The List selection at the best in sporting events overthe next tortnight. Sport is listed lirst by event and then byday.
I Capital Bowl Meadoys bank Stadium. l.oiidon Road. lidinburgh. lpiii. Adults L4. Youths and ( )AI’S £2. The sixth ('apital Boys'] will probably see Scotland‘s IIL‘\\'L‘.\I American l-‘ootball team. lidinbui'gh Phoenix. I'ield lour
highly -rated Americans in the first semi-linal against (ii‘anitc(‘ity ()ilers. Altogether. there could be tyycly e Americans playing in the ('apital Boyyl. ysith (ilasgoys lions also supply ing four. They play (’lydesdale ('olts in the second semi. 'l'he tiiial yy ill be staged at 4pm.
I Bank ol Scotland Junior Cup Finals (Men & Women) ls'ely'in llall. Argyle Street. (ilasgoys (i. 15pm and 8pm. In the Women‘s linal. Kool Kats play 'licani (‘alcdonia and in the Men’s. liast lind Brightsiders take on (it). ollidinbui'gh.
I Dial Ohice Systems National Leagues Play-Oils Meatloys bank Sports (‘entre. London Road. lidinburgh. l lam. The day kicks-oil yy itli the first Women’s semi—tinal. beiyyeeii ( ‘ity of lidinbiirgh and lidinbui'gh Royals. lolloyyetl at [pm by the second Women's semi-liiial betyyeen MlM and Paisley and the lirst Men's semi-final. betyyeen (‘umnock‘ and l’aisley or (‘in ot lzdinburgh. At 3pm.the second Men's semi takes place betyseen MlM and l’aisley or ('ity ol lidinhurgh. 'l'he linals begin at 5pm ( Women ) and 7pm (Men I.
I Race Days ( iiey hound racing iioyy takes place II\ e times a \seek; on Mondays.
'I'tiesday s. ‘l'liui‘sday s. l‘riday s and
Saturdays; yy itli lll iaeeson a Monday and l'lltlil}. l l on a 'I‘uesday and ‘l hiirsday. 12
on a Saturday All races begin at 7.45pm.
except on a Saturday . ys hen proceedings commence at "..‘\llpiii_ Shays l’ield Stadium. Rutlici‘gleii Road. ( ilasgoyy.
I Race Days Monday. \\ ednesday and Saturday. l’oyyderhallStadium.
Beas ei’liall Road. Itdinbiirgli. Izach riieeting begins at 7'. 15pm. yyith lll raceson Mondays and I: on \Vednesdaysand Saturdays 'l‘liere's a BAGS meetingon
Thursday 5 beginning at 1.32pm. ()n
\Vednestlay ll.theic are the heats til the Scottish Si I.eger. tolloyy ed by the tinalon Saturday 14 t both beginning at the usual time ol " 15pm I. On Wednesday lS‘. there is a charity eyening to raise liiiidslor leukaemia Research.
PREMIER LEAGUE I Hearts II Dundee 'l‘yneeastle l’ark.
Since his tragically early death in January 1967, Jan Kjellstrom's name has been honoured by an international testival ol orienteering which is now ranked as one at the most important events ol its kind in the world. Scotland hosts the T88 Jan Kiellstrom Festival lorthe lirst time in ; over a decade and expects to see over 2 3500 competitors take part in individual races tortwo days over the Easter weekend and a team relay on Monday 16, the third day at competition. Using specially-prepared maps, the runners will be separated by
' ability, with the bulk ot the attention
locused on the Elite classes. Britain has, as usual, a strong representation in both the men's and
women‘s elite events, with current GB champions, Steve Hale and Yvette
Hague, each hoping to ligure in the top live places. Both are English but live in Scotland to take advantage at rough terrain training. However, alterthe JK, Hale is set to leave tor Sweden, such is his commitment to improving his world standing. Other Scots-based orienteers, Andy Kitchen and Dickie Jones, are also likely to achieve respectable places.
lnevitahly, the Scandanavians still dominate the sport, with Switzerland the next strongest. Britain though is not too tar behind and the gap separating us from the big guns is diminishing all the time as more and more at our top pertormers in the sport devote themselves in an almost lull-time capacity. The Scandinavians, Swiss and Brits will be joined by teams lrom North America and the Eastern Bloc. Pointedly, there is likely to be a separate team representing Estonia.
Recognising that orienteering is not a sport which provides too many opportunities tor spectating, especially during the days at individual competiition, the organisers promise to construct appetising beginner courses tor those who do choose to witness the colourlul chaos ol the JK and have a mind to try the sport. (Mike Wilson) The Jan Kjellstrom Festival, Fri 13—Mon 16 Apr. Friday is a practice day, with Saturday's and Sunday’s racing taking place at Creagvinean and Craiga‘barnes, to the north at Dunkeld. The relay race, on Monday, is being held at Devilla Forest, near Kincardine.
