
I Outhouse present Love Box .Il llnnquunh lH lllpm lam £ l I In Aug. 'l he (immc Armada Lll.lp\ dInp h} lo! a DJ \L'l aI IhI- ltlllllkll «II Ilux llk'\\ Illlell II'aIuI'Ing; chldcnh \dIIau l IllaI}. Rll\\ ('lallu' .IllIl .IINll\ “llllt'lllk‘ltl \\ Illl lwal \uppurl lmlu \L'll .-\nIhnn} I|)u 'l'lllx l)“ 'l llal l

I Pressure meets Bugged Out! at Ihc \I'nuc 'l llL' W \uj: daII- llax hut-n ('.-\\'('l'.l.l.l~.l).

I Progression aI llquul Rmun \t'\l daIc ll) .I\u_«_' Iand hank hnhda} \pu'lal “llll l’L‘II' lung: aI Lyn 3-1 .\ug_'l

I Rewind aI Ihc laquld lelll

ll). lllpnl 5am, £5 £h Ih .'\ll:_' \lnnlhl}. 'l'hc l‘nc Maud I)J\ \ull lw nu hand lHl mun" camp lll \RU agunu lll IhI' hackmmu ululc nld \lmnl dm'u |Ik'l>\\ \llt'k (Ind and Shugg} llcaI duh qu Ihc hcxl Ill 7M and flux puplaxut' lllllL'\ Ill Ihc Inaln mum.

I SiLENClO aI (‘nunung llnuw. \\'\l daII‘ ll) Aug,

I Sistas al \laI'ufl luxuu' ('I-nIII' lllpnl 3am. £-l hclnrc uudnlghl; £55“ alIcr I£2 \nIh ll}cI l. \Vcckl), ScI- l'll

I Sophistifunk aI (WI): lzdlnhulgh.

I lpnl lam. £7. \Vccl‘l}, RI-xldcnl l)J\ playng Cllilll Icnnwx and hulk) huuw Ill Ihc mam cluh and 'l'nkyvhlu Ill Ha: (I \\ IIh Ihcu' dcllcmuxl) dIlch‘cnI hlI-nd ul lmuw Ik garage

I The Spinning Wheel al (llltlt'kl llallun III-null | Sam, £7.51) £5.50 Ithfill £75”). \VL'I‘lxl}. SL‘I‘ 'l'llll.

I Stereotype al llcrlln lllcrhaux. Xml dalc 3“ Aug.

I Tease Age al (‘mm ('Iuh.

llpnl 3am. £5. WITH). 'l'|u\ Indu- \Ialxxarl Illxllcx up mcrfllung lmnl

m Inglng (\le lqu [U hagg} \lancln‘xlu l;wa (Ix \xcll ax a hmI nl I‘uncnI \lll. L‘llIII‘l hthcrcrx.

I Ultragroove al (‘ahal'cl \‘ulIaIII'. Inidnighl 5am. £|llI£.\' mm llwrl. I!» Aug. l‘uI'InIghll}. l'III'agmmc I‘I‘xldcnlx \pu‘lallxc In I'cal dual houxc aclmn llUlll (iaI'th Sunlcn INC and (‘ulin ('Imk unung .»\nI\ Small ((iI-I5l‘ugclllcrl. Huh ('au'm Illig llcall and (‘ulln |,a\\ In Ihc purl}.

I Vegas aI ligu. llpnl 3am. £‘) I£7 Ill lanc) Ilrcxxl. ‘) Aug. .\lquhl_\. llcp dadd} m mg. cmunlr} I'laxxlcx and \lcal} lixlcning \Hlll )nur lugh—lucklng hme l‘ranlac SuInaIra. llugx) Scagull. Dino Marlinl and Ihc \llllllllllg \I-gax \huugu‘lx. :\nd do ll'} [0 Inala' an cl'lnI‘I \\ Ill) llIL‘ l'illlt‘} IlI‘I‘xx CIlth. L‘ll‘.’ l'I‘xlIHIl upcncr \\ IIh a llw \cI lmm Ihc le .'\k't‘\ I Wiggle aI ligu. lI)._l()pm 5am. £0 (£8 Inmnhcrw. II» Aug. Moullll}. Maggic & .-\lan J0} nccd nu InII'mlucIiun and llll\ l\ Ihcn' nc“ nIghI of pa} lun and India. ‘l‘I‘cnIh \Vcnd} and Jun l’lcaxcd pla}ilIg II'aclIx IhaI arc a IIIIIc hil camp. a IIIIII- hu culling cdgc huI a “hnlc luIIa I'un. lhmmlairx Sall) l‘ and Michcllc \nll hc dcplu} In; RIkll. lup hop. indie and than lllllt" and Inm could \\ c l'm'ch Ihc lm cl} l’cnn} l’urnxlar on hand In mch and 33'ch Ihc punII'I‘x. l’I‘c-cluh \cxxinn l’lancl ()uI \inh llI‘cII King.

