McGirk. Sheila McWhirter and Alan Johnston.
I Kenny Grier Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2976. (iuitarist singer. Late bar.
I Colin Ramage and Wally Allen Coppers. (‘ockburn Street. 225 1441.1ivening. Singer guitarists.
I Beggars Mantle Kitty ()‘Shezis. St) George IV Bridge. 225 1681.1-Zvening.
WEDNESDAY 20 ; Glasgow
I Honest Sam And The Dealers Riverside Club. Fox Street. 248 3144. 9pm. £2. Bar till late. (‘ountry night.
I Naifan Ilalt Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 12111. Evening. Instrumental musicon fiddle and accordion.
I Ian Bruce Tolbooth Bar. (ilasgowfross. 5524149. Evening.
I Sarah Gray/Ellie Ellis/Paul Downes Edinburgh Folk (Tub. ()sbournc l lotel. York Place. 5565577. 8pm. £2.311(£I .5111. I Trilogy Bannermans Bar. (‘ow gate. 556 3254. Evening.
I Happy Daze Malt Shovel. (‘ockburn Street. 225 6843. livening. I’ubguitarlolk duo.
I Muckle Ado Kitty ()‘Sheas. 511(icorgc I\' Bridge. 225 1681. Iivening.
THURSDAY 21 Glasgow
I Sarah Gray/Ellie ElliSIPaul Downes Star Folk (Tub. (ilasgovv Society ()fMusieians. Berkeley Street. 8pm. £1.
I Scottish Blend Walpole I lall. ('hester Street. 9311—] 1.3(1pm. £1 .511after9.311pm. Save 511p by arriving up till 9.29pm. ('eilidh dance from the 'please don't smoke' band.
I Green Tree (’owgate. livening. Folk scene session. l.ate bar.
I Jim Knight/Colin Ramage/Robin Laing Ensign Ewart. Lawnmarket. Iivening. Three singer guitarists entertain.
I Graham McGirk Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2976.1iveningtill 1.3(1am.
FRIDAY 22 Glasgow
I Naifan Tolbooth Bar. (ilasgow (‘ross. 5524149. Iivening. Fiddle andaccordion. I Ceilidh Dance Riverside (’lub. Fox Street. 248 3144. ltlpm. £2.51). Bartill late.
I Dick Gaughan Auld (‘hasc Inn. Bonnyrigg. 8pm— 1am. £1.511(£1). Organised in support of Miner's Relief Fund by Iisk Valley Red Wedge. Also appearing are the Fishermen and
singer guitarist (ieorge Duff. Dick produced an album of miners‘ songs a year or so ago. Well worth the halfhour‘s journey by car or bus.
I North Sea Gas Platform l.Rutland Street. Iivening. Scottish music for tourists.
I Royal Oak Infirmary Street. 557 2976. Eveningtill 1.311am. Late night basement bar with informal songs and music.
I Kevin Tait Kitty ()‘Sheas. 511 (ieorge I\' Bridge. 225 1681. Evening.
Glasgow I Zydeco Ceilidh Band/Tam White
Cumbernauld (‘ottage Theatre. (‘umbernauld 8pm. Songs and wild dance music from the Zydecos. blues and soul from the voice behind 'I'V's Tum Frum'.
I Nalfan Blackfriars. Bell Street. Merchant City. 552 592-1. Afternoon. Traditional tunes and session with fiddles.
There are palm trees in Rothesay, and when the sun shines, as it often does at the beginning of May, you mightwith half closed eyes imagine the faded Victorian splendours bathed in the Bayou light.
Well, maybe not, butthe Isle Of Bute Jazz Festival is having an attempt over
‘ the weekend of 29 April—1 May to turn
the town into a little New Orleans. Saturday sees the streets filled with
marching hands during the hours of
daylight and seven venues operating as informal jazz dives at night. Friday
f night has the obligatory Grand Jazz Band Ball, in that palace of Trade Union I Conferences and deathless Scots
Comics, the Rothesay Pavilion, and
there is a hair-of-the-dog lunchtime ‘ session on the Sunday.