(iorgie Road. ladiiiburgh. 3pm.
I CelticvSt Mirrent‘eliie l’ark.
(ialloyy gate. ( ilasgoyy . 3pm.
I Motherwell v Dunlermline l-ir l’ai‘k. Mothci'ys ell (all Motherys ell buses pitssthc ground). 3pm.
I Clydebank v Clyde Klll‘lt)“ ie l’ark‘. (‘lydebank (3 mins Ironi Singer station ).
3 hit.
I Partick Thistle v St Johnstone l-ii hill Park. Mary hill. (ilasgoyy tlrom l lope Street. buses nos. t)“. M and (i(il..‘~pm.
I Meadowbank v Alloa Mention bank Stadium. London Road. Izdinburgh ( liom Princes Street. buses nos 26. Sh, SS, 4.4-1. 15). 3pm.
I Morton V Ayr United (‘appieloyy l’ark. (ireenoek (5 mins (‘artsdy ke station ). 3pm.
I FalkirkvAirdrie Broekyille. talk-alt t lllll yards ( irahamston station ). 3pm.
IAlbion HoversvForlar(‘liiionhill l’ark. ('oatbi‘idge I ll) mins lrom ( ~oatdy k‘e station). 3an
I Queen's Park v East Stirling l lampden l’aik. ( ilasgoyy (5 mins Mount Honda and Kings Park stations). 3pm.
I Kilmarnockv East File Rugby l’ark. Kilmarnock (5 mins lrom Kilmarnock station ). 3pm.
I Stenhousemuirv Dumbarton ( )Cllll\ ieyy. l.arbert.3pm.
BP YOUTH CUP SEMI-FINAL I Hibs V Aberdeen liaster Road Stadium. Albion Road. lzdiiiburgh. 7.30pm.
Thursday 12
BP YOUTH CUP SEMI-FINAL I Dundee United v Motherwell 'l‘annadiee
Park. Dundee. 7.30pm. Although their senior side is lairly elderly. it is encouraging to see the ‘Wells' youth team achieving a measure of success. By contrast. Dundee ITnited has been a fertile source olyoung. talented players lor years. and it is no surprise that theyagain feature in the later stagesol'thc competition in which they were beaten finalists last year. losing 1-0 to a Steye l’ulton goal for ('eltic.
Saturday 14
TENNENT'S SCOTTISH CUP, SEMI-FINALS I Celtic \l Clydebank l lainpdcn l’ark. (ilasgoyy (5 mins Mount Horida and Kings Park stations). 3pm.
I Aberdeen v Dundee United 'l‘y IIL‘L‘ustlL‘ Park. (iorgic Road. lidinburgh. 3pm.
I Dunlermline v Hearts ltast Iind l’ark. llalbeatli Road. Dunlermline. 3pm.
I Hangers v Motherwell lbrox Stadium. (ioy'an. (ilasgoyy (3 mins lbrox underground). 3pm.
I Clyde V Falkirk l‘ii‘hill l’ark. Mary hill. (ilasgoyy' I trom l lope Street. buses nosoll, 01 and till). 3pm.
I Hamilton V Morton Douglas l’ark. llamilton ( 2 mins troni llainilton West station). 3pm.
I Airdrie v Meadowbank iii oonilield. Airdrie ( 5 mins from Airdrie station). 3pm.
I Ayr United v Albion Rovers Somerset l’ttt‘k’. Ay 1'. 3pm.
I Stirling Albion v Arbroath Anniield l’ark. Stirling. 3pm.
I Dumbarton v Cowdenbeath Btlgllcutl. Dumbarton ( 10 mins Dumbarton Izast station). 3pm.
I East Stirling v Berwick Bangers l-‘irs l’ai‘k. l-"alkirk' (5 mins (irahaniston station ). 3pm.
I Hibernian v Celtic liaster Road Stadium. Albion Road. Iidinburgh. 7.31lpm. Alter llibs' y ictory against Rangers. there is mm the laiiit possibility ot their yy inning one of thc tyyo l 'l:l“A ('up places loi next season I he mathematics require tliai Aberdeen \y in the ( lip and llibsleapliog (‘eltic in the league. 'l'lierelore. Just as llibs tans thought their season \sasoyei
ys lien Dundee l'niled knocked the team out ol the (up. there is iioyy added spice to their remaining league progi ariiiiic
GOLF Monday 9 — Saturday 14
I STV Scottish Boys' Championships \Vest Kilbiide ( ioll (tub. l-ullciton l)iiye. \\ est Kilbride liacliday'splay yyillstai'tal appi'oxiiiiately 7.3llririi. l'nloitiinately. last year 's yyiiiiiei'. Mark King. is noys too old It) Lleletttl the title
HOCKEY Saturday 7
NATIONAL LEAGUE. DIVISION ONE. MEN I Grange v Torbrex Wands Moray l loiise.
The List h— l‘) April 199063