I Grand Festival Ceilidh Briggait Centre. (‘Iyde Street. 8.30pm. £2.50. England‘s finest. the Albion Dance Band with guests including ladies' clog and dance side Lizzie Dripping. (ilasgow Folk Festival.
I Workers Song Concert (ilasgow Society Of Musicians. 73 Berkeley Street. 8pm. £3.50. Late Bar. Britain's leading solo guitarist singer is also one of the most vocally political. Dick Gaughan leads a Star ('Ith evening. Includes JanetJumps Bail and a (‘eilidh Band. (ilasgovv Folk Festival.
I Speakeasy Riverside ('Iub. Fox Street. olf(‘lydc Street. 248 314-1. 7.3(lpm. f l .50. Eric Cuthbertson, Marilyn Middleton Pollock and Jook StreetJuggers combine. (ilas‘govv Folk Festival.
I Ceilidh (‘lyde I lall. (‘Iyde Street. 9pm. £3. From the ISA. Meg Davis and from (ilesga Clachnacudden. (ilasgovv Folk Festival.
I Jez Lowe and Jake Walton Scobies Bar. London Road. ’I‘rongate. 8pm. £2. Presented by Black Bttll Folk (’lub. Dulcimer. lturdy gurdy and more. (ilasgovv Folk Festival.
I Rowantree Folk Club Rovv antree Inn. by L'ddingston Cross. L‘ddingston.
‘)—l 1.45pm. £1. ()ld coaching Inn isthe regular meet for keen singers players. All welcome. money goes towardsoccasional ‘booked’ performers.
I Schiehallion Scotts Corner. Derby Street. 33-1 4891. livenittg. Song attd guitar trio.
Friday 15th at 7.30pm WESTBRDOK— ROSSINI Tickets: £3 (£2)
Saturday 16th at 1 pm EDWARD ll AND THE RED HOT POLKAS with You Slosh Tickets: £3 (£2)
Friday 22nd at 7.30pm AMAYENGE Tickets: £3 (£2)
Saturday 23rd at 7.30pm TERRY NEASON Tickets: £3 (£2)
Advance Tickets from: Usher Hall, Lothian Road. Te|1031 2281155.
Mon—Sat 10am—5pm
I Remmy Ongala and the Orchestre Matimila Ross Theatre. Princes Street (iardens. 7.30pm. £3 (£2). Fabulous Tanzanian ten piece band led by the country's leading singer. Over here to play major WOMAD festivals.
IAvalon Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. Evening. Top folk rockers.
I Larry and Friends Meadows Bar. Buecleugh St. 667 3669. livening. (iuitar based folksy blues and swing.
I North Sea Gas Platform I. Rutland Street. livening. Resident pub folk band. I Simpson Perrie/Brian Mulligan Shore Bar. The Shore. Leith. lavening. Violin and guitar play anything front l lungarian rhapsody to Ilighland fling.
I Royal Oak Infirmary Street. 557 2976. Evening till 1.30am. Late bar with informal songs and music.
I Muckle Ado Scotch And Rye. 5()(ieorge I\' Bridge. 225 168]. Iivening.
G asgow
I Street Dance ('ity (‘entre. Noon. From Alsace Carnet De Bal; front the North of Iingland. Lizzie Dripping; and guess where Clydeside Rapper come from. (ilasgovv Folk Festival.
I Traditional Singers Competition Victoria Bar. Bridgegate. Noon. lintry Fee £I. (ilasgovv Folk Festival.
I Traditional Entertainment ForWeans
(Wee and Big) \Vitttcrgardetts. People's Palace. (ilasgow (ireen. 2pm. Free. Presented by Theatre Seattacltaidh. Glasgow Folk Festival.
I Chorus Cup Scotia Bar. Stockvvell Street. 2.30pm. litttry Fee £1. Pointsavsarded when the audience joins in the cltttrtlsoi your song. Bribery encouraged. (ilasgow Folk Festival.
I Folk Festival Concert .\Icl.ellan (iallcries. Rose Street. Spm. £3. .‘vlajor concert hasDiclt Gaughan. American banjo and vocal duo Sarah Grey and Ellie Ellis. the good tinte songs and music ot‘Jook Street Jug and straight ahead Scots I'olk band Black Eyed Biddy. (ilasgovv' Folk Festival. I Late Night Extra y'olutttee r ( ‘entre. lilmbank Street. 10.30pm. late bar. £l.5tl. With Festival ( itlests. bring instruments aitd your voice for an extended session. A“ vvelconte. (ilasL'ovv' Folk Festival. i
I Dick Broad and the Fallen Goats Scobies Bar. London Road. 'I‘rongate. Spin. £2. Presented by Barrltead Folk (‘lub. (ilasgovv' Folk Festival.
I Naitan Blacktriars. Bell Street. .‘vlerchant (‘ityg 552 592-1. Afternoon. Instrumental session.
I Kells Scott's ( ‘orner. Derby Street. 334 489]. liv'enittg. Saturday residency.
Irish Scots semi electricoutlit.
I Larry and Friends Southern Bar. South ('Ierk Street. (va7 22S“). 15v ening. (iuitar
Glasgow’s Folk Festival moves into the main weekend of concerts, competitions and ceilidhs, mostly held within the old Merchant City, a short walk from the Tron.
