ART & EXHIBITIONS LIST lOam—Spm, Sun 2—5pm. Glasgow’s itiiitiia°étliéik325£3itenUnn Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art

aimed at improving a "105‘ difficu" Belford Road, Edinburgh. Telephone 031 556 8921

area in which to live. John Upton. _ 1 Community Artist, has Momsat 10a _5 , _

_ 3“" l photographed Barrowfield overthe m pm’ sun 2 5pm . ' - , past five years and has passed on his x?" ,. skills to others in the area. From the

! l . .m- ' thousandstakenthisisjustasample. ' g 5 r O POLLOK HOUSE 2060Pollokshaws I M

Road, 632 0274. Mon—Sat

} 10am—5pm. Sun 2—5pm. " _ M Neighbourto the Burrell Collection, f . g t ». I. I

I :g 5‘} this l8th century house containsthe a). .. s: “aft-t Stirling Maxwell Collection of H... - Spanish paintings and period OCtOber Sholio Johnstone Douglas- See Cyril fumiShings- GerberFineArt o PHOVAND'S LOHDSHIP 3 Castle , 23 November 1986 . Street. Mon—Sat 9.3(i—5pm. Sun : famous inventors and engineers. His 2_5pm, inventions ushered in a new age. Glasgow in the Parties Until Sat 1 Steam was harnessed t0 P0W_cr 3 Nov. Watercolours by William . . . . . wholle range 0dr mschinesw:ich Simpson. A major retrospective exhibition devoted to rcvo u iomsc m ustry an 0 THE SCOTTISH DESIGN CENTRE 72 ° min ' air] ; transport; The exhibitiontclls the St Vincent Street,221 6121. thls e em SCOttlSh'InSh p terz who helped I storyofhis life. highlighting his 3 Momm 9,3nam_5pm, 5m pioneer abstract art in post-war Britain. major inventions and discoveries. 93m_5pm. ° IMAGES qALl-ERY 74 Hyndland Spin-Oils Until Sat 25 Oct. . . . Road’ 334 D3” This new fashion exhibition, first Free Parking. Wheelchair access. Cafe

Mixed exhibition ofetchings and

_ I I h seen in London this summer, states . prints regu ar y s own. , loud and clear that good, often 178 VVEST REGENT Si: J'D- KELLY GALLERY “8.130119% excellent textile design can be found TE—Oai'i’eicéeigg Street 248 6386- Mon—F“ in the brightening constellation of 10-303m‘5-30Pm- Sat department stores and chains around N D ~ . . joga‘li-mpm-R I) run the country. Downstairs, the ew rawmgs and Pa'ntmgs

. . en erson, 0 e omson, ' d' {P' | . Jumpers an Jerseyso rin e, ' JamesMcNaught Until Sat 18 Oct. Ballantyne, McGeorge andg by RONALD RAE

Lila Br'dgelon Group Sat 25 Oct-52118 colleagues dominate the floor. Their 4th - OCTObe

OV- style is classic— racticalit with a ‘0 30-5 30 M0n~Sat - CI d S A t t n V - IILLIE ART GALLERY Station Road, much orcashmfm 0, com?“ me “n dm “'0 we l MllngaVIC~ 956 2351~ Tue—Fri coolness. In contrast the handknits élgm—5Pm and 7'9Pm~ 51“ and Sun upstairs have a more quirky .

_ pm: . appearance. Imagination isthe limit. H t G M3303" CIaWIOId - Sim." "I Peace And wool is only part of the story u n a n a e W Georgina von Etsdorf‘s ‘Scarlett u o . ~ O‘Hara‘ dressing gown in velvet silk U t f G I

5300mm?!” Street. Mon—Sal and student Liz Cooksley‘s ethnic n I o a S g 0 10-303m‘6pmt . embroidery are just some of the Royal Glasgow InSIIIUIion DI the Fine gorgeous materials ()n T I I E l \l P I

Arts Exhibition Until Sat 1 Nov. This a SPRINGBURN mussum Aw Street exhibition has been held annually in (adjacent to Springbum Railway Glasgow for 125 .Vcars- Station). Mon—Fri 1().3()am—5pm.

0 MAIN FINE ART The Studio Gallery, Sun 25pm, Glasgow‘s first

16 Gibson Street. 334 8858o'1‘UC—531 community museum has just opened

A Survey of Three Decades of Artists’ Printmaking

loam-5pm. Sun 2-5Pm. in a newlv refurbished win v of - . . '

SandyMumhyUnmsmNov: Springbdrnmm t. Print Gallery. 11 Oct 29 Nov

Landscapes arc Murphy s mm o THIRD EYE CENTRE 350 Sauchiehall Mon—F rl 9.30-5.00 Sat 930-1 00

preoccupation. his source being the street. 332 7521 , Tue—Sat 1()am_ - ° .

country-Side and gardens around 5,3()pm, Sun 2—5.3()pm. Cafe. [D] m ISSI O n F ree

West Kilbride in Ayrshire where he New Lights in Glasgow 21 Oct—1 Nov.

“OWHVCS and WOTKS- Unusual a roachestoli htin

. Gl’C'dI design. chgancl. g g

Western Road. 339 0737. Tue—Sat Accessories 21 Oct—1 Nov, A small

10-303m—ospfn- . I exhibition oftextiles, hats, gloves

Marine PaintingsUntilSat 15 Nov. ; etc,

Mixed 8h0W- ' Inside Glasgow 21 Oct—l Nov

. ! Photographs of interiors designed ' / I, w‘ .

Road. ~21 703”- MOU‘FU ; for clubs, pubs and public buildings I (l l

9.30am—9pm. Sat 9.3(lam—Spm. in Glasgow, on display in Third , I

2. o . Eye‘s revamped café/bar area. . r '1 f 13/" .

Glasgow Humanist Society Until end i o TRANSMISSION GALLERY 13—15 - ._ ,, " . p A STE LS

E)“. o Chisholm Street. Mon—Sat ,' " t

3. o o . noon_6pm' N()VC :13" L382?!“ Pgsfmallgn SQCIBN Until ' Video Art from Germany Until Sat 25 0“ 0". n 1m“) UCUO“ 10 Oct. In association with the t ' t x - ~ - « '

IliObe-IT. Gwen and DaVid Dale, and Goethe-Institut. Glasgow. This D‘UI} (L M 5U” l' 9”“ l‘ml' 0 ' -‘( )pm

18131;?“ W ".189: WWW“ exhibitionofvidcoworkformspan CYDH. tilipnljp I’lNl‘.’ .\D'l‘ .Ctmuncs 0”“ ofthe second Glasgow Events Space LS V? i 3" ~ \ » 3.; \ \.-. ~ ~ ) v

gjgresswc {indmlcmm show(the first took place in Febthis ' a“ :1 H‘le l Mle '0 1‘ i "‘ " M” H

'nagcm'cn - year). ltincludes work from Nam I i . t- . - ~ - - t . PEOPLE s PALACE MUSEUM June Paik and the post-punk video , r f h ' '4” w." L " I 1 " -' it Ti. GlasgowGreen.554 _produ_c_tion_unitGruppe Notorische ' " ' I i \ Hi

The List 17 30 October 33