

Deep by name. deep by nature

The French seem to have this underground‘ house thing pretty sorted, and DJ Deep is no exception. A master of the Parisian, super-smooth DJ style, this man served an apprenticeship with the one and only French overlord Laurent Garnier. He mixes disco. jazz and Airican influences into his set and this should be music to the ears of anyone brought up on resident Craig Smith’s Audio Deluxe. (Henry Northmore) I Audio Deluxe. the Honeycomb, 75-17 Nit/dry Street. 530 5540, Sat 9 Aug. 1 1pm-

’;.‘im, 5'70.


The nice folks at Audio Deluxe have given us three pairs of tickets for their big night at the Honeycomb on Saturday 9 August. The first person whose name comes out of the hat will not only get a pair of tickets for the night but will also get a £250 voucher to spend at Cruise plus special occasion nails from Neil Factory. Runners up will each get a pair of tickets and either a deluxe manicure or pedicure. Emails only this time to by Friday 8 August by 4pm - if your name is pulled out of the hat. you‘re there!

I Audio Deluxe at lhc Honc} coinh. I 1pm 5am. iii). 0 .Aug. Smooth. souli'ul housc at this shindig hostcd h) t‘csidcni ('raig Smith iliush ilushi. \sho c\cn has thc Iikcs ol Kcnn} ‘l)opc' (ion/alcs singing his Praiscs: ‘(‘i‘ai:: has donc a t'cal good ioh cducating _\our croud'. Spccial gucsl DJ l)ccp joins thc part} dil’cci lt'oin l’aris. .S't'i' [’I‘t'l'lt'll.

I Audio Tourism at l’i\o Bar ('Iuh. ‘ipm 3am. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. A scrioiis altcrnatn c to com cntional night cluhhing \\ ith Funk) 'l‘ransport i‘,’ Augi and a i'cstixal spccial i'rom Yummi Rccords \sith Kc\ Wright and Sil\ci' Storic i lo Aug \\ ith a 5am Iiccncci.

I CC Blooms at (‘(‘ Blooms. lll,_‘\lllilii 3am. l'it'cc. \Vcckl). D] All} is hack again \\ itii morc ol' licr tradcmark high-camp-io-housc dccknical c\pcrlisc at this a|\\a_\s hoacliing ga) \cnuc.

I La Clique til thc Spicgcllcnl.

llpiii 3am. {Iii (Ni. \Vcckl}. Scc Tim. I Club Najim at (iildcd Balloon ('a\cs. midnight Jam. {7. \Vcckl}. ’l‘hc ('a\ cs arc transi'ormcd into a “mid ol' .\lltltllt‘ I‘lale‘l‘li lk‘uls and danccahlc Arahic groos cs.

I Coco Machete at (‘aharct Vollairc.

midnight 5am. {Iii iiSi. 0 Aug onl).

’l'ropical bass and urban mclod} as l’unkc} magic prcscnt this night oi NYC l'la\ourcd liousc \iitli l.ancc l)c Sardi. Scan Holland and lain Mcl’hcrson. 'l.istcn up ior that pci'cussi\ c sound oi tiic iiiachctc cracking thc coconut'.

I Colours: Back to the Future at thc liquid Room. liipm 5am. tiJ. U Aug. Hack to thc l-‘uturc spccial \\ ith a massnc linc-up hoasting .\'-Joi. Kcuii Saundcrson. Jon Mancini. Smokc} ik thc Bandit. (.Ullll ‘l‘cwndalc. \Iit'liitt‘l Klllslc. Stu llirst and (‘raig Rcid. Sci' pri'i l('\\.

I Cushy at Nichol lid\\;ii'ds.

lipiii Rant. [3. 0 Aug. l‘ortnightl}. l)J Iiuan Jamcs il‘iitui'c Noodlc. ('it_\ (‘aici pla}s kickin housc music oi all \ai'iciics. ()ccasional support ii'om Alc\ A\ cr} and Murra).

I Diggity at ihc listahlishmcnt.

liipm 3am. £3 iwtorc llpin; ‘4" 15 mcmhcrsi aitci‘. \Vcckl}. I)J l‘ahiilo/ and Hart} l.(i gcl doun \\ ith ihcit‘ had schcs. pla)itig \\ ildst} lc Rtkli. hip hop and strcct soul.

I Disco Inferno at ligo.

Iii..‘~()pm 3am. .\'c\t datc 23 Aug.

I The Egg at \Vcc Rcd Bar.

llpm 3am. £4.50 tui. \Vcckl}. Still lhc hcst mi\ oi' indic. ()llS garagc. northcrn

for GLASGOW CLUBS see non-festival magazine

soul. ska. ~Us punk and iicu \s.i\c )ou'rc llkcl} to slaggci across .\ \scll |o\cd institution that rciuscs to changc

I El Barrio at H liarrio. liipin Adlll. l‘i'cc £5. \Vcckl}. Salsa. latin and mcrcnguc \\ itli Si (’oconut ipliis ll\ c pcrcussioii ii‘oin l’cpc Santamatiai,

I Exile and DJ Roscoe .il lllt' l'ndcrhcll}. lli.3iii\iii 1 Wain. £5 lo Aug. Sci ii‘om drum & hass artist l'.\ilc imming Sliadou/l<ciicgadc llarduarci prcinicring his ll\ c shoucasc. With [)1 skills limit I” Roscoc.

