
Whore veteran

The true story of DAVID HENRY STERRY. Hollywood ‘sex technician‘. I : Mark Fisher

he \eeiie l\ ;i \le.i/) e‘l'tlek deii iii ll.ii'leiii. \'e\\ \oi'k (it). I).i\id

HL'lll'} Sterr} il;l\ heeii liired there h} .i proxtiiiile e\eepl \he\

not it primiitiile. \he\ il thiel. .\ hiige gii_\ .ippe.ii\ .iiid \,l_\\ he'll liii Sterr} \\ ith hix eliih mile“ he ilillliix ox er ill\ iiioiie_\. lliii Siei'r} il.l\ ,i death \\ ixh. 'l‘iii not going to go e _\oii the iiioiie}.' he \.l_\\. ‘( ‘oiiie ;iiid hit iiie.'

\Vhieh ix e\;iet|_\ \\h;it hiippeiix. l'hiii‘x \iheii Steir} deeidex UK time to get help. .‘\i the age ol 33. h;i\iiig \[lelll lo with heiiig \\il.ll doeioix e;i|| ;i ‘prohleiiiutie li}iiei>\e\ii;i|i\t’ ith.ii\ ;i \e\ ,iddiet to _\oii .iiid iiiei. it ix elegir lhiiigx h;i\ e got out ol h;iiid.

literally the iie\l dii} I \l;ii'led looking lot it theigiiiixlf \.i}\ Sleii} on it promotional trip to Izdiiihiirgh to plug ('liii In I]. the iiiiiohiogmph} on \ihieh hix oiie-iiiiiii \hou ix ilihL‘ii. ‘l \\il\ l-reiided. priiiiul \ei'e.iiiied. I‘.l\l lile [l'illl\:_'l'L‘\\Cti . . . [or me. h_\piiotheriip_\ \\;i\ the one that \ioi'ked It took three _\e;ii'\ to eoiiie lo grit“ \\llli

exer}thiiig ih;it \\il\ |i\iiig lll\|dL' me. I [I'M F rel;ip\ed \(l ltlttll} Illtte\. doing dullgel‘tilh o A \e\ii;il thing. I kiie\\ e\er} uhoi'e hiiiig HUI Ill L'\L‘l'_\ eil} I L‘\ Cl‘ il\ ed llld

Sierr} ix l'roiii il rexpeeiiihle iiiiddle- L'i;l\\ hgiekgroiiiid. hiii :i iiiixiiiiderxtiiiidiiig uheii he landed up :il L‘UHL‘gL‘ Ill l..-\ ;t\ :l hide-e} ed 17 }L‘;il' old led to him heeoiiiiiig \lltitit‘lll} iltllllL‘iL‘\\ Lllld \irtiiiill} hroke. .\';ii\el_\ “tinderiiig the \lreelx. he \\;i\ hel'rieiided h} it iiiiiii \xho took him

‘I knew every whore hang-out in every city I ever lived in'

home and hiiggered hiiii. lixeiipiiig limit that. he \\iillllti up \xilh it iiiiiip \\ho \xhored him out to rieh iiiid Il'CLlllL‘IlII} dixiiirhed llolhxiood “omen. He'x liiek) to he ;i|i\ e.

No“ iiiiirried l'or ll \eeoiid time hix lirxl iiiiirriuge Woke up heeiiiixe ol hix eoiiiiiiiied inlidelit} illld teiideiie} to get hegiieii tip in el'uek lllllll\ he ix the \er} l'igiire ol~ (.Llilitll'lllml good heiilth. radiating ;i l'eelgood Cllllllhlihllt [hill heliex hix piixi. "'l‘he \iritiiig ol' the hook \\Al\ ;i liiiieiioii ol the tr} iiig to M“ e iii} Me. U) ing to heal iii} \ell' Il'tllll it” ihix \hitf he \il}\.

.\'o\\ he's in ii ptl\llliill to help olhei'x :iiid teuehex ilillllL'ic\\ kidx ihgii ii ix poxxihle to ehiiiige. ‘l \xork ill (I _\oiiih pi'ojeei :iiid we go out on the \lreetx in Sun i‘l‘ullL‘lu‘H. When the} we the the} go: "Yo. eruphole. \\|i;il the l‘iiek do _\oii klltm. mun?" Alli] then I \illl“ theiii Ill} hook. I [he‘d to he ;i \killlk} ho'. 'l‘heir e) ex \xiden illlti their \xhole deiiieuiioiir ehiiiigex. I'm pairt ol‘ Ll li'uleriiil} ol‘ hairlei'ed illlti loxl ho)\ and girl» .ill\l iiie heiiig there xiiggextx )Ull doii'l ilil\ e lo end up on heroin. iii iiiil or deud.‘ Chicken - the True Story of a Teenage Gigolo, Assembly Rooms, 226 2428, 1-25 Aug, 7.50pm, $210-$211 (29-210); Book Festival, Charlotte Square, 624 5050, 23 Aug, 6.45pm, £8 (£6).

I A A A ' l‘ 0 Av I ' ,A A " A A 'n Q ' ' 'A & s I 1-! .'v{: I 'A I ll r z . l 1‘ I . f t dl a In as an . . A . P v 9 005 From t0i|et humourto t0ilet tragedy A ' ,' ; v A ' v ' '~ '~ ~ \ \ A 7' l A H ' A' | '. A A b X r | h A A it A I '\'_ A A 1 AAtA A I A ' A’,‘ ' II I ' ' f " 3'4’: '\ A _\A, 1' A A A A; I y ' l [A b! 1 A A At}. J A 1 / '\ A A A < A A / ' )_ J ' k ' ( / A [A