O Nobody's Business Bannerman‘s Bar. (‘owgate. Evening. Pictish Blttes with reeds.



0 Glasgow Folk Festival See separate Listings.

0 Irish Music Stage Door Bar. (iorhals Street. 4290922. Evening. 0 Busketeers Wintersgills Bar. Great Western Road. Evening.


0 Session Fiddlers Arms. (irassiiiarket. Iiyening. Scottish music in the corner.

0 Bill Hewitt Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. betting. Bar till 1.30am.

TUESDAY 8 Glasgow

0 Glasgow Folk Festival. See separate Listings.

0 Tolbooth Bar ( ilasgow (Toss. Iiyening. 'I‘wo pickers.

0 Naifan Victoria Bar Bridgegate.


0 Barrie Band Bantierinan‘s hai'. ('owgatc. 55o 325-1. Iiy‘ening. Regular watering hole for itinerant flute players. Irish dancer. fiddlers



; Glasgow

0 Glasgow Folk Festival See separate I.istiiigs.

0 Naifan I Ialt Bar. Woodlands Road. Iiyeiting. Melodeon. fiddle and

sundry assistants.

0 TOIDOOIh Bar ( ilasgow ( ‘ross. Iiy'ening. Blues and Country from Limited Ifdiiion.


0 Deal Beg Iidinhurgh I-‘olk (‘|uh. ()shourne I Iotel. York Place. Spin. LI .50. Back again with a new line-up. but the same approach to Scottish song and instrumental music.

0 Reverend Brothers Shore Bar. I.eith. Iiyenitig. Paddy'son the shore.

0 Robin Turner Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2976. Evening.


| Glasgow

0 Glasgow Folk Festival. See separate Listings.

0 Cilia and Artie Tresize Star l-‘olk (‘luh. (’alton Place. Spin. Ll. With support from Norwegian group IIonndalstausene.

0 Red Neck Mother Iolhooth Bar. (ilasgow ('ross. Evening. Hard Hat music.

0 Busketeers Wintersgills. (ireat Western Road. Iiy'ening. Packed back room to hear streetwise entertainers.


0 Salt ‘n‘ Sauce Piries IIoth. (‘oates Crescent. Ilaymarket. Evening. Songs. tunes and crack.

0 Jim Knight Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. Evening. Singing till 2am.

o Shetland Fiddle Society West End Hotel. Palmerston Place. Evening.

l l

. x ' , “wri— fjar J j‘I‘ If, 1-2 \ 1. I. 'fi"1‘gl'fl,jfi‘wfi7¥' " _ ' " o . ‘1 4 ~' 7 C"? .. s , s! 1...; g t first; 2, , .35», “if-rig v t 5 Lg 1' if“; r-ig' 81‘3‘ he,


o Jelling Folkdancers and Musicians from Denmark ittnehtime performance at the Winter ( iat‘dens. Free.

0 Jelling Folkdancers and Musicians from Denmark Briggait. 3.30pm. Free.

0 Grand Reception and Ceilidh for the foreign folk groups i ItisIL‘tI hy the (ilasgow Branch of the Scottish Youth I Iostcls Association at the Winter (iardens. Spin. Bar. 'I‘ickets Ll subject to as ailahility' from the (ilasgow Yottth I Iostcl. III Woodlands 'I'errace. 332 3th i4. Including (‘Iachnacudden (‘eildih Band. Rhiannan. Ian .Iamieson and the Shamrock School of Irish Dancing. SYI IA Pipe Band and the SYI I.-\ Scottish (’ounti’y Dancers.


0 Cave Cantum from .\'urnherg and Franco and Giovanni from Italy. l5t-ee. lunchtime performance at the \YinterUai’dens.

o Hammered Dulcimer Study Group in Concert \Yinter (iai'dens. Spin. L2 (L'l ). Bar.


o Honndalstausene from Norway l-‘ree Lunchtime performance at the Winter ( iardens. A wonderful dance and music group.

0 Jelling Dancers and Musicians i-‘olk Dance display in precinct outside 'Bahhity Bowster' in Blackfi'iars Street. Lunchtime. Free.

0 Clutha and guests Charity Concert NSB 'I‘heatre. ('owglen. 7.3tlpm.

L I .50. 'I‘iekets ayailahle from the .\'SB StaffSociaI (‘Iuh and I’estiyal

Ticket Outlets. (ilasgow ‘s premier

traditional music group. 0 The Easy Club in Concert l Itisietl hy the (ilasgow Isolk‘ Nltisic ‘l'rust at the

Glasgow Folk Festival, 7—13 July, is consolidating its success of 1985 and looks set to evolve further towards its continental equivalents, which have more to do with celebrating folk culture, dance, costume and music, than having endless sessions oi instrumental music and beer drinking. As anyone who has been to Sidmouth, the huge festival on the south coast, will have noticed, there is


g \\'intei'(iardeiis. Spin

L35“. I 'I ickets ay aiIaIiIe front I'olk \Ittsic I I rust (‘oininittce and I estiyal I icket Q ()utlets. Bar. See panel. o Ceilidh/FolkNight i Iosteti hy the ; (ilasgoyy Youth I IosleI I oIk ('IuI‘ at theItalian(‘lu|i.Pai'k('ircus. l Spin I.llli. LI. IickctsayaiIahIe Il’tilii - [he ( ilasgtiyy Youth I IosieI and I'-L‘\II\.:I I icket I )tlIIcis.