Chart & Party

I Cavendish/Diva Ill ('awndixh/lma. Illpnl 3am. l‘rcc hclnrc l lpIn; £h al'Icr. \Vccld}. 'l'hc lull} I'cl'urluxhcd \pacc hme a nIghI nl all llIC i—‘I'un\ic\I hux I‘I'um Ihc Mk III)» \\ llll

currcnl charI I'axcx un Ihc [up llnm'. ()wI'

35x unl}.

I Disco at Jongleurs aI .lnnglcul'x InidnighI 3am. £4 I£.‘~I. \Vcckh. Scc 'l‘hu. O

I Edinburgh’s Biggest Party al Mood. 0pm 3am. l‘rcc hcl’urc I 1pm; £3 al‘Icr Il‘rcc In mcmlwrxl. \Vcckl}. ('harI. mm) and \uul llllx lrmn l)J Mama

I The Party Continues . . . aI l’cppcrnnnl Lounge. lIlpm 3am. £3. \VL‘CH}. SCC l‘ri.

I Shake It aI l.'.-\uachc.

l(l..‘\(lpm 3am. £4 hclhrc l lpm; £5 al‘Icr. \Vcckl}. l’arI} “11th I'mm lllc (\le righI up In l;an \xcck. plllx lIKlkl\ ul' drinlo prmnm Io “axh It all dImn mm.


I Subway West End .u \uImaI \\L'\l l‘nd (nun lam lII'I' hcluII' ‘llun. ‘4‘ any! I£l| \VI'I‘l‘l} (hall. dauI‘I' and (hm-x} lllllk'\ all unrlu lHllf,‘ l‘al‘)

I The Subway .Il Sulnxa}

"pm lam. £l. \\Ck'l\l_\, SI'I- lhu

I Supernova al lx’mnlulmn

Ill. lllpnl ‘am. 0 hclmc uudnlylu. I" allcr I£l £5», \\I'cl\l_\, ("hall and paII} luI\ all lughl lung;

I Why Not? aI \\ h_\ \nl’

lllpm lam. llwlulc llpnl. ‘5 L" 5“ IIllI'll \VI‘I'H}. SI'I‘ l‘ll.

Edinburgh Sundays Club

I Audio Tourism Ill I’Im II.” ('lul‘ ‘lpln 3am. l-Icc. “CI-kl), S \Igc and .lanuc llut‘hanan pla} nuI a \I‘II‘I'Imu n1 hcalx.

I The Bongo Club Cabaret .Il llungnfluh lllpnl 5am. £“ £.\ I£5 L”: \\ I'I'kl}. SCL‘ ll llll

I Boogie Express al I‘m ladlnhln'gh. llpln lam. £5 “Ix-kl} (II-I dImn. llcak nul aI Ilux leIII'I'Iup dm'n parl) mghl lIla‘ no other. lllcxx up ll _\uu IlaII'.