The most colourful event is obviously the Folk Dance Festival, on the afternoon of Sunday 10th, with seven groups from all over Europe. And it is free.
The major concert is on the Saturday, headlined by Scotland's internationally respected singer, Dick Gaughan. and the Friday night ceilidh has the precision folk rock of England's Albion Dance Band.
For the dozens of other Festival events see the Listings.
Edinburgh‘s Ross Theatre, under canvas in Princes Street Gardens, sees one of the other major contemporary English groups on the 16th. Happy with their description as a mutant dance band, Edward 11 and the Red Hot Polkas, see photo, beat a world of music into submission using unfettered melodeons, heavy metal bass and drums, and chiming African style guitar. Business for these boys is getting feet onto the dance floor, and to that end they successfully deploy all the rhythms Western pop music has borrowed from Africa and the Carribean overthe last twenty years, fitting the jigs, reels and yes, polkas on top. The band, and perhaps the first outbreak of dancing mania since mediaeval times, goes off under the Saturday 1 o' clock gun. (NC)
based folksy blues and swing.
I Royal Oak Infirmary Street. 557 2976. livettingtill 1.30am. Late bar. folk basement.
I Denny Swanson Scotch And Rye. Su (ieorge I\' Bridge. 225 lfvts‘l. livening.
I Lizzie Dripping's Band l leilztn‘ .Iessies. 374 (iallovv gate. 12.3tlpm. Free. Sessiott led by the vvomen dance musicians from Nevv castle. (ilasgovv Folk Festival.
I Singaround Victoria Bar. Bridgegate. 12.30pm. Free. (ilasgovv Folk Festival.
I International Folk Dance Festival Briggait Centre. (‘lyde Street. l..‘vllpm. Free. .\Ill\ic and dance front Alsace's Carnet De Bal. Iceland's livisl. ('zechoslov-akia's Beseda. Ireland's Corcaigh Cell. l‘ingland‘s Lizzie Dripping; Lithuanian dancers from Bellshill's ethnic community . attd of course. Seottislt llighland Dancing. (ilasgovv Folk Festival.
I Farewell Concert and Ceilidh Volunteer (‘entre. Iilmbank Street. 8pm. £2.50. Late Bar. The ‘(ientle Man of Scottish Folk' is one of singer attd instrumentalist lain MacKintosh‘s labels. ()ut step llvisl. Iceland's dattce group and then the amps are turtted up for the Zydeco Ceilidh Band to rock attd reel the night away. (ilasgovv Folk Festival.
I Come All Ye Scobies Bar. London Road. ‘I‘rottgate. Spm. (ilasgovv Folk Festival.
I Session with Pat McNulty Riverside ( 'lttlv. Fos Street. 248 314-1. From lptn. Free. Informal songs and tunes. Pat playstlte Irish pipes.
I Zut! La Chute \‘y'itttcrsgills. ( ireat Western Road. Fvening. ()ld titttey. American and caittn. It's not a new battd. jtist that the name. under discussion for years. Itas finally been agreed. In the back room. busy.
I Schiehallion Scott's (‘ornetx Derby Street. livening. 334 4m].
I Glenelg Sessions Young's l lotel. I.eamington'lerracc. ()pm- l2midnight. Free.
I Seannachie (ireen 'I‘ree.(‘ovvgate. livening. Scottish songs attd instrumentals from resident battd.
I Jim Knight/Colin Ramage/Robin Laing linsign Fvv art. I.avv nmarket. Iiv ening. 'l‘hree singerguitat'ists.
I Larry and Friends Antiquary . St Stephen Street. Iivening. (iuitar based folksy blues and swing.
I North Sea Gas Rutland I lotel. Rutland Street. 22‘) 3(l-l2. ‘Ipm. Singalong.
I The Clansmen 'I‘he Iittgitte Room. ()ueenslerry Street lane. 225 2H2. Iivening.
I Irish session Stage Door Bar. (iorbals' Street. 42‘)tl‘)22. livening.
I The Singing Kettle Ross 'I‘ltealrc. Princes Street (iardetts. Ilam.£1t5llpl.(‘illa. Artie and ( iary 's kids .shovv. .-\ delight for all ages.
I Nobody's Business Bannertttans Bar. ('ovv gate. Iivening. Pagan blues.
I Miro 'I‘lte ( ireen 'I'rce. ( 'ovv gate. Izv'ening. Bar till lam. Instrumental thrash.
I Happy Daze .\lalt Shovel. (‘oekbut'n Street. 225 (ix-13. Iiv ening. Pub guitarfolk duo.
I Fiddlers Arms ( it'assmarket. lzv ettittg. Scottish music session. Bar closesat I Ipm. I Gill Hewitt Royal ( )ak. Infirmary Street. 557 297a Iivetting. Sottg session vvith(iill on the battjo.
I Guitar and Accordion ('oppers. (‘ockbtlrn Street. livening. Folk threesome.
I Dougie M00 Scotch And Rye. 5Il(ieorge I\' Bridge. 225 lfvh‘l. livening.
28 The List 8 — 21 July 1988