
I Mood Live tit \lood ‘ipttt Kim l'rcc hclorc 1 1pm; 2.3 illlL‘l' tlrcc to lllL'llth‘rH. \Vcclxl}. Mood opt-nx ll\ door\ to .‘t wlcctton ol thc t‘ountr} \ top cowr hands. “11th UL \plll llll\ ltottt :tcroxx th‘ )cttrx,

I Peppermint Lounge at 1’cptwrtntnt loungc lllpnl 5&1111

l‘t‘cc £4. “rt-kl}. l’cppcrtntnt loungck 1)] squad tnclttdtng Ktngdottt 1-.\1\ l‘rttxcr Nuptcr. And} ‘.\lt\' .\l;tl'l\ll;tlll ttttd Rob 'l'ctt pltt} out lllL' than and pgtrt} L'lil\\IL'\.

I Subway West End ttl Sttlmtt} \Vcst land 7pm httt l-rcc hclorc "Pm. £3 :tltct H231 \Vcckl}. Soc lltu.

I The Subway ttt Sulmu}, "pm ittttt. £1. \Vt-ckl}. Scc ’l‘hu

Edinburgh Mondays Club

I Audio Tourism :tt l’tto Bur (ltth. ‘lptn 5:1111. l-rcc, Would} .-\ \clu'tton ol up-lront lit/l ttnd othcr lttnk} loonx ltottt llohhcx t'lirotlhlc .I.

I The Bongo Club Cabaret .‘tl Bottgo('ltth. lllpttt 5am. £7 £3 tt'5 £71. \VL'Clxl}. SL‘C 'lillll.

I CC Blooms ttl (‘(' Blootttx. ll)..lllpttt .‘ttttt. l'rcc. “rt-kl}, ’l'htngx tttcllou ottt tor \o tht‘} t'ltnntl ttt 1hl\ gtt} cluh. \\ tth :tn ttphcttt dtxco \t'lcctton.

I La Clique ttt thc Sptt'gcltcnt.

llpttt .ittttt. {Ill (Wt. \Vt'ckl). Su- lhu. I Fleamarket Funk ttt (‘ounttng llt)ll\c. 7pm 3am. 1.5 (£3511). \Vcckl}. SL‘L‘ llihll.

I Latin Quarter ut \lcd‘tnu.

()Plll 5am. l‘il'L‘t'. \VL‘L‘lxl}. RL‘lL‘iHC )“lll' 1.;tttn pttrt) \ptrit cwr} Mom. With lrc-r \ill\ll lL'\\(lll\ l'rotn l’ctcr Rogcrx ;ll ‘lpttt thcn \ttlxtt ttnd uorld hcutx ltottt .l;tlllC\ (‘ottthc ttntil cloxtng.

I More on a Monday M (to: liditthurgh. 1 lpttt tum. £3. \Vcckl). More tuncx. ntot'c pl'tlllltl\. Ittorc l'ttnl

I Spanish Fiesta Night all l-Ll Bttrrto. 1(lpm .‘ttttt. l‘rcc. Would}. .\ right old knccx-up 101' thc Spunixh ttttd Sptllll\ll-ltl\ ittg L‘Ulllllllltlll} hoxlctl h} l)J\ Sandra and lixtchttn ttnd l‘cuturing llttmcnquito \truight through to lll\p;llllL‘ cltttrt llllx.

Chart & Party

I Decadence ttl Rmolution. 111.3(lpm 541111. £41£3l.\\'cckl}.()k \o l'ttir cnough it'x Mon. hut thttt'x no cxcttxc. (’ltccx) tutth ttnd chcup drinks all night long.

I Flare ztt \Vh} Not? 1(lpttt 3am. £5 (£4). 18 Aug. (hm-x) chart and dttncc nutnhcrs \\ ith tt good to“ 7th L‘l;|\\lC\ 11110“ n in for good lllL‘thlll‘L‘.