The line-up for the bank holiday weekend is headed by the country’s
. finest trad outfit, Max Collie’s Rhythm ; Aces.The Australiantrombonisthas
been leading this band of enthusiasts
for a quarter of a century, so they are well rehearsed. There are six other bands including Charlie McNair, George Penman, Kit Carey and the Louisiana Ragtime.
Trad, Dixieland and Basin Street fans should book accomodation early. Write to Bute Jazz Festival, 26 Bishop Street, Rothesay, PA20, 0700 4754 or (evening) 0700 3297.
accordions etc.
I Ceilidh/Dance Riverside (Tub. Fox Street. 248 3144. 111pm.£2.511.BartilI late.
I Kells Scott's Corner. Derby Street. 33-1 4891.1ivening.
I Denny Swanson Kitty ()‘Shcas. 51) (ieorge I\' Bridge. 225 1681. Evening. I Royal Oak Infirmary Street. 557 2976. liveningtill1.3(1am.l.atenightsinging and drink.
SUNDAY 24 Glasgow
I Alasdair Robertson Babbity Bowster. Blacklriar‘s Street. 8pm. £2. Singer songwriter from the Zydeco boys. goes solo for one night.
I Session with Pat McNulty Riverside (Tub. Fox Street. 248 31-1-1. From 1pm. Free. All welcome. Regular session. I’at plays the Irish pipes.
I Park Bar Argyle Street. nr Kelvin Park. Iivening. The (iaels pub. big session in the back room every week. Irish and Scots tunes.
I Schiehallion Scott‘s (‘orner. Derby Street. 334 4891 . Iivening.
I Buddies Wintersgills. (ireat Western Road. Iivening. Old time American songs and fiddle tunes. In the back room. very popular.
I 15 Strings (ilenelg Music. Youngs Ilotel. Leamington Terrace. 9pm—midnight. Free. Acoustic music nights. Martin Leys' swing jazz band.
I Raeburn Ranters Milnes Bar. 1 Ianover Street. Iivening.
I Seannachie (ireen Tree. (‘owgate Evening. Resident Scots band.
I Jim Knight/Colin Ramage/Robin Laing Ensign Ewart. Lawnmarket. Evening. Three singer guitarists entertain.
I North Sea Gas Rutland I lotel. Rutland Street. 229 31142. Evening.
Closerto home and back to this month, Platform has invited back (Edinburgh 15th, Glasgow 16th) two young saxophonists, pairing them with the best local players. Jean Toussaint was here last with Art Blakey, and Tore Brunborg in Arild Andersen's Masqualero.
James Blood Ulmer, pictured above, (Glasgow 21st, Edinburgh 22nd) played his guitar with such melodic and harmonic originality that he caught Ornette Coleman’s attention, and his long association with the horn player has tended to define his music in the public's eye. With his latest band he enjoys exploring new edges of funkier, rhythmic, blues-based vocals and guitar. (Norman Chalmers)
MONDAY 25 Glasgow
I Merchant City Folk Blackfriars. 45 Albion Street. 552 5924. 8pm. New weekly folk night in the bar. Tonight Nancy Nicolson. Songs and meltitletm.
I Irish Session Stage Door Bar. ( iorbals Street. 42911922. livening. Best (ilasgow Irish players.
I Peely Wallys 'I‘olbootlt Bar. ( ilasgow (‘ross. 5524149. Iivening.
I Nobody's Business, Bannerrnans Bar. (‘owgate Iivening. MacBartok.
I Fiddlers Arms (irassmarket. livening. Long running Scottish intisic session. Bar closesat 11pm.
I Happy Daze Malt Shovel. ('ockburn Street. 225 6843. Iivening. I’ub guitar tluo. I Miro The (ircen 'Irce. ('owgatc. Evening. Bar till lam. Mainly Irish acoustic music.
