i“('ramond Campus. near Edinburgh.

l lam.

I Kelburne v Stirling Linwood Sports Centre. Linwood. 3.30pm. Given Kclburne‘s strong commitment towards dcyclopmg a youth policy. it will do the game no harm if they win the league title this year.

NATIONAL LEAGUE. DIVISION ONE. WOMEN I Boroughmuirv Aberdeen Bon Accord Meadow bank Sports Centre. London Road. Edinburgh. 4pm.

I Western A v Hutchesons Stepps playing fields. Millerston. 12.30pm.


St Andrew's l'niycrsity. To some extent this championship is an anachronism. following the establishment of National Leagues a few years ago. However. rnosl of the top teams w ill be there. in one form or another.

Friday 13—Monday 16

I Grange Easter Festival Various locations: Raeburn Place. Mary Erskine. Meadowbank. Peffermill and Cramond Campus. Scottish sides such as Grange and touring groups. such as the Picts and the Thistles. will be supplemented by visiting teams from south ofthe border. such as l larpists (from Northumberland). the York Stags and the Lancashirc Witches. Phone eitherll3l 337 37M oril3l 332 21-18 for details.

Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19

I Ayr Ayr Racecourse. Whitletts Road. Ayr. Club £10. Paddock £5. Carrick Stand concessions £1 . Two days of Flat racing. each beginning at 2.30pm. On Wednesday. there is the Great Western Sprint.



Saturday 7

I File Flyers v Durham Wasps Kirkcaldy Ice Rink. 7. 15pm. With the Wembley Arena play-offs scheduled for Friday 2()and Saturday 21 . the quarter-final matches continue with the two Scottish sides. Murrayfield Racers and Fife Flyers. still to play two games each.

Sunday 8

I Murraylield Racers v Durham Wasps Murrayfield Ice Rink. Riversdale Crescent. Edinburgh. 6.30pm.


I Murraylield Racers v File Flyers Murrayfield Ice Rink. Riversdale Crescent. Edinburgh. 8pm.


I Shell Gemini Championship Knockhill Race Circuit. by Dunfermline. File. 1.45pm. The Scottish motor racing season opens with the first ofthe ten-round Scottish Formula Ford Senior Championship meetings.

ORIENTEERING Friday 13—Monday 16

I T88 Jan Kiellstrom lntemational Festival Various locations north of Dunkeld forthe first three days (Friday will be used for practice only) and Devilla Forest near Kincardine on Monday for the relay event. See Panel.


I Doug Wyer Benefit Night Powderhall

Stadium. Beaverhall Road. Edinburgh. 6.30pm. The Edinburgh star injured two years ago will be honoured by a great line-up including British League riders Shawn and Kelly Moran and teenage sensation Joe Screen.

Wednesday 11

I Challenge Match v Kulsvieme (Denmark) Shawfield Stadium. Rutherglen Road. 7.30pm. To the surprise of many. Glasgow Tigers‘ defeat in their first challenge match. against Edinburgh Monarchs. was partly to do with the outstanding form of Monarch Les Collins. and mainly to do with the fickle hand of fate. This match. against a side who could feature former Monarch Lars Munkedal. represents their last opportunity to get things right before they embark on their league programme. starting against Cup holders. Bcrwick Bandits.


I Edinburgh Monarchs v Kulsvieme Powderhall Stadium. Beaverhall Road. Edinburgh. 6.30pm.

Wednesday 18

I Glasgow Radio Clyde Tigers v Berwiclr Bandits Shawfield Stadium. Rutherglen Road. Glasgow. 7.30pm.

TENNIS Monday 9—Sunday 15

I Whitecraigs EasterToumament Whitecraigs LTC. Roddinghead Road. Whitecraigs. Giffnock. Glasgow. The Scottish Lawn Tennis Association has chosen to streamline its international selection process to performances in ten separate but specific Scottish tournaments (with non-Scottish tournament performances given consideration where relevant). Whitecraigs is the first ofthe senior tournaments.

Happy Hour

Muchos Nachos Chili Dogs

at Chicago M F

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