I Peppermint Lounge tll Peppermint Loungc. lllpm Stun.

lircc {-1. Wall). Scc Sun.

I Subway West End at Slll‘nll} \Vt'st lind. 7pm 511111. l‘rcc hcl'orc 9pm; £3 ill-1C!" 11331. \VL‘L‘H}. SL‘L‘ 'l'hu.

Pre-Club Venues: I Bam BOLI (Kt/(17 South Bridge. 556


I Bar Union 355/358 ('tmgtttc. 557 37811.

I Beluga 311:1 ('httttthcrx Strccl. 03-1 45-15.

I The City Cafe Blair Stt'cct. 220


I Cuba Norte 193 .\1orri\on SII‘L‘CI. 331 (140‘).

I eh1 197 High Strcct. 33(1 5377.

I The Human Be-In 3/8 \\'c\t (‘rosxcttuscwtog (163 \'.\’o().

I Iguana 41 Lothittn Strcct. 331) 4288.

I Magoo’s Basement 27 \\'c\t Port. 331 1448.

I The Subway .tt Sumo

"pttt Kim :1 “ct-kl) \cc Hm

I Tasty! .tt \lood ‘lpttt Rtttt ltot- lwlott- llpttt. L3 .tltt-t ‘llk'k' to IllL'llll‘L'hI “ct-kl} Rcmlcnt 1).l l).l\1\l S [‘l.l_\\ thc hcxt Ill llll\ Itottt Ntx to thy pt'cxcttt \l.l} \kllll .t hutlth} dow ot (hm-x} t‘l.t\\1(\ thrown ttt lot good

I Toss the Boss .11 \\ h} \ol lllpttt Ktttt, {51‘31 ll dtcxxt-tlttpt ll :\llf..‘ l'ottntghtl) lttcxt-tcnt \tudt-ttt night lL‘\t'lllll_L' ttt t'hccx} llll\ throughout th' )t'tth

Edinburgh Tuesdays Club

I Audio Tourism .tl |’t\o B.” ('lttlt ‘lpttt idlll. l‘tu' “ct-kl} \ll‘lllxt'}l‘ll_\ dropx tht' hunth. huttx .tnd hottw

I The Bongo Club Cabaret .tt Bongo (‘Iuh lllptn 5mm L“ U

1L5 13-1. \M'ckl}. \t‘t' lllll

I Chicks on Decks .11 (to Iztlttthutgh. llpttt 1.1m U \Mx'kl} 'l't‘cnd} \\t-ttd} gttttlt-x )ott thtottglt llll\ ntght o1 .tu‘cxxthlc hotm' lot .tll ()ttt lt-tttttlc l).1 poltt') t'onttnucx through 111 Sportxtt‘tx \\lll1()ll tttt\tng .t \t'lu‘tton ol tttt-llou :_'I(10\L‘\.llltl out].

I La Clique ;ll lllL' Sptcgt'ltt-ttt. llpttt ittttt. £11119)». “ct-kl}. Sct‘ lhtt I The Club Foot .tt llt'ttt) '\ ('cll.” Bur. lll511plll ittttt. U. \Vcckl} ‘l’op lllL' trunk \\llll \lllllt' l\\ l\1t‘tl lttnk'. \o thc} \;t_\. \\ ttlt ltottxc lmnd thc .'\l\(ltlllllllill Shoutttcn \kllll lt‘lell.ll gut‘xtx ttlottg thc llllk'\ ol l.|\L‘ St‘tcttt't'x. Sttt'lttu' latttptrc ttnd lhc Ilk'\ (‘o.t1tttott l’lll\ 1).l \hlll\ lrottt ,\ (ht. lk'tttt. 1)t lllllllll} ttttd lllC Suit.