I Gill Hewitt Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2976. Singer with banjo.
I Cauther Fair Kitty ()'Sheas. 511(ieorgc l\' Bridge. 225 1681. Evening.
TUESDAY 26 Glasgow
I Paisley Arts Folk Paisley Arts(‘entre. New Street. 887 111111. 8pm. Iiricand Marilyn.
I Cilla Fisher and Artie Trezise l’tilmtmt Folk Club. l’arkhill House. I’olmont. Falkirk. 8.311pm. Famous Fife husband and wife team. Scots song. guitar and srnallpipes.
I Live MUSIC Tolbooth Bar. Glasgow Cross. 552-1149. Evening.
I Barrie Band (‘owgate. 5563254. Evening. Amplified fiddle. flute and strings.
I Colin Ramage and Wally Allen (‘tippe rs. Coekburn Street. 225 1441.1-2vening.
Singer guitarists.
I Blue Blazer Bread Street. Evening. (iuitarist singers. .lim Knight. (iraham Mc(iirk. Sheila McWhirter and Alan .Iohnston. '
I Mirua Iinsign Iiwart. Law nmarkct. top ofthe Iliin Street. livening. FuriotIs tunes I Royal Oak Infirmary Street. 557 2976. Evening till 1.311am. Informal music in the basement bar.
I Geyser Kitty ()‘Sheas. 511(ieoz'ge IV Bridge. 225 1681. Iivening.
WEDNESDAY 27 ( Glasgow
I Honest Sam And The Dealers Riverside (Tub. Fox Street. 2483144. 9pm. £2. Bar till late. (‘ountry night.
I Eric Cuthbertson 'l‘olbooth Bar. ( ilasgow (Toss. 552 41-19. Iivening
I Naifan Ilalt Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 12111. livcning. \aitan play Irish and Scots sessntn.
I Duck Baker Iidinburgh Folk ( 'lub. Osbourne 1 lotel. York I’lacc. 556557 8pm. £2.311(£1.511).
I Happy Daze Malt Shov el. (‘ockburn Street. 225 6843. livening. l’ttb guitar folk duo.
I Trilogy Bannermans Bar. (‘ow gate. 556 3254. livening. Scots and Irish.
I Muckle Ado Kitty ()‘Sltcas. 511(ieorgc l\' Bridge. 225 1681. livening.
THURSDAY 28 Glasgow
I Duck Baker Star I'olk ('lub. ( ilasgovv Society ( )I' Mitsicians. Berkeley Street. 8.311pm. Bar. £1.
I Red Neck Mothers 'l‘tillmuth Bar. (ilasgow Cross. 5524149. Iivening.
I Cilla Fisher and Artie Tresize Balerno Folk (‘lub. Kestrel I lotel. Balerno. 8pm. Scots song in harmony from weel kent Fife duo.
I Green Tree ( ~owgate. livening. Folk scene session. late bar.
I Jim Knight/Colin Ramage/Robin Laing Iinsign Iiwart. lawnmarket. Iivening. Three singer guitaristsentertain.
I Graham McGirk Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2976. Iivcning till 1.311am.
1 Glasgow
I George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher Blackfriars. Bell Street. Merchant ('ity. 552 5924. I-Lvening. Drummer‘s band.lady singer.
I Jean Toussaint and Tore Brunborg/Chick Lyall Queen's Ilall. (‘Ierk Street.668 21119. 9.311pm. £5 (£4). Two youngtenors. one ex-Jazz Messengers and the other from ()slo. Both exceptional players. here before in other line ups. See panel.
I Alex Shaw Trio ('oppers. ('ockburn Street. 225 14-11. Evening.
I Salstuff (‘afe Biarritz. Frederick Street. 225 5244. Evening. Song and sax swingers. I Peristalsis Brothers Aye Bar. 811()ueen Street. 2211 1283. 9.311pm. Free. Fifties classy pop jazz. songs and brass.
30 The List 15 — 28 April 1988