
I Paisley Arts Folk Paisley Arts ( ‘entre. New Street. 887 ltllll. 8pm. 'l'uriight Tich Frler.


I Barrie Band Bannermans Bar. ('my gate. 5563354. Iiy-ening. The Barrie Band Fiddle. flute. mandocelln and Vocals Mainly Irish.

I Chris Thompson St James ( )y slel Bar. ('altun Road. uppusite St James (‘eritre Evening. Ruckahilly blues

I Mirua Ensign Ewart. Lays nmarket . trip of the High Street. 12y ening Acoustic eeltic music.

I Blue Blazer Bread Street. layeiring (ittitarist singers. Jim Knight . ( iraham Mc(.iirk. Sheila :Mclthirter and Alan Johnston.

I Kenny Grier Royal Oak. lnfirmary Street. 557 397(1.(itiitaristsrngei l.ate bar.

I Colin Ramage and Wally Allen ( ripper s. (‘uekhurnStreeL335 l-lJl l1yeiiing Singer guitarists

I Colin Ramage Sctileh .-\nd Ry e. 5H (ieurge |\' Bridge. 335 thl l-yemiig



I Nailan Halt Bar. Woodlands Road 333 I31“. Evening. Instrumental musienri fiddle and accnrdinri


I Cilla Fisher and Artie Trezise l'.Ll|lll‘lll_L!ll l-‘ulk (‘luh. ()shutirrie llutel. York Place. 556 5577. 8pm. £3.3lllfl 5”) lap litiglish hluesmari.

I Rod Paterson St James ( )y sler Bar. (‘altnii Rtiad. tipptisite St .lamest 'eiitie liyerring, Residency fur the l'..l\y ( ~ltrh‘s singer.

I Happy Daze Malt Shm'el. ( 'nckhui n Street. 33508-13 liyeriirig. l’tihguitai lnlk dun

IThe Clansmen ‘l‘he linglne Rimm. ()ueensterry Street I aiie. 335 3H3

I North Sea Gas l’latlnr m l.Rut|aiid Street. liyenrng Resident puh lulk hand I Guizer Seutelr And Rye. 5H ( ieur‘ge |\' Bridge. 335 thl. [zyerring


G asgow

I Gerry Hallom Star l‘tills (lttl‘. ( ilrrsgtiyy Society Of Musicians. Berkeley Street 8pm. i l .5”. Wizard tale teller and singer from the antiptides.


I Green Tree ('tiyy'gate, liyenirig l-ulk scene session. Late hat.

I Larry and Friends .-\ritiqtiaiy . St Stephen Street ltyening. (irritar hased tullssy hlues and syying.

I Colin Ramage/Robin Laing t~.nsrgn iiyyart. Layyrimarket iiyening

I Graham McGirk Rnyal ()ak. Infirmary Street. 557 39%. [iy'eningtill l .‘yllam.

I Jim Knight Scotch And Rye. 5tl( ierirge |\' Bridge. 335 Inst, layening

FRIDAY 15 Glasgow

I Rowantree Folk Club Rim aritiee Inn hy l'ddingstiiri ('rnss. l 'ddirigstun

0- 11.45pm. fl. Singur'playaitinnd format. all welcome. money gries tmyards occasional ‘huuked' perturniers

I Steam Jenny Scutt 's ( ~iit‘tlet . l)erhy Street. 334 4891. layeriing. IJohnny Scobies 3(il.t)ndun Ruad.(ilasgm\ truss. 5536803. [Eyening l.iye music.

I Ceilidh Dance Riyerside (‘luh. l-uy Street. 348M“. ltlprii L3. Bar till late


I North Sea Gas Plattnrm I.Rtit|aiid

Street. Evening. Scottish music entertainment

I Simpson Perrie/Brian Mulligan Shore Bar. The Shure. Leith. Evening.

Fiddle guitar.

I Larry and Friends Meadiiyy's Bar. Buccleugh St. («‘7 Rhos). liyenirig. (irritar hased folksy hlties and swing.

I Royal Oak liilirmary Street. 557 3970. liyeningtill Idllarii. Late night haseiiient har \y itli inturmal stings and music.

I Muckle Ado Scotch Arid Rye. 5l|(}enrge l\' Bridge. 335 MS]. 1-.yeriirig


G asgow

I Nailan Blackfriars. Bell Street. Merchant (‘ity . 553 593-1. Afternoon. lr'aditirinal tunes and session yy itli liddles. accordions etc.

I Johnny Scobies 3h litrldtin Road. (ilasgtiyy Cross. 553 (iSti3. liy‘ening. l.iy'e

I Kells Setitl's ( ‘nrrier. l)el by Street. 334 JS‘H. l‘yenirig. Singalurig

Duhlmers (‘urries style.

I Ceilidh Dance Riyerside ( 'ltih. l-n\ Street. 348 .‘sl-ll lllpiii. L3 Bar till late.