II Luv R83 .tl litttlt tlortttcrl} \thktc llouxt't. 11151111111 ittttt. 1; 1. \Vu'kl), I)UL'\ L'\;lt‘ll) \\lltll )ott'd upct'l tuning up the holtcxt \clcctton ol Rth. plux plcnt} ol’ drtnkx [tl’tllllt)\. l)1k'\\ L‘UtlL‘ l\ \llltlL‘lll \L‘\.\. t“ C“ Ill;t1.\ \\ at) \ hcrct.

I Lyrics to Go ttt (Kthttrct \tlllilll't', ttttdntght 5;tttt. 1111‘. 13 ,-\ug. l‘tll'llllgllll}. .'\ll opcn ttttkc lttp ltop |.llll \C\\Itlll hoxtcd It} 1.1\ c St‘tt'nccx ttntl 1)JRcd(t. \Vttlt duh ttlltl rcggttc lll thc louttgc l'rottt ltclt_\ Soul lll-l'l.

I Motherfunk at tho llttllL‘} L'Ullll‘_ lllfillpnt 5am. l'rcc. \Vcckl). .\It'\\1\ (itno. l‘r} or and Spct‘truttt ll'L';ll\ thc l'ttnk ltuttttxttt‘ ttl thctr cottxtxtt'tttl} rtttttntcd ntght ol clttxxto old ttnd ncu. I Obscene v Fat Mess at Bu tl‘ortttcrl) Bum Bout. ,"pttt 5;!111. l-t'cc. Wall}. The ()hxccnc crc“ team up \\ith l‘ut .\IC\\ to tttkc m or Bttnthu on ;t \\ L‘L‘lxl} l\;t\l\ tn L‘l' llll\ llL‘l'L‘ lt‘\ll\;ll thing. So mpcct Ulll} thc l‘k'\l in drum «k httxx tn'tton ltottt lllL‘ ()hxccttc crc“ tn lllt‘ t10\\ll\l;tll‘\;II'C;I. \Vllllt‘ l‘;tl .\IC\\ prmidc ;l Ittorc clttllcd )ct lunk} \ llk‘ Ill tho but \\ tth tt touch ol' houxc ttnd .t ltttlc hit cum.

I The Meadow Bar (Moo Bar) IillCClL‘llCll Sll'L'L‘l. (1h- (tllllq.

I The Outhouse Brottghtott Stt’ccl 1.;lllL‘. 55-. 0th,

I Oxygen N5 1ttlit'ttt;tt'_\ Sttu'l. 55" 9‘11)“.

I PiVO 3 (\ ('ttllon Road. 55— 3935.

I The Pond 33 34 Bath Road. ~11)" 3835.

I PopRokit 3 l’lcttrtl} Plum: 55h 41“

I 0 Bar 5/11 I.CllllSl1'L'L'l. 55‘ 55511. I YO BGIOW (\(t Row 511111. 3311 011-111.

Club Venues:

I Berlin. 3 Quccnxl'crr} Strcct l.;tllC. to" 7315.

I The Bongo Club H .\'c\x Strccl. 556 5311-1.

I Cavendish/Diva \chl 'l'ollu-tm. 328 3252,

I Cabaret Voltaire .‘m-Sh Bltur Strcct. 3311017».

I 6.6. Blooms 35 34 (il'L‘ClllelL‘

l’lttcc. 550 ‘13.: l.

I Opal Lounge .-.'. t tgu‘. l «t..:‘._\' 3";‘TT‘. 1; \M'cki} \ ", mus. ".1"

lioow. 1\'\\l\ .n‘t‘. \ fivu

titxto from lo"‘\ \.:'to:t\t.:; I Punk Ass .:1 t >;\-.;.-: 1 t:.-.— \\.-.~;..;. t;..~ :~.:-.-e~_-..-~

l"-‘-.llli‘~ tinftcx «‘11? hot 2:: ,' tlto't dun; .:tttl Hm}.

