Support makes all the difference

It provides at least 50 seats for £5 each for almost every event at the International Festival'

Royal Bank Street party gives 100.000 people the chance to party at Hogmanay.

It enables the National Gallery of Scotland to mount an exclusive exhibition of 80 works by Monet

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It gives facilities for Fringe performers in the Royal Mile (and helps keep the streets clean!)

And it backs the Edinburgh Military Tattoo the city 5 most spectacular annual event

‘The Royal Bank s Turn up and Try it offers a minimum of 50 seats for £5 from an hour before the start of every Festival event except the Fireworks Concert. Conversations With Artists and the Ring Cycle. Tickets wrll be issued only at the venue on a first come. first served bass and are limited to 2 per customer.

Make it happen

92 The Royal Bank h‘ of Scotland