There’s an extensive programme oi arena displays, including show jumping, working horses, shoeing demonstrations, saddlery-making, pipe bands and the usual country lair events, stalls, craft marquee and rides. The admission price does not Include entry to the castle, which, besides its pink sandstone architecture, includes the sort of kiddies’ play area which makes us old ’uns wish we were
six again!
This section gives details ot selected events taking place In and around the Central Belt of Scotland. Events are listed by area and then alphabetically. All submissions should be accompanied by a contact phone number lor our inapnatlon. Days Out compiled by Thom II n.
I RERRINO ODEEN CORONATION Sun 17. from I2.30pm. Harbour and Guns Green. Eyemouth. It used to be a simple annual picnic. but 49 years ago they decided to make a real go of things. by crowning the
WHITE WATER RAFT ING Enjoy the fun and excitement of running rapids. Absolutely no prior experience required and all equipment supplied by us. For further details of our summer half day white water
rafting trips please phone or write to:
SPLASH 9 Nicoll Drive, Bankfoot, Perth PH1 48L tel (0738) 87430
Herring Queen who is chosen by ballot from the local school. The Queen in waiting leaves the tiny port of St Abbs by boat at 12.30pm. arriving in Eyemouth at about 2.30pm. to be greeted by all the children of the town and led up to the dais at the picnic area on Guns Green.
I JEDBURII BORDER GAMES Sat 10. from I0.30am. Riverside Park. Jedburgh (on the left as you enter ledburgh on the A68). £2 (50p). Parking £I. Strictly for running enthusiasts. races of practically every distance. from 90m to 1500m. With over £3000 in total to be won. prizes range up to £250 and most races are open. although there are some for veterans and youths.
I JIM CLARK MOTOR RALLY Sat 10. from I 1.30am. Duns and Charterhall. Carpark charge. This all-day rally is in memory of local lad Jim Clark who was twice world Formula I champion and who was killed 25 years ago during a race in Germany. The rally sets off from the memorial outside his trophy room in Duns. The first spectator stage is in Charterhall. six miles south of Duns on the A697. where Jim started his career. The first car is due there about 11.45am. Turn left about a mile south of Greenlaw and follow the signs. The rally then heads down into the Kilder Forest.
I NEWCASTLETON TRADITIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL Fri 2—Sun 4. Various times and venues in Newcastleton. 2i miles south of Hawick on the 86399. The festival gets into swing on Friday with a concert from the Dick Black Scottish Dance Band (9.30pm—Iam. £2.50) and a ceilidh compered by George Walsh ( l lpm—Zam. £2). On Saturday. there are 32 different competitions going in halls around the
village. from children‘s singing to the most complicated pieces. £2 (£1) pass to all halls. £l on the door at each.
The competition winners will join the All Star Dance Band for a dance and concert in the village hall on Saturday evening and there is another ceilidh starting at
l lprn going on to the wee small hours. Otherwise there are loads of sessions going on around the village. most of the time. Take a tent. as accommodation is hard to come by in the village.
I AS YOU LIKE IT Mon l2. 7.30pm. The House of Dun. Montrose. Angus. (3 miles West of Montrose on the A935). £5 (£3). 067 481 264. Get out the cushions. rugs and ail-weather clobher for this one. as well as a few drops ofgnatjuice! The Illyria Theatre Company promise ‘performances in all weathers’: the show will only be abandoned under extreme weather conditions. The house is a National Trust for Scotland property and includes with period plasterwork (18th century) and rnornentoes as well as a handloom weaving workshop. Open daily: I lam—5.30pm (£3.30/£ l .70). The grounds with their formal gardens — best seen in the spring — and woodland walk. are open from l0am—sunset (50p).
Every Sunday. until 5 September there is a special steam train and vintage coach service from Brechin railway station. in conjunction with the Caledonian Railway Society. (Combined ticket for train and ‘ house: £6.50/£3.25). I .. a... ' ‘ I BATTLE OF NILLINRANNIE Sun I 1. 2pm. I CAME CONSERVANCY SCOTTISH FAIR 3.30pm. Killiekrankie. 3 miles north of Sm 3/sun 4‘ 9.3()am_6pm_ scone palace, PIUOChr)’ 0“ the 88079 (Old Agl- £3 (£1). Perth. £5 (£1). The Huntin’ Shootin' and but book in advance on 0796 473233. See photo caption.
I DUNDEE HIGHLAND GAMES Sat 4. i lam onwards. Caird Park Stadium. Kingsway. Dundee. £1.50 (50p). Your conventional Highland Games with Highland Dancing. heavy events. cycling. pipe bands. solo piping and various side stalls. Meet Big Rory. and see the Golden Lions parachute display team spill out of the sky at 3pm. Sweet samba music will be provided by the ever-inventive Macumba. but get out the ear muffs at 5pm. when all the competing pipe bands will be invited for a mass work-out in the central arena.
Scone Palace this weekend. Entry doesn't
. .. £ - ’~ . . . BATTLE OF KILLIKRAIIKIE: Sun 11, 2pm, 3.30pm. Killiekrankie, 3 miles North of Pitlochry on the 88079 (old A9). £2 (£1), but book in advance on 0796 473233. The White Cockade Society will be out in force at this Ilational Trust tor Scotland property. The battle, which in 1689 saw the Iirst shots fired tor the Jacobite cause, occured just a mile to the Ilorth. One of the routed government soldiers is said to have made a spectacular jump across the river at Soldier’s leap (where else, really?). A guide will lead visitors down through the gorge, where they can see members of the society perionn various tableaux Irom the battle. This iamous beauty spot with Visitors’ Centre is open daily,
Fishin’ brigade‘s annual jamboree is up at
“The List 245 July I993