I Rhythm! .tt \lootf ";"‘.‘ hit: I lu'lotc 111m; L.‘ .afict to Tllt'l'll‘t'7\

“tn-1.1} \ztzootl‘t ".:1\Hf lx't\B.1’t'pZ':op .tlltl\t'111 ilI‘T!.Y\'\1tlt'lll 1).:xtti\

I Salsa Buena .t: 1'.~\.: \,t

lllpttt itrtt ltct‘ \\cc1\l_\ |.ttttc\('ott:l\' t\.ti~.t l\'t‘!11.11111\.t \.tl\.‘. \ 2‘..t ( ’lttl‘ 1 .111110' .llltl l .ttttt l \;‘lt‘\lltll tt‘llll‘lllt' to 2' .llll;'lllt‘lll\‘l\.:l\.1!11tt;'1t' \lmtltttt' l‘t'jglllllt'h \.ll\.l lt‘\\t‘1i\l‘} l .ttttt

l \plmtott l‘t't‘u.t'.‘tt \pttt ‘lpttt

I Split .tt ()dxttt-t \olt.tttt- \t-\t dug l" \ttg

I Vibe .tt 1 go llpttt Kittt L.‘ \\ccl.l\ \t-v. 5.x} 1111'l11\\.llll 1.1mm l t'llL'\‘.«'llll ott lllk' \ltxkx. lllk' Ilttttt ttt-.' \ttttl \l1111111\_ tltt- \tnz'tttg 11hr} Blokc .llltl tltt' \llllllll'.‘ \tttt llott‘l Ml} \ht‘ \lttltt't \‘..tlll )4

Chart é; Pam

I Nursery .ll ("tn-tttltxh l)t\.t

lllpttt Run 1 i I13. ltcc \Hlll \tt.tpt.t\ l‘t'lnlc tttttltttglttt “ct-1‘1} \ pltt} .ttm tot tltlllll\l\‘~llll\llllll‘1ll;'ll.llll\'\ t'tt '.lll\lll1\’ lll.llll\ll\‘.tlll1.11.111.llltl l\)t\li.l\ll|‘11

I Peppermint Lounge .11 l’t‘l‘l‘t'lltllttl lottttgc lllpttt Kurt l'lk'k' Ll Bull} \t‘t' \utt

I Subway West End .11 \lll‘\\.l} \\\'\l ltttl “pttt 1.1m 1 tt';'1\'lott"lpttt. Li .1ll\'1 I13: \\t't'1\l} \t't' llttt

I The Subway .tt \1ll‘\\.l} “[‘lll ;.llll Lil \\\'t’l\l_\ \t't' lllll

Edinburgh Wednesdays Clttl)

I Audio Tourism .11 Into It.” (‘Iuh ‘lpttt Ktttt l'tcc \\k'\"l\l_\ .|.tttttt' Bttt' \ttd_\ Btot‘k .llltl .\ \tgt' ott lllk' tlct'kx

I Bling .ll l’o \.t \.t lllpttt Kurt l'lk'k' \\t't*1\l_\ l).l\ltl (' 1.t_\\ doutt thc llll\'\l lx’th .tttd lttp hop ltottt thc l.l\l tctt )t‘.tl\ I The Bongo Club Cabaret .tl Bongo ( ‘ltth Illpttt 5.tttt L" U15 Lit “Gully \t'x' 11111

I La Clique .tt tht- Spicgcltt-nt

llpttt Run {Ill It‘ll \\t‘t'l\l} \k't' lllll I Dipt .ll \lk'llllltl lllpttt Run 1 1L3: \\t*t*1\l_\.('htlc.\ l llllk‘ ptt'xt'ttt llll\ ttt'u tttgltt ol tht' l‘t'\l tn t'l.t\\tt' \‘lll \kool lttp hop. lttttk. \Hlll .tttd RAB ltottt \.l\l_\ 1’ .llltl 1’ St) 1/ \t‘t'otnpdtttnl h) hotl} p.tttttt'tl d.tttt't't\ .tnd pctt‘ttxxtott t'ottthttmtton 111.1! |\ \lllt' to*1\ .t puttt'h I Drop Zone .tl lhc llttttt'}t'«»tttl\