I Eye Candy at .\lass.i iiorincrl} ('luh \lcrcadoi. 1 1pm ;am. (Hi m or to it ‘outragcoush drcsscd' i. 9 Aug. l‘til'llllglill} Rt‘sldt'iils lllL' l‘.}L‘ ('tilid} 'l'niiis and .\'c|at Barton host thcit inlainous glam and inainstrcam housc part} in thc ncuI} rciurhishcd \cnuc. Rcincinhci to ‘dicss glam oi scram"

I Flaunt at .\lassa ilot’ttict'l} ('luh Mcrcadoi. llpm 3am. to ii”. in Aug. l’ortnighll}. Back to Basics prcscnt this night oi timclcss cluh classics lhal madc

housc iiilhk \shat it is iodas \\ith \cil \oaita and ( )lnct l ang

I Fleamarket Funk .ii ('ounting llousc wpin ‘am 15 it *Hi \\ccki\ Scc lhu I FUNUt] at l’ii\ c ('ount ll

llipin ‘am 15 \\ccki_\ Scc I II

I Funkysensual .il in. \.l \a

"pin “.iili licc lwioic |lpin. t-i 1* Min \\cckl_\ llot llll\ oi sc\} iiink_\ housc lllll\l\ iioni Iii lit-nth} .iiid Rodd} \la\

I Give it Some! .11 llotigo t'lui» \\‘\l \\' :; \llfg‘

I Headspin .ll Bongo (‘Iuis

llpin *aiii t" " \ug \lonlhls lhc hcst iii hip hop. iiitik. soul. housc and hicakhcat lioiii thc icsidciit IH disp|.i_\ tcaiii lcaiiiiing \liaii. thc ls'csoiiaiu c il).i\.i and (‘olin \lillai i and Sin c Spin and spccial giicsts lisiiaino l’lt‘tlilt’liiiHS \ii [’Ii ilt H

I Henry’s Late Nights .il llt-ms ‘s .l.i// (‘cilai midnight Adlll to t' \\cckl_\ l i\c |.l// .itid ihc housc l)_|s lakc _\ou into thc \scc sinall houis ls’iiniha (".iliaiiic inash I aim. ('uhan and \c“ \oik \ihcs togclhci

. The .ll (illilt'il lialloon 1 ion ti tliiit* t‘h

\\ t't'lsl) \t't‘ lillll

I Thee Jailhoose .il lhcc lillllk'l\\t|lltl l3 All Adiil l'it't' \\t‘t‘l\l\ Rciio lic.i\_\ iiictal and old \tlltitil iot‘k lhink lug hail. think sp.indc\ and _\ou‘ic thcic. l’iiiiccss (‘l.iiic. lhcc cR\ l’lincisici and .i lcxs insstci) gucsts iakc caic oi thc rockin‘ action I Lounge - A Night in Vegas .ll ('oiii l-,\c|i.ingc Spin (It). In Aug onl_\ .\ coiiiplctc cxcning oi high kicking cntcrtainiiicnt \Hlli a spcctaculai and glitl) caliaict lioni (‘raig .\lc.\luido & 'l‘hat Suing 'l‘hang \\ ith thc S“ ingcals And llic chas thcinc coiilinucs \\ ith |).is taking sou through to Ailitl. Not to hc coiiiiiscd

\\ ith club night \cgas.

I Luvely ill lhc liqttlil Ronni \t‘\l datc 2 i Aug.

I Messenger Sound System at liongo (’luh Ilpin 5am. £7 lo Aug l'ortnightl}. llass oi lioxscl shiiting piopoi'tions as lhc might} .\lcsscngci Sound S}stcni hlasts out lhc hcst in i'iglilcous roots and duh icggac \s ith ncu rcgulai .\I(' lshu. l'cstnal spccial as thc} \sclcoinc .\l(‘ Alrikan Siniha I Mingin’ at Studio 2-1.

liifiiipm 5am. L5 hcioic midnight. to aitci. ‘) Aug Monthly Rcsidcnts lii'ian l)ciiipstci and Alan .lo_\ host tiic iisiial \liiigiii' madncss. iiitii} house and tuistcd ti'ancc lot a irisk} and prcdoininanil} ga_\ mood

I Mission Jnr at Studio 3-:

Iiipni. t5. \Vcckl}, (ioth. iock. punk and oi coursc all that nu inctal stiiil that thc kids ci'a\c so much. Soil )ou c\ci' \\ondci'cd \shcic all tiiosc lilack clad soulhs li'oni thc top oi (’ockhuin Strch \scnl aitci dark look no lui’thci. thc hcst and original unch lh‘s inctal gathcring in lii\\li.

I Mission at Studio 3-1. I lpiii iain {Sit-1 intiiihcrsi. lo Aug, l'ortnightl) Night oi inctal ina_\hcni. goth rock and mom iioin thc dai‘ksidc a ical ludinhurgli institution,

I Moving Through at (ahat’cl \‘oltaii‘c. NLWI datc 3 A Aug.

I Nuklear Puppy at l‘,go.

llpiii 5am. L'S i£7 incinhcrsi, ‘) Aug. Rcsidcnts Jason ('orth and Phil York takc on lid} 'liacks ior sonic danccilooi dcstruction oi lhc hard dancc \aricl} as llaslain takcs on lhc rcsidcnts ior a thrcc hour hack-to- hack scssion.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Loungc. Iiipm 3am, L5. \Vcckl}. l)a\c Shcddcn \sith his llil\ oi disco and iunk) housc tracks.