I Bootylicious aI llIIIII'}I‘IIIIIl\

lll. llllun lam. l'II-I' lwlulc nudmylu. L" .IllI‘l. “Gully \ llIlI‘I‘ IlI‘t‘lx lII‘.Il\\l1H\\ Ill R.\ll a cappullm I'm up and \pIaII'hI-d mm lup hva lucal‘x lI’mn lx’II'luI' Rulllnnc and l )lc} nun hnuxcd .II II\ nu“ \cnuI' Ihc llunc} unul‘

I BootyLUSHous .a I 5;“

llpnI ‘~.uu. £3. “ct-kl}. \ll‘lk' ul a Sunda} Sm‘lal Ihan a lull nu glam aIIan unh l).l llalc l uxh and Ik't’dfllllldl gucxI Supa\Ia\ Inning: up RIkll. wul and llllllx. l)l'lIIl\\ lmm £l 51) all llllell Including: \ndka. hccr and alpnpugk Sllm‘lt‘h {l

I Chocolate Sundae .Il l'allll IIUI'Incrl} \Vllluc lluuwv llplu :am L-l I£3L “Ix-kl}. 'l'hc Rtkll and lup hop \uu \C\\II‘ll I'cIuI‘m \nIh 1)] Paul ‘l-n\_\' l'n\ hack 1!] chargc.

for GLASGOW CLUBS see non-festival magazine

Kev Wright headlines Funk De La Tech, Fri 8 Aug

I La Clique .Il IhI- \pII-yclII-Iu

llpul ism EIII c L". \\I'I*l\l} MI 'I hu

I Dazed a! l gm llpIu {am 1‘ \\I‘I'l\l} \\II|I .: Inn-kl} 11w l’\ llIIlll l’lIquII- ll uu\u1§_' up Innlcxnpmal} dant'c lIHIl‘x mlh I-\\-I_\Ilun;' IInIn I'laxxn wul and deIn In pup and IuI'lI \llll‘l‘k‘h In I'II'aIc an nIIjglual and ulIIa dauu'ahlI~ luuwn. haIla-d up h} lnky'hlu \xuh a \IIthIl} IIIUII‘ Iaut‘nm hnuw nu\ Ihan u\ual

I DKY .11 .\IIth :1 Illuu \uu

LI *1) L.‘ \\I'cl\|_\ l)l\\ \lll\lk'\ I'nuIIdI-ull} Inlu ux Ihud _\I-aI \kllll lk'\l\l\'lll lllx .luIdI. (iaII'Ih and l)a\I' pla} Inf: Iwk. pnlh. uII'Ial. IIIdINIIal and punk 'l hI'IuI' llllell\ and III‘I' f._'lll\ Inullunc In kccp IlunpIIIII'II'\III1;r.\\cI~k Ill, \II'I‘kqu

I Fleamarket Funk .Il (‘nunung

llnuxc “pm z.uu £5I£§ *lll \\k'\'l\l_\ Sec


I Fresh aI l’mc ('uuupll alnI lanl L: \\I‘I'kl} \\ Ind dmxu _\Hlll \u'cla'nd In ~I} lI' \kllll l dInhquhK I‘lllk'\l than \pul lHl lx’All and lup hup nu annIhI'I lcu'l. ImIn IlII' InIaIIuj.‘ l),| lI‘.Illl lal‘uln/. lax} ll. \aI-I‘In. \IHl‘.I\\.IIlHl, lx’IIlnI' RullInuI'. \l(' l hm, \lI \Ijjcl and quII'

. Gotham .Il \l\ll||l l \l‘.‘..IlIl\ \L‘\l Il.IlI'

\I'p I The .Il (lll\lk'll llallIH‘ll I 4am ‘5 tl'ht.‘ Uh “Ix-H} \I'I' lhu I I Love Music .zl ()pal luunjgc \Imn Run l II'I' l‘I'll‘lL' quu. L 1 alch “Ix-kl} (Larth \uuuucn lllk' Il lll.‘.}'l~‘I\\I'| l1«~\l\ an all da} \L'\\lllll IhaI Ilmwx Ihc uuddlc §_'qund lwluccu I luhl‘ulj; and tlullulp. IcaIuIIn; gucxI UL and a [‘lI‘lllUla III lllll\l\'.Il \I} In Int‘ludmg hnuw. laun. |a//} f_'[un\c\. dm'n and l<.\ll I Kayos aI ()[uun] l lpnl zaIu l'II'c \\I‘I‘l\l.\ \lclal .IIIIl lll\l\ l).l\ (hlallc \lHllIIl and John IInIu llnphcad la'cp Ihc I‘Imxdx a Iumlun; I Quirky aI l’mc (hum ll lH lllpm Jam llL'k' I“ \u; l'uIInIghIl). l I‘II'gIII mum pnllg} lalklllf: lll L'\£'l'}llllllf; llUlll \I'Igln \lcudw In a (nu (‘allcd (icIald llHlll \l.:\\ I('.uucl lluaIw. \L'Il \Iunh lluxh llah} and Kcnn} l’IanIaxla lundt'rgwuudn I Salsa Romantica \Il lug“ < Ilpm £\ ICI |H \u; \hu'll llk'\£'l gut-v \xhaI