llpttt 5.1m l'lt't' \\ccl\l_\ \t'xt'tttcnt. um tttglttx lot lllt' lltlllk‘}t'llllll‘ 1’.ttt o1 tht'tt llllll\\\'\'l\ lll.ltlllk‘\\ \\k'l1.l\L'.l\\lllllll.lllllfl1111\111 tlllllll .\ luv ttt tht' ttt.tttt toottt ltottt (i \l.l\' l\l.lll_‘.‘.t '. l.\( l \ll\\ lllt‘l l .tlltl lik'.l\l IRogttt' \t.ttt't \t tth lttp hop. t.tgg.t .llltl

I The Citrus ( illlltll.l} \ttt't't. “33 "om.

I The Cocteau Lounge (Ego) l’lL‘dltl} Pluto-1'5 71H

I The Commplex ("ottttttctt tttl Sllt‘t‘l. l.t'1lll. 51133

I Ego l’tt'tttd} Pluto-1‘8 "-111

I El Barrio Ill-1\\t-\tl’ott.230mm I Eros/Elite 1'ottttt.tttt link. Ihtndct' Slt'ccl. l(\(\l

I The Establishment 4 Sample Sllk'cl. 33‘) “a i

I Gaia Ktng SLthlt-x Routl. 33‘1-‘lMt I The Honeycomb IS I“ \ltltll'} Strcct. 531155411.

I The Liquid Room Ut- \‘tt-tom Strcct. 335 35M.

I The Mambo Club \th 'Iolltto“. «14" 3301,

I Massa (formerly Club Mercado) W \ldllxk‘l Stu-ct. 23!» 4334.

I Opal Lounge 51 (iL'HlfJC \ttu-t.

W‘l() 31";

I Opium “1(‘o\\g.tlc.335 3‘53

:t: 'f.’\' “.ztix root‘s trott‘l l\’\“_'tt\‘ \1.:'.t .z'tti llllx‘t‘dh '1 I Edutainment .at 1 so lllpttt :.1111 1.‘ \\ccki\ \cxx RAB 1111‘111 ltottt 111x But-t uttl l 1111“ tll\1‘.fl‘.:‘ otzt tltt‘ lttp hop tttttl



:\‘-11lllllt'tkt.!\l\‘ \tlll‘lht‘lll .:\ l‘t‘t‘1\ \ll.‘.l\\' \\*111\'\1\ \l(~\ .1ll\l\lllll'1lt'l lx’t\ 11111} I Fleamarket Funk .:1 ( unnum-

; \tl‘.‘

xtott' xtttlt

llottxc pttt {zttt 1‘ 11‘ 5'1 \‘1‘ 11111

I The HOT Club .11 (utltltxl B.tlloott

‘.-.ttt :5 2.1" 2‘ {‘1' l; \lt‘.‘ \t-t- llttt

I Low Gravity .zt thy l tttttttl lx‘oottt \llltlt‘lll\' \\\'\'l\l\ l ttt t't‘lll‘.’ tloutt to l .t l .t | .tntl' l ltopo totttcct \I‘ltlllt‘lt‘lll l .11 .21 .ttttl'

1 lt'tlto,t‘.t\\o. tlttlt. l1I‘11\\‘l‘\'.ll\ \\llll 2,1 .l \lttttk \l.t11\ ttt lttt'l \ott httt’t tllll‘l\l \( )l 1H.\‘~llllllt’.1ll\.(\ \ t\ 1.111tlt‘llli'llt‘\l\

I Opal Lounge .11 Hptl l I'llllt't’ alttt ;.tlll t? \\cckl\ \lttluct‘L \t'xxtott ltottt lol\_\ \.lllt‘ll\1.tll .llltl lllx tltxto. lx’.\ll tttttk .llltl llt‘ll‘»t' lll.t\ll up