Rhianiian. (‘Iachnacudden( cilidh Band. SYI I.'\ Pipe Band. SY lI.'\ Scottisht‘ounti‘y Dancers. Kenny (liii‘d. Ian .Iainiesoii and the Shamrock School of Irish Dancing. .\l(‘ Ian('tiiiiitnghain.


o Cave Cantum from \ttthitet-g and Franco and Giovanni from Italy. lunchtime perloi'iiiaiice at the “inlet (itti'tlc'iis. I‘il'ec‘.

0 Scottish—German Concert featuring Cave Cantum and support i Iosted lay the ( ioethe Institute at the \\ inter (iardeiis. Spin. L2. I'icketsayailahle from the ( ioetlie Institute and I'estiyal Iicket ( )titlcts. Bar.

0 Cilla and Artie Tresize and Honndalstausene star- 1 oIk ( ‘ittlt. (arltoii Place. Spin. L I. I'ickets ayailahle from the Star I'olk (‘Iuh and Icsii\ al I icket ( )iiilets. liar.

I he Scottish singing duo together with I Ioniidalstauseiic from Norway


0 Concert and Ceilidh i losteti hy the ('onihaltas( "colloiii I irean (\lichacl ('oleinan Branch) Spin. L3. Iicketsayailahle li'oinf'oiiihaltas Musicians tsessioiis oti Mondays at the Stage Door Bar )or I-estiy'al Iickct ( )utlets. Bar. I‘L'tlttii'liig‘: (iei'oid ( )‘I eai'y . Shamrock School of Irish Datteing. IIoiiiidaIstausene trout-Norway and ( ai'lisIe ( 'loggies. 0 Workers Song Concert Star I-‘oik- (.ItiIi. ( ittl’IIttli I’laee. Iaie licence. Spin. L3. I'ickets front the Star I‘olk i ('luh.

' a large potential audience among the

§ general publicforcolourfuland skilled displays oldancing, especially asthe ‘: performers are from overseas.

The 28-strong Jelling Folk Dancers

§ and Fiddlers from Denmark (above)

3 will lead this year’s contingent of

3 foreign artists. From Norway comes the

. spectacular Hailing Dance, performed

by Honndalstausene; Italy is represented by the singer Franco Luca

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0 Grand Morris Tour of the city's shopping precincts \\ lIIi ( ialhts \Ioi'i'is.('ai'lisleLIoggies. IIoiindaIstauseiie andSaIIypoit Rapper. \lortinigaiidaltciiioon.

o Hondalstausene iiom \orysay at Bahhity Bowstei'. I unchtiine.

0 Traditional Singers Competition Y.\I( ‘.\ I fall. Steel Street. I3..;Ili‘lli. o Stramash—The invitation Concert I’ei'toriitancc at the \\ inter (i.ti'tIL‘li\. .‘pni. L I Nit LI i. I ickcts ay aiIahIc li‘oin I’cstiyal I icket ( iutlets. .\ loose collection oftaIciii and mayhem train ( ilasgow .

0 Farewell to the Ideal Band \\ Itilet’ (iardens. ".Nipnt L2. Bat.

lain Mackintosh. gentlcsiiigei'and hanio player; ( ‘Iutha. one of the Iii\I (ilasgow lolk giotips. .-\i'thur .Iohnstone and .\I(‘ I).2IIII\ Ky Ic

0 Ceilidh \\ inter ( iaidens.

Ill..‘~tlpiii Iani. L2. II‘\L'iilll_‘_‘ tickets L3). (‘Iaehiiacuddeii( cilidli Band.


0 Folk Dance Workshop \y inlet (iardeiis. I Iain. I Iosted Ity (iaIIits \Iorris.

o Honndalstausene anti Jelling Folk Dancers and Musicians lit-tggatt (ciitrc. I Iain.

0 international Folk Dance Festival

\\ intei (iai'dens. 1.3“ opiii. I rec. .\II the foreign dancers (ai'lisle ('Ioggies. Dalriada1).:iicei's.(iallus \Ioi‘t'is. Sally port Rapper. ( iIasgoyy .'\\\L‘ilililc‘ and .\I( ' Boo Blair.

0 Final Concert \Vintei (iai'dcns. iftllpni. L2. Setanta. tine ( ilasgtiyy (t-pei'son line-up; .\la|iii I lead. upwardly niohile I .dinhtirgh

Scots Irish Band; Diggery \cnn and Ian Bruce and Sandy Staniiage w ith .\I( i ( itii’tltiii I Itiit‘ltkisstil IIie coiicei'tina and loud suits.

0 Farewell Ceilidh \y'intet ( i.lltIL'il\ III.3llpiii Iaiti. L2 teyeniiig tickets Li I. \\ ilh I he ( )ccasittlials.

and Glasgow's twin city Niirnberg has sent Cave Cantum who play old German bagpipes among other instruments. All-lreland fiddle champion Geroid 0’Leary will be much in evidence in concerts and sessions and the Easy Club will be performing at a concert for a charity to help folk musicians in hard times.

Dick Gaughan has unfortunately had to cancel his appearance at the workers‘ song concert which will be going ahead in the Star Club. The Winter Gardens in the Peoples Palace will be one of the main venues and an interesting concert will be hosted there by the Hammered Dulcimer Study Group Willie Brown plays in duetwith his brother Frank, and Jack Bethel will be performing with clarsach player and singer Margaret Mclnnes before the ceilidh, which also features a dulcimer in the dance band. Camping facilities

' are available for the weekend and for

any further information contact the Festival Office at 8 Westercraigs, Dennistoun 6312HZ,0415561526.

(Norman Chalmers)

The List 27 June It) July 15