I Edward II and the Red Hot Polkas Rnss lheatre. Princes Street (iardeiis lpm £3 (£3) One ml the must enthusedahuut outlits in litiglarid. they hay e plundered the musical restiiirees (it our erstyy liile sunny enlmiies and shaped a huuney . neyy lzriglish dance music

I Denny Swanson Senteli :\rid Rye. SH (ieuige l\ Bridge. 335 thl l~yeiiiiig

I Larry and Friends Sutither n Bar . South (‘Ierk Street. NW 33S” l'yeriiiig (irritar hased lulksy hlties aridsyyiiig

I Royal Oak llifll mary Street. 55" 307i l-yeiirng till i .illam. late riightsiirgiiig and drinls

SUNDAY 17 Glasgow

I Zut! La Chute \\ iriteisgills. ( ireat Western Ruad layemng. ()ld timey. .'\lllel lean and eaitin Same resident hand. iieyy name In the hack rmim. husy

I Session with Pat McNulty Rn er side ( 'luh. l-uy Street. 343 .‘iIJJ. l-mni lpni l-ree. .-\ll yy elcnrrie. Regtilat alter'rrnnri session. l’at plays the Irish pipes

I Steam Jenny Scott ‘s ( ~ui iiei . l)erhy Street. 334 -l.\"ll liyeriirig.


I Glenelg Music Sessions Young's l ltitel. leaniiiigtuii ler'race 9pm midnight l'iee :\etltl\tlL‘ music nights

I Seannachie ( iieen lree . ( 'mygate layeiiing. Resident Seuts hand.

I Jim Knight/Colin Ramage/Robin Laing l'nsrgn [as art. I ayyiiriiaiket. l-yenmg

l hiee singer guitarists entertain.

I Larry and Friends Antiquary . St Stephen Street l-yenrng. (irritar hased ltllisSy hlues and s\\ mg

I North Sea Gas Riitland l intel. Rutland Street. 33‘) 30.13 l:\ emrig

I The Clansmen i he l' rigine Room. ()tieeiistei ry Street lane. 335 3H3 l-yeiiing

MONDAY 18 Glasgow

I lrish Session Stage Hunt Bar . ( it)! hals Street. J3‘lll‘l33 l'\ ening llesl ( ilitsgtiyy Irish players


I The Singing Kettle Russ lheatre. l’t Irrees Street (iardens l lam Ll (5llpl (‘illa.

.'\r tie and ( iat y 's kids slimy -\ delight lur all ages

I Nobody's Business. Banner lll.tll\ Bar. (‘mygate l‘yeriing

(alediiniaii American \laeedumari

I Fiddlers Arms ( irassmar ket layeiirng

Long running Scottish music session. Bar closes at 1 1pm.

I Happy Daze Malt Shm'el. (‘uckhurn Street. 325 (18-13. Evening. Puh guitarl’nlk duo.

I Miro The (ireen Tree. (1m gate. liy'eriing. Bar till lam. Mainly Irish acoustic music.

I Gill Hewitt Ruy al ()ak. Infirmary Street. 557 3976, Singer yyith haiiiu

I Dougie McG Seuteh And Rye. 5tl( ienrge l\' Bridge. 335 MS]. lzy'ening.

I Guitar and Accordion ( ~uppers. ( hekhur ii Street. i'.\'elllli_L' l-nlk threesume


G asgow

I Paisley Arts Folk l’aislcy Ar ts ('eritt‘e. .\'eyy Street. his"? llllll. 8pm Free ‘l‘nnight. speakeasy songs and nustalgia 1mm the Jook StreetJug.


I Barrie Band (‘mt gate. 5% 3254 layenrng. \‘neals. fiddle. flute aridstiings I Chris Thompson St James ()y \ler Bar. (‘altnii Road. nppnsite St lamest ’eritre lzyening. Rnekahilly hlues

I Colin Ramage and Wally Allen ( tippers. ('ucls‘htirn Street. 335 lJ-ll ltyening Singer gillturlStS.

I Blue Blazer Bread Street lzy eniiig (irritarist singers, .lim Knight ( iiaharir Me( iirk. Slrerla .\1e\\'hirter and Alan .lnhiistnn.

I Mirua ltnsigri l‘.\\.'tlt. layyiiiiiaiket . trip (\l the High Street l'.\elllllt_' l'urnius tunes

I Royal Oak lnlir niary Street. 55‘ 39‘!» l'.\L‘llllll.!lllll .illam lrilnimal llltl\lL inthe basement hat.

I Colin Ramage Seuteh And Rye. it! (ieurge l\' Bridge. 335 MS] l'yening



I Nailan i fall Bar. Woodlands Road. 333 I31“ liyening \ailan play Irish and Sents sessnin


I Gerry Hallom lzdinhiirglr l'rilk ( 'liih. ()shuuirre Hutel. \‘rii‘k Place. 556557 Spm L3,.‘sllttl5lll. .-\tistialiarisungsand ttillsltir'ies

I Rod Paterson St James ()y s'ter Bar. ('altmi Road. opposite St .lames('eiitre Ixyening l-irie ladinhurghsinger guitarist has a yyeekly residency

’l‘raditiunal puma/z sell-penned.