kind Ill Inung IlII'} pla) thc ch" \I'p hnI l.aIInI'l1}IhnI\,\xIIhahchnnch I'laxx al 5pm lllllklt'l Ihc IuIclagc HI quI' nl St'nIland'x hcxl dant‘c cuaI'hcxl IhI'u I).|\ JaIIIt'x ('muh. \anu l'cluandw. |)I Salxa and gumlx \puuun); IhI- l‘\'\l Ill launu mundx hum (va11 Hull lUl}.'I'lllll“,' llll' lighl hullcl. \lllpll\k'\. t'alxucl and III-nun Illl MUCH.

I The Spinning Wheel aI (illdvd llallun III-Hula. | Sam. £‘ SH £5 RH «£0 5” ‘4“ 5H». \Vcclxl}. SI‘I' Hm

I Sunday Social :1! ('aharcl \nlIauI' InIanghI 5am. l‘I‘cc. “Ix-Ll}. .\ Inc l,aIIn I'xuamgan/a u llll l'lalulnnanl lunk and \I'anng. Implt'al. wul pl‘mndmj.‘ Ihc nnmt'al haykdrnp ha a night ul \I'nxaunnal \uInInI'I'quc lun lk‘dllll'lll}: Inc llllhlt‘ lmm Rumba ('alIcnlc

I Tackno aI .\l;I\\;I Ilm‘InI'I‘l} (‘luh \lt‘l't'adm \I'\I dalc 3| .v\ug_'. \lnnIhl}. lIx l‘dt'lx In Ihc I‘lmn lnI' 'l'I‘I'nd} \VI-nd} and hcr InunIIahlI- paI‘I} um I»! knxch claxxu‘x. l'C\ll\lll \pcual. Ihcnlc Iht‘. l’.II'I_\ \ llkN aIc guaranlccd.

I Taste aI Ihc Liquid Rmnn.

llplu 5am. £5 lwlmc ll .lllpnl; £3 alII‘I I£h Incnlhcrxl. \Vcckl}. ’lhc L‘apIIal'x llllIIlllth Sun IughI \cxxmn (Ullllllllt'\ apat'c, l’Ixhcr Ik l’ncc \uppl} a pI'IIgI'I‘xxnc nu\ nl hnuxc and garagc lll Ihc main nunn “lulu .\larIIn \‘alcuuuc and Stu-w Want-luv “mu Ihc nuwd/ga) cnmd \xIIh lll\ tunk) l'S huuw gums through Ihc hack. Special gume Duhhlc 'l'chhx and .\l_\t‘chum l( ‘andal drup h}. I Wanton&Blithe aI Ihc l 'ndcrhcll}. ll). lllpm 4am. £7. II) :\II;_' 0:11}. ('I‘mun}: Ihc dn Idc hcluccn dmxn hcaI. hrcak bra! and lug; hcaI. law drumx. haw ccllu and harp \L'l llIL' [)l;I}gI‘I)IIIIIl lHl‘ product-r Junl l.uudlc\ Innmauw \amplm. m cr ulut'h llualx LII} '\ L'lllL'rL'IIl \IHL‘L‘.

Chart & Party

I Devils ‘n’ Angels aI (‘awndeh/l)l\a lllpm .‘uun £Ilk‘. \Vcckl}. Sauc} lun aI Ilux ncul} rclIIch club. \I llll a hcaxcn and hell Ihcmc. lccl ll’L‘L' In IlI'L'\\ In \Illl and hunglc [H charl dancc all nlghl lung.

I Disco at Jongleurs aI Junglcun. llllIlllllell 3am. £4 I£3I \Vccld). Scc 'l‘hu.