I Rude .:1 \loml ‘lpttt Kurt ti \\t-cl\l\ \cv. lllt'lll o1 tutth lllll\. :‘l.:tttottt ttllctlltottw lll‘llll\'\1\l\‘lll\ \lt'\ \M'U .llltl kt'tt \\llll.t \1lltlll\'llll‘.'l‘l lo\.tl

1";lll‘lll *..ttt 2.;12.‘

I The Spinning Wheel .11 (Milt-.1|ott I\'\ll‘ll 5.tttt 1'511 t_\ 5H '1“ 31' 1‘ ‘1" \\\'\‘l\l\ \t't‘ lllll

I Toxic .ll ( )ptttttt llpttt Kittt ltct' \M't‘kl} \\'\‘- lltllll .t\\ tot k .llltl lllk'ltll tttghl ltottt lll o1 Ill lk'l‘lllt‘ (ltttt' \ lolttt .llltl lllk' l‘lltl :‘ttml

(Iltgttt «‘1 Hutu

I Disco at Jongleurs .ll lt‘lli'lt'lll\ lllltllllt‘lll Ktttt {11231 \M't-kh \t'k' lllll I More Midweek .tt ('tt\ ltlttthtttz'h llpttt 1.11” 9.; \M-cklt \Il‘lk' ol tht'

I Peppermint Lounge .Il l’cppt‘tttttttt l ottttgt' lllpttt Kurt

11cc L1 \M't‘klt \t‘t' \tttt

I Planet .tt (".twtttltxlt |)t\.t

lllpttt \tttt LVN. llk'\'\‘-1lll\ll.l[‘l.l\ l‘t'llllt' lllltllllt'llll “wklt (hut .llltl p.ttt_\ \llt‘ll.llll_t'.lll\

I Subway West End .11 \nlmo \\\'\l 1nd "pttt Kttn Ilt't' ht'lott‘ “put. 9. 5 .lllt'l 11.31 \t‘t' lllll

I The Subway .ll \lll\\\.l} “pm 1.1111 {l \\Ut‘l\l} \t't' lllll

I Sugar Blue .11 \\ ht \ol'

lllpttt itttt 154111 1‘ \ug lotttttglttl§ (httt. lx’.\B tllltl \l.111\\' .l\llllll .tt llll\ ttt.ttnl_\ \ttttlcttt} ntgltt

Telephone Boolqu Book Festival 0131 624 5050 Fringe 0131 226 0000

' lntemational Festival 0131 473 2000 Military Tattoo 0131 225 1188 Film Festival 0131 623 8030

I Peppermint Lounge l.l ('h.ttttl\t't\ \ttt't'l. 335 5311‘) I Po Na Na 1‘1» 1 lL.(lL'llLl\ \ttt't'l. 33’)


I Potterrow Hmto \tllmn'. MM 01% I Prive COUNCII l“ ll.lllll\\'l \llt't'l. :35 mox

I Revolution tI lothtult Rom. 22‘) “(PM

I Studio 24 (Idlll‘ll Rlldtl. 5,53 *"er I The Subway ( ‘ouggtlt'. 335 (WW). I The Subway West End |, Rlldll. 339011)"

I The Union llcttot \\.ttt l'ntwrxtt}. th't .ll'lllll. i :3

I The Venue (Ktllon RtMtl. 55—7 K117‘. I The Wash llt' \ltllltltl. 33; (11‘)? I The Watershed H \t \tcpht-n \11'L’L'l.33ll 13—4

I The Wee Red Bar l‘,(lllll\tll':._’ll ('ollt'gc ()1 \rt. l..tlll'l\ltlll l’lgtt'c. 33‘) 1—143,

I Time 344 l‘l't'tlt'l'ltk Sllt'L‘l. 3311 I33“. I Why Not? H (it'tllfJU Strcct. 034 5411