I Happy Daze Malt Slim el. (‘nekhurii Street. 335 (iS-l} l'.\elllllg. l’tih guitar lt‘lls dun.

I The Clansmen 'l he lzngrne Room. ()tieenslerry Street I arie. 335 3H3 liyeiiirig.

I North Sea Gas l’latlrii m |.Rtitland Street. l'yening Resident ptih tnlk hand I GUiZBT Scotch :\rrd Rye. 51H ieurge l\

Bridge. 335 lhxl. i-yerimg.

HURSDAY 21 G asgow

I Seannachie Star l-nlk ( 'ltih. ( iliisgtiyy Society ()l Musicians. Berkeley Street. Spin 9.! 5t). lzdinhurghlulkhandyyith surne line players singers. \\ ateh nut tor the excellent etirieertiriist.


IGreen Tree('mygate l',\etlltlg l’ulk seelte sessiuti l..ate hat

I Colin Ramage/Robin Laing l- risiin lzyyart.l ayynmarket. Izyening Sungsaiid guitars

I Royal Oak liilrrriiar'y Street. 557 3976 liyeningtilll .5llttlll lrrtnrmalhasement music

I Larry and Friends Antiquary . St Stephen Street. i-yeiiirig (itiitar hased tulksy hlties and s\\ mg

I Senteh .’\lttl Rye. 5ll( ieur ge l\' Bridge. 335 Inst layemng




I George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher Blaeklriars. Bell Street. Merchant ( ~ity 553 5934 l'yemng Resident handmrli singer and guest soloists

Edinburgh '

IFatStutH'ale Biar'rit/lil l-iedeiiek Street, 335 534-1. 9pm midnight IAlex Shaw Trio(iuppets.( uekhrrrri l Street.335 l-Hlltyening t

I Spirits Dl Rhythm Basin Street.

llayniaiket leirace. M ‘l'rad hand.

i ! ATURDAY 9 r

lllllfl l'yeniri.'


IThe Big Bands Riyeiside( ltih. I n\ Sireel.3JS.ilJJ. 3 5pm Ll hands in the alter noun (ienl ge \let um .rl! ()ieliestra and lim Bur iella's Big Barn: Seuresul musicians. lrieridsand enthusiasts

I Duncan Whyte‘s Jazz Band similar in. (iltl\\ emit llt‘lCl. By res Rtiad


I George Penman‘s Jazzmen l latslalid St Vincent Street. .-\llel‘lliiiyll

I Ron Moore. Rikki Fernandez l .a lay .~: r... larisdmynet‘reseeiit. i“) “It?” .\‘ lli‘il‘.


I Angelica! Voice Gospel Choir Rn“ Theatre. Princes Street (iardens " £3 (£3) lop .-\iirerican-sty le hrg guspel ehuir . hut lrum lznglarid

IAlex Shaw Trio l’latltirrri l.Riitland Street. 335 3433 l unehtnire I I Peristalsis Brotherst‘arc Biartit/. or i’reder‘iek Street. 335 53-1-3

0pm midnight

IAlex Shaw Trio('tippers.('uelshurrr Street. :25 1441. ltyenrrig l I Geolt Byrne Trio Shnre Bar. 1 he Slime. term. 553 5llStl liinchtirire Various Mtisie in the har restaurant ITOtOAndTheJaHBOSiOOSl’lL'SetHltll'IB llall. Vietnr'ia Street. 33h ,‘ySlh 3 4pm I Ken Ramage Quartet ( illllLllUltl ,-\i ms. \Vest Register Street “pm midnight .liirrmy Shuttieed. elaiiriettist.

I Doctor MacJazz Basin Street . llaymarket lerraee. i377 lllllh l'yellrrre lrad hand

SUNDAY 10 1 Glasgow '

IPaisleyArts Jazz l’aisley .-\its( am.- New Sti'eet.SS7 ltlltl I3 50 3 .illpnr Ba: i‘ree Rnl‘et't lleltdet‘siin ll'lt‘

I Dave Wilson And The Uptown Shuttlers Bunhanrs Wine Bar By res Rnad. ‘5' 343—1 lunchtime

I Frank Bolan Guintet 'l he Bar, lmn lheatre. l’ainie Street. 553 -13li tl 5" ltll l ill-5pm lrnn‘sueekly tax/scene f I Harpin/Barr Trio BldL'l’slllttlS. Bell s'n. . a. Merchant ( ’rty . 553 5934 l'yeiiiiig


I Dick Lee‘s Chamber Jazz Ross I lit-ant Princes Street (iarderts ipm t3 t tll BB(' riatrunal euriipetitnin yy iriiiers play



their hume tms ii .-\hriut a tltVL'll llll\\\i , classical and iii/leis. led hy comprises. arranger and reedsnian Mr I ee lllaqui \'egrieiaiits. BristuSquare l

I 1am 3pm Brurielr irripr‘misatinnsun .r J

'l'he l.istS 3] July WSS 29